{"title":"Clinton's Exploited Haiti Earthquake ‘to Steal Billions of Dollars from the Sick and Starving’ ⋆ Freedom Daily","text":"0 SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nBernard Sansaricq, former president of the Haitian Senate, issued a blistering statement condemning the Clinton Foundation, which has been posted at Donald Trump’s campaign website.\n\nSansaricq’s statement says:\n\nSadly, when an earthquake rocked the nation of Haiti in 2010, corruption moved in faster than the help so desperately needed. Today, the people of Haiti are still suffering despite the billions of dollars that have flowed into the Clinton Foundation.\n\nThe Clintons exploited this terrible disaster to steal billions of dollars from the sick and starving people of Haiti. The world trusted the Clintons to help the Haitian people during their most desperate time of need and they were deceived.\n\nThe Clintons and their friends are richer today while millions still live in tents. The world deserves to know where the money went and why help was never sent.\n\nThe situation Sansaricq refers to is discussed in detail here, and also features prominently in Peter Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.\n\nSpeaking at a Trump rally last Friday, Sansaricq accused President Bill Clinton of trying to bribe him. He said his visa was revoked after he refused the offer.\n\nA group of Haitian protesters demonstrated against the Clinton Foundation’s actions in Haiti during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/former-haitian-senate-president-clintons-exploited-haiti-earthquake-steal-billions-dollars-sick-starving/","type":"fake","title_words":17,"text_words":219,"title_char":110,"text_char":1444,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.45662,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":4.24,"anticipation":2.12,"disgust":2.54,"fear":3.81,"joy":1.27,"sadness":4.66,"surprise":2.12,"trust":2.97,"negative":8.47,"positive":3.81,"text_syllables":395,"text_syllables_per_word":1.80365} {"title":"Donald Trump Jr. Just Pinned A Tweet So Stupid It Will Make Your Eyes Bleed ‹ Opposition Report","text":"\n\nPosted by Frank Wilkenmeyer on 19 Sep 2016\n\nDonald Trump Jr. Is quite possibly the dumbest person ever to take to social media. In the very least, it’s a tossup between him and little brother Eric, who just yesterday made a fool of himself with his childish self-admiration for being the answer to a crossword puzzle question, along with free wifi, pushup bras and Bozo the Clown.\n\nTogether, the dimwitted duo provide enough social media fodder to make fun of them well into the next generation with posts to spare. When this election is finally over, it will be almost sad to see them fade back into oblivion. Maybe we’ll keep track of their Twitter accounts just for a giggle every now and then.\n\nToday’s silliness begins with Oompa Loompa Jr. pinning a tweet that is certainly relevant to a particularly volatile national discussion happening right now: Colin Kaepernick and the National Anthem. As more and more athletes decide to take a knee in protest to support Black Lives Matter, more and more conservatives trash them for it, calling them unpatriotic and demanding they stop getting media coverage. Lord Cheeto II has been one of the most vocal, accusing Kaepernick of disrespecting our troops and those who died for his freedom.\n\nFor the left, it’s a simple matter of the 1st Amendment. Regardless of how you feel about the issue, these athletes have the right to express themselves. Yes, that means from government oppression and prosecution and not public criticism, but let’s not forget that it’s people like Little Comb-Over who are calling for police to stop providing protection for these athletes, for their employers to terminate their contracts and some have even gone so far as to suggest they be jailed for treason.\n\nFor years, we’ve known that the only constitutional amendment conservatives care about is the second, so when this tweet appeared pinned to Mini Douche’s Twitter account this morning, I couldn’t help but bust out in hysterical laughter:\n\nClearly when you’re the son of pure evil you have a hard time understanding the words you use. When “liberals” — otherwise known as “sane people” — try to explain why people like Kaepernick and those who have followed his lead are expressing that very right, we’re attacked in a frenzy of hate by people who think placing your hand over your heart and singing a song is mandatory patriotism. It’s not. The first amendment is exactly today what it was when the founders added it to the framework of a growing nation in 1789; the right to be you.\n\nThe Supreme Court has sided with those “liberals” every time the issue of free speech is tied to something conservatives think should be compulsory, like the pledge of allegiance and school prayer. I’ve said it already once in this article and thousands of times in my everyday life and I’ll say it again: The 2nd Amendment is the only one they see as absolute. All others are open to the interpretation of some holier than thou asshole like Donald Trump Jr.\n\nFeatured image by Gage Skidmore","url":"http://winningdemocrats.com/donald-trump-jr-just-pinned-a-tweet-so-stupid-it-will-make-your-eyes-bleed/","type":"real","title_words":18,"text_words":509,"title_char":95,"text_char":3016,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.19646,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.28,"anticipation":1.71,"disgust":1.9,"fear":1.9,"joy":1.71,"sadness":1.33,"surprise":1.14,"trust":4.17,"negative":4.74,"positive":4.93,"text_syllables":845,"text_syllables_per_word":1.66012} {"title":"Michelle Obama NOT Leaving The White House – Hillary Clinton Has Terrifying New Role For Her!?!?","text":"Michelle Obama NOT Leaving The White House – Hillary Clinton Has Terrifying New Role For Her!?!?\n\nThe idea that I might have to spend the next 4 years continuing to cover the Obamas is actually making me a little ill. I was done with them after the first few days of the Barack Obama Presidency, but it would appear that Hillary Clinton has some roles for the President and First Lady after her coronation election.\n\nWhat exactly is First Lady Michelle Obama’s legacy? Trying to force our growing children to eat like anorexic bunnies and having scientific evaluations prove that her school lunch program is a bunch of crap? Or perhaps it will be the infamous “for the first time in my life I’m proud of my country.” I personally will remember her for strong hashtag activism and her “#BringBackOurGirls” sign.\n\nBut why remember her when one of the Presidential nominees promises to bring her into her administration?\n\n*insert mechanical applause here*\n\nBut what would her role be? What is she even qualified to do?\n\nIt’s not hard to figure out what Hillary Clinton wants her to do when you remember that Clinton believes that the government should have a major role in bringing up YOUR children. If you doubt that, read this tweet:\n\n× 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now\n\nI mean, how do you expect to influence how people think when they are allowed to teach their own children?\n\nFor an additional wave of nausea, read Hillary go on and on about her “faith” and how it has led her to her progressive/liberal ideology.\n\nOf course, Michelle Obama herself said that she has no plans to slow down her attack on the way we raise our own kids, as reported by The Washington Post.\n\nBack in February, she said at a health-care summit that she does not plan to slow down on her healthy living campaign for kids, either. “I do not have a one- or two-year horizon for this work,” she said. “I have a rest-of-my-life horizon.”\n\nThis reeks of desperation. Is Hillary trying to capture the “I don’t like Hillary, but I do like the Obamas” vote? Or maybe she thinks that with a woman of color at the helm, people will find it harder to speak out about the indoctrination taking place because, you know, racism or something.\n\nEither way, I’m absolutely uncomfortable with the idea of progressives taking the reins of the education of American children. The government is not one gigantic parental unit, nor should it be viewed as one. That is an extremely dangerous idea to have, as nothing good has EVER come out of complete government control over the average citizen.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/top-news/michelle-obama-not-leaving-white-house-hillary-clinton-terrifying-new-role/","authors":"Sierra Marlee","type":"fake","title_words":16,"text_words":494,"title_char":96,"text_char":2881,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":6.25,"text_caps_percent":0.60729,"title_excl":2,"text_excl":2,"title_excl_percent":2.08333,"text_excl_percent":0.06942,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":1.18,"anticipation":2.16,"disgust":0.98,"fear":1.57,"joy":1.96,"sadness":0.78,"surprise":1.18,"trust":3.73,"negative":3.33,"positive":5.49,"text_syllables":806,"text_syllables_per_word":1.63158} {"title":"Trump hits Clinton on Islamic State: ‘It is time for change’","text":"“Crooked Hillary has been fighting ISIS, or whatever she has been doing, for years,” Donald Trump tweets. | AP Photo Trump hits Clinton on Islamic State: ‘It is time for change’\n\nDonald Trump called for a change Tuesday in how the U.S. handles the terror threat of the Islamic State, a shift away from President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's policies.\n\n“Crooked Hillary has been fighting ISIS, or whatever she has been doing, for years,” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. “Now she has new ideas. It is time for change.”\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nFollowing a series of planted bombs in New York and New Jersey over the weekend and a stabbing in Minnesota, Trump on Monday hammered Clinton on her record amid increasing concerns regarding the terrorist network and the threat of domestic attacks.\n\nThe real estate mogul again blamed Clinton and Obama for refusing to utter the words “radical Islamic terrorism” and accused them of emboldening terrorists across the globe.\n\n“Today, Hillary Clinton showed again that she will say anything — and blame anyone — to shift attention away from the weakness she showed as Secretary of State,” he said in a statement Monday, adding that terrorists are “hoping and praying that Hillary Clinton becomes President so that they can continue their savagery and murder.”\n\nTrump vowed to “bring an end to these senseless acts of violence” and condemned the White House, whose spokesman referred to the battle against the Islamic State as a “narrative fight.”\n\n“They are wrong to say that we’re in a fight about ‘narratives,’” Trump said. “These terrorists pose an existential threat to our country, our values, and our way of life.”\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cEsAnL","authors":"Jack Shafer,Nolan D","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":268,"title_char":60,"text_char":1674,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.1194,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":4.66,"anticipation":1.79,"disgust":1.79,"fear":4.3,"joy":0.36,"sadness":1.79,"surprise":1.79,"trust":2.51,"negative":6.09,"positive":2.15,"text_syllables":461,"text_syllables_per_word":1.72015} {"title":"Australia Voted To Ban Muslims And Liberals Are Pissed","text":"When Donald Trump said that he wanted to ban Muslim immigration until we know what’s going on, every single Democrat and liberal yahoo yelled until their voice was hoarse that it was racist.\n\nOh how wrong they were, and still are.\n\nFirst off, racism is the belief that one race is inherently better than another simply by virtue of the color of their skin. Islam isn’t a race, it is a religion that lends itself very well to radicalization. This is the same religion that has believers blow themselves up in crowded places thinking they’ll go to heaven to party with 72 virgins.\n\nThe insanity, in this issue, is clearly on the side of the Democrats. After seeing how the world is working, Trump wanted to put a temporary ban on all Muslim immigration until we figure out how to stop the terrorists from coming in.\n\nDemocrats think the world will agree with them, and they’re flat out wrong. Well, this has got to sting:\n\nA new poll has found that 49 percent of Australians support a ban on Muslim immigration, a huge jump from last October when only 28 percent backed the idea. The Essential Research survey also revealed 48 per cent of voters would welcome a national debate on the issue, and showed that two thirds of Australians agree that populist senator Pauline Hanson talks about topics other politicians are afraid to bring up. The top reasons for wanting a ban were fears over terrorism, and a belief that Muslim migrants do not integrate nor share Australian values. The poll was first conducted in early August and then repeated to ensure the results were not outliers.\n\nSo Australians want to preserve Australian values? That sounds like what every single other culture on earth wants to do. Yet, when Trump says “America first” it’s suddenly racist.\n\nOk, yeah, that sounds logical.\n\nSixty per cent of respondents who support the right-wing Coalition favour an end to Muslim migration along with 40 per cent of Labour voters and 34 per cent of Green voters. “Floored” by the results, the pollster laments that the “basket of deplorables”, who he previously thought were just a “marginalised rump, out of step with the views of modern, mainstream, cosmopolitan Australia”, is too big to ignore. He writes: “This not a ‘basket of deplorables’ who sit outside the confines of polite society, that is 49% of the men and women who make up our nation. “Yes, they are more likely to vote Coalition or ‘other’ but 40% of Labor voters and one third of Greens agree too. Look around you right now, there are people in your workplace, in your street, on your train, who agree with Hanson.”\n\nDo you hear that, Hillary? This is how you respond to people who oppose you. You don’t call them “deplorables,” you recognize that half the country is against you. Let’s get this done in November.\n\n(Source: Breitbart)\n\n\n\n","url":"https://goo.gl/p7jFZG","authors":"Blair Patterson","type":"fake","title_words":9,"text_words":479,"title_char":54,"text_char":2813,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.82,"anticipation":1.23,"disgust":0.41,"fear":0.82,"joy":1.23,"sadness":0.82,"surprise":0.82,"trust":2.46,"negative":2.66,"positive":4.3,"text_syllables":761,"text_syllables_per_word":1.58873} {"title":"It’s “Trump is HITLER” Month at the Washington Post – Eagle Rising","text":"Like much of the mainstream media, the Washington Post is going out of its way to disparage Donald Trump. But the Post isn’t satisfied with the normal biased reporting—they have gone above and beyond assigning 20 reporters just to dig up dirt on the Republican nominee. That must have failed because now they are taking the lazy, but disgusting way out with inappropriate Hitler references. Twice in this month Post columnists have compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. Perhaps the editors have designated September as “Trump Is Hitler Month” at the Washington Post.\n\nOn Monday they featured a column by Richard Cohen which said in part,\n\n(…) while Trump is neither an anti-Semite nor does he have designs on neighboring countries, he is Hitlerian in his thinking. He thinks the truth is what he says it is.\n\nMr. Cohen didn’t mention what despot Hillary’s lies reminded him of, but then again the post would never have a “Hillary is Hitler month.” While a Hillary comparison would be just as wrong, the fact that they are only creating a “Trump” month is incredibly sexist.\n\nSix Day’s before Mr. Cohen, another columnist Shalom Auslander wrote, “Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles…\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/36955/its-trump-is-hitler-month-at-the-washington-post/","authors":"View All Posts,Jeff Dunetz","type":"real","title_words":12,"text_words":220,"title_char":66,"text_char":1351,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":8.33333,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.29,"anticipation":0.43,"disgust":1.72,"fear":0.43,"joy":0.86,"sadness":0.86,"surprise":0.86,"trust":2.16,"negative":3.02,"positive":2.16,"text_syllables":376,"text_syllables_per_word":1.70909} {"title":"Bombing Suspect Filed Anti-Muslim Discrimination Lawsuit Against Police – Eagle Rising","text":"The man arrested Monday in connection with the New York City bombing sued his local police force over anti-Muslim discrimination claims.\n\nAhmad Khan Rahami filed the lawsuit against cops in Elizabeth, N.J., where he was residing before he planted bombs in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, at a train station in Elizabeth, and on the route of a 5k Marine charity run on the Jersey shore. He claimed police were persecuting him for being a Muslim and subjecting him and his family to “selective enforcement” based on Islam, reports The Daily Mail.\n\nRahami worked at a chicken restaurant called First American, owned by his family, who claimed the police tried to shut it down early each night with “baseless” tickets, and that locals said: “Muslims don’t belong here.” Rahami brought the suit along with his father Mohammad Sr. and his brother Mohammad.\n\nHe was arrested following a shootout with police Monday, after he was found passed out in the doorway of a New Jersey bar.\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/36871/bombing-suspect-filed-anti-muslim-discrimination-lawsuit-against-police/","authors":"View All Posts","type":"fake","title_words":11,"text_words":184,"title_char":86,"text_char":1128,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.56,"anticipation":2.05,"disgust":2.05,"fear":5.13,"joy":1.54,"sadness":2.05,"surprise":1.03,"trust":5.13,"negative":4.1,"positive":4.1,"text_syllables":326,"text_syllables_per_word":1.77174} {"title":"DESPICABLE! Hillary Wants To Put Hero Cop Who Stopped Mall Terror Attack Out Of BUSINESS ⋆ Freedom Daily","text":"5.2k SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nJason Falconer, the NRA-certified firearms instructor and off-duty police officer, who shot the ISIS terrorist who stabbed eight people in St. Cloud, Minnesota, is someone that Hillary Clinton wants to put out of business. In fact, it’s one of the primary things she intends to do first if she is elected president.\n\nThis is a brave man who saved countless lives by taking out a Jihadist. The same kind of Islamic refugee that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton just love to death. Falconer owns Tactical Advantage Firearms Training, Inc. which is one of those businesses that Clinton just despises… because it has to do with guns, training people how to safely use weapons and is a protector and promoter of our Second Amendment rights. This is one of the biggest reasons not to ever vote for Hillary Clinton… EVER.\n\nFrom Bearing Arms:\n\nWe told you this morning how USPSA Shooter, 3-Gunner, and NRA-certified firearms instructor Jason Falconer shot and killed a 22-year-old Somali immigrant who went on a stabbing rampage inside a St. Cloud, (MN) Mall on Saturday, saving countless lives. What we didn’t tell you is that Hillary Clinton wants to bankrupt Falconer, driving him out of the business of saving lives. Falconer is the president and owner of Tactical Advantage, LLC and Tactical Advantage Firearms Training, Inc. His business interests all revolve around training law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms for self-defense to protect themselves and loved ones from criminal predators (and apparently terrorists). If elected President, Hillary Clinton will do everything in her power to see Jason Falconer driven out of business and into bankruptcy.\n\nFalconer’s Tactical Advantage, LCC, is a full-service training facility with a firing range, gun rentals, firearms training and gun sales to law-abiding citizens. It is American as apple pie and one that I love.\n\nThe 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) provides limited legal protection to businesses such as Falconer’s to protect them from frivolous lawsuits that would take them under. Clinton wants to do away with PLCAA, removing that protection and exposing the business to radical lawfare.\n\nClinton repeatedly and falsely claims that PLCAA offers gunmakers and dealers “immunity.” It’s an outrageous falsehood and is vintage Clinton. She hates the Second Amendment and will do all she can to quash and eliminate it. She is the single biggest threat to our right to bear arms we have ever faced as a nation.\n\nJason Falconer has spent his entire life protecting his fellow citizens, first as a law enforcement officer and then when concealed carry became legal in Minnesota, he took the initiative to create a firearms training company and then a range and retail shop in order to provide the best possible self-defense training to others that he could. Hillary Clinton wants to take that away and destroy all of it. The fact that he took down an Islamic extremist probably makes her hate him all the more. Just say no to Hillary Clinton, so heroes like Falconer are celebrated, not punished.","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/despicable-hillary-wants-put-hero-cop-stopped-mall-terror-attack-business/","type":"fake","title_words":18,"text_words":500,"title_char":104,"text_char":3112,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":12,"title_caps_percent":11.11111,"text_caps_percent":2.4,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0.96154,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":3.47,"anticipation":1.74,"disgust":1.35,"fear":4.25,"joy":1.35,"sadness":1.93,"surprise":1.35,"trust":3.86,"negative":4.63,"positive":4.25,"text_syllables":891,"text_syllables_per_word":1.782} {"title":"ABC Reveals Trump Paid \"Hundreds Of Millions\" By Russian Oligarchs","text":"46.8k SHARES SHARE THIS STORY\n\nRepublican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.\n\nThroughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time.\n\nAn ABC News investigation has found that Donald Trump has “numerous ties” to Russian interests both here in the United States and in Russia. “The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate—[and] be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.\n\nTrump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers – so many that the Sunny and Hollywood Islands in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.”\n\nThe oligarchs of Russia made their fortunes by making deals to acquire huge numbers of shares in the state-owned companies of the former Soviet Union as the country shifted to a free-market economy, turning them into billionaires overnight. Towards the end of the Boris Yeltsin era, the oligarchs controlled 50% to 75% of all Russian finance. Now, they use their influence and wealth to prop up the Putin regime, while he turns a blind eye as they rob the country blind. Putin himself has amassed a fortune of $70 billion that could be as high as $200 billion.\n\nThe oligarchs are constantly looking to funnel their ill-gotten gains out of the country, and it turns out purchasing Trump properties was a favored way to do so. It makes sense – they are all men cut from the same gold cloth. They are self-entitled narcissistic materialists who care for nothing but increasing their own personal wealth.\n\n“I think material wealth for them is a highly emotional and spiritual thing. They spend a lot of money on their own personal consumption…They don’t read books. They don’t go to [art] exhibitions. They think the only way to impress anyone is to buy a yacht” says former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev, who went on to describe them as “cultural ignoramuses…not interested in social justice.” Sound like anyone we know?\n\nWhen the US State Department leveled sanctions on the Russian oligarchs in 2014 following Moscow’s annexation of the Crimea, the oligarchs had one of their key money-laundering tools cut off. If Trump were president, however, he could end the sanctions and allow them to continue to enrich themselves – and Trump himself. “We’ll be looking at that, yeah we’ll be looking” said Trump on the issue of sanctions in July.\n\nThese business dealings obviously present a great conflict of interest between the personal finances of a potential President and the foreign policy of our nation, which seeks to curtail the disruptive and corrupting influences of the Russian oligarchs and put a check on Russian territorial aggression in Eastern Europe. Would President Trump be able to put his personal profits aside? If this election has taught us anything at all, it’s that Trump cares about nothing but himself. We cannot allow him and his Russian cronies to take their corruption to the White House.\n\nWatch ABC News’ report here:\n\nAdd your name to millions demanding that Congress take action on the President’s crimes. IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP!","url":"http://occupydemocrats.com/2016/09/23/bombshell-abc-reveals-trump-paid-hundreds-millions-russian-oligarchs-2/","authors":"Colin Taylor,Grant Stern,Brett Bose,Natalie Dickinson","type":"fake","title_words":10,"text_words":677,"title_char":66,"text_char":4150,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":12,"title_caps_percent":10,"text_caps_percent":1.77253,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.0241,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.31,"anticipation":2.04,"disgust":1.31,"fear":1.46,"joy":1.6,"sadness":0.87,"surprise":1.16,"trust":3.64,"negative":2.18,"positive":4.95,"text_syllables":1133,"text_syllables_per_word":1.67356} {"title":"Charlotte Police REVEAL What They Said To Black Man Just Moments Before Shooting…","text":"Charlotte Police REVEAL What They Said To Black Man Just Moments Before Shooting…\n\nThere has been a lot of speculation and anger surrounding the shooting of a black man by Charlotte police. Such anger, in fact, has bred more riots in North Carolina, which led to looting, theft of private property and the shutdown of I-85.\n\nBut all we’re being told is the side of things where the man was an innocent little cupcake on his way to volunteer at a soup kitchen before he read stories to blind, homeless children and donated all of his paycheck to the local animal shelter.\n\nWhat is the story coming from the police officers involved in the shooting? Does anyone care? Does it even matter what the cops say happened? The riots have already started and the hatred is already coursing through the veins of people who are just looking for a reason to take to the streets, so will this change anything?\n\nTo those of us who actually uses our brains in these situations, it could make all the difference.\n\n× 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now\n\nThe Blaze posted the statement of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief on the incident.\n\nCharlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney said during a news conference Wednesday morning that officers were searching for a suspect Tuesday when they saw 43-year-old Keith Lamont Scott exit a vehicle with a handgun. He says the officers told him to drop the gun and that he got out of the vehicle a second time still carrying the gun. He says the man was shot because he posed a threat. “It’s time to change the narrative, because I can tell you from the facts that the story’s a little bit different as to how it’s been portrayed so far, especially through social media,” he said.\n\nAs an officer, you’re hearing about your brothers and sisters in blue being shot by thugs who have a chip on their shoulder. You hear this and then you see a man get out of his vehicle with a firearm. You tell him to put the gun down, and he refuses. Are you supposed to wait until he shoots first? If a man breaks into your house, are you supposed to wait until he actually harms you before you protect yourself? How does that even make sense?\n\nOh that’s right, it doesn’t. Of course, that doesn’t stop progressives from declaring that they know exactly how things should be happening. You know, with their degrees in women’s studies and art history, they’re clearly the most qualified people to be criticizing the actions of our law enforcement.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/top-news/charlotte-police-reveal-said-black-man-just-moments-shooting/","authors":"Sierra Marlee","type":"real","title_words":13,"text_words":485,"title_char":81,"text_char":2789,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":7.69231,"text_caps_percent":0.20619,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.01,"anticipation":1.41,"disgust":0.8,"fear":3.01,"joy":0.6,"sadness":2.01,"surprise":0.8,"trust":2.81,"negative":4.22,"positive":3.82,"text_syllables":748,"text_syllables_per_word":1.54227} {"title":"9 times Ted Cruz insulted Donald Trump before endorsing him","text":"\"Donald, you’re a sniveling coward,\" Ted Cruz said in March. | Getty 9 times Ted Cruz insulted Donald Trump before endorsing him\n\nTwo months after he was booed off the stage at the Republican National Convention for snubbing his party’s presidential nominee, Sen. Ted Cruz endorsed Donald Trump on Friday.\n\nThat declaration to vote for him, though, comes after the Texas senator openly disparaged his primary opponent repeatedly — in part responding to Trump’s attacks on his wife and father.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\n1. Early on, Cruz speculated that Trump’s tax returns could show a mob connection\n\nIn February, Cruz offered his take on why Trump hadn’t released his tax returns in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” suggesting that they might show “Donald's business dealings with the mob, with the mafia.”\n\n“The fact that Donald seems terrified to release his taxes suggests that there’s a bombshell there,” Cruz said. “It’s natural to wonder, ‘Well, what is it that he's hiding in his taxes?’”\n\n2. In March, Cruz called him a “sniveling coward”\n\nSpeaking to a group of reporters in Dane, Wisconsin, after Trump made a comment promising to “spill the beans” on the senator’s wife, Cruz pointed his finger and said, “Donald, you’re a sniveling coward. Leave Heidi the hell alone.”\n\n“It’s not easy to tick me off. I don’t get angry often, but you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that’ll do it every time,” Cruz said.\n\n3. He also called Trump a “big, loud New York bully”\n\n“Let me be absolutely clear: Our spouses and our children are off bounds,” Cruz said . “It is not acceptable for a big, loud New York bully to attack my wife.”\n\n4. Also, “a small and petty man who is intimidated by strong women”\n\nTrump’s attacks, Cruz suggested , were actions of “a small and petty man who is intimidated by strong women.”\n\n5. Cruz called one of Trump’s theories “nuts” and “just kooky”\n\nIn May, after Trump cited a National Enquirer report that alleged Cruz’s father may have had some involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Cruz addressed reporters in Evansville, Indiana: “This morning, Donald Trump went on national television and attacked my father. Donald Trump alleges that my dad was involved in assassinating JFK. Now, let’s be clear, this is nuts. This is not a reasonable position. This is just kooky.”\n\n6. He also called him a “pathological liar” who “lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth”\n\nAlso in Indiana, on the same day the state's voters would deliver a decisive victory to Trump, Cruz added : “I’m gonna tell you what I really think of Donald Trump: This man is a pathological liar. He doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth, and in a pattern that I think is straight out of a psychology textbook, his response is to accuse everybody else of lying.”\n\n7. And Cruz was specific with the term “pathological”: Trump is “utterly amoral,” he said\n\n“I say pathological because I actually think Donald, if you hooked him up to a lie detector test, he could say one thing in the morning, one thing at noon and one thing in the evening, all contradictory and he’d pass the lie detector test each time. Whatever lie he’s telling, at that minute he believes it, but the man is utterly amoral,” Cruz said .\n\n8. And, while he was at it, Cruz accused him of narcissism and being a “serial philanderer”\n\nContinuing to unload in Indiana, Cruz offered : “He combines [dishonesty] with being a narcissist, a narcissist at a level I don’t think this country’s ever seen. Donald Trump is such a narcissist that Barack Obama looks at him and says, ‘Dude, what’s your problem?’’’\n\nAnd: “Donald Trump is a serial philanderer, and he boasts about it. This is not a secret. He’s proud of being a serial philanderer.”\n\n9. In July, Cruz still hadn’t forgiven Trump for the attacks on his family\n\n“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father,” Cruz said, answering questions at a Texas delegation breakfast at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland and facing backlash for not yet endorsing Trump.\n\nReferring to his pledge to support his party’s nominee, Cruz said that statement “was not a blanket commitment that if you slander and attack Heidi I'm going to nonetheless go like a servile puppy dog\" and support him.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cSUHmo","authors":"Madeline Conway,Burgess Everett,Katie Glueck,Jack Shafer","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":734,"title_char":59,"text_char":4383,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.27248,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.75,"anticipation":0.94,"disgust":1.61,"fear":1.61,"joy":0.54,"sadness":1.21,"surprise":0.67,"trust":2.42,"negative":3.49,"positive":2.55,"text_syllables":1183,"text_syllables_per_word":1.61172} {"title":"Two White Men Doused With Gasoline, Set On FIRE By Blacks","text":"61.3k SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nUpdate: Buzzfeed has deemed that our description of the crime and the victims is false. We have utterly debunked Buzzfeed’s claims. You can view our followup article here.\n\n~~~\n\nYou can’t make this stuff up. People used to tell crazy stories, but have no way to prove if the story was true or not.\n\nThen along came video.\n\nThis is by far one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen. These guys are out in the middle of the street and it looks like there was supposed to be a fight of some sort. Because you know how fights are, they’re even better when they’re in the middle of a major road.\n\nOut of nowhere someone lights them on fire.\n\nLIGHTS. THEM. ON. FIRE.\n\nAnd they’re still in the middle of the road, running around like crazy where they may get hit by a car.\n\nNothing but absolute chaos and easily one of the most disturbing things I’ve watched since the Casey Anthony trial.\n\nWhat goes through someone’s deplorable brain when they’re thinking – well right about now is a great time to light these guys on fire. Yup, let’s just toss this cocktail over on them and watch the men burn.\n\nWho carries the items needed for a good Molotov cocktail anyway? Was this premeditated? It’s not like I have the items needed for a good cocktail laying around unless it’s a Bloody Mary on a Sunday morning.\n\nBack in the day, when people were a lot smarter and America was great, this would have been a lot different.\n\nIf you see two people about to fight and they’re in the street, then the good people will make sure that the people fighting aren’t getting hit by a car. The good people used to make sure it was a fair fight and would stop the fight when it got out of hand.\n\nThat was when people were a lot smarter and had more human nature to them.\n\nNowadays everyone whips out the cell phone and let’s a slightly bad situation turn into the worst possible situation just so they can grab a viral video out of it.\n\nNo one cares anymore.\n\nTime to start caring about people and stop lighting them on fire.","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/white-men-set-on-fire-by-blacks-media-censored/","type":"fake","title_words":11,"text_words":361,"title_char":57,"text_char":2028,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":9.09091,"text_caps_percent":1.38504,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.69,"anticipation":1.34,"disgust":0.81,"fear":2.69,"joy":0.54,"sadness":1.34,"surprise":0.27,"trust":0.54,"negative":2.96,"positive":1.61,"text_syllables":552,"text_syllables_per_word":1.52909} {"title":"President Obama Vetoes 9/11 Victims Bill, Setting Up Showdown With Congress","text":"President Obama today vetoed a bill that would allow survivors of the 9/11 attacks, along with victims' families, to sue the government of Saudi Arabia.\n\n“I am returning herewith without my approval S. 2040, the ‘Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act’ (JASTA), which would, among other things, remove sovereign immunity in U.S. courts from foreign governments that are not designated state sponsors of terrorism,” Obama notes in the veto message.\n\n“I have deep sympathy for the families of the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (9/11), who have suffered grievously. I also have a deep appreciation of these families' desire to pursue justice and am strongly committed to assisting them in their efforts.”\n\nThe veto comes at the end of a 10-day constitutional window after Congress' overwhelming approval of the legislation, setting up a fight that's likely to hand the outgoing president his first veto override.\n\nSuffering his first veto override so late in his second term would be significant, especially considering the president's high approval ratings relative to the rest of his presidency. By comparison, former President George W. Bush was overridden twice during his two terms in office and only in his final two years when his approval rating had plummeted.\n\nThe last president to make it through a full presidency without a veto override is Lyndon B. Johnson.\n\nIf passed into law, the legislation would allow victims of terrorism to sue foreign governments for damages.\n\nObama and the White House have argued that language in the bill could potentially compromise the principle of “sovereign immunity,” and put the U.S. government and entities at risk of being sued by other countries.\n\n\"Overriding the president's veto means that this country will start pursuing a less forceful approach in dealing with state sponsors of terrorism and potentially opens up U.S. service members and diplomats and even companies to spurious lawsuits in kangaroo courts around the world,\" White House press secretary Josh Earnest explained to reporters today.\n\n\"Our concern extends not just to the impact this would have on our relationship with Saudi Arabia, but rather the impact that this could have on the United States' relationship with countries around the world.\"\n\nBut the showdown has also put the Obama administration at odds politically with the wishes of countless 9/11 families who argue they haven't had their day in court against all parties responsible for the terror attacks. Saudi Arabia has itself spoken critically of and personally lobbied against the effort, maintaining it had no role in assisting the 9/11 terrorists.\n\nThe House and Senate each passed the measure by unanimous consent. A veto override requires a two-thirds vote by each chamber, and the White House says it has been working diligently behind the scenes to rally enough Democrats to block the override effort.\n\nObama's former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has also indicated she would sign the legislation into law if she wins the presidential election.","url":"http://abcn.ws/2dh2NFs","authors":"John Parkinson,More John,Abc News,More Alexander","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":477,"title_char":75,"text_char":3069,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.20964,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.05,"anticipation":1.02,"disgust":1.02,"fear":2.05,"joy":0.61,"sadness":2.05,"surprise":0.41,"trust":3.28,"negative":3.48,"positive":4.1,"text_syllables":872,"text_syllables_per_word":1.82809} {"title":"Liberals Are Furious When Reality Star Brody Jenner Tells the Truth About Police Shootings on Twitter","text":"Liberals Are Furious When Reality Star Brody Jenner Tells the Truth About Police Shootings on Twitter\n\nIt’s true that conservatives have a tendency to take the opinions of reality stars with many grains of salt, especially because they have a tendency to be mindlessly liberal and ill-informed.\n\nBrody Jenner, however, has said something worth sharing.\n\nBrody is the son of Caitlyn (then Bruce) Jenner and actress Linda Thompson, and stars in “The Hills,” a show that I’ve never seen and for which I can give you no description.\n\nTwitter exploded after Brody Jenner posted a comment on Instagram claiming that not everything is about race. Of course, adding “All Lives Matter” was pretty much the end of it. The perpetually-offended crowd took to their keyboards to let him know that he’s a terrible person because he’s white and a man, and straight and “cis-gender.”\n\n× 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now\n\nBelow is the offending post:\n\n“I normally don’t speak about this type of stuff, but this is just ridiculous. I can’t even watch the news anymore without getting pissed off. This has nothing to do with race. White, black, brown, any color…if you have an officer of the law telling you to exit your vehicle (or do anything for that matter)…you comply. And not only do you comply, but you do so willingly and follow directions completely. And why in the world would you exit that vehicle with a weapon in hand (allegedly?!) That makes no sense! And if, let’s just say, you DON’T have a gun, why would you not put your hands up in the air and state “I do not have a gun” so that the officers can clearly see that you don’t??”\n\nAfter receiving backlash, he posted another photo on Instagram, salting the wounds of the whining babies on the left.\n\nPredictably, liberals lost their ever-loving minds over this, but it’s honestly just par for the course with these people. They are always looking for something by which they can be offended.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/top-news/liberals-furious-reality-star-brody-jenner-tells-truth-police-shootings-twitter/","authors":"Sierra Marlee","type":"real","title_words":16,"text_words":385,"title_char":101,"text_char":2267,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.25974,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":2,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.08822,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.75,"anticipation":1.75,"disgust":1.5,"fear":1.5,"joy":1.75,"sadness":1.5,"surprise":0.5,"trust":3.74,"negative":2.99,"positive":4.99,"text_syllables":612,"text_syllables_per_word":1.58961} {"title":"Terrorist Attacks Will Likely Affect 2016 Presidential Race, Experts Say","text":"The recent connected bombings in New York and New Jersey and the stabbing attack at a mall in Minnesota have increased interest in how the presidential candidates would handle national security.\n\nHillary Clinton and Donald Trump have spoken out since the attacks, which left dozens of people injured.\n\nJohn Cohen, a former counterterrorism coordinator for the Department of Homeland Security, said he believes that the terrorist attacks that have occurred during the campaign \"have a significant impact\" on voters.\n\n\"When events occur like this ... you tend to have people become more fearful, and when people are more fearful, they tend to gravitate towards a candidate who appears to be more strong,\" said Cohen, who currently works as an ABC News consultant.\n\nThree of the latest national polls — all conducted before the attacks this weekend — had Clinton leading when respondents were asked whom they trust to handle the issue of terrorism.\n\nIn an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sept. 11, Clinton led, 50 percent to Trump's 41 percent among all adults and 48 percent to Trump's 45 percent among likely voters when asked about who was more trusted to handle terrorism.\n\nA CBS/New York Times poll released Sept. 14 had Clinton doing \"a better job handling terrorism and national security\" according to 49 percent of respondents, compared with Trump's 45 percent.\n\nThe split was closest in a Quinnipiac poll released Sept. 15, in which respondents were asked who they thought would do a better job keeping the country safe from terrorism, \"regardless of how you intend to vote.\" In that poll, Clinton got 49 percent to Trump's 47 percent.\n\n\"Traditionally, it's been the Republican Party who has projected strength and awareness in the area of law enforcement and homeland security, but today that's kind of flipped because, despite his rhetoric, there are a number of national security experts who have raised concerns about the level of understanding that Donald Trump has as it relates to terrorism and national security threats,\" Cohen said.\n\nAndres Kudacki/AP Photo\n\nCurrent events are factoring into the political campaigns, with the candidates scheduling speeches about national security in the wake of attacks. But Cohen said political rhetoric could also be affecting and even motivating the attacks themselves.\n\nHe said Trump's rhetoric and calls to bar foreign Muslims from entering the United States \"may even serve to further along those who are becoming inspired to act on [ISIS'] behalf.\"\n\nJames Campbell, a professor of political science at the University at Buffalo in New York who has written a book about political polarization, told ABC News that he believes the attacks translate to a potential advantage for Trump.\n\n\"I have to think that terrorist events in this country help Trump and hurt Clinton. For these events to be occurring with the frequency they do may be read by many as a failure of the current administration and particularly its foreign policy team to effectively deal with the problem,\" he said.\n\n\"It may also suggest that we need a tougher approach to dealing with terrorism, an approach associated with Trump. When suspects are identified who have Muslim-sounding names, then that may further fuel support for tougher immigration standards and scrutiny,\" Campbell added.","url":"http://abcn.ws/2cDjJ92","authors":"More Meghan,Abc News","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":521,"title_char":72,"text_char":3319,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":6,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.15163,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.13,"anticipation":1.13,"disgust":0.94,"fear":1.69,"joy":0.94,"sadness":1.69,"surprise":1.13,"trust":3.77,"negative":3.2,"positive":2.82,"text_syllables":925,"text_syllables_per_word":1.77543} {"title":"Magistrate won't order federal arraignment for bombing suspect","text":"Under the Radar Blog Archives Select Date… July, 2017 June, 2017 May, 2017 April, 2017 March, 2017 February, 2017 January, 2017 December, 2016 November, 2016 October, 2016 September, 2016 August, 2016\n\nMagistrate won't order federal arraignment for bombing suspect\n\nA federal magistrate has turned down a request from defense lawyers that the man accused of the weekend bombings in New York and New Jersey be immediately arraigned on a set of federal charges he is facing.\n\nManhattan-based U.S. Magistrate Judge Gabriel Gorenstein agreed with federal prosecutors that suspect Ahmad Rahami need not have an initial federal court appearance until he is taken into federal custody. And, by all appearances, he's currently in the custody of local officials in New Jersey, the magistrate said.\n\n\"The [federal] Government explicitly denies that it has arrested the defendant. There is no evidence to the contrary,\" Gorenstein wrote in a two-page order released Wednesday evening.\n\nGorenstein noted that defense lawyers said \"it is undisputed that federal law enforcement are involved in detaining and questioning\" Rahami.\n\n\"In fact, this question is very much in dispute,\" the magistrate wrote. \"The Government asserts unequivocally that the defendant 'is not in federal custody ... Whether there are federal authorities questioning defendant does not address the issue of custody. At this point, the Court has no evidence whatsoever from anyone with personal knowledge that the defendant is being detained by any federal officer.\"\n\nThe magistrate also rejected defense lawyers' claims that a federal court rule requires Rahami be promptly arraigned on the federal charges even if he is arrested by state authorities.\n\nGorenstein not only declined to schedule a court appearance for Rahami, who's at a Newark hospital and could have been arraigned there, but said he lacks authority to appoint the court's indigent defense providers at the Federal Defenders of New York to formally represent Rahami.\n\nAttorney General Loretta Lynch said Wednesday morning that Rahami will be brought to New York City in the \"near future\" to face the federal complaint there, which is expected to take precedence over attempted murder charges filed in county court in New Jersey and another federal complaint in the Garden State.\n\nA spokesman for U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s office declined to comment on the decision, saying the ruling could speak for itself.\n\nThe defense attorney who asked for the arraignment, James Patton, did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the magistrate’s decision.\n\nJosh Gerstein is a senior reporter for POLITICO.","url":"http://politi.co/2cS4PJJ","authors":"Josh Gerstein","type":"real","title_words":8,"text_words":398,"title_char":62,"text_char":2638,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.25126,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.71,"anticipation":0.99,"disgust":0.49,"fear":3.45,"joy":0.25,"sadness":1.72,"surprise":0.25,"trust":3.94,"negative":3.69,"positive":3.94,"text_syllables":766,"text_syllables_per_word":1.92462} {"title":"Trump Supreme Court Pick Sued By Feds For Racial Discrimination","text":"13.8k SHARES SHARE THIS STORY\n\nS Trump’s number one backer in Silicon Valley just had his secretive data company slapped with a major federal lawsuit for employment discrimination. The U.S. Department of Labor filed suit charging that Palantir Technologies, the Palo Alto technology company controlled by Republican businessman Peter Thiel, accusing him of systematically discriminating against Asian job applicants in the company’s hiring process. Palantir is a federal government contractor to the NSA.\n\nSources say that Donald Trump wants to deliver a lifetime Supreme Court nomination to Thiel, who despises the First Amendment’s protections, anti-trust laws that break up monopolies and generally dislikes the institutions of democracy. Both the Stanford law school grad Thiel and Trump’s campaign later denied the report. Vanity Fair noted that:\n\nAccording to the lawsuit, Palantir looked at a pool of 130 applicants for its engineering intern positions: 73 percent of those who applied were Asian. Ultimately, the lawsuit says, the company hired four Asians and 17 non-Asians. “The likelihood that this result occurred according to chance is approximately one in a billion,” the lawsuit says.\n\nIronically, Peter Thiel, the Trump donor who Bloomberg called the Republican nominee’s most unlikely supporter, is himself a first generation immigrant. Thiel’s parents came to America to find work in a high tech field, but now he’s supporting a candidate that opposes immigration altogether.\n\nThiel was a PayPal co-founder and early Facebook investor, but remained relatively unknown outside of tech circles until earlier this year. The billionaire revealed himself in March to be Hulk Hogan’s secret benefactor funding the bogus lawsuit that bankrupted Gawker, in retaliation for revealing the billionaire’s then-secret sexual orientation.\n\nBut now, the entire world knows Mr. Thiel prefers male company, after he delivered a very personal political address at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Thiel then called out the GOP’s bathroom law obsessions as wrong and said, “Every American has a unique identity. I’m proud to be gay, I’m proud to be a Republican,” after a lengthy rant against “government incompetence.” He became the first ever openly gay speaker at the RNC to acknowledge his sexual orientation on the dais, and only the second speaker to be openly gay period.\n\nUnfortunately, his own party didn’t pay much attention to the speech, which was surprisingly well received inside the hall (as you can see below), because they passed the most anti-LGBT platform in party history this year, which speaks volumes when you consider that the Bush Administration used anti-marriage equality ballot initiatives to draw support from their base of bigots and haters throughout the early 2000s.\n\n“Federal contractors have an obligation to ensure that their hiring practices and policies are free of all forms of discrimination,” said the Department of Labor’s OFCCP Director Patricia Shiu. “Our nation’s taxpayers deserve to know that companies employed with public funds are providing equal opportunity for job seekers.” Lisa Gordon, a spokeswoman for Palantir, said the company will defend itself “vigorously” and denies allegations of bias in a statement to Bloomberg News.\n\nNow, the executive who accused his employer – the federal government – of incompetence will have to prove in a legal action that his company’s hiring practices were competent, in the face of daunting evidence to the contrary.\n\nAdd your name to millions demanding that Congress take action on the President’s crimes. IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP!","url":"http://occupydemocrats.com/2016/09/28/trumps-biggest-silicon-valley-donor-sued-by-feds-for-discrimination/","authors":"Grant Stern,Brett Bose,Natalie Dickinson","type":"fake","title_words":10,"text_words":547,"title_char":63,"text_char":3634,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":12,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":2.19378,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.02752,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.97,"anticipation":2.87,"disgust":1.44,"fear":2.33,"joy":1.44,"sadness":0.72,"surprise":1.44,"trust":4.67,"negative":3.41,"positive":7.36,"text_syllables":1041,"text_syllables_per_word":1.90311} {"title":"How Trump Is Hiding From The Media Like A Total Coward","text":"Donald Trump has a reputation in the media for being open and accessible to interview requests. He is known for a willingness to spout off to whoever sticks a microphone in front of his face, and it has helped him get this far as a political candidate.\n\nBut lately, as Trump has hired new handlers and other assorted campaign personnel, he has also been in something of a retreat. That is, Trump is only talking to Fox News right now.\n\nTrump is saying “yes” to Fox News almost every day but saying “no” to most other major networks and news organizations — a highly unusual strategy for a presidential nominee. He called into “Fox & Friends” on Monday morning, he is booked on “The O’Reilly Factor” Monday night, and he has another town hall with Sean Hannity coming up on Wednesday. Rousing the base instead of reaching out to undecided voters may ultimately pay off for Trump. If nothing else, it limits the candidate’s exposure to hard-hitting questions — while fueling frustration among journalists.\n\nAt Fox News, Trump can avoid pesky follow-up questions about his support for the racist birther conspiracy, long after he claims to have dropped it. Fox News hosts won’t ask him why he reacts to possible terrorism by screaming about how he was right, rather than express condolences for the victims and support for law enforcement. At Fox News, Trump isn’t challenged – and that’s the way he wants it.\n\nThe problem is, wrapping up in the Fox News cocoon may feel good for the time being, but the way to win an election is to appeal to audiences outside of your base of comfort. Trump isn’t reaching out.\n\nIt is a strategy that shows up elsewhere in his campaign, where instead of following the model of successful politicians like George W. Bush and President Obama by holding campaign rallies in “swing” districts hoping to persuade voters, Trump has rallies with the converted.\n\nOn election day in 2012, Fox News viewers were shocked to find the Romney “landslide” the network had kept promoting was a harsh reality. They may be setting themselves up for a major failure.\n\nFeatured image via Flickr","url":"http://www.addictinginfo.org/2016/09/20/how-trump-is-hiding-from-the-media-like-a-total-coward/","authors":"Oliver Willis","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":358,"title_char":54,"text_char":2105,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.81,"anticipation":2.98,"disgust":1.08,"fear":2.71,"joy":1.08,"sadness":1.36,"surprise":0.81,"trust":2.17,"negative":2.71,"positive":2.98,"text_syllables":571,"text_syllables_per_word":1.59497} {"title":"The Pope Flat Out Called Fox News Type Journalism ‘Terrorism’","text":"Someone had to say it. Okay, liberals have been saying it for years. Fox News (and increasingly, the other news channels) have been promoting fear for so long that they have become the terrorists. Pope Francis agrees. Channeling Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s infamous line, “we have nothing to fear but fear itself,” the Pope chastised fear-based media.\n\nJournalism based on gossip or rumors is a form of “terrorism” and media that stereotype entire populations or foment fear of migrants are acting destructively, Pope Francis said on Thursday. Spreading rumors is an example of “terrorism, of how you can kill a person with your tongue”, he said. “This is even more true for journalists because their voice can reach everyone and this is a very powerful weapon.” Source: Reuters\n\nNow, to be fair, Pope Francis was in Italy and he was talking to Italy’s press, which has its own problems with nationalism, but I’m sure he was hoping his words would hop the pond. After all, Fox spreads little but fear and that’s what has given us Donald Trump.\n\nCrime in the nation is down. An American’s odds of being killed by a terrorist is 1 in 20 million. Those are roughly the same odds as being killed by your own furniture. Still, Trump, prompted on by Fox News, is scaring the crap out of Americans:\n\nFear is in the air, and fear is surging. Americans are more afraid today than they have been in a long time: Polls show majorities of Americans worried about being victims of terrorism and crime, numbers that have surged over the past year to highs not seen for more than a decade. Every week seems to bring a new large- or small-scale terrorist attack, at home or abroad. Mass shootings form a constant drumbeat. Protests have shut down large cities repeatedly, and some have turned violent. Overall crime rates may be down, but a sense of disorder is constant. Source: The Atlantic\n\nSure, that’s about Donald Trump and the Pope wasn’t directly talking about him, but Fox is the fear network. Forward Progressives lists several examples of Fox trying to scare the s*it out of people, and if this election and polls are any indication, they’ve succeeded.\n\nFeatured image via Franco Origlia/Getty Images.","url":"http://author.addictinginfo.org/2016/09/23/the-pope-flat-out-called-fox-news-type-journalism-terrorism/","authors":"Wendy Gittleson","type":"fake","title_words":10,"text_words":371,"title_char":61,"text_char":2196,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.89,"anticipation":1.31,"disgust":1.84,"fear":3.15,"joy":0.26,"sadness":1.31,"surprise":1.05,"trust":1.57,"negative":4.72,"positive":2.1,"text_syllables":610,"text_syllables_per_word":1.6442} {"title":"NYC Terrorist Ahmad Rahami Sued Police Department for ‘Religious Persecution’ in 2011! ⋆ Freedom Daily","text":"196 SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nFor a little over a decade today’s millennials have been described as being part of the “everyone gets a trophy generation.” Effort and standards are a thing of the past, so much so that even the standard to be a victim is at historic lows.\n\nWould you believe that the man behind Saturday’s NJ and NYC bombings once claimed to be a victim of “Islamophobia?” This was allegedly such a problem that the attacker Ahmad Khan Rahami and his father once sued the police in Elizabeth New Jersey for discrimination, and also accused other members of the community of discrimination based on religion.\n\nThe journalists over at the Daily Mail did some digging into the lawsuit, and here’s what they found (courtesy of Louder With Crowder):\n\nThe prime suspect in the New York and New Jersey bombings sued his local police force and claimed they were persecuting him for being a Muslim. Ahmad Rahami said in a lawsuit that cops in Elizabeth, New Jersey subjected his and his family to discrimination and ‘selective enforcement’ based on their religion. The family claimed that police tried to shut down their chicken restaurant, called First American, too early each night with ‘baseless’ tickets and summonses. Ahmad, 28, his father Mohammad Sr, 53, and his brother Mohammad, brought the lawsuit together and said that local residents also racially abused them and said: ‘Muslims don’t belong here’. The lawsuit was filed in 2011 and reveals that Ahmad has a long history of grievances with city officials, their local police force and people who lived close to them.\n\nNo, you’re not living in an episode of the Twilight Zone right now, this is real life.\n\nMayor Christian Bollwage insisted to The New York Times that there was no such discrimination. “It was neighbor complaints, it had nothing to do his with ethnicity or religion,” Bollwage said, adding, “It had to do with noise and people congregating on the streets.”\n\nRahami’s family owns a fried chicken restaurant in Elizabeth, NJ called First American Fried Chicken. This is also the same town where five bombs were found at a train station Monday morning. His lawsuit went nowhere, so apparently his strategy in that particular case was that if you can’t beat them in the courts: bomb them instead.\n\nWelcome to Obama’s America – where even an Islamic terrorist can play the victim!\n\nHow insane is this? Get the word out – share this post on Facebook and Twitter.","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/nyc-terrorist-ahmad-rahami-sued-police-department-religious-persecution-2011/","type":"fake","title_words":15,"text_words":405,"title_char":102,"text_char":2441,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":6.66667,"text_caps_percent":0.98765,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0.98039,"text_excl_percent":0.04097,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":2.38,"anticipation":1.67,"disgust":1.19,"fear":4.05,"joy":0.95,"sadness":2.38,"surprise":1.19,"trust":3.33,"negative":4.05,"positive":3.81,"text_syllables":683,"text_syllables_per_word":1.68642} {"title":"Details Emerge About NYC Bomb Suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami","text":"As police today captured the man wanted for questioning in connection to a series of explosive devices in New York City and New Jersey, new information about him has begun to emerge.\n\nThe man, Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, was born in 1988 in Afghanistan and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, according to the FBI. He was discovered and captured in Linden, New Jersey, not far from his last known address in Elizabeth.\n\nNew Jersey State Police\n\nA U.S. official initially told ABC News Rahami came to the U.S. in 2000, but his father later said the family came over in 1995. Court records indicate Ahmad Rahami was from a large family and may have as many as seven siblings.\n\nFormer classmates said he attended Edison High School in New Jersey.\n\nOne of them, Chris Konya, said Rahami was quiet but funny and a \"pretty normal guy.\" Konya and another former classmate said Rahami had a child with his high school girlfriend.\n\nRahami was enrolled at Middlesex County College from fall of 2010 to fall of 2012, where he worked toward an associate's degree in criminal justice but did not graduate, according to school officials.\n\nNew Jersey State Police\n\nThe Rahami family owned a fried chicken restaurant in Elizabeth. An employee and a recent customer said Rahami worked there.\n\n\"I come in here every week or two, just to get something to eat,\" local resident Ryan McCann told The Associated Press. \"He's always in there. He's a very friendly guy. That's what's so scary. It's hard when it's home.\"\n\nMembers of the Rahami family apparently did not get along well with the local police and sued several officers in 2011 for allegedly harassing them over purported violations related the restaurant's operation. The case was dismissed in 2012, pending the resolution of a related legal matter, according to documents.\n\nInvestigators are poring over Rahami's past travel, including what may have been a recent nearly year-long trip in which he flew to Quetta, Pakistan in April 2013 and returned to the U.S. through the United Arab Emirates in March 2014, according to the U.S. official. Rahami reported to authorities that he was visiting his wife and family, who he said were Afghan refugees living in Quetta, and that he had traveled by car between Pakistan and Afghanistan.\n\nNew Jersey State Police\n\nIn August 2014 Rahami was arrested after allegedly stabbing someone in the leg, according to court documents. A complaint filed by a police officer said the officer \"has reason to believe that the person is a danger to himself, others or property,\" but Rahami was not indicted.\n\nToday Rahami was shot at least once by police during an exchange of gunfire before he was captured and then taken to a local hospital, authorities said. He is not cooperating with investigators, even so far as refusing to give his name, according to a source briefed on the case. Officials said they have not determined a motive for the attacks.\n\nLate Monday officials announced charges against Rahami related to the shootout with police: five counts of attempted murder, second-degree unlawful possession of a weapon and second-degree possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose. Bail has been set at $5.2 million. It is unclear if Rahami has an attorney.\n\nA senior Afghan official told ABC News the Afghan government is ready to assist the U.S. in any way it can and is searching for any information it may have on Rahami.\n\nNew Jersey State Police\n\nABC News' Cindy Galli, Megan Christie, Randy Kreider, Alex Hosenball and Cho Park contributed to this report.\n\n[Editor's Note Sept. 28, 2016: The original version of this report said that Ahmad Rahami came to the U.S. in 2000. Rahami's father later told ABC News, however, that his son and the family came in 1995 and that Rahami received his Green Card in 2000.]","url":"http://abcn.ws/2cMLIxB","authors":"More Stephanie,Emily Shapiro,Jj Gallagher,Stephanie Wash,Michael Edison Hayden,Mike Levine,More Rhonda,More Emily,More Michael,Abc News","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":625,"title_char":55,"text_char":3784,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":11.11111,"text_caps_percent":0.8,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.74,"anticipation":1.26,"disgust":0.63,"fear":3,"joy":0.63,"sadness":1.58,"surprise":0.79,"trust":3.47,"negative":2.21,"positive":4.26,"text_syllables":1098,"text_syllables_per_word":1.7568} {"title":"Republicans Push Bill To Legalize Voter Intimidation To Help Trump In Pennsylvania","text":"Pennsylvania Republicans are trying to jam a bill through the statehouse that would go into effect immediately to allow voter intimidation across the state on Election Day in support of Donald Trump.\n\nFirst proposed in June, House Bill 29 would give outsiders the ability to watch the polls in districts in which they do not reside and would give them the power to challenge voters, which would disrupt the voting process and cause delays that could prevent people from exercising their right to vote.\n\nIn other words, it would legalize voter intimidation.\n\nAs Brennan Center for Justice counsel Adam Gitlin told ProPublica earlier this month, poll watchers, especially those who decide they are going to challenge voters based on their race or religion, could throw a damaging wrench in the democratic process.\n\n“There’s actually a risk that, in a more disorganized way, people are going to be showing up to the polls, they won’t know the law, and they’ll be engaging in discriminatory challenges,” Gitlin said. “That can create the potential for a lot of disruption, longer lines because each voter takes longer to vote, and potentially discouraging and intimidating voters from coming to the polls.”\n\nAs we all know, conservatives who support Trump are racists who think their brand of Christianity should be the law of the land, so it is likely they will challenge every black and Latino voter they see as well as any voter they think is a Muslim.\n\nAnd that’s exactly what Republican nominee Donald Trump wants.\n\n“We’re going to watch Pennsylvania,” Trump declared during a rally in the state last month. “Go down to certain areas and watch and study and make sure other people don’t come in and vote five times. If you do that, we’re not going to lose. The only way we can lose, in my opinion – I really mean this, Pennsylvania – is if cheating goes on.”\n\nTrump even has a place on his website where his supporters can sign up to be poll watchers to “Stop Crooked Hillary From Rigging This Election!”\n\nIn response to Trump’s claim that the election will be rigged against him, Pennsylvania Republicans have tacked an amendment on the bill that would make it go into effect immediately if it is passed and signed by the governor. Originally, it was only going to go into effect 60 days after passage.\n\nWith the polls showing a close race heading into the first debate, Pennsylvania is even more important now. But voter intimidation could tip the scales significantly in Trump’s favor and effect races down the ticket. In short, Trump and the Republicans are trying to steal the election by making a form of cheating completely legal. And if it works in Pennsylvania you can bet that Republicans will make sure such tactics are legalized everywhere else.\n\nFeatured Image: Jeff Swensen/Getty Images","url":"http://www.addictinginfo.org/2016/09/22/republicans-push-bill-to-legalize-voter-intimidation-to-help-trump-in-pennsylvania/","authors":"Stephen D Foster Jr","type":"fake","title_words":12,"text_words":465,"title_char":82,"text_char":2801,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.0357,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.89,"anticipation":1.05,"disgust":0.21,"fear":2.52,"joy":0.84,"sadness":0.84,"surprise":1.05,"trust":2.94,"negative":2.73,"positive":3.56,"text_syllables":795,"text_syllables_per_word":1.70968} {"title":"More Milestone Moments for Donald Trump! – Eagle Rising","text":"Last week I wrote an article titled “Donald Trump’s Amazing Week” which must have been incredibly annoying to liberals and “Never Trumpers” everywhere. Guess what? This past week has been even better for the 2016 Republican nominee for president, the man whose candidacy was considered a vanity exercise a year and a half ago. Well no one is laughing anymore.\n\nThe latest round of polls shows that the support for the Trump presidency is growing rapidly. The latest Fox News Poll, which was taken from September 11-14, shows Donald Trump polling at 46%, a one-point lead over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton at 45%. The LA Times/USC poll taken from September 9-15 shows Trump at 47% with a six-point lead over Clinton at 41%. The gap between the two candidates is also narrowing in the key battleground states. The Suffolk University Poll which was taken from September 12-14 shows Trump at 42%, leading by 3 points with Clinton at 39%. The CNN/ORC poll, which was taken September 7-12 shows Trump with a 4-point lead over Clinton in Florida. Clinton still has about a 3-5 point lead over Trump in other key battleground states, including Pennsylvania and Michigan, but those gaps are getting narrower every day. Other states such as Nevada and New Hampshire which were initially perceived to be likely wins for Clinton have moved to the “toss up state” category.\n\nDonald Trump also continued his efforts to layout his policy framework with the introduction of another signature platform, his childcare plan at a speech in Aston PA, just outside of Philadelphia. Spearheaded by his daughter Ivanka Trump, Trump’s childcare policy offers something for everyone across the economic spectrum. The plan offers six weeks paid maternity leave to all mothers who do not receive this benefit through their employers. This benefit will be funded by closing gaps in our existing unemployment insurance program. Lower income families will also benefit from the plan’s offering of childcare rebates through the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) program up to $1,200 per year. Middle class families will benefit from being able to fully deduct all childcare expense on their tax returns. Families will also have the ability to establish Dependent Care Savings Accounts (DCSAs) to put money aside tax free for childcare. Low income families will receive a 50% match of the first $1000 deposited per year, generating up to an additional $500 per eligible family per year. DCSAs can be applied to pay for childcare, after school enrichment programs and school choice. Families can also use the funds in a DCSA to care for an elderly parent’s expenses including in home nursing and long-term care. Finally, Trump’s childcare plan provides a tax deduction for stay-at-home parents, effectively eliminating the tax punishment for a parent’s decision to leave the workforce to be a full time caregiver for child or an elderly parent.\n\nDonald Trump followed his childcare policy speech with another economics speech to the Economic Club of New York which includes some of New York’s most powerful movers and shakers in the world of business and finance. Trump’s excellent week continued with his visit to the Dr. Oz Show where he released a letter from his long term doctor revealing the results of his most recent medical visit and other relevant pieces of his medical history. Other than carrying an extra 15-20 pounds, Trump appears to be in excellent health. Of course, Trump’s unveiling his medical records on a television show comes on the heels of the recent concerns about Hillary Clinton’s health following her fainting at last week’s September 11 memorial event and the subsequent revelation that she was suffering from pneumonia. Again, only Donald Trump can turn the literal opening of an envelope into an event. Well, it is an event alright particularly if that envelope is opened on The Dr. Oz Show, a program which is reportedly watched by four million viewers daily with a large percentage of female viewers. During the one hour program, the discussion of Trump’s health was followed by the appearance of Ivanka Trump who was able to deliver yet another pitch about the newly announced childcare proposal to the aforementioned audience of women. So yes, somehow all this concern about Hillary Clinton’s health and capacity to serve as president has created multiple free publicity events for Donald Trump.\n\nTrump followed up the Dr. Oz interview with a visit to the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. During the visit, Trump permitted the late night comedian to do something “unpresidential”. That is to say, he told Fallon that he could “mess up his hair”. While most pundits would speculate that the moment was completely pre-planned, the fact that Trump said “yes” to the display speaks volumes. He demonstrated that he has the ability to laugh at himself and that he is not afraid to have a bad picture taken. Furthermore, The Tonight Show is popular with Democrats and millennials of all political persuasions. Once again, Trump had an opportunity to make a connection with millions of people who more than likely were not on the “Trump Train”. Oh and one more thing, by letting Jimmy Fallon touch his hair on national television, Trump has finally set to rest all rumors that his hair is not his. However small, it’s another check mark in the honesty and transparency box.\n\nNow if all of this was not enough, Donald Trump capped his week off with an opening event ceremony at his new hotel in the former post office site in Washington DC where he received endorsements from military flag officers and fourteen Medal of Honor recipients. Trump used the event to not only promote his hotel project as being completed “two years early and under budget”, a metaphor for how he would manage the US economy, he also seized the moment to put an end to the “birther issue”. Trump took the microphone and said “Not to mention her in the same breath,” (as the Medal of Honor recipients who had just endorsed him) “Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. I finished it,” he said. “President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.” Trump said.\n\nOnce again, political correctness be damned, Donald Trump has had another “amazing week.”\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/36829/more-milestone-moments-for-donald-trump/","authors":"View All Posts,Leonora Cravotta","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":1078,"title_char":55,"text_char":6500,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":9,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.83488,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":1.81818,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":0.55,"anticipation":1.56,"disgust":0.64,"fear":0.92,"joy":1.2,"sadness":0.74,"surprise":0.92,"trust":3.22,"negative":2.12,"positive":3.96,"text_syllables":1823,"text_syllables_per_word":1.69109} {"title":"Is Donald Trump qualified to be president?","text":"Off Message Is Donald Trump qualified to be president? In the most pivotal moment of 2016, these are the questions he must answer.\n\nH.L. Mencken declared there was only one way to look at a politician — “down.”\n\nLikewise, there’s really only one way to look at the first presidential debate on Monday: as the first serious job interview for potential President Donald John Trump — an opaque candidate who has hidden behind a steel curtain of one-liners, faux familiarity and universal celebrity.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nYeah, yeah, yeah, it’s a big night for Hillary Clinton too. She’s got a lot to prove, for real, namely that she’s not the lying, self-dealing crook many Americans think she is — or at least convince the 55 percent of voters who don’t like her that her virtues (temperament and experience) compensate for decades of assorted ick. She needs to prove she can stand up to Trump, answer the usual email/foundation questions, convince whoever’s still sellable on the idea (stop Instagramming a picture of your lunch, millennials, and listen up) that she’s not some scheming granny who will just sell everybody out the second John Roberts drops the swearing-in Bible.\n\nBut the spotlight belongs on Trump, who is in need of a rigorous job interview. Clinton deserves the same, but she is already the single most scrutinized, parsed, vetted, investigated, attacked and plaudited non-incumbent to ever seek the presidency. She’s been around forever, making enemies since the internet was dial-up, cell phones were the size of skateboards and Trump was engaged to Marla Maples.\n\nEveryone makes the orange jokes, but Trump is something of a black box — running on a few big and broad ideas (curbing illegal immigration, ditching bad trade deals, restoring American prosperity to the working class and obliterating political correctness). He’s bad with facts and the truth, and perhaps worse, takes perverse pride in being a D student who doesn’t read books, has the sketchiest sense of history, doesn’t read briefing materials, and, according to aides and ghostwriters, can’t even sit still long enough to be given a thorough verbal briefing.\n\nThese are not nasty, biased, liberal opinions. They are facts based on reporting and Trump’s own public performances. Here are five questions Trump needs to address on Monday — but taken together, they add up to one big one: Is Donald Trump qualified to be President of the United States?\n\n1. Does he actually know — or care to know — the basic information needed to competently run the country?\n\nOnly one verdict of presidential fitness counts, of course, and that’s a candidate’s capacity to get to 270 electoral votes. In recent days, Trump — who swooned after Clinton’s superb convention in Philly — has closed to within the margin of error in many (though not all) national polls, and jumped to serious leads in battlegrounds like Ohio and Iowa since Aug. 1. He’s still the most unpopular candidate in recent history (although Clinton is number two with a bullet) and seems to have a ceiling of between 40 and 44 percent nationally. But he can win. Fivethirtyeight.com, the arch-aggregator, gives Trump nearly a 50 percent chance of prevailing.\n\nHis resurgence proves three political points — two of them we knew, the third is a surprise to everyone except Trump and his team: The country (especially the white working-class parts) is pissed, Clinton is a perennially lousy candidate and — lastly, but not leastly — Trump has proven to be a resilient and flexible candidate with the capacity (developed late in the game) to shift shape and shut up when he needs to.\n\nThe first debate should be a pivot — from politicking to president-ing. Being a cunning candidate isn’t remotely the same thing as being ready to rule — and we should be moving to the Doris Kearns Goodwin phase of the campaign, where the top priority is fitness to govern in a time of trial. It probably won’t happen, but a boy can dream.\n\nThis is not to suggest that Trump can’t do the job (Ronald Reagan, another entertainer who forayed into politics, was mostly a success), but he’s been judged as a performer up to this point, and not subjected to the cold fluorescent scrutiny of managerial competence.\n\nTrump has repeatedly flubbed tests of his basic understanding of domestic and foreign affairs — apparently he wasn’t aware Russia had annexed Crimea until George Stephanopoulos informed him recently. He obliterated Jeb Bush, that humbled patsy of the GOP establishment, in the debates — but Bush (if anyone had cared to listen) punctured Trump’s bully-boy promise to impose tariffs on Chinese products, correctly pointing out that such a move would certainly spark countermeasures by Beijing that could lead to a global depression. Trump wasn’t aware of that fact, or just didn’t care.\n\nThe caring part is kind of important, if history is any guide. In April, I sat down with one of his longtime advisers, Roger Stone, who described what it was like to brief an executive whose prime attributes were supreme self-confidence and supreme impatience. “All you can do is present information and let him either assimilate it or not,” said Stone, who has known the GOP nominee for decades. “When you write something for him, keep it short and staccato. He's not going to read a 40-page white paper on the economy; zero chance of that. It's just too boring. Don't blame him; I don't like it either. So keep it simple and direct because that's the way he communicates.”\n\nStone argued that Trump isn’t an ignoramus — just a cut-to-the-chase decision-maker who is a lightning-quick study. But George W. Bush’s advisers, speaking to biographer Peter Baker, said that Bush’s unwillingness to ask probing, informed questions led to some of his disastrous decisions in Iraq. And during the nadir of the 2009 global economic meltdown, President Obama added a daily economic briefing to his daily national security rundown to keep tabs on the rapidly shifting metrics of crisis.\n\nTrump’s capacity to intuitively assimilate information might render such processes useless — but there’s not a single presidential historian drawing oxygen who believes a lack of intellectual curiosity is an asset for the job.\n\nMany Americans might not give a damn that he knows what HUD’s Section 8 program is — and his failure to answer informational questions that Clinton would parry with ease will endear him to his screw-the-media base. But don’t people have the right to know what he actually knows? Trump has gleefully trashed the rules of presidential campaigns, so why should a moderator treat him with the deference of someone who abides by the norms — by assuming he possesses the basic knowledge traditionally required of a presidential candidate?\n\n2. Does Trump understand and respect the basic principles and traditions of American Constitutional government?\n\nAgain, this is not a given. Hillary Clinton despises the press, and dodges them as if they were a pack of feral rats, but she has never suggested they be stopped from doing their jobs through the courts. Trump (who banned news outlets, including this one, from his events for most of the campaign) routinely threatens litigation against publications that publish unflattering articles and, in February, went so far as to say: “We're going to open up those libel laws. So when The New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace … we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they're totally protected.”\n\nThat’s a new one for a presidential nominee. As Corey Brettschneider wrote in POLITICO Magazine last month: “For more than 50 years, the Supreme Court has held that for a public figure to prove libel against a news outlet, they must show that the outlet acted with ‘actual malice’ — that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”\n\nDuring a private meeting with Hill Republicans earlier this year, the populist real estate developer expressed his fondness for “Article 12 of the Constitution.” The framers stopped at seven. “He was just listing out numbers,” said Congressman Blake Farenthold (R-Texas), a Trump backer at the time. “I think he was confusing Articles and Amendments.”\n\nOK, let’s write that one off as a gotcha — you can understand Constitutional principles without citing literal chapter and verse. But consider his reaction to the Paris bombings last November when Trump told FOX News he thought the government should shutter some mosques where “some bad things are happening.” The comment was decried by Constitutional scholars of all stripes as a radical measure that would violate the “Free Exercise” clause of the First Amendment, a pillar of protection for faiths of all kinds.\n\n3. Why won’t Trump forthrightly answer the most basic questions about his businesses and debts?\n\nHillary Clinton has, appropriately, has come under intense scrutiny for her six-figure speeches to big Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs — and has refused to release the transcripts of her prattles to the plutocrats. And serious questions remain about the lack of boundaries between the Clinton Foundation, the State Department, and big-money foreign donors who blurred the line between influence peddling and altruism.\n\nBut the Clintons have released all of their tax returns (in part because, for many years, they were required to do so as government employees) and Trump is the first major presidential candidate in the modern era to thumb his nose at handing over a single one.\n\nWhy does it matter? Because a guy whose purchase on the presidency is rooted in his private-sector acumen needs to back up his claims with proof, in the same way that Clinton needs to be held accountable for her purported record of accomplishment in the White House, Senate and State Department. At issue is Trump’s fundamental personal narrative, and his claim that he’s “very, very rich.” He is, but maybe not quite as much as he claims (he says he’s good for $11 billion; Forbes and other outlets say he’s worth less than half that much).\n\nMore serious is the issue of Trump’s debts: The Clinton campaign, citing press reports that he owes large sums to overseas creditors in China and elsewhere, has attacked him for being in the pocket of foreign financial overlords. If that’s a lie, there’s an easy way to prove it — by releasing the returns.\n\nThis isn’t a liberal media witch-hunt: Many Republicans, including supporters like House Speaker Paul Ryan, say he needs to cough them up, and fast.\n\n4. What’s the deal with his charitable foundation? Then there’s the matter of Trump’s sloppily run, and less-than-magnanimous foundation. In exposé after exposé, Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold has reported on a pattern of over-promising donations and the misuse of funds (including a quarter-million payment to cover legal fees for Trump’s businesses and sports memorabilia) that Trump himself has conceded might be illegal.\n\nThe problem, yet again, is that Trump has refused to release a comprehensive accounting of his giving, and his surrogates have routinely misstated the magnitude of his generosity, according to the reporting of Fahrenthold and others.\n\n5. Why lie? These days, the polygraph is used sparingly as part of the vetting process for employment, mostly for sensitive national security or law enforcement jobs. If presidential candidates were subjected to that level of scrutiny, the only person allowed on the debate stage at Hofstra would be the technician testing the sound system.\n\nBut if Trump is to be vetted for the presidency, he needs to be asked not only about individual statements he’s made in the past, but his pattern of lying, stretching the truth and bungling facts.\n\nHillary Clinton (“Crooked Hillary” in Trump’s parlance) it bears repeating, is no saint — far from it — and her early answers on the email scandal were misleading, bordering on the untruthful, and flat-out lies in the view of GOP congressional investigators.\n\nBut it’s a crowning irony of 2016 that the Republican Party, whose base revolted against its leadership for untruthfulness — especially George W. Bush’s claims about Iraq — would nominate the most brazenly truth-challenged candidate in recent history. (A recitation of Trump’s whoppers would take up too much space – read POLITICO’s comprehensive “Donald Trump’s Week of Misrepresentations, Exaggerations and Half-Truths” for a taste.)\n\nIn an attempt to defend Trump, buddy Newt Gingrich, who lobbied to be Trump’s running mate, tweeted what amounted to an indirect admission that his man has a trouble with all those pesky facts. “Clinton,” the former speaker wrote, “is a fox who knows many things you can fact check. Trump is a hedgehog who knows one big thing…”\n\nBut getting the facts right — and telling the truth — is a big thing. It’s the only way citizens will ever look up to, and not down on, their leaders.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2dkiM5e","authors":"Jack Shafer,Kyle Cheney,Daniel Strauss,Daniel Lippman,Eli Stokols,Glenn Thrush,Brent Griffiths","type":"real","title_words":7,"text_words":2112,"title_char":42,"text_char":12959,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":8,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.37879,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.27,"anticipation":1.51,"disgust":0.99,"fear":1.18,"joy":1.18,"sadness":1.09,"surprise":0.85,"trust":3.3,"negative":3.11,"positive":4.44,"text_syllables":3577,"text_syllables_per_word":1.69366} {"title":"Another Terrorist Attack in NYC…Why Are we STILL Being Politically Correct – Eagle Rising","text":"On Saturday, September 17 at 8:30 pm EST, an explosion rocked West 23 Street in Manhattan, in the neighborhood commonly referred to as Chelsea, injuring 29 people, smashing windows and initiating street closures. There were no fatalities. Officials maintain that a homemade bomb, which had been placed in a dumpster, created the explosion. The explosive device was removed by the police at 2:25 am and was sent to a lab in Quantico, Virginia for analysis. A second device, which has been described as a “pressure cooker” device similar to the device used for the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013, was found on West 27th Street between the Avenues of the Americas and Seventh Avenue. By Sunday morning, all 29 people had been released from the hospital. The Chelsea incident came on the heels of an incident Saturday morning in Seaside Heights, New Jersey where a bomb exploded in a trash can along a route where thousands of runners were present to run a 5K Marine Corps charity race. There were no casualties. By Sunday afternoon, law enforcement had learned that the NY and NJ explosives were traced to the same person.\n\nGiven that we are now living in a world where acts of terrorism are increasingly more prevalent, when a bomb goes off, our first thought usually goes to the possibility of terrorism. After all, in the last year alone, we have had several significant incidents with a massive number of casualties and injuries in Paris, San Bernardino California, Orlando Florida and Nice, to name a few. And of course, last week we remembered the 15th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks where close to 3,000 people were killed at the hands of terrorists. However, we also live in a world where political correctness is the order of the day and the fear of being labeled a racist supersedes our natural instincts towards self-preservation which, of course, includes identifying the evil-doers. Isn’t that how crimes are solved? Law enforcement tries to identify and locate the perpetrators of the crime or the “bad guys.” Unfortunately, our leadership – who ostensibly wants to protect us – finds their hands and their tongues tied. They are not allowed to be specific about their potential hypotheses for fear of offending anyone.\n\nNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio – who famously ended “stop-and-frisk” profiling in his city – was extremely cautious when making his first remarks following the Chelsea neighborhood explosion. “There is no specific and credible threat to New York City from any terror organization,” de Blasio said late Saturday at the news conference. “We believe at this point in this time this was an intentional act. I want to assure all New Yorkers that the NYPD and … agencies are at full alert”, he said. Isn’t “an intentional act” terrorism? We may not know whether it is from an international terrorist group such as ISIS, or a homegrown terrorist organization or a deranged individual or group of individuals. It is still terrorism. It is not an accident. James O’Neill, the New York City Police Commissioner had already ruled out the possibility that the explosion was caused by a natural gas leak at the time the Mayor made his comments. New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo was a little more direct than de Blasio saying that there was no evidence of international terrorism and that no specific groups had claimed responsibility. However, he did say that it is a question of how the word “terrorism” is defined. “A bomb exploding in New York is obviously an act of terrorism.” Cuomo hit the nail on the head, but why did need to clarify and caveat before making his “obvious” assessment?\n\nThe two candidates for president Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump also weighed in on the Chelsea explosion. Clinton was very generic in her response saying that “we need to do everything we can to support our first responders – also to pray for the victims” and that “we need to let this investigation unfold.” Trump was more direct. “I must tell you that just before I got off the plane a bomb went off in New York and nobody knows what’s going on,” he said. “But boy we are living in a time—we better get very tough folks. We better get very, very tough. It’s a terrible thing that’s going on in our world, in our country and we are going to get tough and smart and vigilant.”\n\nUnfortunately, an incident like the Chelsea explosion reminds us how vulnerable our country is particularly in venues defined as “soft targets.” Now more than ever, America needs strong leadership which is laser-focused on protecting her citizens from terrorist attacks of all genres and is not afraid of being politically incorrect.\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/36942/another-terrorist-attack-in-nyc-why-are-we-still-being-politically-correct/","authors":"View All Posts,Leonora Cravotta","type":"real","title_words":14,"text_words":812,"title_char":89,"text_char":4793,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":14.28571,"text_caps_percent":0.61576,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.69,"anticipation":1.45,"disgust":1.09,"fear":2.54,"joy":0.73,"sadness":1.45,"surprise":1.45,"trust":2.78,"negative":3.27,"positive":2.78,"text_syllables":1368,"text_syllables_per_word":1.68473} {"title":"Armed Intruders Break in House…Armed Resident Responds – Eagle Rising","text":"Friday morning around 4:00, three men – some of whom were armed – barged in through one of the doors of an Atlanta resident’s house. The resident’s co-worker was over for work-related reasons, and when she heard the commotion, she sprung into action, wielding a handgun.\n\nThe whole episode was caught on surveillance camera that was set up inside the house. The resident’s co-worker unloaded all the rounds from her gun into the intruders’ direction, sending all three of them out the door. One of the intruders even jumped through a glass door. Two intruders are still on the loose, and a third one died from his gunshot wounds in the driveway.\n\nAfter the gunfight, the homeowner can be seen calming down his housemate and taking the gun away.\n\nIn an interview with Channel 2, Gwinnett County Cpl. Dean Washington reacted to the incident: “She exercised her right to defend her livelihood and property.” He added: “It’s not common that we receive this caliber of surveillance video showing the crime unfold, an actual home invasion.”\n\nWashington hopes that the surveillance video will also lead to their being able to capture the two remaining suspects: “They’re not wearing anything on their faces so we’re highly anticipating someone watching the evening newscast will recognize these people.”\n\nSee the surveillance footage here:\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/36992/caught-on-video-armed-intruders-break-in-housearmed-resident-responds/","authors":"Philip Hodges,View All Posts","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":236,"title_char":69,"text_char":1479,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.44,"anticipation":0.81,"disgust":0,"fear":2.03,"joy":0.41,"sadness":0,"surprise":0.81,"trust":1.63,"negative":2.85,"positive":4.47,"text_syllables":414,"text_syllables_per_word":1.75424} {"title":"Megan Rapinoe Punished Over Not Standing For Anthem?","text":"U.S. women's soccer star Megan Rapinoe could face disciplinary action if she continues to kneel during the national anthem before games.\n\nDespite an official statement from U.S. Soccer stating that both coaches and players are expected to stand at attention during the national anthem, Rapinoe continued to kneel at the Sept. 18 game against the Netherlands, protesting what she believes to be injustice and oppression in the United States.\n\nRapinoe first began her protest in solidarity with San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who announced that he will not stand for the anthem as long as there is continued police brutality and racial prejudice in this country. His statements and actions have created a national movement, with athletes like Rapinoe following in his footsteps.\n\nPopular Video This young teenage singer was shocked when Keith Urban invited her on stage at his concert. A few moments later, he made her wildest dreams come true.\n\nHer actions in particular have angered U.S. Soccer, which released a statement saying that her protest goes against everything the organization stands for.\n\n\"As part of the privilege to represent your country, we have an expectation that our players and coaches will stand and honor our flag while the national anthem is played,\" the statement reads in part, according to ESPN.\n\nWhile she wasn't immediately punished for her protest, ESPN reports that the situation will be re-evaluated if Rapinoe continues to kneel throughout the rest of the season.\n\nDuring a home game against the Netherlands, Rapinoe was met with some backlash when she refused to stand for the anthem, with one fan yelling, \"Stand up!\"\n\nPopular Video This young teenage singer was shocked when Keith Urban invited her on stage at his concert. A few moments later, he made her wildest dreams come true:\n\nNonetheless, Rapinoe has no plans of quitting her protest and is willing to risk suspension in order to make a statement.\n\n\"As of now I plan to keep kneeling,\" she told ESPN. \"I'm trying to kind of formulate a better plan and an action step moving forward. But until then, this is how I can help, this is how I can use my voice going forward, and this is how I can be an ally in this space.\"","url":"http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/megan-rapinoe-be-punished-over-not-standing-anthem?fb=rwn","type":"real","title_words":8,"text_words":365,"title_char":52,"text_char":2229,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.82192,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.04486,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.61,"anticipation":2.95,"disgust":0.8,"fear":1.88,"joy":1.07,"sadness":1.07,"surprise":0.54,"trust":2.68,"negative":2.68,"positive":4.29,"text_syllables":619,"text_syllables_per_word":1.69589} {"title":"Californians Had Special Way to View the Eclipse… Now Hospitals Are Filling up","text":"Olympic Committee Buckles to LGBT Groups... Makes 2018 Games Completely Unfair There's been a major change to the 2018 Winter Olympics, courtesy of the International Olympic Committee... and it shows just how pervasive the LGBT agenda has become. Sadly, what they just did is going to make the games completely unfair. Read more…","url":"http://conservativebyte.com/2016/09/hillary-bad-mouths-christians/","type":"fake","title_words":13,"text_words":53,"title_char":78,"text_char":329,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":3.77358,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.52,"anticipation":0,"disgust":1.52,"fear":1.52,"joy":1.52,"sadness":3.03,"surprise":0,"trust":1.52,"negative":3.03,"positive":6.06,"text_syllables":91,"text_syllables_per_word":1.71698} {"title":"HILLARY ON DISABLED CHILDREN During Easter Egg Hunt: \"When are they going to get those f*g ree-tards out of here?\" * 100percentfedUp.com","text":"Dolly Kyle has written a scathing “tell all” book exposing the sickening hidden truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hillary’s war on just about anyone who is beneath her, or who would dare to get in the way of her ascent to the White House. When will the media do their job and report the truth about this horrible opportunist?\n\nDolly Kyle – who was just 11 when she first crossed paths with Bill, dated him through high school and began sleeping with him once they graduated – published the claims about the Clinton couple’s racial epithets and politics in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman, published by WND Books.\n\nShe writes of one occasion, when developmentally challenged children were having difficulty picking up the eggs at a traditional Easter egg hunt on the grounds of the governor’s mansion during Bill’s tenure in the Arkansas state house.\n\nReluctant hostess Hillary had enough.\n\n‘The frustrated Me-First Lady demanded, “When are they going to get those f*****g ree-tards out of here?”‘ Dolly writes.\n\nWhen Hillary arrived in Arkansas, Dolly writes, she looked down her nose at what she viewed as ‘ignorant hillbillies’.\n\nShe was raised in a middle-class suburb in Illinois and considered herself above the southerners – unless she was campaigning in New York state where she declared herself to be a lifelong Yankees fan.\n\nHillary didn’t belong in Arkansas but here she was’.\n\nIn the governor’s mansion for eight years, Bill and Hillary were both getting tired of the routine and frustrations of the small Southern state and Bill opted out of running for reelection in 1990.\n\nHe was marking his time until he could make a move for the White House. Via: Daily Mail","url":"http://100percentfedup.com/hillary-on-disabled-children-during-easter-egg-hunt-when-are-they-going-to-get-those-fg-ree-tards-out-of-here/","authors":"Fed Up","type":"fake","title_words":22,"text_words":277,"title_char":136,"text_char":1685,"title_caps":4,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":18.18182,"text_caps_percent":0.36101,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.01,"anticipation":1.67,"disgust":1.34,"fear":2.34,"joy":0.33,"sadness":1,"surprise":0,"trust":2.01,"negative":4.01,"positive":2.01,"text_syllables":457,"text_syllables_per_word":1.64982} {"title":"Joe Arpaio: Trump didn’t call Obama’s birth certificate ‘legitimate’","text":"“He didn’t say the document was legitimate,\" Joe Arpaio said of Donald Trump's recent announcement. | Getty Joe Arpaio: Trump didn’t call Obama’s birth certificate ‘legitimate’\n\nDonald Trump finally acknowledged President Barack Obama’s American birthplace last week, but one of his supporters, controversial Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, sees a silver lining for the \"birther\" movement: Trump didn't take a position on whether Obama’s birth certificate was forged.\n\n“If he says the president was born here, maybe he has information I don’t have,” Arpaio told POLITICO of the GOP nominee's statement. “He didn’t say the document was legitimate. He didn’t go that route.”\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nOf Trump’s statement on Obama’s birthplace, Arpaio added: “It didn’t bother me.”\n\nArpaio, a prominent Trump supporter known for his hard-line views on immigration, opened an investigation into the legitimacy of Obama’s birth certificate in August 2011, several months after the White House published it online, further demonstrating that he was, in fact, born in Hawaii.\n\nTrump rose to political prominence in part through insinuating, falsely, that Obama was not born in the United States — a claim the president’s supporters have long decried as racist. He backed down from it under pressure last week, in a short statement at an otherwise drawn-out press conference at his new luxury hotel in Washington. Trump also attempted to blame his opponent, Hillary Clinton, for starting the rumor, another claim independent fact checkers have debunked.\n\nBut while Trump has sought to sidestep the birther issue, Arpaio has refused to back down from his own claim that Obama’s birth certificate was forged. On Tuesday in Phoenix, Arpaio addressed the conservative group that requested he investigate the document, saying that “we are looking at a forged document. Period.”\n\nOn Wednesday, Arpaio told POLITICO the investigation into the document is ongoing. He declined to detail what evidence that effort has turned up, but he claimed that his office has found nothing “to say it’s a legitimate document.”\n\nArpaio also tried to separate himself from the birther movement, arguing that his investigation is focused on the document itself, rather than the president’s birthplace, and denied that his skepticism is motivated by racism.\n\nStill, he would not say that he believes Obama was born in the U.S.\n\n“I have no idea now where he was born,” Arpaio said. “You hear a lot of stories.”\n\nHe and Trump did not discuss the birth certificate issue before the nominee held the press conference last week, Arpaio said.\n\n“I didn’t know he was going to say it,” he said.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cLospd","authors":"Nick Gass,Madeline Conway,Jack Shafer","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":410,"title_char":68,"text_char":2658,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.73171,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.95,"anticipation":2.15,"disgust":0.72,"fear":0.72,"joy":1.67,"sadness":0.72,"surprise":0.72,"trust":3.1,"negative":2.39,"positive":4.06,"text_syllables":753,"text_syllables_per_word":1.83659} {"title":"HuffPo Just Dropped The Mic On Internet Polls Saying Trump Crushed Hillary In Last Night’s Debate","text":"The earliest actual poll to come out of last night’s debate was a CNN/ORC poll showing that 62 percent of respondents believed Hillary had won the debate. However, there are a ton of polls that were conducted online that say Trump won in a landslide. How can that be?\n\nHere’s The Huffington Post to answer that question:\n\nAre polls like this an accurate measure of how the electorate responded to Monday’s debate? — Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) September 27, 2016\n\nWhy is this obvious joke of a poll so damning for all the online polls claiming Trump destroyed Hillary? Because this shows how online polls are meaningless. CNN actually contacted people. Anybody and everybody can answer an online poll. The results generally skew heavily to one side or the other, depending on the outlet’s usual audience and which organizations/social media channels post poll links.\n\nThere’s also the fact that Trumpkins from both 4chan and Reddit were stuffing last night’s poll boxes, proving how easy it is to manipulate online polls.\n\nOf course, the Trumpkins aren’t happy with HuffPo at all for blowing those delusions out of the water:\n\n@HuffingtonPost someone’s upset that #Trumpwins — Jim (@Jimbags12) September 27, 2016\n\n@HuffingtonPost are middle schoolers doing reporting for you guys? — Timothy j. sims (@Timothyjsims2) September 27, 2016\n\nHope no one at Clemson got triggered for seeing this racist tweet. @HuffingtonPost pic.twitter.com/0KxxsNnMh5 — Michael Benson (@KeyMrB) September 27, 2016\n\n@HuffingtonPost Please vote Hillary or else Bill Clinton will do things to me ? pic.twitter.com/CsOON8nF3Y — Pneumonia WarMachine (@z3no_of_citium) September 27, 2016\n\nAnd, obviously, we can always count on Trump himself to only tout the polls that say he won, because anything that doesn’t show him as the winner, as the god he wants to be, is biased and unfair, and, well, who cares about those outlets anyway:\n\nI won every poll from last nights Presidential Debate – except for the little watched @CNN poll. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2016\n\nThe #1 trend on Twitter right now is #TrumpWon – thank you! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2016\n\nSuch a great honor. Final debate polls are in – and the MOVEMENT wins!#AmericaFirst #MAGA #ImWithYouhttps://t.co/3KWOl2ibaW pic.twitter.com/sfCEE3I5pF — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2016\n\nHe tweeted a story from the Daily Mail, too, that carries a headline saying, “Majority of snap polls show Trump won debate by a landslide despite CNN’s overwhelming victory for Hillary in biggest official survey.” They actually looks like they’re calling the results of the CNN poll into question with screencaps of every online poll in existence.\n\nSelf-selecting polls aside, the result is pretty damn clear. Hillary won.\n\nFeatured image by Drew Angerer/Getty Images","url":"http://addictinginfo.org/2016/09/27/huffpo-just-dropped-the-mic-on-internet-polls-saying-trump-crushed-hillary-in-last-nights-debate/","authors":"Rika Christensen","type":"real","title_words":16,"text_words":432,"title_char":97,"text_char":2859,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":8,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.85185,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":2,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.06995,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.56,"anticipation":2.46,"disgust":0.89,"fear":1.34,"joy":1.79,"sadness":1.56,"surprise":1.12,"trust":4.24,"negative":3.12,"positive":4.46,"text_syllables":741,"text_syllables_per_word":1.71528} {"title":"Obama’s team isn’t laughing at Trump anymore","text":"2016 Obama’s team isn’t laughing at Trump anymore The president’s aides worry the Republican represents more of America than a fringe.\n\nObamaworld laughed as it watched Donald Trump’s hostile takeover of the GOP. After eight years of Republican opposition, inconsistent policy demands and racialized hate against the first black president, President Barack Obama’s aides, past and present, thought Republicans had gotten what they deserved--and more, all but forfeiting the 2016 race to the woman they defeated eight years ago.\n\nThey’re not laughing anymore.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nGoing into Monday night’s debate, Obama’s team is feeling that same anxiety expressed by some top Hillary Clinton aides: maybe the country isn’t what they thought, maybe the resistance to Obamacare and gay marriage and the progress they’re so proud of is broader than the vocal fringe they’ve always dismissed. Maybe, the president’s aides – current and former – now concede, they’re going to have to live with the fact that Trump could end up in the Oval Office in part due to a backlash against Obama.\n\n“I’m trying to think of a series to compare it to, which was a series that started as a comedy and became a high stakes drama,” said Ben LaBolt, a former White House aide and press secretary for Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. “I feel like we’re maybe in the fifth season of ‘Breaking Bad’ here. We’re way beyond the laughs, and just sitting on the edge of our seats in terror.”\n\n“There's not a lot of mirth in the circles I run in about him,” said another former senior Obama campaign staffer.\n\nPrivately, Obama has expressed mixed feelings, according to people close to the president. He’s still nursing amusement at Republicans for being hapless enough to get railroaded by Trump, but it’s mixed with frustration that there are so many Americans he failed to reach. People who've spoken to him say the president wonders what he might have done differently to break through in a way that would make people who’ve benefited from his policies—like those enjoying added health benefits courtesy of Obamacare—support Democrats.\n\nFor Obamaworld staffers who had just been starting to settle into a new buoyancy about the president's climbing approval numbers, Trump’s growing strength is an agonizing reminder of how far short they have fallen in delivering on ‘hope.' Even if Clinton wins, the Republican has shown not only that America is divided between red and blue but that there’s an America that Obama never connected with at all, and where all his data and rational arguments and appeals to sensibilities are as useless as Monopoly money.\n\n“We are still the country that elected Barack Obama in 2008, and we are capable of that and more,” said Jim Papa, a former special assistant for legislative affairs in the White House. “But we’re also capable of making bad choices and being seduced by someone who plays to fears and anxieties and racial differences.”\n\nTrump’s already done things they never thought he could, like mainstreaming racist rhetoric and racking up so many small donors that they worry about the extent of his support. And that was even before he riled up Obama doubters again with his birther pirouette.\n\nAnd the result: Trump’s doing better in the polls at this late stage than Obama’s team imagined. With 43 days to go, Trump and Clinton are essentially tied, polls sitting within the margin of error, even in battleground states.\n\nThough only a few weeks ago, current and former Obama aides would joke about how the president’s great political legacy might be the Republican Party destroying itself in front of him. Now, on the record, they push back on the very suggestion that Obama’s legacy should be viewed in any frame that Trump also occupies.\n\n“I don’t think he thinks it’s his legacy, I don’t think any of us think it’s his legacy,” said Dan Pfeiffer, a former senior adviser to the president. “Trumpism is a lot of things in this country. President Obama is the face of that for some Republicans, but the Republican Party got themselves into this mess.”\n\nBut they worry about what even a Trump loss says about Obama’s America.\n\n“I think he will lose badly in this election, but I think the impact he’s had on our political process is incredibly damaging, and will be lasting,” said Tommy Vietor, a former national security spokesman who noted that his own amusement at Trump ended a year ago. “He’s made us look stupid. I think he is stupid.”\n\nFor any efforts Obama made in urging people to disagree without being disagreeable, as the president likes to say, “Trump has shattered that,” Vietor said. “He has brought back a brand of politics that is you punch your opponent as hard as you can, it doesn’t matter if it’s a low blow, it doesn’t matter if it’s not of substance. That’s a bad lesson for people to learn.”\n\nAccording to Earnest, Obama is serious about wanting a functional opposition and wishes that he’d had one to negotiate with on immigration reform, trade, infrastructure and other priorities. The sense of lost opportunity eats at them, as does the sense that it’s not going away, despite their confidence in Clinton’s chances.\n\n“I’m not saying we’d all be playing acoustic guitar in a circle on the National Mall, but I am saying we would have progress to show for our efforts,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest, who's been with the president since the first campaign.\n\nNot everyone’s inside Obamaworld is down. Some schadenfreude remains.\n\n“He's still exposed and ripped apart factions of the GOP, enhanced their brand as hostile to a rising electorates, and will leave them with no infrastructure,” said a more upbeat former Obama 2008 campaign spokesman Hari Sevugan.\n\nAnd Democrats’ sense of the vacuous GOP that Trump represents continues to resonate, particularly as they see the Republican nominee attack an economy that’s gone wrong with the support of many of the same people who opposed the policies that the president credits for the economic rebound that includes the longest period of sustained growth and taxpayers repaid with interest from the bailouts that caused so much trouble.\n\n“The eight-year legacy of the recovery from the Great Recession is clear evidence that the Tea Party movement,” said Earnest, “is intellectually bankrupt—or about something other than the economy.”\n\nBut that doesn't take care of their grief about the state of American politics.\n\n“I’d rather live in a world where the two parties really compete,” Papa said, “than have a political edge on the Republican Party but have to live in a world where white supremacists have a channel and are legitimized.”\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cW2vAD","authors":"Edward-isaac Dovere,Eli Stokols,Politico Staff,Jack Shafer","type":"real","title_words":7,"text_words":1088,"title_char":44,"text_char":6662,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.27574,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.83,"anticipation":1.64,"disgust":0.91,"fear":1.74,"joy":1.46,"sadness":2.1,"surprise":1,"trust":2.47,"negative":3.74,"positive":3.65,"text_syllables":1880,"text_syllables_per_word":1.72794} {"title":"2016 presidential race tightens in Florida","text":"Story highlights The campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both targeting Florida\n\nIt's living up to its reputation as a perennial swing state\n\n(CNN) Florida -- a perennial swing state -- is living up to its reputation ahead of the November election.\n\nA CNN/ORC poll last week found Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump almost evenly matched.\n\nThe survey among likely voters gave Trump 47% to Clinton's 44% -- with a 3.5% margin of error -- wiping out Clinton's bump following the Democratic convention in August. With 50 days until the election, Florida political experts say it's anyone's guess who will come out on top in the Sunshine State.\n\n\"So if I had to call it today, it would simply be, flip a coin,\" says USF Tampa political scientist Susan MacManus, a distinguished professor at the University of South Florida. \"We're to the point where anything is possible. This is just one of those kind of elections.\"\n\nAll eyes are on central Florida's I-4 corridor, historically responsible for swinging elections in either direction. The area stretching from Tampa to Daytona Beach is diverse in politics, age, racial make-up and social economics.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2ddxgjJ","authors":"John Couwels","type":"real","title_words":6,"text_words":187,"title_char":42,"text_char":1168,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":2.13904,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.04,"anticipation":1.55,"disgust":0.52,"fear":0.52,"joy":2.07,"sadness":1.04,"surprise":1.04,"trust":4.15,"negative":2.07,"positive":6.74,"text_syllables":328,"text_syllables_per_word":1.75401} {"title":"Obama in NYC: 'We all have a role to play' in terror fight after suspected bombings","text":"Story highlights Obams reaffirms US commitment to fighting ISIS\n\nObama praised the response from citizens in New York and New Jersey\n\nNew York (CNN) President Barack Obama worked to calm Americans' jitters Monday after a series of attempts at mass violence, suggesting that yielding to fear amounted to a win for terrorists.\n\nDuring two appearances in New York, Obama praised the swift work of law enforcement authorities looking into duel bomb attacks in New York and New Jersey over the weekend. And he urged Americans to follow the lead of residents here by not submitting to fear.\n\n\"I think it is important to remember what terrorists and violent extremists are trying to do. They are trying to hurt innocent people, but they also want to inspire fear in all of us, and disrupt the way we live to undermine our values,\" Obama said. \"We all have a role to play as citizens in making sure that we don't succumb to that fear. And there is no better example of that than the people of New York and New Jersey.\"\n\n\"Folks around here, you know, they don't get scared. They are tough, they are resilient, they go about their business every single day. And that kind of toughness and resoluteness and a recognition that neither individuals nor organizations like ISIL can ultimately undermine our way of life,\" Obama said. \"That's the kind of strength that makes me so proud to be an American.\"\n\nThe President was speaking Monday morning from a hotel in midtown Manhattan, where he's attending his final United Nations General Assembly meeting. Two miles south, in Chelsea, investigations were still piecing together evidence following a bomb explosion in a dumpster Saturday night, which injured dozens.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2cTtbDk","authors":"Kevin Liptak,Cnn White House Producer","type":"real","title_words":16,"text_words":282,"title_char":83,"text_char":1710,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":6.25,"text_caps_percent":1.41844,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":3.02,"anticipation":1.34,"disgust":0.34,"fear":3.69,"joy":1.34,"sadness":1.68,"surprise":1.01,"trust":4.36,"negative":4.36,"positive":5.7,"text_syllables":484,"text_syllables_per_word":1.71631} {"title":"Website is Down For Maintenance","text":"Website is Down For Maintenance","url":"http://www.proudcons.com/clinton-foundation-caught-in-their-most-disturbing-scheme-yet-countless-people-died/","type":"fake","title_words":5,"text_words":5,"title_char":31,"text_char":31,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0,"anticipation":0,"disgust":0,"fear":0,"joy":0,"sadness":0,"surprise":0,"trust":20,"negative":0,"positive":0,"text_syllables":10,"text_syllables_per_word":2} {"title":"Donna Brazile slams Trump for not apologizing for birther claims","text":"Donna Brazile said Trump’s hectoring of America’s first black president about his birth certificate recalled for her and many others the nation’s painful past. | AP Photo Donna Brazile slams Trump for not apologizing for birther claims\n\nDemocratic National Committee interim chairwoman Donna Brazile said Donald Trump’s refusal to apologize for spearheading the so-called “birther” movement that questioned the citizenship of Barack Obama is a “wound that won't heal.”\n\nRecalling her visit over the weekend the newly-opened National Museum of African-American History and Culture as well as her own family’s history, Brazile said Trump’s hectoring of America’s first black president about his birth certificate recalled for her and many others the nation’s painful past.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\n“Donald Trump should take just a walk through that museum and see what it means to have to produce papers. I mean, my ancestors could not get papers simply because they were brought here as slaves. And it took centuries before we could finally get papers,” she told CNN’s “New Day” Tuesday morning. “To bring this up over and over again, and to smear the first black president of the United States, Donald Trump should be ashamed of himself, and he should apologize. I get emotional. I got a birth certificate. My parents had a birth certificate. My grandparents did not. My great grandparents did not.”\n\nThe issue of Trump’s support for the birther movement was raised late in Monday night’s presidential debate by moderator Lester Holt, who asked Trump what he would say to Americans hurt by his championing of the issue. As he did at a press conference two weeks ago, Trump blamed Hillary Clinton and her associates for first raising the issue and took credit for bringing the matter to rest. To those who might have been offended, the Manhattan billionaire said “Well, I say nothing, because I was able to get him to produce [his birth certificate].”\n\nBrazile admitted that the apology she wants from Trump is “not forthcoming, so I know I'm speaking into the wild darkness of Donald Trump, but I think he should be ashamed of himself to bring that up and to say -- and this is what he said, ‘I'm the one who got him to produce the birth certificate.’ It's amazing.”\n\n“I think it's a shame we put the president of the United States through this. It's just awful. And every time we talk about it, it's the wound. It’s the wound that won't heal,” she said. “And this is what Donald Trump should understand, it's the wound that will never heal as long as people go out there and exploit what I call real racial pain and animus in this country.”\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cSX97k","authors":"Jack Shafer,Louis Nelson","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":442,"title_char":64,"text_char":2650,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.45249,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.55,"anticipation":1.11,"disgust":1.11,"fear":1.77,"joy":0.66,"sadness":2.65,"surprise":0.88,"trust":2.65,"negative":3.1,"positive":3.76,"text_syllables":727,"text_syllables_per_word":1.6448} {"title":"SURPRISE! 70% Of Charlotte RIOTERS Are Not From There – Guess What That Means… [VIDEO]","text":"SURPRISE! 70% Of Charlotte RIOTERS Are Not From There – Guess What That Means… [VIDEO]\n\nImagine that… at least 70% of the rioters in Charlotte, North Carolina were bused in. They had out of state IDs. Looks like it was well planned. I know here in Tulsa, hubby had to leave work early yesterday. We got word that Black Lives Matter was busing people into Tulsa as well. In our case, things stayed pretty peaceful fortunately. They weren’t so lucky in Charlotte. The head of the police union there came right out and said these were professional criminals that were brought in.\n\nThis is the way the communists have organized these protests from the beginning. Wait for something to happen that causes outrage. Use the black community as useful tools for your agenda. Bus in outside radicals and then get your violence on. The people that are behind all this want race riots and chaos in our streets. Charlotte was a wild success for them… Tulsa, not so much.\n\nFrom Louder with Crowder:\n\nWait, the bulk of the people rioting in North Carolina are coming from out of state? Shut up. Generally speaking when there’s a riot like this, it’s all from people who are from the community, care about their community, and know what they’re even rioting about in the first place. No, no, that’s not sarcasm. Shut up. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now Take it away CNN… “This is not Charlotte that’s out here. These are outside entities that are coming in and causing these problems. These are not protestors, these are criminals.” “We’ve got the instigators that are coming in from the outside. They were coming in on buses from out of state. If you go back and look at some of the arrests that were made last night. I can about say probably 70% of those had out-of-state IDs. They’re not coming from Charlotte.”\n\nI think the reason it did not work here in Tulsa is that the populace here is not nearly so sympathetic to Black Lives Matter. Also, the police officer who shot the black man has now been charged with Manslaughter. I still contend she had grounds to shoot the guy, but the charge probably diffused the situation somewhat. Charlotte has a large Black Lives Matter contingent and since there have been other events there, it was primed already for a riot. It’s not a conservative haven anymore and works well for their political agenda.\n\nThese people don’t care about the facts or that black people are dying. They are looking for an excuse to riot and create chaos. That’s their goal… it’s part of wanting to burn all of America down. It’s what communists do – they want their revolution and race wars and they want them now.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/black-lives-matter/surprise-70-charlotte-rioters-not-guess-means-video/","authors":"Terresa Monroe-hamilton","type":"fake","title_words":15,"text_words":519,"title_char":86,"text_char":2956,"title_caps":3,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":20,"text_caps_percent":0.77071,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":1.16279,"text_excl_percent":0.03383,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":1.87,"anticipation":1.69,"disgust":0.94,"fear":2.43,"joy":1.69,"sadness":2.43,"surprise":2.25,"trust":2.25,"negative":3.56,"positive":4.12,"text_syllables":809,"text_syllables_per_word":1.55877} {"title":"ABC News – Breaking News, Latest News, Headlines & Videos","text":"External links are provided for reference purposes. ABC News is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.\n\nCopyright © 2017 ABC News Internet Ventures. Yahoo! - ABC News Network","url":"http://abcn.ws/2cQBD2w","authors":"Abc News","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":30,"title_char":57,"text_char":195,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":10,"text_caps_percent":10,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.51282,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0,"anticipation":2.5,"disgust":0,"fear":0,"joy":2.5,"sadness":0,"surprise":0,"trust":5,"negative":0,"positive":5,"text_syllables":55,"text_syllables_per_word":1.83333} {"title":"One Critically Wounded As Charlotte Police Endure Second Night Of RIOTS… [VIDEO]","text":"One Critically Wounded As Charlotte Police Endure Second Night Of RIOTS… [VIDEO]\n\nIn a second night of violent protests in Charlotte, North Carolina after a black police officer shot and killed an armed, black suspect, Keith Lamont Scott, things are spiraling out of control and the governor has declared an emergency there. One protester is clinging to life by a thread after being critically wounded by a protester who shot into the crowd randomly. He was hit in the head and is on life support.\n\nThree other protesters and four officers were wounded in the chaos. I even heard that protesters tried to throw a reporter into a fire. I also saw white people in their cars with guns for protection. I can’t say that I blame them. The NASCAR Hall of Fame and many other businesses were hit by vandals during all of this. The National Guard has now arrived to help fight the increasing violence in Charlotte.\n\nFrom the Daily Mail:\n\nNational Guard troops have arrived in Charlotte after a protest turned violent on Wednesday night. A state of emergency has been declared in response to the chaos that has taken over the North Carolina city, two days after a father-of-seven was shot dead by a police officer. One of the demonstrators was shot in the head outside the Omni Hotel and is fighting for his life. At least three other protesters and four police officers were also taken to hospital after they were injured in the riot. A cameraman and reporter for WCNC-TV were also attacked while a CNN correspondent was body-slammed during a live broadcast. It was the second night of unrest following the deadly shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by black cop, Brentley Vinson, on Tuesday afternoon. Police insist he was armed, but family members maintain he was only reading a book when he was gunned down next to his car. Many businesses and buildings, including the NASCAR Hall of Fame, were hit by vandals and looters. Major companies with offices in the downtown area – including Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Duke Energy – all told employees to stay away from the area Thursday. Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts is considering putting a curfew in place in a bid to control the disorder.\n\nA number of black people defended the police officers, but there were far more that wanted to get their violence on there. A cameraman and reporter for WCNC-TV was attacked, while a CNN correspondent was body-slammed during a live broadcast.\n\nOn Thursday morning, hotel and restaurant employees and security guards started cleaning up dozens of broken windows after protesters smashed buildings and painted the slogan ‘Black Lives Matter’ on walls. Demonstrators were also seen breaking into a convenience store and a shop that sells merchandise for the NBA franchise, the Charlotte Hornets. Others set fire to trash cans. Some protesters expressed anger at the lawlessness exhibited by fellow demonstrators. One woman was heard shouting, “Stop – that’s not what this is about,” as young men broke bottles in the street.\n\nAfter a black man shot another protester, demonstrators began throwing bottles, dirt clods and fireworks at the officers. The police fired flash grenades and then tear gas back, dispersing the crowd of several hundred. Protesters responded by hurling trash cans and potted plants.\n\nA riot is an uncontrollable beast… once you unleash it, it takes on a life of its own and the message is usually lost in the violence and chaos that ensues. I fear this is another step in a race war and all out chaos in our streets. Russia must be smiling.\n\nWatch the latest video at video.foxnews.com","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/black-lives-matter/one-critically-wounded-as-charlotte-police-endure-second-night-of-riots-video/","authors":"Terresa Monroe-hamilton","type":"real","title_words":12,"text_words":601,"title_char":80,"text_char":3592,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":11,"title_caps_percent":16.66667,"text_caps_percent":1.83028,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.94,"anticipation":1.14,"disgust":0.82,"fear":4.4,"joy":0.49,"sadness":2.12,"surprise":0.98,"trust":2.12,"negative":4.73,"positive":3.59,"text_syllables":1007,"text_syllables_per_word":1.67554} {"title":"NC State Troopers Take A Knee Before Protecting Charlotte – But It Wasn’t To Protest The National Anthem…","text":"NC State Troopers Take A Knee Before Protecting Charlotte – But It Wasn’t To Protest The National Anthem…\n\nAs idiots like Colin Kaepernick took a knee to protest prejudice against blacks by police officers, cops in Charlotte, NC took a knee to pray before going to confront protesters. That says a lot and shows a huge difference. One is self-centered and obsessed over perceived slights, the other focuses on faith and God. A picture was taken by the North Carolina Troopers Association of these officers praying. It went viral almost immediately and with good reason. This is who we are.\n\nRadicals were bused into Charlotte to create havoc and violent chaos. They were also bused into Tulsa yesterday. We were fortunate here in that prayer prevailed and the protests were mostly peaceful. Charlotte was not so fortunate. I saw good people stand between the protesters and police trying to stop the radicals. I saw them kneel in the street praying that it would stop. Faith in God is colorblind… racism and violence are not of God.\n\nFrom the Independent Review Journal:\n\nBut after an officer-involved shooting in Charlotte left 43-year-old Keith Lamont Scottdead, another photo of people “taking a knee” began to circulate on social media. These people weren’t on their knees in protest, however. They were on their knees in prayer. The photo, originally posted by the North Carolina Troopers Association, was shared nearly 100,000 times in less than 24 hours and included the following caption: × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now “North Carolina State Troopers having a word of fellowship and prayer before being deployed on the streets of Charlotte. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they work to protect us and help the city rebuild.” And the troopers weren’t alone. There were a number of people who took a knee in the streets, filling the gap between protesters and police:\n\nPeople in Memphis knelt and bowed their heads as well. There were prayers said across the country and you know what? Race didn’t matter. There are a few people making this ugly and rioting in the streets. They are for the most part useful idiots egged on and controlled by Marxists whether they know it or not.\n\nI was heartened to see the Rapid Response Team from Billy Graham’s ministry there… they are good people of faith and are greatly needed in Charlotte right now. We need to turn away from this hate and division and turn towards God. He is the only one who will lead us out of this. I’m so very proud of these police officers… they have their priorities straight. Black Lives Matter is not a good group… they prefer violence and hatred, as opposed to prayer and faith.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/black-lives-matter/nc-state-troopers-take-knee-protecting-charlotte-wasnt-protest-national-anthem/","authors":"Terresa Monroe-hamilton","type":"real","title_words":18,"text_words":511,"title_char":105,"text_char":3002,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":5.55556,"text_caps_percent":0.39139,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.89,"anticipation":1.51,"disgust":0.95,"fear":2.08,"joy":1.7,"sadness":1.13,"surprise":1.13,"trust":3.21,"negative":2.84,"positive":4.54,"text_syllables":811,"text_syllables_per_word":1.58708} {"title":"Insiders: The heat is on Hillary","text":"The pressure is on Hillary Clinton.\n\nInsiders in both parties agree: Clinton, having lost most of her lead over the past few weeks and bringing more experience to the stage, faces higher expectations than Donald Trump when the two square off for the first debate on Long Island.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nThat’s according to The POLITICO Caucus — a panel of activists, strategists and operatives in 11 key battleground states. Roughly equal percentages of Democrats (69 percent) and Republicans (74 percent) said Clinton is under more pressure to perform than Trump. But Democrats mostly lamented the low expectations for Trump, a relative political neophyte who has exhibited little command of the issues.\n\n“She shouldn't be [under more pressure], but so long as he avoids standing on stage and vomiting on himself, the press will give Trump a glowing review,” said a Nevada Democrat — who, like all respondents, completed the survey anonymously. “Hillary will need a strong performance to demonstrate that she passes and Trump fails the commander-in-chief test.”\n\n“The media and Trump himself have set the bar too low for Trump,” a New Hampshire Democrat added. “Presidents don't get graded on a curve, and candidates in debates shouldn't be either.”\n\nOne Ohio Democrat detected a double standard for the first female major-party nominee.\n\n“Hillary Clinton has spent a public lifetime of being held to a strikingly different standard, and this debate will be no exception,” said the Ohio Democrat. “She will have to answer every single question flawlessly, exude gravitas, look presidential, channel Bill's and Barack's oratorical mastery, not raise her voice, not cough, wear an acceptable pantsuit, smile enough, be likable, not laugh and have a good hair day. Donald Trump will just have to show up.”\n\nRepublicans also said Clinton was under greater scrutiny on Monday night, but for different reasons: tightening polls that show Trump eclipsing Clinton in some battleground states.\n\n“Somehow she needs to reverse the trend,” said an Ohio Republican. “Never seen anyone do it before. This will be her chance — and maybe her last chance.”\n\n“She has to stop [Trump’s] momentum with a strong debate performance, and she has to be able to stand on the stage for 90 minutes and look healthy for 90 minutes or the whole issue of her health comes back with a vengeance,” added a Virginia Republican. “All [Trump] has to do is not say anything racist or sexist and look like he could be president.”\n\nAmong those insiders who said Trump was under more pressure — 31 percent of Democrats and 26 percent of Republicans — most pointed to the GOP nominee’s volatile personality.\n\n“Hillary Clinton is expected to do well. She is a policy wonk,” said a Michigan Republican. “The pressure is on Donald Trump not to lose his cool. He has been doing very well in his public appearances, but that is with the assistance of a TelePrompTer. He will have no such help at the debate, and if I were coaching Hillary Clinton, I would be encouraging her to get him as riled up as possible. To win the debate, all Trump really needs to do is meet expectations, keep his cool, and look presidential.”\n\n“The question we are all waiting to have answered is: Can he be serious?” added a Michigan Democrat. “Can he answer questions directly? How will he react (or overreact) when he is directly challenged? Can he control his temper?”\n\nTwo other takeaways from the pre-debate survey:\n\nMost insiders expect Clinton to “win” the debate.\n\nMajorities in both parties peg Clinton as most likely to be the victor on Monday night: 76 percent of Democrats and 59 percent of Republicans.\n\n“Media look at who best answered questions, and that will likely be Hillary,” said an Iowa Republican.\n\n“[Clinton’s] mastery of issues and policies and no-nonsense delivery will prevail over bluster, name-calling and promises that can never be kept,” added a New Hampshire Democrat.\n\nBut not all Democrats were so optimistic about Clinton — or the media through which voters will interpret the debate.\n\n“The press wants Trump to win,” said a Florida Democrat. “Their disdain for her, plus desire to keep the race alive, means unless he really screws up, they'll give him the win on the most absurd grade curve ever.”\n\nSome Republicans also claimed media bias — in the other direction.\n\n“The media has never been more in the tank for a candidate in modern history: CNN, NBC, ABC and POLITICO will all say she won,” a Virginia Republican said. “But then again everyone also 'knew' that Carter beat Reagan in their debate as well.”\n\nInsiders think the debate will matter.\n\nAsked whether they expect the debate to have a significant impact on the race, most insiders in both parties think it will generate momentum for one of the candidates.\n\nAmong Democratic insiders, 66 percent believe Clinton will benefit from the debate, 11 percent think Trump will get a bounce and 23 percent don’t expect the debate to move the needle.\n\n“Trump will flounder, ramble and lie (because he always does),” a Michigan Democrat predicted. “The moderators will challenge him, and he'll get mad. He'll complain afterwards that they picked on him and favored Hillary. First impressions are hard to shake off, and this won't go well for him.”\n\nThe numbers were flipped for Republicans, with slightly less enthusiasm for the GOP standard-bearer: 52 percent think the debate will help Trump, 26 percent think it will help Clinton and 22 percent said it wouldn’t have a significant impact.\n\n“Trump has the most to gain by appearing presidential and even-tempered,” said a New Hampshire Republican. “He does that successfully, and he cuts into Hillary's greatest strength.”\n\nBut some Republicans said Clinton could stunt Trump’s momentum with a strong performance Monday night.\n\n“If she pins his ears back, [it helps her],” said an Iowa Republican. “If it's a draw, it's a net negative for her. She has to have something to stop his momentum. She's got to hit him with a brick.”\n\nOther insiders, however, doubted whether the debate would have a significant, permanent effect on the race.\n\n“We're past the era of the big debate swings: the bloodless Dukakis death penalty answer, the Reagan age quip, the Bentsen 'you're no John Kennedy' moments,” an Iowa Republican said. “Swing voters are like the California Condor, a critically endangered species disappearing at an alarming rate. Opinion media, partisan polarization, and two highly unpopular candidates make this a battle over a very small group of voters in about a dozen states, and whatever bounce comes out of this debate will dissipate as quickly as it appears.”\n\nAdded a Florida Democrat: “Does a damn thing matter this year? I think not.”\n\nThese are the members of The POLITICO Caucus, not all of whom participated in this special survey:\n\nColorado: Ryan Call, Laura Carno, Matt Chandler, Will Coyne, Adam Eichberg, Mark Ferrandino, Cole Finegan, Michael Fortney, Andrew Freedman, Ted Harvey, Craig Hughes, Owen Loftus, Pete Maysmith, Frank McNulty, Karen Middleton, Christopher Murray, BJ Nikkel, Josh Penry, Rick Ridder, Alan Salazar, Janice Sinden, Pat Steadman, Pat Waak, Steve Welchert, Taylor West, Roxane White, Rob Witwer\n\nFlorida: Fernand Amandi, Scott Arceneaux, JP Austin, Tim Baker, Dennis K. Baxley, Slater Bayliss, Dave Beattie, Wayne Bertsch, Ron Book, Pamela Burch Fort, Jose Calderon, Kevin Cate, Kelly Cohen, Gus Corbella, Brian Crowley, Elizabeth Cuevas-Neunder, Justin Day, Judith Diaz, Nelson Diaz, John Dowless, Ryan Duffy, Jessica Ehrlich, Joe Falk, Alia Faraj-Johnson, Mark Ferrulo, Damien Filer, Marty Fiorentino, Rich Heffley, Nick Iarossi, David Johnson, Eric Johnson, Marian Johnson, Eric Jotkoff, Chris Korge, Jackie Lee, Susan MacManus, Beth Matuga, Fred Menachem, Jon Mills, Joe Mobley, Ben Pollara, Andrea Reilly, Steve Schale, April Schiff, Max Steele, Roger Stone, Richard Swann, Kevin Sweeny, Christian Ulvert, Steve Vancore, Ashley Walker, Andrew Weinstein, Andrew Wiggins, Ryan Wiggins, Rick Wilson\n\nIowa: Tim Albrecht, Brad Anderson, Rob Barron, Jeff Boeyink, Bonnie Campbell, Dave Caris, Sam Clovis, Jerry Crawford, Sara Craig, John Davis, Steve Deace, John Deeth, Derek Eadon, Ed Failor Jr., Karen Fesler, David Fischer, Ben Foecke, Doug Gross, Steve Grubbs, Tim Hagle, Bob Haus, Joe Henry, Drew Ivers, Jill June, Lori Jungling, Jeff Kaufmann, Brian Kennedy, Jake Ketzner, David Kochel, Chris Larimer, Chuck Larson, Jill Latham, Jeff Link, Dave Loebsack, Mark Lucas, Liz Mathis, Jan Michelson, Chad Olsen, David Oman, Matt Paul, Marlys Popma, Troy Price, Christopher Rants, Kim Reem, Craig Robinson, Sam Roecker, David Roederer, Nick Ryan, Tamara Scott, Joni Scotter, Karen Slifka, John Smith, AJ Spiker, Norm Sterzenbach, John Stineman, Matt Strawn, Charlie Szold, Phil Valenziano, Jessica Vanden Berg, Nate Willems, Eric Woolson, Grant Young\n\nMichigan: Jill Alper, Saul Anuzis, Andrea Bitely, Lori Carpentier, Howard Edelson, Jordan Gehrke, Steve Hood, Darwin Jiles Jr., Joe Lehman, Dennis Lennox, Katie Packer, Ronna Romney McDaniel, John Truscott, Stephanie White, John Yob\n\nNevada: Mac Abrams, Greg Bailor, Barbara Buckley, Yvanna Cancela, Bob Cavazos, Linda Cavazos, Jim DeGraffenreid, Andrew Diss, Peter Ernaut, Ryan Erwin, Chip Evans, Jay Gerstema, Oscar Goodman, Ryan Hamilton, Dan Hart, Pat Hickey, Zach Hudson, Jeremy Hughes, Megan Jones, Lindsey Jydstrup, Adam Khan, Peter Koltak, Roberta Lange, Sam Liberman, Laura Martin, Michael McDonald, Chuck Muth, Erven Nelson, Kristen Orthman, Neal Patel, Nick Phillips, Jon Ralston, Andres Ramires, Emmy Ruiz, Scott Scheid, Mike Slanker, James Smack, Paul Smith, Jack St. Martin, Mari St. Martin, Daniel Stewart, Brendan Summers, Riley Sutton, Robert Uithoven, Michelle White, Ed Williams, Heidi Wixom\n\nNew Hampshire: Charlie Arlinghaus, Arnie Arnesen, Patrick Arnold, Rich Ashooh, Dean Barker, Juliana Bergeron, D.J. Bettencourt, Michael Biundo, Ray Buckley, Peter Burling, Jamie Burnett, Debby Butler, Dave Carney, Jackie Cilley, Catherine Corkery, Corriveau, Fergus Cullen, Lou D’Allesandro, James Demers, Mike Dennehy, Sean Downey, Steve Duprey, JoAnn Fenton, Jennifer Frizzell, Martha Fuller Clark, Amanda Grady Sexton, Jack Heath, Gary Hirshberg, Jennifer Horn, Peter Kavanaugh, Joe Keefe, Rich Killion, Harrell Kirstein, Sylvia Larsen, Joel Maiola, Kate Malloy Corriveau, Maureen Manning, Steve Marchand, Tory Mazzola, Jim Merrill, Jayne Millerick, Claira Monier, Greg Moore, Matt Mowers, Terie Norelli, Chris Pappas, Liz Purdy, Tom Rath, Colin Reed, Jim Rubens, Andy Sanborn, Dante Scala, William Shaheen, Stefany Shaheen, Carol Shea-Porter, Terry Shumaker, Andy Smith, Craig Stevens, Kathy Sullivan, Chris Sununu, James Sununu, Jay Surdukowski, Donna Sytek, Kari Thurman, Colin Van Ostern, Deb Vanderbeek, Mike Vlacich, Ryan Williams\n\nNorth Carolina: Don Davis, Francis X. De Luca, Anita Earls, Jonathan Felts, Tami L. Fitzgerald, Dylan Frick, Taylor Griffin, Robin Hayes, Morgan Jackson, Patsy Keever, Theresa Kostrzewa, Michael Luethy, Ray Martin, Thomas Mills, Melissa L. Reed, Chris Sgro, Paul Shumaker, Dee Stewart, Brad Thompson, Bruce Thompson, Charlie Wallin, Doug Wilson\n\nOhio: Jerry Austin, Greg Beswick, Matt Borges, Erica Bruton, Tim Burke, Janet Carson, Jai Chabria, Martha Clark, Bob Clegg, Damareo Cooper, Jo Ann Davidson, Michael Dawson, Bill DeMora, Cindy Demse, Kathy Dicristofaro, Katie Eagan, Michael Gonidakis, Wes Goodman, Joe Hallett, Ian James, Melissa Klide Hedden, David Leland, Nick Martin, Rhine McLin, David Pepper, Molly Shack, Mark R. Weaver\n\nPennsylvania: Chris Borick, Larry Ceisler, Valentino DiGiorgio, Jason Ercole, Dan Fee, Charlie Gerow, Marcel Groen, Leslie Gromis Baker, Mark Harris, Nan McLaughlin, Aubrey Montgomery, Christopher Nicholas, Nachama Soloveichik, David Sosar, Todd Stephens, Doc Sweitzer, David Thornburgh, Ray Zaborney\n\nVirginia: Ray Allen, Sandra Brandt, Marc K. Broklawski, Patsy Brown, Janet Carver, John Cosgrove, Brian Coy, Doris Crouse-Mays, Tom Davis, Julie Dime, Abbi Easter, Mike Farris, John Findlay, Joe Fitzgerald, Sean Harrison, Margo Horner, Robert Hurt, Gaylene Kanoyton, Chris LaCivita, Sue Langley, Frank Leone, Robert G. Marshall, Tucker Martin, Ed Matricardi, Susan J. Rowland, Peter Snyder, Susan Swecker, Jo Thoburn\n\nWisconsin: Meg Andrietsch, Mary Arnold, Kevin Barthel, Mike Basford, Rebecca Bonesteel, Barry Burden, Terri Burl, Jim Camery, Patrick Guarasci, Robert Hansen, Gary Hawley, Marian Krumberger, Emily Nehring, Jason Rae, Brandon Scholz, John Zapfel\n\nKristen Hayford contributed to this report.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cP9WaV","authors":"Steven Shepard","type":"real","title_words":6,"text_words":1901,"title_char":32,"text_char":12581,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":11,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.57864,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.21,"anticipation":0.79,"disgust":0.73,"fear":0.79,"joy":0.73,"sadness":0.79,"surprise":0.58,"trust":1.05,"negative":2.15,"positive":2.31,"text_syllables":3401,"text_syllables_per_word":1.78906} {"title":"Chelsea Handler Gets The Last Word After RNC Chair Attacks Hillary For Not Smiling (VIDEO)","text":"There may be a few women out there who enjoy a man telling them to be more joyous in their presence, but as for the rest of us, there’s nothing a woman hates more than being told to smile.\n\nDo men smile all the time? No. Because if they did, we’d think they were crazy and up to something. Same goes for women.\n\nNot every situation calls for a smile at all times. Especially when discussing foreign policy and our military. So, when RNC Chair Reince Priebus thought it appropriate to criticize Hillary Clinton for not smiling enough during the NBC forum hosted by Matt Lauer, it didn’t exactly go over well.\n\nOne person who definitely had a lot to say about Priebus and his request of a smile from Hillary was none other than Chelsea Handler on her hit Netflix show Chelsea.\n\nChelsea began by asking Priebus:\n\n“Who the f*ck are you to tell someone to smile?”\n\nAdding:\n\n“This is just another example of how men feel the can belittle every woman in the world and order up a smile.”\n\nChelsea then said:\n\n“Stop telling women to smile. We don’t like that. It’s not an icebreaker, it’s a deal breaker.”\n\nGoing for Priebus’ jugular, Chelsea absolutely destroys him and his ridiculously corny smile, then says:\n\n“You know when women will smile? When Hillary kicks that pneumonia and trounces Trump in November.”\n\nAnd that’s exactly right.\n\nWatch the full video here:\n\nFeatured image via video screen capture","url":"http://www.addictinginfo.org/2016/09/19/chelsea-handler-gets-the-last-word-after-rnc-chair-attacks-hillary-for-not-smiling-video/","type":"real","title_words":15,"text_words":233,"title_char":90,"text_char":1399,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":13.33333,"text_caps_percent":0.85837,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.61,"anticipation":2.42,"disgust":0.81,"fear":2.42,"joy":2.42,"sadness":1.21,"surprise":1.21,"trust":3.23,"negative":3.23,"positive":4.44,"text_syllables":386,"text_syllables_per_word":1.65665} {"title":"KISS Bassist Gene Simmons on How to Stop Islamic Terrorism","text":"“[Ahmad Khan Rahami] should go to jail and be somebody’s girlfriend.” — Rock Legend Gene Simmons commenting on recent NY/NJ bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami\n\nHall of Fame rock legend Gene Simmons made a name for himself playing the bass guitar and singing for the pop-rock band KISS. In more recent years he’s been a reality TV star, a cultural icon, and an outspoken defender of the free market system and personal liberty. The combination of these things has made Simmons marketing gold among more conservative NASCAR loving, flag waving Americans. The folks at TMZ recently ran into Simmons in the airport security line and asked him for his thoughts on the recent bombings.\n\nSimmons told TMZ that he thought the Muslim terrorist bomber, Rahami, “should go to jail and be somebody’s girlfriend.” Ouch. TMZ then asked Simmons how he would solve the problem of Islamic terrorism in America, to which Simmons replied, rather politically incorrectly, that we needed to do more profiling.\n\n“Nobody says the word ‘profile.’ Everyone needs to get smart. I’m ok with profiling. I want you to stop me first. I want you to stop me because I look a certain way. And if I’m clear, then profile someone else. It’s emergency powers during war. There’s a war going on.”\n\nBut what about the people who were being “unfairly” profiled, TMZ wondered. Simmons held nothing back in his perfect response. “It is unfair. That’s why the words ‘too bad’ exists.”\n\nBOOM.\n\nThank you for being awesome, Mr. Simmons. Maybe when Donald Trump gets elected President he’ll consider making Gene Simmons the director of Homeland Security? Ooh, and then KISS could play at all of the White House State functions! Hey, I can dream, can’t I?\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/37013/kiss-bassist-gene-simmons-on-how-to-stop-islamic-terrorism-profile-video/","authors":"Onan Coca,View All Posts","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":304,"title_char":58,"text_char":1846,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":11,"title_caps_percent":10,"text_caps_percent":3.61842,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.05417,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.91,"anticipation":2.55,"disgust":1.59,"fear":3.18,"joy":2.23,"sadness":2.87,"surprise":2.23,"trust":4.14,"negative":3.5,"positive":4.78,"text_syllables":505,"text_syllables_per_word":1.66118} {"title":"Tebow DISMANTLES national anthem protests in one sentence...BOOM! ⋆ Freedom Daily","text":"20.1k SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nWhat do Tim Tebow and Colin Kaepernick have in common? Neither is a starting quarterback in the NFL.\n\nThe other difference is that Tim Tebow is a man of high class and well respected. The other is an idiot.\n\nTim Tebow was very short on words when a reporter asked him about Colin Kaepernick’s protest towards the National Anthem and not honoring a country who oppresses black people.\n\nTebow is known for his religious antics, “Tebowing” celebration, and not being able to make it on another NFL team.\n\nHis comments about Kaepernick were as follows…\n\n“When people have belief in something,” said Tebow, “or conviction in something, trying to stand for that is a good thing, and it’s all about standing for it the right way.’\n\nKeyword is “STANDING” which Kaepernick should do considering he earns millions for not being a starter on the 49ers. He’s a high paid bench player and he’s being disrespectful to the fans and Americans.\n\nIf he wants to protest, that’s cool, but he should do it on his own time. He can do it on Twitter, Facebook, outside of a McDonald’s next to people asking for $15 an hour. He can go on tour and to a Black Lives Matter riot. He can do a lot of things to gain attention for his silly little protest.\n\nAnd let’s not forget that NO ONE in this country is oppressed.\n\nClaiming you’re oppressed is really you admitting you’re lazy and don’t want to work for anything.\n\nHow did Obama become President? Was he oppressed? We have a black President. The guy clearly worked to get where he is, so he wasn’t oppressed.\n\nName one person who IS oppressed and I guarantee I can tell you why they are not.\n\nI can tell you what they can do to better themselves.\n\nI can tell you why oppression is nothing but a lazy excuse for not filling out a job application and doing something with your life.\n\nIf anyone is oppressed, its anyone who lose jobs to that scam called Affirmative Action.\n\nTim Tebow was short on words because he’s smart enough not to get himself involved with negative press. He’s too busy working on his career path.\n\nGood for Tim and I hope he lands a roster spot on the New York Mets. God knows the Mets need help!\n\nScrew Kaepernick.","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/tebow-dismantles-national-anthem-protests-one-sentence-boom/","type":"fake","title_words":11,"text_words":380,"title_char":81,"text_char":2194,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":18.18182,"text_caps_percent":1.84211,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":1.23457,"text_excl_percent":0.04558,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":1.53,"anticipation":2.3,"disgust":1.28,"fear":1.53,"joy":1.79,"sadness":1.53,"surprise":1.02,"trust":2.56,"negative":3.84,"positive":4.6,"text_syllables":586,"text_syllables_per_word":1.54211} {"title":"Donald Trump: Drugs a 'Very, Very Big Factor' in Charlotte Protests","text":"Less than a day after protests over the police killing of an African-American man turned violent in North Carolina, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump placed some of the blame for the turmoil on the impact of drugs.\n\n\"If you're not aware, drugs are a very, very big factor in what you're watching on television at night,\" said Trump in a speech to the Shale Insight 2016 Conference in Pittsburgh today.\n\nOn Wednesday night, Charlotte experienced its second night of protests after the death of Keith Lamont Scott on Tuesday afternoon. Officers in riot gear confronted demonstrators in a downtown commercial area and employed tear gas to control crowds. One person is in critical condition after suffering an apparent gunshot wound.\n\nThe Republican nominee condemned the violence, calling for unity.\n\n\"Our country looks bad to the world, especially when we are supposed to be the world's leader. How can we lead when we can't even control our own cities? We honor and recognize the right of all Americans to peacefully assemble, protest and demonstrate, but there is no right to engage in violent disruption or to threaten the public safety and peace of others.\"\n\nHe continued to praise law enforcement officers, citing the challenges they face and calling for better training.\n\n\"It's tough being a police officer,\" Trump said. \"Police are entrusted with immense responsibility, and we must do everything we can to ensure that they are properly trained, that they respect all members of the public and that any wrongdoing is always — and it will be by them — vigorously addressed.\"\n\nBut aside from that one reference, amid his heavy-handed praise for law enforcement and condemnation of protesters, Trump never acknowledged any pattern of violence against African-Americans at the hands of police, which is precisely why so many protesters say they have taken to the streets. They cite the shooting deaths of dozens of other black Americans by police as cause to protest a system they say is dangerous and discriminatory and fails to prosecute far too many officers who kill African-Americans, in many instances unarmed.\n\nTrump in recent days has appealed to black Americans, asking them what they have to lose by voting for him, even as he paints an exceptionally grim portrait of black poverty and crime.\n\nDuring a rally earlier this week in North Carolina, Trump said, \"We're going to rebuild our inner cities because our African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they've ever been in before. Ever, ever, ever,\"\n\nMany African-Americans have bristled at that broad assertion. While many inner cities are plagued by crime and poverty, according to census data from 2015, 52.9 percent of black Americans age 25 or older hold some sort of college degree. A Pew report released in December shows that black adults experienced the largest income increase from 1971 to 2015 and were the only racial group to see a decrease in the percentage of low-income earners. And according to the Census Bureau, almost 73 percent of black Americans do not live in poverty.\n\nTrump, in an effort to reach out to the black community, visited Cleveland earlier this week, appearing at a black church. And during a town hall on the Fox News Channel Wednesday night, he was asked about the threat of violence.\n\n\"I would do stop and frisk. I think you have to,\" said Trump. \"We did it in New York. It worked incredibly well. And you have to be proactive and, you know, you really help people sort of change their mind automatically.\"\n\nBut this morning in an interview on \"Fox & Friends\" he stepped back from the statement, claiming he was referring to a strategy only for Chicago.\n\nIn Pittsburgh, Trump delineated a difference between what he called the \"violent disruptor\" and the rest of the black community. He said it was the country\"s job \"to make life more comfortable for the African-American parent trying to raise their kids in peace, to walk their children to school and to get their children great educations.\"","url":"http://abcn.ws/2d4lNn9","authors":"More Candace,Adam Kelsey,Abc News,More Adam","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":658,"title_char":67,"text_char":4028,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.99,"anticipation":1.35,"disgust":1.49,"fear":3.29,"joy":0.75,"sadness":2.69,"surprise":0.9,"trust":2.24,"negative":4.19,"positive":3.59,"text_syllables":1143,"text_syllables_per_word":1.73708} {"title":"Bono: ‘Trump is potentially the worst idea that ever happened to America’","text":"Bono: ‘Trump is potentially the worst idea that ever happened to America’\n\nDonald Trump is the antithesis of the United States, according to U2 frontman Bono, who called the Republican presidential nominee “potentially the worst idea that ever happened to America.”\n\n“Look, America is like the best idea the world ever came up with,” Bono, whose real name is Paul David Hewson, told “CBS This Morning” in an interview broadcast Tuesday. “But Donald Trump is potentially the worst idea that ever happened to America. Potentially.”\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nBono pointed to nations like Ireland and Great Britain as great countries but suggested that America is different because it’s an idea, one that Trump is “trying to hijack.”\n\n“That idea is bound up in justice and equality for all — equality and justice for all, you know,” he continued. “I think he’s hijacked the party. I think he’s trying to hijack the idea of America. And I think it’s bigger than all of us. I think it’s — it’s — this is really dangerous.”\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cN5r3A","authors":"Jack Shafer,Nolan D","type":"real","title_words":12,"text_words":168,"title_char":73,"text_char":1024,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.59524,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.56,"anticipation":0,"disgust":0,"fear":0.56,"joy":0.56,"sadness":0,"surprise":1.11,"trust":2.22,"negative":1.67,"positive":2.22,"text_syllables":292,"text_syllables_per_word":1.7381} {"title":"Post-debate, Trump team hits moderator Holt for 'some hostile questions'","text":"\"He didn't ask her about a lot of things she should have been asked about,\" Donald Trump said about Lester Holt. | Getty Post-debate, Trump team hits moderator Holt for 'some hostile questions'\n\nDonald Trump and his campaign complained Tuesday morning that debate moderator Lester Holt targeted him for unfair questioning while neglecting to ask Hillary Clinton about any of her various scandals.\n\n“They were leaving all of her little goodies out. They didn't ask her about, you know, much,” Trump said on Fox News’s “Fox and Friends.” “But I was asked about my tax returns, which I've told about 500 times. But, you know, I think I did — I think I really did well when we were asked normal questions. I think I did really well in answering those questions, but those questions are not answerable in a positive light.”\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nStill, Trump was upbeat overall about the debate, which he said “went really well” despite “some hostile questions.” The Manhattan billionaire gave Holt a C+ for his performance as moderator, praising him for his issue-based questions in the first 45 minutes of the debate but attacking him as biased for a series of more direct questions about a housing discrimination lawsuit filed against Trump’s real estate company in the 1970s, even though it was Clinton who brought up the Justice Department lawsuit.\n\n“I didn’t think he did a bad job. You know, when you look at it, you watch the last four questions, he hit me on birther, he hit he on a housing deal from many years ago that I settled with no recourse and no guilt. He asked me about that,” Trump said. “That's a beauty to be asked, you know, 40-year-old lawsuit, or older. I just hate to say it’s older because then you’ll know, then [Fox News anchor Ainsley Earhardt] will say “’Wow I didn’t know Trump was that old.’ Hey, she’ll be unimpressed.”\n\n“Well, he didn't ask her about the emails at all. He didn't ask her about her scandals. He didn't ask her about the Benghazi deal that she destroyed,” he said. “He didn't ask her about a lot of things she should have been asked about. I mean, you know, there's no question about it. He didn't ask about her foundation.”\n\nAttacking Holt became a running theme from Trump's campaign Tuesday morning, as both his running mate and campaign manager took to the morning shows to criticize the moderator.\n\n\"I was disappointed that Lester did not get into some of the issues that had been in so much of the forefront of Hillary Clinton’s candidacy – the FBI investigation, pay to play, the whole disastrous events that took place in Benghazi and Libya – that never came up,\" GOP vice presidential candidate Mike Pence said on Good Morning America.\n\nTrump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway took a similar line, saying on CNN Tuesday that there were topics she wished Holt would have raised.\n\n“I just would have liked to have heard more about Benghazi or e-mails or the Clinton foundation since these are very clearly in the news,\" she said. \"You know, one of our guests last night was Mark Geist, not Mark Cuban, Mark Geist, who's a Benghazi hero and survivor. And You know, he was within several feet or yards of them and I think it's a good reminder to be Americans of what her record is on that particular issue.\"\n\nWhile the Republican nominee insisted that he had outperformed Clinton at the debate, he said that he struggled throughout the night with a defective microphone that made him difficult to hear for the audience in the debate hall. Trump suggested that perhaps his microphone, which he said worked perfectly earlier in the day, had been tampered with.\n\n“I had a problem with a microphone that didn't work. I don’t know if you saw that in the room, but my microphone was terrible. I wonder, was it set up that way on purpose,” he said. “My microphone, in the room they couldn't hear me, you know, it was going on and off. Which isn't exactly great. I wonder if it was set up that way, but it was terrible.”\n\nAsked if Clinton had successfully managed to get under his skin during their 90-minute back-and-forth, Trump said she had not until the end of the debate, when the former secretary of state brought up Miss Universe winner Alicia Machado, who Trump called “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping” because of her Latin heritage. Addressing Trump directly about the name-calling, Clinton said, “Donald, she has a name. Her name is Alicia Machado. And she has become a US citizen and you can bet she is going to vote this November.\"\n\n“I know that person, that person was a Miss Universe person, and she was the worst we ever had. The worst, the absolute worst. She was impossible, and she was a Miss Universe contestant and ultimately a winner who they had a tremendously difficult time with as Miss Universe,” he said. “She was the winner, and, you know, she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem. We had a real problem. Not only that, her attitude, and we had a real problem with her, so Hillary went back into the years and she found this girl. This was many years ago, and found the girl and talked about her like she was mother Teresa and it wasn't quite that way, but that's okay. Hillary has to do what she has to do.”\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2dojlvi","authors":"Jack Shafer,Louis Nelson","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":913,"title_char":72,"text_char":5218,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.43812,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.63,"anticipation":1.41,"disgust":1.52,"fear":1.63,"joy":1.08,"sadness":2.06,"surprise":1.08,"trust":2.06,"negative":2.82,"positive":3.03,"text_syllables":1401,"text_syllables_per_word":1.5345} {"title":"“How Can we LEAD When we Can’t Even Control Our Own Cities?” [VIDEO] – Eagle Rising","text":"Donald Trump was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Thursday for a campaign speech. He took time to address the unrest around the country in the wake of recent officer-involved shootings. Here’s what he said:\n\n“Before going any further today, I want to address the turmoil unfolding right now in our country. And it seems to be a never-ending problem. America desperately needs unity, and it needs the spirit of togetherness, that has not only gotten us through our toughest times – because we’ve had some tough times – but which has lifted us up in the past to our greatest achievements as a nation.\n\n“Everyday I see people of different backgrounds working together for common good, and we need to bring that spirit to every part of our country and become one American nation, united by shared values and principles as American citizens. We have to do it. And we have to respect our flag. We have to respect our flag.\n\n“We all have to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and see things through their eyes, and then get to work fixing our very wounded country. We have some real problems. And we do have a wounded country.\n\n“Many Americans are watching the unrest in Charlotte unfolding right before their eyes on the TV screen. Others are witnessing the chaos and the violence firsthand. Our country looks bad to the world, especially when we are supposed to be the world’s leader. How can we lead when we can’t even control our own cities?\n\n“We honor and recognize the right of all Americans to peacefully assemble, protest, and demonstrate. But there is no right to engage in violent disruption or to threaten the public safety and peace of others.\n\n“Every single American in our country is entitled to live in a safe community. The violence against our citizens and our law enforcement must be brought to a very rapid end.\n\n“The people who will suffer the most as a result of these riots are law-abiding African-American residents who live in these communities where the crime is so rampant. It’s their jobs, housing market, schools, economic conditions that will suffer. And the first duty of government is to protect their wellbeing and safety. We have to do that.\n\n“There is no compassion in tolerating lawless conduct. Crime and violence is an attack on the poor and will never be accepted in a Trump administration.\n\n“Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the violent disrupter, but to make life more comfortable for the African-American parent trying to raise their kids in peace, to walk their children to school and get their children great educations. We have to cherish and protect those people.”\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/36966/trump-how-can-we-lead-when-we-cant-even-control-our-own-cities-video/","authors":"Philip Hodges,View All Posts","type":"real","title_words":16,"text_words":465,"title_char":83,"text_char":2761,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":12.5,"text_caps_percent":0.21505,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.87,"anticipation":1.87,"disgust":0.42,"fear":2.49,"joy":1.25,"sadness":1.46,"surprise":1.25,"trust":3.33,"negative":2.91,"positive":4.78,"text_syllables":788,"text_syllables_per_word":1.69462} {"title":"Young Girl's Emotional Council Speech Laments 'Shame' of Fatal Charlotte Shooting","text":"Peaceful protesters crowded Charlotte's first city council meeting since the cop shooting of Keith Lamont Scott, with over 50 people speaking out against police violence.\n\nBut none of them stood out Monday quite as much as a young girl.\n\nZianna Oliphant, her hair done up in braids and tears streaking her face, brought into focus the stress police shootings place on children, as well as the pain the black community of Charlotte has suffered in the wake of Scott's death last week.\n\n“I’ve been born and raised in Charlotte. And I never felt this way until now and I can’t stand how we’re treated,” the grade-school girl said, wiping away tears.\n\nDavid T. Foster III/The Charlotte Observer via AP Photo\n\nShe expressed the hardship that children face when a parent dies. Scott himself, who was African-American, had seven children.\n\n“It’s a shame that we have to go to their graveyard and bury them. And we have tears. We shouldn’t have tears. We need our fathers and mothers to be by our side,” she said.\n\nZianna, as well as the protesters in the room who chanted \"no justice, no peace\" after she spoke, helped to underscore the degree to which communal wounds have been slow to heal in North Carolina’s most populous city since the shooting.\n\nProtests started on the streets of Charlotte after news of Scott's shooting broke last Tuesday and, occasionally, became violent as they continued deeper into the week.\n\nDavid T. Foster III/The Charlotte Observer via AP Photo\n\nThe scene grew especially tense Wednesday night when police clad in riot gear fired tear gas and rubber bullets at demonstrators. Some people in the crowds threw bottles and rocks at officers and passing cars, blocked an interstate highway, surrounded and jumped on vehicles, looted businesses and stormed the entrance of a Hyatt hotel, injuring two of its employees.\n\nAt the city council meeting, Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts called for decorum at several points during public remarks. At several points, protesters yelled criticism of her and Police Chief Kerr Putney.\n\nAfter the meeting wrapped up, The Charlotte Observer reported, more than 20 protesters moved to the lobby of the Government Center.\n\n“Release. Release. The whole damn tape,” the protesters chanted, according to the newspaper.\n\nDavid T. Foster III/The Charlotte Observer via AP Photo\n\nRay Dotch, Scott's brother-in-law, Monday called for the release of the entire video of his shooting in an interview with ABC News.\n\nChief Putney has released body and dashboard camera videos of the fatal police shooting of Scott, answering to demands made by community leaders, protesters and politicians. But it is not entirely clear from those videos or from the one taken by Scott's wife, Rakeiya Scott, that the victim had a gun on his person, as the police allege. It is also not entirely clear that he brandished it in such a way that would have posed a threat to the officers who approached him.","url":"http://abcn.ws/2cTj7ap","authors":"More Michael,Abc News","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":473,"title_char":81,"text_char":2935,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.47992,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.69,"anticipation":1.65,"disgust":0.83,"fear":3.51,"joy":1.03,"sadness":2.48,"surprise":1.03,"trust":2.48,"negative":4.55,"positive":3.72,"text_syllables":796,"text_syllables_per_word":1.68288} {"title":"Hillary's DEAD!?!? Brand New Theory Has Serious PROOF","text":"Hillary Clinton’s health is the top issue in the Presidential campaign. Once considered a “conspiracy theory,” Americans now see that Hillary Clinton suffers from serious problems, including neurological diseases.\n\nAfter her September 11th collapse and fainting, even the pro-Hillary media can’t hide the truth.\n\nNow, expert Clif Hite (below) comes up with the most compelling theory about Hillary Clinton’s health yet, and you haven’t heard it before. He believes Hillary has died, and is replaced by multiple body doubles and CGI images. If true, this is the biggest coverup in the history of American politics. What a bombshell!:\n\n\n\nAs BeforeItsNews reports:\n\nNote: Russian Intel is using my video to prove they used Green Screen in Greensboro! It’s all fake folks! You’ll see my video below. The Russians who track Hillary say she never left Chelsea’s apartment and she’s using doubles! Also check out the part where Russia shows the emails proving Hillary was in a secret plane crash and hurt badly! At first they laugh at Sorcha Faal’s report but then admit it’s “credible”! Huge info here! Stew Webb and Tom Heneghan reported on this plane crash when it happened!\n\nDo you believe that Hillary Clinton was injured or killed in a crash, and replaced by CGI? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us.","url":"http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/hillary-health-dead-brand-new-theory/?source=RWN","authors":"Featured Commentator","type":"fake","title_words":8,"text_words":211,"title_char":53,"text_char":1309,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":25,"text_caps_percent":0.94787,"title_excl":2,"text_excl":8,"title_excl_percent":3.77358,"text_excl_percent":0.61115,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":0.91,"anticipation":1.83,"disgust":0.46,"fear":3.2,"joy":0.91,"sadness":3.2,"surprise":1.83,"trust":4.57,"negative":3.65,"positive":4.57,"text_syllables":361,"text_syllables_per_word":1.7109} {"title":"Everything you need to know about Trump and Clinton’s first 2016 presidential debate","text":"Lester Holt, who anchors \"NBC Nightly News,\" will be the moderatorfor the first debate. | Getty Everything you need to know about Trump and Clinton’s first 2016 presidential debate\n\nWhen is the first general election presidential debate?\n\nThe first general election presidential debate of 2016 will be held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on Sept. 26.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nWhat time is the debate and how long is it?\n\nThe debate will start at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time and run for 90 minutes without commercial breaks.\n\nHow can I watch the debate?\n\nIt will be broadcast on all of the major television networks, as well as the websites for major cable news channels and C-SPAN.\n\nWho will participate in the debate?\n\nFormer Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and celebrity real estate mogul Donald Trump. No other candidates qualified.\n\nWho will moderate the debate?\n\nLester Holt, who anchors \"NBC Nightly News,\" will be the moderator. It’s his second time serving in that role in the 2016 presidential cycle. Holt was also a moderator for the Democratic primary debate on January 17. On February 15, 2015 Holt became the substitute anchor of NBC Nightly News after Brian Williams was suspended. Four months later he became the permanent anchor.\n\nWhat is the format of the debate?\n\nThe debate will be divided into six segments of 15 minutes each. Each segment will start with a question from Holt, after which each candidates will have two minutes for an initial response and then will be allowed to respond to each other. On Monday, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the tentative topics for the debate: “America's direction,” “achieving prosperity,” and “securing America.” The topics are subject to change based on news developments, according to the commission.\n\nWhy aren't Jill Stein or Gary Johnson participating in the debate?\n\nLibertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein were not invited by the presidential debate commission. The commission said it would only invite candidates that averaged 15 percent in five national polls it selected. Neither Johnson nor Stein made that threshold.\n\nWhat's at stake for Hillary Clinton?\n\nThe debate is Clinton’s chance to turn the page on a few weeks during which Trump has eaten much of the polling lead she built following her convention. Clinton’s camp has also been counting on her policy knowledge and debate experience to help her expose Trump’s weaknesses, but the Democratic candidate also comes in facing higher expectations than Trump.\n\nWhat's at stake for Donald Trump?\n\nTrump has been accused lacking policy gravitas and self-restraint, and both of those perceived weaknesses could be exposed in a debate, where candidates will be grilled on their familiarity with issues foreign and domestic and be expected to keep composed under rhetorical assault from their opponents. Trump has the advantage, however, of low expectations: At several turns in the presidential campaign, even modest pivots away from his bombastic primary style were hailed as pivots to professionalism, and a similar self-restraint — provided he still hits the high notes his supporters are expected — could help him clear the low bar again.\n\nWhat is the most watched debate in presidential history?\n\nIn 1980 the debate between President Jimmy Carter and Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan garnered a viewership of 80.6 million people, the largest television audience for a debate since Nielsen Ratings began collecting viewership data in 1976. In 2012, the first general election presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney attracted about 70 million viewers.\n\nWhat's the most-watched television moment of all time?\n\nSuper Bowl XLIX in 2015 on NBC is currently the most watched television program in U.S. history, attracting 114 million viewers, according to NBC News. The New England Patriots played against the Seattle Seahawks, winning the game 28-24.\n\nStill, that pales in comparison to the estimated 600 million people worldwide who watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin make the first moon landing on July 20, 1969, or the estimated 750 million people worldwide that watched Prince Charles of Wales marry Lady Diana Spencer on July 29, 1981.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2d3mmAD","authors":"Jack Shafer,Daniel Strauss","type":"real","title_words":13,"text_words":662,"title_char":84,"text_char":4336,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.0574,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.44,"anticipation":2.07,"disgust":0.3,"fear":1.04,"joy":0.89,"sadness":0.15,"surprise":1.19,"trust":2.07,"negative":1.04,"positive":4.44,"text_syllables":1205,"text_syllables_per_word":1.82024} {"title":"Donald Trump's rise puts Ted Cruz in a bind","text":"Story highlights Ted Cruz refused to endorse Trump earlier this year, but is under pressure to change his mind now\n\nCruz could face a primary challenge in 2018 from a fellow Republican\n\nWashington (CNN) Rep. Trent Franks backed Ted Cruz during the GOP presidential primary, but he now has a message for the Texas Republican: Get in line behind Donald Trump.\n\n\"Any person in this party that does not support Trump at this point is increasing the chances of Hillary Clinton becoming president and destroying the Constitution,\" Franks said.\n\nJUST WATCHED Cruz: I won't support those who attack my wife Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Cruz: I won't support those who attack my wife 01:51\n\nOn the other side, Cruz backers say that the first-term senator should stick to his guns and withhold an endorsement -- or risk angering his own supporters who detest Trump.\n\n\"I have five rules for political endorsements,\" said Steve Deace, an Iowa radio talk show host who was an outspoken Cruz backer during the primary. \"And Cruz endorsing Trump violates every single one of them.\"\n\nLess than two months until Election Day, Trump has once again put Cruz in a bind. As Trump's poll numbers rise and now is neck-and-neck against Clinton, the GOP nominee's backers are looking for every last ounce of support to showcase that there is momentum and energy behind his campaign. If Trump falls short of Clinton by a narrow margin, Trump's backers are bound to blame holdouts like Cruz for failing to do more to help their party.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2dlbk5X","authors":"Manu Raju,Senior Political Reporter","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":253,"title_char":43,"text_char":1523,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":2.7668,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.29,"anticipation":1.53,"disgust":0.76,"fear":2.67,"joy":0,"sadness":1.53,"surprise":0.38,"trust":1.91,"negative":4.2,"positive":2.67,"text_syllables":407,"text_syllables_per_word":1.6087} {"title":"Trump’s puzzling pitch to black voters","text":"CLEVELAND — Donald Trump campaigned Wednesday morning in a church in a historically African-American community and sold himself as the candidate who could fix the problems of urban America. Within hours, Trump was proposing a vast expansion of “stop-and-frisk” policing policies that have proved explosively controversial in black communities for encouraging racial profiling.\n\nIt was just another day in Trump’s up-and-down black outreach campaign undertaken to wash away the stain of racism charges lobbed at him by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nThe effort has taken Trump from a black church in inner-city Detroit earlier this month to addressing largely white audiences in rural North Carolina where, on Tuesday evening, he proclaimed in a small town named after a slaveholder that black communities \"are absolutely in the worst shape that they’ve ever been in before, ever, ever, ever.\"\n\nOn Wednesday, Trump hit the campaign trail with former boxing promoter Don King — who dropped the N-word before a group of pastors at a Cleveland church while extolling Trump as a “gladiator.” King hailed Trump as the rare candidate who would overthrow the existing political system under which minorities have suffered.\n\n“The system is the problem, and he’s the only gladiator that will take on the system,” King said.\n\nAfter the church event, Trump sat for a “town hall” with Fox News host and unabashed supporter Sean Hannity. Asked by an audience member what he would do to address “violence in the black community,” Trump embraced stop-and-frisk.\n\n“We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well,” Trump said.\n\nFierce opposition to that policy in minority communities was among the issues that Bill de Blasio rode to prominence and, ultimately, the mayor’s office.\n\nBut even before Trump’s stop-and-frisk comments, he was taking heat for his “ever, ever, ever” remark Tuesday night.\n\n“I don't know what Mr. Trump is talking about to say that the situation for African-Americans is worse than it's ever been,” Rep. John Lewis, the Democratic civil rights icon, said Wednesday on MSNBC. “Is he talking about worse than slavery? Worse than the system of segregation and racial discrimination — when we couldn't take a seat at the lunch counter and be served? Worse than being denied the right to register to vote, to participate in the democratic process and live in certain neighborhoods and communities?”\n\nTrump’s polling numbers among African-American voters have been dismal — in the low single digits — and some believe his outreach to black voters is as much about convincing moderate white voters, particularly women and those in the suburbs, that he is not racist. Trump regularly brings up his outreach to blacks — “What do you have to lose?” he says — to largely white audiences.\n\nAt the New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland, Trump assembled an eclectic kitchen cabinet of some of his closest advisers to attest to his beliefs before a diverse crowd.\n\nSeated to Trump’s right was Mike Pence, his soft-spoken running mate. To his left, outspoken longtime attorney Michael Cohen. Behind him: King (“there’s only one,” Trump said), former presidential rival Ben Carson (“tough”), retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (“a tough general”) and former \"Apprentice\" star Omarosa Manigault (“a wonderful woman”), who has helped with Trump’s black outreach.\n\n“I’m different from a lot of Republicans, frankly,” Trump said from the pulpit.\n\nTrump, who has called himself the “law and order” candidate, criticized the police officer who shot an unarmed black man in Oklahoma last week. Trump said he had watched the video and that the officer may have been “choking” in the fatal shooting. Trump has mostly defended the police in such incidents.\n\n\"Now, did she get scared? Was she choking? What happened? But maybe people like that, people that choke, people that do that, maybe they can't be doing what they're doing, OK?”\n\nKing, whom top GOP officials had pushed not to speak at the Republican National Convention due to a past manslaughter conviction, was given the prime slot of introducing Trump at a forum billed as a pastors leadership conference.\n\nKing, clothed in a sparkling jacket and clutching the flags of Israel and the United States, argued repeatedly that “the system” had oppressed minorities and women and only Trump can upend it entirely.\n\n“Every white woman should cast a vote for Donald Trump,” said King, who also went on an extended riff about the struggles of African-Americans.\n\n“I told Michael Jackson, I said if you're poor, you're a poor Negro — I would use the N-word — but if you rich, you are a rich Negro; if you are intelligent, intellectual, you're an intellectual Negro; if you're a dancing and sliding and gliding n-----, I mean, Negro,” King said.\n\nWhen Trump took his turn at the pulpit minutes later, he grinned, “Ah, there’s only one Don King.”\n\nBefore King, Cohen, Trump’s attorney, used his time at the church to slash at the “disgusting, liberal, mainstream media” and its casting of Trump as a “racist.”\n\n“The word of the 2016 election has somehow become ‘racist,’” Cohen complained. “I’ve lost count as to how many times the disgusting, liberal, mainstream media have attempted to label Mr. Donald Trump as racist, a xenophobe and a bigot. And let’s not forget, sexist, misogynist, narcissist, Islamophobe, anti-Hispanic, anti-Semite demagogue. And countless others. It’s disgraceful.”\n\nCohen said, “Not only is Donald Trump not a racist, he believes that all people are part of one race: the human race.”\n\nTrump insisted that Democrats had abandoned black voters, and that he wouldn’t.\n\n“They come and they take your vote,” Trump said, “and they say they’ll see you in four years.”\n\n\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cRQmvU","authors":"Jack Shafer,Louis Nelson,Matthew Nussbaum,Shane Goldmacher","type":"real","title_words":6,"text_words":912,"title_char":38,"text_char":5759,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.4386,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.29,"anticipation":1.09,"disgust":1.2,"fear":2.07,"joy":0.76,"sadness":2.07,"surprise":0.76,"trust":3.05,"negative":3.92,"positive":4.36,"text_syllables":1578,"text_syllables_per_word":1.73026} {"title":"Rouhani: Iran deal able to weather the election","text":"Rouhani: Iran deal able to weather the election\n\nIranian President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday expressed confidence that the landmark nuclear deal between his country and a group of world powers will be able to weather the volatile U.S. election season.\n\nMSNBC's Chuck Todd asked Rouhani whether he'd rather work with Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, citing comments they've made on the nuclear deal. Rouhani said, \"Of course, throughout the atmosphere of presidential elections in the United States, candidates can bring up any topic that they see best suits the needs of their campaigns. But the reality remains that when the joint comprehensive plan of action was passed based on the United Nations Security Council resolution 2231, and it was approved unanimously, that became an international agreement.\"\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nTrump has repeatedly criticized the Iran nuclear deal, calling it a \"bad deal\" and previously said he would tear it up. He's also called the Obama administration incompetent over it.\n\nClinton, on the other hand, has said she would respect the deal, yet be cautious in dealing with Iran, in what's come to be known as her \"distrust and verify\" strategy.\n\n\"No one can say here or there that I don't accept this agreement, I want to renegotiate it. This has purely an electoral effect for some,\" Rouhani said.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2da5pR0","authors":"Jack Shafer,Yousef Saba","type":"real","title_words":8,"text_words":212,"title_char":47,"text_char":1350,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.4717,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.36,"anticipation":2.73,"disgust":1.36,"fear":2.27,"joy":1.82,"sadness":0.91,"surprise":1.36,"trust":5.45,"negative":1.82,"positive":5.91,"text_syllables":379,"text_syllables_per_word":1.78774} {"title":"Fast Food CEO Threatens To Fire Everyone If A Democrat Wins The Presidency","text":"For decades, employers have been holding America hostages with threats of taking their business elsewhere if we don’t vote the way they want. Of course, what generally happens when we vote the way they want is that we get screwed anyway. Jobs get outsourced, wages remain stagnant and regulations stop being enforced.\n\nIt hasn’t been since, well, the last presidential election, though, that we’ve seen a CEO be quite as blatant about what his plans are if his side (Republican) loses. Four years ago, it was “Papa” John Schnatter, who threatened to cut his employees’ hours and raise the price of pizzas if Obamacare went through. It did and he didn’t.\n\nThis year, another fast food mogul is making news for treating to hurt the economy if he doesn’t get his way. Andy Puzder is the CEO of Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s. Here’s one of his commercials, which may not be safe for work:\n\nJudging by the commercials, like Donald Trump, Puzder likely cares little about political correctness. But that’s not the reason he wants a Republican in office. He just doesn’t want to pay people more, or at all. In an Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal, Puzder says that if a Democrat wins, either Democrat, he will fully automate his stores. Speaking about an automated fast food system named Eatsa, Puzder wrote:\n\n“I want to try it,” CEO Andy Puzder told Business Insider of his automated restaurant plans. “We could have a restaurant that’s focused on all-natural products and is much like an Eatsa, where you order on a kiosk, you pay with a credit or debit card, your order pops up, and you never see a person.” “With government driving up the cost of labor, it’s driving down the number of jobs,” he says. “You’re going to see automation not just in airports and grocery stores, but in restaurants.” “This is the problem with Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton, and progressives who push very hard to raise the minimum wage,” says Puzder. “Does it really help if Sally makes $3 more an hour if Suzie has no job?” Source: Yahoo Finance\n\nThis threat is probably less about you and me than about his employees. Across the country, Puzder has about 20,000 employees. He’s hoping he can convince his employees and the millions of other minimum wage and fast food employees across the nation to vote against their own interests.\n\nPuzder also has his own blog, where he writes a lot about politics and the joys of capitalism. One has to wonder if his 20,000 employees are quite as joyful about capitalism as he is.\n\nPuzder is doing just fine. In 2012, it was reported that he made nearly $4.5 million. His profits have been up in recent years, but his employees don’t see any of that. In fact, Puzder is famous for making big stink every time an opportunity to rip off his employees is denied.\n\nYou can guarantee, though, that even if a Republican wins the White House and the minimum wage stays the same, Puzder will still be automating. That’s just the way he is: profits over people.","url":"http://author.groopspeak.com/fast-food-ceo-threatens-to-fire-everyone-if-a-democrat-wins-the-presidency/","type":"fake","title_words":13,"text_words":515,"title_char":74,"text_char":2966,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":7.69231,"text_caps_percent":0.58252,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.14,"anticipation":1.33,"disgust":0.57,"fear":0.95,"joy":1.7,"sadness":0.95,"surprise":0.76,"trust":3.41,"negative":2.27,"positive":3.41,"text_syllables":803,"text_syllables_per_word":1.55922} {"title":"The Mystery of Trump’s Man in Moscow: Carter Page","text":"In March, in a bold “Oh yeah?” moment during an interview with the Washington Post’s editorial board, Donald Trump took the paper’s dare and revealed, then and there, his very short list of foreign policy advisers. There were just five, though he said, “I have quite a few more.” The list was a head-scratcher, a random assortment of obscure and questionable pundits. One of the names, offered without elaboration, was, “Carter Page, PhD.”\n\nWho?\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nReporters quickly Googling found that Page is the founder and managing partner of an investment fund called Global Energy Capital, and that he claims to have years of experience investing in Russia and the energy sector. As for his connection to Trump, when Page was reached for comment by the New York Times the day after Trump’s big reveal, he said he had been sending policy memos to the campaign and the paper said he “will be advising Mr. Trump on energy policy and Russia.”\n\nThis piqued my interest: I have been a Russia wonk for most of my adult life, I spent years living and reporting from Moscow, still go there regularly for reporting trips, and am in touch with lots of friends there. And yet, despite the tightly knit nature of the expat business community in Russia, no one I spoke to had ever heard of Carter Page.\n\n“What’s this guy’s name?” says one former Western energy CEO who spent years in Russia, and would have overlapped there with Page.\n\n“I had not heard of Carter Page before it came out in the media,” says another prominent Western businessman who has worked in the former Soviet Union for over two decades. “But I am getting a lot of emails from friends asking, ‘Have you heard of this guy?’”\n\n“Strangely, I've never heard of Carter Page until this Trump connection,” Bill Browder responded to me in an email. He was one of the biggest Western players in the Russian market until President Vladimir Putin turned on him and Browder became his fierce critic. “It's odd, because I've heard of every other financier who was a player on Moscow at the time.”\n\nSomeone, apparently, has heard of him: On Friday, Yahoo News reported that Page was being probed by U.S. intelligence for purported back-channel ties to Russian leaders. The story resurfaced the name of a character who’d all but vanished from the campaign, and reawakened questions about who, exactly, Trump was surrounding himself with.\n\nThis has been a concern swirling around the outsider candidate since he began, a real-estate developer with almost no serious Washington connections to tap for advice. “I’m going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people,\" Trump famously told a Post reporter last summer about how he would staff his campaign. \"We want top-of-the-line professionals.” As the primaries unfolded, it became increasingly obvious that Trump would need all the top-of-the-line help he could get when it came to foreign policy. In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Trump confused the Kurds with the Iranian Al-Quds Force, couldn’t tell the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas, and couldn’t recognize the name of the leader of ISIS. (In his defense, Trump said that “Hugh was giving me name after name, Arab name, Arab name, and there are few people anywhere, anywhere, that would have known those names.”) The Republican foreign policy specialists who would normally be a brain trust began slamming him in the press or publicly signing on to anti-Trump manifestos. And since they increasingly were fleeing the candidate, who were the people who would line up to advise him instead? What would they be like?\n\nEnter Carter Page, a 44-year-old Ph.D., and business school graduate who claims an expertise in Russia and energy, yet who, I quickly discovered, was known by neither Russia experts nor energy experts nor Russian energy experts. (“I can poll any number of people involved in energy in Russia about Carter Page and they’ll say, ‘Carter who? You mean Jimmy Carter?’” says one veteran Western investor in Russian energy.) Page also, as I would be surprised to discover, appears largely unknown to Trump’s own campaign.\n\nWhat I did find, however, is that while Page might not be helping Trump, Trump has been a significant help to Page. Since being named by Trump as an adviser, Page, who has spent his career trying to put together energy deals in Russia and the former Soviet Union, has finally begun to be noticed in the region. He is being treated in Russia as a person with potentially important ties in America. “He’s an extremely well-informed, authoritative expert on Russia,” says Mikhail Leontiev, a pro-Kremlin talking head and spokesman for Rosneft, Russia’s state oil giant. “People really respect him in this industry. He’s a very serious guy, and he has a good reputation.” According to the Yahoo report, U.S. intelligence believes Page had an audience with top Russian officials—including Rosneft head Igor Sechin—during a summer trip to Moscow. From what I could find about him, it’s hard to imagine he could have secured those meetings without that mention by Trump.\n\nPage has also been the subject of some breathless coverage in the American press. A March Bloomberg profile touted his “deep ties” with “executives at Gazprom,” the state-owned Russian gas giant, whom he says he advised on some of its biggest deals of the past decade. Last month, the Post ran a piece that was breathless in a different way, casting him as a shadowy broker with potentially important ties in Russia, some of them unsavory. The Yahoo story also portrays Page as a well-connected, high-rolling businessman with “extensive business interests in Russia” and an office “around the corner from Trump Tower.”\n\nPage has fueled all this by making some remarkable statements, including saying Putin is a better leader than President Barack Obama to a June closed-door meeting of foreign policy Brahmins in Washington. In July, in Moscow, he spoke at the New Economic School’s commencement ceremony, a university that had hosted Obama just seven years ago. Page used the speech to slam the “hypocrisy” of American foreign policy in front of a Russian audience, saying, “Washington and other Western powers have impeded potential progress through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption and regime change.” He is now frequently quoted on Russian television, which hails him as a “famous American economist” and “adviser to Donald Trump on questions of foreign policy.”\n\nAll of which reveals something deeply strange about Trump: when he shoots from the hip, his remarks do more than just whip up Twitter controversies. They also occasionally and unintentionally mint a new species of “insiders,” people who seem to be in Trump’s orbit but who may not have—and may never have had—any access to the gilded inner sanctum at all.\n\nBut someone is paying attention. As I started looking into Page, I began getting calls from two separate “corporate investigators” digging into what they claim are all kinds of shady connections Page has to all kinds of shady Russians. One is working on behalf of various unnamed Democratic donors; the other won’t say who turned him on to Page’s scent. Both claimed to me that the FBI was investigating Page for allegedly meeting with Igor Sechin and Sergei Ivanov, who was until recently Putin’s chief of staff—both of whom are on the sanctions list—when Page was in Moscow in July for that speech.\n\nSo the question continued to linger: Who is Carter Page?\n\n***\n\nI should tell you before we get any further that Page wouldn’t talk to me for this story. I called his fund and left messages, both on the general line and his personal voice mail. I emailed him repeatedly. I asked the Trump campaign to put me in touch. I emailed the Bloomberg journalist who interviewed him, who passed the request on. I even called Carter Page’s father in Poughkeepsie, New York, who told me he would ask his son to talk to me. But alas, no dice.\n\nThis was disappointing: No one who worked in Moscow when Page was there seemed to know who he was, and I just wanted to talk to someone who did. At a certain point, I just needed confirmation that he even existed.\n\nOK, I thought. Try a different route. Maybe all these prominent Western businessmen who worked in Russia for decades didn’t know Page, but maybe it was because some of them worked in different spheres of the Russian economy. He did, after all, have such an impressive résumé.\n\nPage’s biography on the website of his energy fund, Global Energy Capital, hits all the right notes. It was, at first glance, the résumé of an up-and-coming player in the opaque but lucrative Russian energy market. “He spent 7 years as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch in London, Moscow and New York where he most recently served as Chief Operating Officer of the Energy and Power Group,” his bio reads. “He was involved in over $25 billion of transactions in the energy and power sector. He spent 3 years in Moscow where he was responsible for the opening of the Merrill office and was an advisor on key transactions for Gazprom, RAO UES and others.”\n\nThose were some of the biggest energy deals of the 2000s, and Page’s tenure in Merrill Lynch’s Moscow office, from 2004 to 2007, would have put him in the right place at the right time. He says he was part of the carving up of RAO UES, a massive Russian electric power holding company. He told Bloomberg that he advised Gazprom when it bought a stake in the Sakhalin II oil and gas project. Those were huge, huge things. If he were deeply involved, he would definitely count as a player. And surely he left at least a trace in the records of those deals.\n\nSo I called Ian Craig, the CEO of Sakhalin Energy from 2004 to 2009, who was doing the negotiations with Gazprom and stayed on as CEO after the deal went through. (It wasn’t really a deal, to be clear: Sakhalin II was a large project in the Far East, and Gazprom essentially elbowed its way into the project when the government forced the consortium to sell the gas giant a controlling stake.) But Craig said he didn’t know anyone named Carter Page. He was also surprised to hear about Merrill Lynch’s purported involvement in the deal. “I don’t think Merrill Lynch or anyone else was front-lining the negotiations, because it was all done at the highest level, because it was very political,” says Craig . “It closed at CEO level, and eventually Putin himself signed off on it.”\n\nWhen I asked a prominent Western businessman, who has worked in the former Soviet Union for over two decades and who is said to socialize with Sechin and other members of the Russian elite, about Page’s claim to Bloomberg that he advised Gazprom on Sakhalin II, he said, “I rolled my eyes at that one.” (He, too, said he hadn’t heard of Page until Trump’s announcement.)\n\nFine. OK. Maybe Page exaggerated a bit on that one. But what about the reorganization and privatization of RAO UES, the Russian electricity giant? Maybe some of the Russians he worked with remembered a Carter Page?\n\nTurns out, they did.\n\n“His nickname was stranichkin,” from the Russian word stranichka, or “little page,” says Artem Torchinsky, who met Page during the breakup of RAO UES. Torchinsky, who was part of the company’s financial department, worked alongside Page, who, at the time worked in Merrill Lynch’s Moscow office. It was 2007, and Merrill Lynch was underwriting the sale of one part of RAO UES, and Torchinsky was resentful of Page and the other Merrill Lynchers: Torchinsky and the in-house team did all the work, and Page and his team would swoop in to give the presentation. They were the fancy Western window dressing. “It really irritated our team,” Torchinsky told me over Skype. “We worked around the clock, and then they would come in and say something incomprehensible and we’d have to correct them. These guys didn’t know what they were talking about.” As for Page, “He made no impression whatsoever. Whether he was there or not, it made no difference,” Torchinsky says. “When you’re dealing with a pro, you see it. Page, unfortunately, did not leave that impression.”\n\nOK, harsh. But then I talked to Page’s former boss, former Russian Central Bank Chairman Sergei Aleksashenko, who ran the Moscow office of Merrill Lynch for part of the time Page worked there. “He wasn’t great and he wasn’t terrible,” Aleksashenko says, exasperated and confused by the interest of all these journalists pestering him for information about someone “without any special talents or accomplishments,” someone who was “a gray spot.” “What can you say about a person who in no way [is] exceptional?” he asked me.\n\nPage was a vice president at Merrill Lynch in Moscow, which sounds senior but is a common title in the finance world; a big firm like Merrill Lynch might have thousands of VPs. In the Moscow office, there were five ranks, and VP was right in the middle. In effect, it was “just the oldest of the youngest, three from the bottom,” says Aleksashenko.\n\nWhen it came to finance, Aleksashenko says, Page “was not a specialist in any branches of finance or in any instruments.” When it came to energy, Page and his team were, according to Torchinsky, “mildly speaking, not competent in the field of energy.” And, says Aleksashenko, “judging by the drivel he spews on Russia, you can tell he doesn’t really understand the topic.”\n\nTrump’s putative adviser on Russia and energy and foreign policy, in other words, “did not create the impression of someone who was intellectual or well-educated, or someone who was in any way interested or knowledgeable in foreign policy,” says Aleksashenko.\n\n***\n\nFor the past few years, Page has styled himself a foreign policy expert. He has written columns in Global Policy Journal, a new peer-reviewed journal run out of Durham University. They are confoundingly written and make logically curious leaps. “In recent months, renewed calls for equal justice have brought social tension across the United States after the killing of Michael Brown and Eric Garner by police officers in Missouri and New York respectively,” he wrote. “Although commonly overlooked, the impact of other fatal mistakes by government officials in the foreign policy arena might vastly outweigh these tragic deaths in potentially catastrophic proportions.” He is the kind of thinker who writes that Kanye West’s “New Slaves” and the “artist’s creative work offers valuable ideas that could fundamentally improve the direction of U.S. foreign policy and world affairs” but does it by opening with a citation from the Oxford English Dictionary (“Slave; Pronunciation: /slāv/…”), roping in Adam Sandler, William F. Buckley and Dick Cheney.\n\nHis speech in Moscow’s New Economic School was a similar construction of empty spaces held together with repetition, tautologies, and abuses of the word “ironically.” “For the last 15 years, I’ve been researching, teaching, and writing about fundamental trends in the world economy, which have really continued to evolve in this period and in the years immediately preceding it,” he began. The video of the speech also suggests that after three years living there and a lifetime studying the place, he couldn’t really speak Russian—he had to have his questions translated for him into English. Except to quote, haltingly, brokenly, Vladimir Putin: “We never meddle in the internal political affairs of other countries. Unlike the USA.” Which is troubling for two reasons: that the adviser of a presidential candidate of a major party is criticizing America abroad by citing Putin, and that the comment implied that he seemed to not know anything about anything going on in, say, Syria or Ukraine.\n\nPage also managed to find his way into a fellowship at the Council on Foreign Relations, where he cut a strange figure. Like other Westerners doing business in Russia, Page took the view that Putin was not the blood-stained and corrupt tyrant some in the West imagine him to be, defending him as a strong leader who brought order and prosperity to Russia. But unlike other entrepreneurial defenders of Putin, people at the Council recall that Page was not particularly good at it. “He had a guilty-seeming style in making these arguments, making it seem like he didn’t really want to engage,” one person from the Council says. His columns made the rounds and raised eyebrows. “That blog post about the slaves. That’s just … strange,” says the Council member.\n\n“He’s a nice guy, but of the people that I know that have Russian foreign policy experience or access and contacts, he wouldn’t be in the last decile, but he’d be in the second-to-last decile,” says one American executive with experience in Russia and its energy sector. “You’d have to dip really far and wide to find a guy like Carter Page. I mean, wow.”\n\n***\n\nI should’ve just dropped the Carter Page story, but in the months since Trump named him an adviser, the campaign’s Russia connections have become a bigger and bigger issue. Fancy Bear, who was probably a Russian hacker, broke into the Democratic National Committee emails, seemingly handed them over to Julian Assange, who continues to leak the information in a way that is clearly designed to help one campaign and hurt the other. Trump’s second campaign manager, Paul Manafort, flamed out in August because of his shady business dealings with the pro-Kremlin side of Ukraine, and Trump himself continues to say absurd things about Russia and Putin, like publicly inviting the Russian government to continue hacking American servers. Washington was in full Hunt for Red October mode, and it was all I could do to stay on Page’s trail, which began to look more and more like an infinity sign.\n\nI was not the only one. Seemingly everyone I talked to had also talked to the Washington Post, and then there were these corporate investigators who drew a dark and complex web of Page’s connections. Then there was Page, praising Putin. I found myself juggling two mutually contradictory Page narratives: Was Page, like Manafort, followed by a long train of sordid dealings with dark and powerful players with deep pockets and deep resentments toward the West? This was the person described by the corporate investigators trying to whisper into my ear. Was Page a man wheeling and dealing in energy contracts with China and Turkmenistan, who was a vehicle for the Kremlin to influence the American election? Was he a man who, during a three-day trip to Moscow, met with two of Russia’s most powerful men and was now being investigated for it?\n\nBut it was hard to see that man when I actually talked to people who knew him. Page made his way into the financial sector as it ballooned in the early part of the past decade, securing a spot at Merrill Lynch’s London and Moscow offices. Today, he claims he was cozy with Gazprom executives; his former colleagues laugh at the suggestion. “No one let him into Gazprom,” Aleksashenko says. “He didn’t go shake [Gazprom chief Alexey] Miller’s hand. He made sure there were cars, hotels and meetings for investors in London.” Another of Page’s colleagues from Merrill Lynch confirmed that Page’s role was simply arranging meetings between Gazprom and Western investors, something normally done by analysts, the lowest rank on the totem pole. “People organize meetings with Gazprom all the time,” the former colleague said. “He hosted these guys in New York City but they would have done this 10 times a year… I used to do this; it doesn’t require all that much skill. You just send out an email to 20 people saying Gazprom agreed to dinner at this place at 8 p.m., do you want to come? The main thing is just getting those two [Gazprom] guys to agree. But because they agreed doesn’t mean they’re close to him.”\n\nBut the meetings did provide him with something else. “Gazprom didn’t need money at the time,” says the former colleague. “They were the most profitable company at the time. Their net profit was something like $36 billion a year. Their problem was not getting investors, but figuring out how to spend money in a non-efficient way if you read between the lines. He was probably aware of that. He would have known how inefficient and wasteful the company is.” Page became an investor in the company, and has, according to filings, advised other companies he’s worked for to invest in them.\n\nAfter Merrill Lynch, Page tried to set up his own fund to invest in energy projects and called it Global Energy Capital. But he tried to do this in 2008, and we know what happened to the markets in 2008. The fund is registered to his father’s address in Poughkeepsie; Page listed himself as “founder and managing partner,” even though the only other partner seemed to be Sergei Yatsenko, who was once a mid-level executive at Gazprom. He also maintained a website and handed out business cards that listed a fancy Madison Avenue address—that’s the one “around the corner from Trump Tower”— which was actually the address of a co-working space.\n\n“That’s Carter Page,” says an American businessman who has spent nearly a decade working in Russia. “That’s what he’s been doing, without any actual funding, without any actual experience, without any actual connections or core capabilities, he’s been trying to throw together these deals. He’s always been operating at a level far beneath that at which business in Russia is done. I admire that, it takes a lot of gumption.”\n\nIn the interest of due diligence, I also tried to run down the rumors being handed me by the corporate investigators: that Russia’s Alfa Bank paid for the trip as a favor to the Kremlin; that Page met with Sechin and Ivanov in Moscow; that he is now being investigated by the FBI for those meetings because Sechin and Ivanov were both sanctioned for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.\n\n“I don’t know this person,” said Pyotr Aven, one of the two founders of Alfa Bank, which is considered the Western Russian bank. Aven and his partner, Mikhail Fridman, have transferred much of their assets out of Russia and have been quite critical of Putin. As for who paid for Page’s trip, Aven was no less irritated by the question. “I give them money, I don’t know how they spend it, who they invite, when they invite them, I have no idea,” he said of the New Economic School, which hosted Page and of which Aven is the main benefactor. Exasperated by my questions, he snapped, “Don’t bring these Russian-style conspiracy theories to me.”\n\n“You are engaged in onanism,” said Leontiev, the spokesman for Rosneft and Sechin when I asked him if Page had met with Sechin. “It’s bullshit. Just bullshit. You need to understand who Sechin is to even ask this question. It’s hard to have a meeting with him at all. It’s absurd.”\n\nAs for the FBI investigation, well, it’s unclear. A State Department official who works on Russia sanctions but was not authorized to speak on the record told me that, for one thing, there is “no prohibition meeting with a designated [sanctioned] individual. Moreover, sanctions violations are not criminal in nature and not enforced by the FBI. OFAC runs them.” He added, “the story doesn't add up.” What does seem to have happened is that various U.S. intelligence agencies were looking into Page’s time in Moscow, then briefed Senate minority leader, Democrat Harry Reid, who wrote a letter to FBI Director James Comey asking him to investigate, among other things, “whether a Trump advisor who has been highly critical of U.S. and European economic sanctions on Russia, and who has conflicts of interest due to investments in Russian energy conglomerate Gazprom, met with high-ranking sanctioned individuals while in Moscow in July of 2016, well after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee.”\n\n***\n\nI got my next surprise when I called Stephen Miller, Trump’s senior adviser. I caught him just as the Trump plane was about to take off, and asked him the tired, old question: Who is Carter Page?\n\n“Who?” says Miller, and then went off the record to expound on his lack of involvement in the campaign.\n\n“He has no formal role in the campaign,” Hope Hicks texted responding to my question.\n\nNow my interest was piqued. There were whispers all over Washington that, despite Hicks’s denial, Page was not only still part of the Trump campaign, but its conduit for Russian influence. Was he?\n\nOne way to answer the question was to figure out how he even got on that list to begin with.\n\nOne source suggested to me that Richard Burt, former U.S. ambassador to Germany, START treaty negotiator, and longtime lobbyist for Alfa Bank, was the nexus. It was Burt who helped draft Trump’s foreign policy speech in April, and had been advising the Trump campaign, via Senator Jeff Sessions, on foreign policy. But when I met Burt at his office at the McLarty Associates lobbying shop, he looked at me and said he had never even met him. “The only person I talked to about Carter Page is this guy at the Washington Post,” Burt told me. “And I told him I’d never met the guy. Let me put it this way: if I have met him, I’ve forgotten. He’s the former Merrill Lynch guy, right?”\n\nSomeone else told me that the Page connection was Rick Dearborn, Sessions’ chief of staff, who hired Page because Dearborn knew nothing about foreign policy but needed to put together a foreign policy staff for Trump’s Alexandria, Virginia, policy shop and he happened to know Page. But Dearborn wouldn’t return my calls, and someone who once worked for that policy shop told me it was neither Dearborn nor Burt, but campaign co-chair Sam Clovis who recruited Page. “If he was part of that original group of people, I can say with 70 percent confidence it was Sam Clovis,” this person told me.\n\n“I’m not answering your questions,” Clovis told me. He refused to tell me if he was the one who found Page, but Jason Miller, the campaign’s other spokesperson, says, “Carter Page isn’t someone I’ve interacted with.” Which confirmed what a policy staffer on the Trump campaign told me: “Carter is a red herring, not a Rasputin. He’s never met Trump, never briefed him. He has zero influence, none.”\n\n***\n\nWas Page the shadowy messenger between the Kremlin and Trump Tower, or was he the nebbishy, not-very-successful man trying to profit from the arbitrage between what Trump said—he’s my adviser—and what his associates said—“Who?” Maybe I wasn’t doing this right, and maybe everyone was lying to me, but it was hard not to come to the conclusion that, regardless of whatever game the Russians were running, Page was firmly in the latter camp.\n\n“I don’t know about his Russia fund, other than it’s never really materialized,” says the prominent player in the energy space whom Page has pitched on various energy projects. “Every conversation I’ve had with Carter has not been terribly serious. They’ve all been pie-in-the-sky ideas. There are usually issues with traction and execution capabilities.” He went on. “I couldn’t name a project that I could connect Carter’s name to, any project that actually happened.”\n\n“I don’t know how he’s earned a living off this,” the energy player says, “but I think he’s been trying to be an intermediary. If you hang around Russia long enough, it’s sort of like a pinball machine, something will hit you.”\n\nStrangely, it was not a Russian pinball that hit him; it was Trump. According to the Trump policy adviser, this winter, Clovis began to draw up a list of people who could serve as policy advisers to the campaign and give it some intellectual and policy heft. At a time when established Republican foreign policy specialists were tripping over each other to get away from Trump, “a lot of people came to Sam Clovis in February, March, and said, ‘I want to be part of the team,’” says the Trump adviser. And that’s how it happened. “He’s just a guy on a list. Trump looked at the list and said, ‘He’s an adviser.’ And now he’s milking it for all it’s worth.”\n\nNow, someone whom no one in the field had ever heard of was suddenly a Very Important Person in Washington—or at least could plausibly market himself as one. “I was not aware of him at all until he was named to the campaign, and even after that, I had never heard of him,” one Russia specialist in Washington told me. He saw Page at a Washington roundtable in June for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and what he saw was a strange kind of person: one who was very differential to everyone there “in a way that someone who is junior would use it to network,” but who was dropping hints full of meaning to anyone who would listen—and be impressed. “He was saying he was planning to go to Moscow,” the Russia specialist recalls. “He didn’t say what he was going to do there, but he created the impression that there could be some meaning to the trip.”\n\nAccording to a congressional leadership staffer familiar with the intelligence briefings on Page’s trip to Russia, “the meetings did happen and that’s been established as a fact. I think the investigation is more what happened in them.” But it remained unclear, the staffer told me unprompted, what this even meant. “It’s not just did he met with them or not, but now looking into the bigger question of what the hell is going on?” said the staffer. “Is he acting as a conduit in ways that are against America’s national security interests? Wittingly or un-, I should add. It’s what’s hard to parse about this. Is he doing this with nefarious intent or is this just about guys who are thrilled to be living in a John le Carré novel? Or are they being played by much smarter people in the Kremlin?”\n\nThis seems to be vintage Carter Page, a man whose story never quite adds up, as much as he tries to make the numbers work. But he’s also mastered the art of manipulating the distance between his story as it is and his story as he wants it to be, playing on the uncertainty in between to make himself seem more successful, more connected, even more evil than he really is—and to try to turn a profit off of that. “If Page using his status as ‘Trump advisor’ for personal gain, that’s another matter: Time for Page to join Twitter!” Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador to Russia, tweeted after news of the investigation broke. The Russians may be feeling out the Trump campaign via Page, but Page must be loving every minute of it. After all, meeting Russia’s energy czar is an impossible dream for a would-be investor struggling to make it in the world of Russian energy—but the dream entered the realm of the possible when Trump said three words in March: “Carter Page, Ph.D.” Now Carter Page, Ph.D., has found a perfect candidate to latch on to, like a pilot fish feeding off the carnage wrought by the oblivious Trump shark.\n\nFor months now, the American press has been twisting itself in knots trying to explain men like Page and Manafort, and, through them, to answer the questions of whether Putin is trying to destroy America by their hands, and is Trump a Kremlin stooge or a just a useful idiot, and is there even a difference?\n\nThere doesn’t seem to be one in the world of Trump, which in some ways resembles Putin’s: the waters of truth are muddy and deeply suggestive. And that is all that matters. Is Putin actually meddling in our election and undermining the foundations of Western democracy in a massive way, or doing just enough to make us think he is, and thereby acquiring powers he holds only because we believe him to have them? “I want to hope that this is connected with the growing influence and significance of Russia,” Putin says of the rumors of Russian meddling in the American election—as we in the media continue to squeegee them around, rarely really getting closer to the truth, and watching it disintegrate in our hands when we think we’ve finally grasped it.\n\nJulia Ioffe is contributing writer at Politico Magazine.","url":"http://politi.co/2cYpJ8p","authors":"Jack Shafer,Julia Ioffe","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":5392,"title_char":49,"text_char":31860,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":30,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.55638,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.00314,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.67,"anticipation":1.02,"disgust":0.46,"fear":0.78,"joy":0.63,"sadness":0.67,"surprise":0.52,"trust":1.76,"negative":1.61,"positive":2.61,"text_syllables":8875,"text_syllables_per_word":1.64596} {"title":"Hillary Clinton on police shootings: 'too many people have lost their lives who shouldn't have'","text":"Story highlights \"This, though, is certain: too many people have lost their lives who shouldn't have,\" Clinton said\n\nThe deaths of black civilians in confrontations with the police has taken center stage in the election\n\nOrlando (CNN) Hillary Clinton kicked off a campaign event Wednesday by saying that the recent police killings of two African-American men that unleashed a national uproar this week are \"unbearable\" and \"intolerable.\"\n\nClinton used those words the day before to describe last week's shooting death of Terence Crutcher in Oklahoma, but revisited the issue Wednesday in light of the death of Keith Lamont Scott in North Carolina. Her comments -- which came at the beginning of a lengthy speech about improving economic opportunities for disabled Americans -- marked her first on-camera remarks on the shootings, which have again sparked a debate about lethal police force.\n\n\"There is still much we don't know yet about what happened in both incidents. But we do know that we have two more names to add to a list of African Americans killed by police officers in these encounters,\" Clinton said. \"It's unbearable. And it needs to become intolerable.\"\n\nThe Democratic nominee added: \"I know I don't have all the answers. I don't know anyone who does. This, though, is certain: too many people have lost their lives who shouldn't have.\"\n\nEven as she referred to the deaths as \"two very upsetting incidents,\" Clinton also urged the public against channeling their anger by targeting police officers as she pointed to the protests that unfolded Tuesday night.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2cRxlv5","authors":"Mj Lee,Cnn National Politics Reporter","type":"real","title_words":15,"text_words":251,"title_char":95,"text_char":1583,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.39841,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.26,"anticipation":0.75,"disgust":1.13,"fear":2.63,"joy":0,"sadness":2.63,"surprise":0.38,"trust":1.13,"negative":4.89,"positive":3.01,"text_syllables":445,"text_syllables_per_word":1.77291} {"title":"U.S. attorney sees no rush to arraign Rahami in federal court","text":"Under the Radar Blog Archives Select Date… July, 2017 June, 2017 May, 2017 April, 2017 March, 2017 February, 2017 January, 2017 December, 2016 November, 2016 October, 2016 September, 2016 August, 2016\n\nAhmad Khan Rahami is taken into custody after a shootout with police Monday in Linden, N.J. | Nicolaus Czarnecki/Boston Herald via AP U.S. attorney sees no rush to arraign Rahami in federal court\n\nFederal prosecutors are pushing back against a demand by defense lawyers that New York and New Jersey bombing suspect Ahmad Rahami be arraigned immediately on federal charges he is facing.\n\nLate Tuesday, defense attorneys wrote to federal magistrate judge Gabriel Gorenstein asking that Rahami be promptly informed of the charges against him at a court proceeding that would also formally advise him of his right to counsel and his right to remain silent.\n\nHowever, prosecutors from the office of U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara said in a letter to the magistrate Wednesday that Rahami isn't in federal custody so there is no legal obligation for the federal courts to get involved.\n\n\"The defendant in this case, Ahmad Khan Rahami, a/k/a 'Ahmad Rahimi,' has not been arrested on any federal charge. He is not in federal custody. He is in the custody of the State of New Jersey, on state charges, and is subject to a bail package issued by the New Jersey state court,\" federal prosecutors wrote. \"While a writ of habeas corpus ad prosequendum has been lodged with the United States Marshals Service, it has not been executed, and there has been no such federal arrest.\"\n\nThe writ referred to in the federal prosecutors' letter would require state or local officials to hand over Rahami to federal authorities for prosecution. Rahami is facing five attempted murder charges in a New Jersey court in connection with a shootout Monday morning in which the suspect and two police officers were wounded. Rahami is currently in a Newark hospital. A judge has set $5.2 million bail and an initial county court appearance for Sept. 28.\n\nDefense lawyers contend that Rahami has been \"without the benefit of counsel\" since his arrest, but it's unclear whether he's been advised of his Miranda rights or whether he's made some decision not to meet with an attorney. Lawmakers briefed on the investigation say he has not been cooperating.\n\nWhile Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Wednesday that Rahami would be taken to Manhattan in the \"near future,\" the letter from prosecutors evinces no urgency to such a move. Prosecutors say Rahami has no rights in the federal system at the moment, including a right to counsel.\n\nThe letter indicates that lawyers from the Federal Defenders office in New York have sought appointment in Rahami's case, but prosecutors say that's \"plainly premature\" until he is brought to court. Prosecutors cited a series of terrorism cases where judges ruled defendants were not entitled to court-appointed counsel until they appear in court.\n\nCourt records show no immediate action from Gorenstein on the request for Rahami's arraignment or the defense lawyers' request to be appointed as his counsel in the case.\n\nJosh Gerstein is a senior reporter for POLITICO.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cS8sh4","authors":"Josh Gerstein","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":517,"title_char":61,"text_char":3221,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.38685,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.08,"anticipation":1.52,"disgust":0.76,"fear":3.03,"joy":0,"sadness":1.52,"surprise":0.57,"trust":3.6,"negative":2.27,"positive":3.22,"text_syllables":924,"text_syllables_per_word":1.78723} {"title":"HERE IT IS! The Winner of the First Debate Was Just Announced, And the Winner Is…","text":"775 SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nCNN news has claimed through polling that Hillary Clinton was the undefinable winner of the first general election debate. But others indicate otherwise. Snap polls show Donald Trump as the debate night winner. Talking points included the Birther movement allegations, the email controversy, and Trump’s tax returns as well as other things.\n\nLook at some of the snap polls below. They include TIME Magazine, the Drudge Report, CBS New York, Fox 5, and News 2 Nashville among many others.\n\nDonald Trump took to Twitter to thank everyone for polling in his favor and for their belief that he won the debate. So far, Hillary Clinton has yet to comment on it. The CNN snap poll showed Clinton at 62 percent and Trump at 27 percent. Which is a very large margin considering most polls show he won. Thus, something nefarious has to be going on with that CNN poll. Or the pool of people polled is off.\n\n521 people were polled by CNN but the network admitted the sample pool leaned more Democrat. Which would explain the results. Despite Clinton’s win in that poll the poll had mixed results as to whether or not the debate would make a difference in their voting. So even if she won in that poll that means the results do not necessarily indicate that people will go to the voting booth to support her.\n\nRegardless of these apparent “winning” results, as Donald Trump would say, he has complained that the media network gave him a defective mic. That he should have brought up Bill Clinton’s infidelity. Even going as far as to threaten not to appear at the debate. Which is odd considering he apparently won.\n\nWith the election about a month away time is beginning to crunch and the candidates have less and less time to change voters minds. Let’s not forget that Julian Assange promised a few months back an October surprise release on Wikileaks that would destroy Hillary Clinton’s campaign. We all must wait and see.","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/here-it-is-the-winner-of-the-first-debate-was-just-announced-and-the-winner-is/","type":"fake","title_words":16,"text_words":333,"title_char":81,"text_char":1942,"title_caps":3,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":18.75,"text_caps_percent":2.1021,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":1.23457,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":0.86,"anticipation":2.01,"disgust":1.15,"fear":1.43,"joy":1.15,"sadness":1.43,"surprise":1.72,"trust":1.43,"negative":2.87,"positive":3.15,"text_syllables":523,"text_syllables_per_word":1.57057} {"title":"I Was RFK’s Speechwriter. Now I’m Voting for Trump. Here’s Why.","text":"I was a Democrat all my life. I came to Washington to serve President John Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy. When the president was murdered and his brother struck off on his own, I joined his Senate campaign and staff as his legislative assistant and speechwriter, until his presidential campaign ended with his own assassination. I ran on a (losing) Democratic ticket in the New York state elections of 1970. When I was working to enact my own program of police reform in the 1980s and 1990s, then-Governor Bill Clinton was chairman of my National Committee for the Police Corps.\n\nThis year, I will vote to elect Donald Trump as president of the United States.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nSo profound a change, and a decent respect for old friendships, requires me to deliver a public accounting for this decision.\n\nHere it is. John and Robert Kennedy devoted their greatest commitments and energies to the prevention of war and the preservation of peace. To them that was not an abstract formula but the necessary foundation of human life. But today’s Democrats have become the Party of War: a home for arms merchants, mercenaries, academic war planners, lobbyists for every foreign intervention, promoters of color revolutions, failed generals, exploiters of the natural resources of corrupt governments. We have American military bases in 80 countries, and there are now American military personnel on the ground in about 130 countries, a remarkable achievement since there are only 192 recognized countries. Generals and admirals announce our national policies. Theater commanders are our principal ambassadors. Our first answer to trouble or opposition of any kind seems always to be a military movement or action.\n\nNor has the Democratic Party candidate for president this year, Hillary Clinton, sought peace. Instead she has pushed America into successive invasions, successive efforts at “regime change.” She has sought to prevent Americans from seeking friendship or cooperation with President Vladimir Putin of Russia by characterizing him as “another Hitler.” She proclaims herself ready to invade Syria immediately after taking the oath of office. Her shadow War Cabinet brims with the architects of war and disaster for the past decades, the neocons who led us to our present pass, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, in Ukraine, unrepentant of all past errors, ready to resume it all with fresh trillions and fresh blood. And the Democrats she leads seem intent on worsening relations with Russia, for example by sending American warships into the Black Sea, or by introducing nuclear weapons ever closer to Russia itself.\n\nIn fact, in all the years of the so-called War on Terror, only one potential American president has had the intelligence, the vision, the sheer sanity to see that America cannot fight the entire world at once; who sees that America’s natural and necessary allies in this fight must include the advanced and civilized nations that are most exposed and experienced in their own terror wars, and have the requisite military power and willingness to use it. Only one American candidate has pointed out how senseless it is to seek confrontation with Russia and China, at the same time that we are trying to suppress the very jihadist movements that they also are attacking.\n\nThat candidate is Donald Trump. Throughout this campaign, he has said that as president, he would quickly sit down with President Putin and seek relaxation of tensions between our nations, and possible collaboration in the fight against terrorists. On this ground alone, he marks himself as greatly superior to all his competitors, earlier in the primaries and now in the general election.\n\nIt must also be said: Mr. Trump is an imperfect candidate, and he would surely be an imperfect president. He is crude, often vulgar. He has areas of great ignorance. He insults people and inflicts unnecessary harm. He would be twice the candidate he is if he used half the words. He is often intemperate; though it is not Trump but his opponent who is so intemperate as to compare Putin’s moves in Ukraine to what Hitler did—an insult that throughout all the Cold War and to this day, no American president has ever offered to any Soviet or Russian leader, not even the enormous butcher Josef Stalin, with whom in fact we joined to win the Second World War. And it is not Mr. Trump but Michael Morell, a former CIA director now high in the councils of the Democratic candidate, who has publicly suggested, without rebuke from anyone, that we should begin “killing Russians,” a doubly illegal act of war.\n\nMoreover Trump marks himself as a man of singular political courage, willing to defy the hysteria of the Washington war hawks, the establishment and the mainstream media who daily describe him as virtually anti-American for daring to voice ideas and opinions at variance with their one-note devotion to war.\n\n***\n\nJohn Kennedy admired political courage. He began his first campaign for Congress at the height of the Cold War by saying, “Above all, day and night, with every ounce of ingenuity and industry we possess, we must work for peace. We must not have another war.” Years later, in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, he and his brother had to overcome great opposition from their own military commanders, government officials and other public leaders, to prevent a war with the Soviet Union: there were 13 men in the ExComm room, and Robert Kennedy said that had any 1 of 8 of them been president, the crisis would have exploded in nuclear war.\n\nBut within a year thereafter, deeply affected by the barely-averted catastrophe, President Kennedy had forged a close working relationship with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, spoke all over the country to promote peace policies, and delivered his historic American University speech of 1963. Our “strategy of peace,” he said, was “not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war.” Rather it must be founded on negotiation, cooperation in areas of mutual interest, and recognition that “our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.” As to our great adversary the Soviet Union, he said, “we must reexamine our own attitude—as individuals and as a nation—for our attitude is as essential as theirs.”\n\nSix months later he was dead; and it was Robert Kennedy who must resume the effort. Robert Kennedy made ratification of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty the early centerpiece of his Senate career. But as President Lyndon Johnson escalated the war in Vietnam, it was that war which forced Robert Kennedy to make his doomed race for the presidency. Wherever he campaigned in 1968, to virtually every audience, he spoke of the loss, the horror, the infinite tragedy of that war, in words that could be and must be repeated today, after 15 consecutive years of wars all over the world.\n\n“Our brave young men,” he said, “are dying in the swamps of Southeast Asia. Which of them might have written a poem? Which of them might have cured cancer? Which of them might have played in a World Series or given us the gift of laughter from the stage or helped build a bridge or a university? Which of them would have taught a child to read? It is our responsibility to let these men live ... It is indecent if they die because of the empty vanity of their country.”\n\nHe also urged that we consider the Vietnamese mother, desperately trying to shield her baby from the fire from the sky, sent by machines from a country she could barely understand. He demanded of his colleagues, on the Senate floor, to answer what gave us the right to destroy remote villages on the other side of the world, to arrogate to ourselves the power of God, the rule of life and death over others. “All this is our responsibility,” he said, “not just a nation’s responsibility but yours and mine.”\n\nJohn and Robert Kennedy were no pacifists, nor ignorant of the realities of power. But they required that great power be used with great precision and restraint, and with humility. Both knew that their own lives were hostage to the possibility of assassination, yet they kept trying to guide us toward peace up to the moments of their death.\n\nThe legacy of JFK & RFK is “being abandoned by today’s Democratic Party.”\n\nTheirs is the legacy that is being abandoned by today’s Democratic Party. We have broken one Middle Eastern nation after another. Hundreds of cities and villages lie in ruins, hundreds of thousands are dead, millions are refugees; and, for all the press and political thundering against the menace of ISIS, Al Qaeda, or Islamic terrorism generally, our military leaders offer no prospects of victory. They cannot tell us what victory would require or mean; though they are quick to assure us, as in Libya today, that this conflict will go on indefinitely. They cannot even explain how some of our current allies (example Turkey) are bombing and shelling others of our purported allies (example the Kurds). So a Democratic administration, carrying on the work of the Bush presidency, without thought and without question, year after year, has kept sending more young men and women into the grinder.\n\nScores of Democratic elected officials once spoke and worked tirelessly to end our disastrous war in Vietnam. Today there is only the voice of the marvelous Democratic member of Congress Tulsi Gabbard, a reservist who has twice deployed to Iraq and knows of what she speaks. And it is a Democratic president who sends an endless parade of drones to nations all over the world, flaunting for all to see America’s unique military technology, coupled with our seeming complete carelessness in how that technological prowess destroys people and nations.\n\nMost amazing of all, however, is that as we proclaim that the terrorists threaten Europe, threaten the United States, threaten Western civilization itself—as we face all this, we do not concentrate our military might against this unique threat.\n\nWhere are we sending our warriors, our ships, our planes? Why to Russia, which the U.S. general who commands NATO has announced is the prime “existential” threat to America. As you read this, ground, air and naval forces of NATO, led and largely paid for by the United States, have been moving about the Western borders of Russia, carrying out the largest military maneuvers since World War II. At the same time, our most powerful carriers and naval air forces have been steaming about the South China Sea, there perhaps to find encounters of unknowable potential with the rising forces of China, our second said to be “existential” enemy.\n\nThere are no Russian terrorists ravaging France or Italy or America. ISIS is not to be found on Russian soil. The only Russian terrorists who have attacked the West are the Islamists whom President Putin first asked us to join in the fight against in 1999. The only Chinese terrorists are Uighurs who are attacking not us but China itself. It would seem elementary common sense that America would have long since sought, not to fight with Russia and China, but to cooperate with both to suppress the terrorists and the terrorism that have plagued us for over a generation, including the ISIS that is terrorizing Europe today.\n\nFormer Defense Secretary William Perry, a Democrat, warns that we are now, today, “on the threshold of a new Cold War. ... a new nuclear arms race. ... the likelihood of a nuclear catastrophe is actually greater than it was during the Cold War.”\n\nSurely the wars and threats of war already on our horizon would be more than enough for any empire; and our empire, as every thoughtful person knows, is already staggering under the immeasurable loads of debt piled up by America, by our governments, our corporations, our households, our students, and our promises of unlimited benefits in the future. The years of constant combat have exhausted our military. False hopes and vain promises of victory have burnt up the caches of idealism and patriotic commitment with which we began the wars a generation ago. Our forces are worn out, especially the elite warrior units that have been constantly deployed for more than a decade.\n\nBut, ominously, there is more to come, more that already stares us in the face. The dire events of this summer have shown us the true danger that lurks here at home. This is not a danger imported from Syria or Iraq or Russia. Our greatest menace is the danger of our own history, our inheritance to the latest day.\n\nFor the fact is that while we chased a chimera of peace and justice in lands far from our own, imposing ourselves and our concepts on strangers who rejected our teachings, we were neglecting our own country and our own people, our own neighbors, our own children and our own friends. And now we can see the result. The violence we took to other countries bounces back to our own. The money we squandered on bombs in Iraq was not available for our own schools. The brilliant young men and women, who gave up their bodies and their lives on distant battlefields, were not here to teach and mentor and guide the young people of the ghetto. They were not here to police the mean streets, to suppress and eliminate the crime that is the greatest cause of poverty. They were not here to bring the protection and the blessings of the American Constitution to the least among us. They were not here to protect American cities and enrich American lives.\n\nAnd they were not here to keep Americans and American children from murdering American police officers. This is our true present danger.\n\n***\n\nSo my hope for America is this. First, we must begin immediately to end our involvement in endless, unnecessary and therefore murderous wars. We need our best young people to help us here at home. We need to stop the reckless military spending on more destructive armaments. We need to breathe free again.\n\nWe must and will defend civilized order against its deadly enemies. ISIS and its brethren must be eliminated: no quarter, no hesitation. But we will need to engage all civilized peoples in our mutual defense. We must abandon foolish skirmishes and petty jealousies. We must end our reflexive efforts to dominate other developed nations, especially Russia and China.\n\nPresident Kennedy told us over and over that our own peace and security, in this dangerous world, would depend upon peaceful and cooperative relations with Russia and the Russian people; indeed, at the end of his presidency, Ronald Reagan said the same. Fools in Washington, intent on world domination, would have us ignore that wisdom now. But it is the wisdom that we need to preserve the world and our children’s future.\n\nSecond, we must at the same time begin to recover our domestic peace. There are many ills to be cured, many shortcomings to be righted.\n\nBut nothing can be accomplished in the midst of a war against police, an insurrection against the Constitution itself. Our clear priority is reinforcement of our police and police departments. We need many more and better police. We need them to be better trained, not as warriors but as shepherds, as leaders and teachers of the young, as peacemakers in communities that have not known real peace for many years. We need our very best young people, not getting their legs blown off by IEDs in Afghanistan, but saving all of our lives in St. Louis and Chicago and Detroit and Baton Rouge and all the other wasted places in our own land.\n\nDonald Trump has been mocked mercilessly for saying, “America first.” But to demand that all the actions of government, at home or abroad, be first directed at the interests and well-being of our own country is not old-fashioned or outmoded. Rather it represents the deepest wisdom and tradition of American statesmen from the founders on. Only with a clear vision of what is truly in the interests of our nation and our fellow citizens, and a full commitment to those interests, can we act wisely at home and in the world beyond.\n\nFinally, our president has told us we must lower our voices. Of course we do not hope for domestic discord. But the people of the United States have perhaps stood silent for too long. The elites of opinion and government have not hesitated to offer us instruction, from the heights of their power and eminence. These are the people who have led us into useless foreign war and limitless domestic disaster. This president tells us that we must now spend another trillion dollars on new nuclear weapons systems, and when we ask who will be the target for these world-destroying weapons, says only, “There can be no business as usual with Russia.”\n\nSurely he must have misspoken, for anyone can see we are on a course of madness. We simply cannot fight the entire world, Russia and China and all the nations of the Mideast, and fight a war at home all at the same time.\n\nAnd therefore we citizens must not be silent, we must speak as with one great overwhelming voice, a voice as powerful as Washington, as Jefferson, as Lincoln, as Martin Luther King:\n\nReturn to the wisdom of the founders, who fought necessary wars to defend the Union, but sought no foreign conquests.\n\nDo not step over the threshold of a new Cold War, a new nuclear arms race with Russia and China, but seek to enlist them in common ventures to resist the forces of terror and chaos that threaten all civilization.\n\nCommit to our own domestic peace and security, rather than persist in a vain effort to control the lives and affairs of 200 foreign nations.\n\nThis, as I understand it, is the platform of Donald Trump. It was not the Republican Party platform, and he had to overcome much opposition within his party to gain the nomination. But it is his platform. It is the platform he has restated again and again, with determination, and with the courage and persistence to outlast his critics. It is a platform that, even in these troubled days, could fulfill the hopes of the greatest Americans of all parties.\n\nWell may we seek reassurance whether Mr. Trump has the kind of cool judgment and self-possession that the presidency requires; the judgment that comes to the fore in crisis, that saves a nation or perhaps a world. No one can ever truly know how a future president will react to such enormous pressures. But Trump has given some evidence. He set himself a unique course toward the office, disdaining conventional wisdom, speaking more truth about politics and about America than any conventional consultant or adviser thought prudent or wise. And yet it is his independence, his willingness to name facts however unpleasant, together with his great political courage, that can give us hope and even some confidence that he may be up to the job. Perhaps most important, he has proven that he is not intimidated by the generals and admirals who have up to this day had their unimpeded way with our wars and our budgets, to the immense loss of both.\n\nFlawed as he may be, Trump is telling more of the truth than politicians of our day. Most important, he offers a path away from constant war, a path of businesslike accommodation with all reasonable people and nations, concentrating our forces and efforts against the true enemies of civilization. Thus, to dwell on his faults and errors is to evade the great questions of war and peace, life and death for our people and our country. You and I will have to compensate for his deficits of civility, in return for peace, we may hope as Lincoln hoped, among ourselves and with all nations.\n\nTruly, America first, last and always; for ourselves and for our posterity. These are the reasons why I will vote for Donald Trump for president.\n\nAdam Walinsky worked in the Department of Justice during the Kennedy administration and later served as legislative assistant and speechwriter to Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.","url":"http://politi.co/2cQNTTT","authors":"Jack Shafer,Michael Hirsh,Mikhail Zygar,Bruce Blair,Peter Edelman,Adam Walinsky","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":3355,"title_char":63,"text_char":19923,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":10,"title_caps_percent":9.09091,"text_caps_percent":0.29806,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.93,"anticipation":1.46,"disgust":1.13,"fear":2.32,"joy":1.25,"sadness":1.43,"surprise":0.98,"trust":2.55,"negative":3.33,"positive":4.37,"text_syllables":5702,"text_syllables_per_word":1.69955} {"title":"Emmy Host Kimmel Calls Out Dude Who Made Trump A Reality TV Star For Helping Destroy America (VIDEO)","text":"\n\n8422 SHARES SHARES FacebookTwitter GooglePinterestDiggLinkedin Reddit Stumbleupon PrintDeliciousPocketTumblr\n\nJimmy Kimmel had an opportunity to bash Donald Trump in front of an audience of millions at the Emmys and he did not disappoint. He even went after Trump’s enablers who were sitting in the audience.\n\nKimmel opened the ceremony by poking fun of Hollywood’s elite and making several sarcastic but pointed jokes about diversity.\n\n“This year’s nominees are the most diverse ever. And here in Hollywood, the only thing we value more than diversity is congratulating ourselves on how much we value diversity. The Emmys are so diverse this year, the Oscars are telling people we’re one of their closest friends.”\n\nBut his greatest moment came when he mocked Trump. And called out the guy who made him a reality television celebrity.\n\nKimmel sarcastically riffed about the existence of television making it possible for such self-aggrandizing and bombastic egotists like Trump to thrive.\n\n“If it weren’t for television, would Donald Trump be running for president? No. He would be at home right now quietly rubbing up against his wife Malaria, while she pretends to be asleep.”\n\nAnd when it came to who was responsible for creating the five-alarm dumpster fire that is Donald Trump’s presidency, Kimmel singled out Mark Burnett, the brainchild behind Celebrity Apprentice.\n\n“That’s right. That guy. Mark Burnett, the man who brought us ‘Celebrity Apprentice. Thanks to Mark Burnett, we don’t have to watch reality shows anymore, because we’re living in one. Thank you, Mark.”\n\nPerhaps only the guy who invented the infomercial is responsible for more suffering than Mark Burnett. That’s why Kimmel nominated Burnett to be the first one tossed over Trump’s wall, should Trump convince enough deplorables to vote against their economic self-interests.\n\nWatch the segment below:\n\n#Emmys: @JimmyKimmel blames Mark Burnett for Donald Trump during his opening monologue https://t.co/DxE9JEoINP pic.twitter.com/vZ6gNe5HnL — Hollywood Reporter (@THR) September 19, 2016\n\nFeatured image via Getty\n\nLike this: Like Loading...\n\nRelated","url":"http://www.ifyouonlynews.com/humor/emmy-host-kimmel-calls-out-dude-who-made-trump-a-reality-tv-star-for-helping-destroy-america-video/","authors":"Latest Posts,Michael Hayne","type":"real","title_words":18,"text_words":308,"title_char":100,"text_char":2128,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":11.11111,"text_caps_percent":0.97403,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.92,"anticipation":3.07,"disgust":1.23,"fear":1.53,"joy":1.84,"sadness":1.23,"surprise":1.84,"trust":3.68,"negative":2.45,"positive":4.29,"text_syllables":594,"text_syllables_per_word":1.92857} {"title":"Decades-Old Clinton Friend Comes Forward, Says She Knows What's Happening to Hillary","text":"Advertisement - story continues below\n\nOne of former President Bill Clinton’s oldest friends has come forward and said what she believed was wrong with Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and if she’s right, it could be detrimental to the former secretary of state.\n\nDolly Kyle, author of “Hillary the Other Woman,” said Clinton has been “’cruisin’ for a bruisin’,” because she’s so angry and driven by rage. “People like that eventually break down, physically.”\n\n“Hillary Clinton is not physically fit to be president,” Kyle told WND. “Anyone who believes that she is has their eyes closed. If she was in a wheelchair or blind or something like that, she could still do the job. But she is losing her mental capabilities, she’s suffering from real cognitive impairment.”\n\nAdvertisement - story continues below\n\nKyle, an award-winning lawyer, also said Clinton is showing evidence of emotional instability, memory loss and difficulty carrying out tasks.\n\nThese symptoms coupled with Clinton’s paranoia and desire to control could only result in a psychological disaster.\n\n“That paranoia, that tendency to be a control freak, has always been a part of her personality,” Kyle said, and it’s simply not a good combination for anyone — much less the president of the United States.\n\nAdvertisement - story continues below\n\nKyle said she wrote her book because she wanted everyone to know the truth about Hillary Clinton — and Clinton’s health was just one troubling aspect of a larger picture.\n\nClinton is addicted to power, and will stop at nothing to get what she wants — even if it means jeopardizing her health and the Democrat party, according to Kyle.\n\n“She has been running for president ever since she took hold of Billy Clinton’s coattails so many decades ago in 1971,” the lawyer said.\n\nThis was more bad news for Clinton, who has struggled to keep a positive image while deflecting scandals not only about her health but about her character and her ability to lead this country.\n\nAdvertisement - story continues below\n\nShare this story and let us know what you think about Dolly Kyle’s claim that Hillary Clinton is losing her mental capacities.","url":"http://conservativetribune.com/clinton-friend-happening-hillary/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=RightWingNews&utm_content=2016-09-21&utm_campaign=manualpost","authors":"Martin Lioll,John Falkenberg,Ben Marquis,Kimberly J Smith,Martin Walsh,V Saxena,Benjamin Arie","type":"fake","title_words":12,"text_words":342,"title_char":84,"text_char":2162,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.2924,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.26,"anticipation":1.41,"disgust":2.26,"fear":2.26,"joy":1.41,"sadness":1.98,"surprise":1.69,"trust":3.39,"negative":4.24,"positive":4.52,"text_syllables":605,"text_syllables_per_word":1.76901} {"title":"Charity: Clinton Foundation Distributed “Watered-Down” AIDS Drugs to Sub-Saharan Africa – Eagle Rising","text":"Former President Bill Clinton and his Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) distributed “watered-down” HIV/AIDs drugs to patients in sub-Saharan Africa, and “likely increased” the risks of morbidity and mortality, according to a draft congressional report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.\n\nThe congressional report, titled,“The Clinton Foundation and The India Success Story,” was initiated by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican and vice-chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.\n\nThe CHAI program to help AIDS victims is considered one of the Clinton Foundation’s most important contributions and is probably its best known initiative.\n\nThe congressional report focused on Clinton’s decade-long relationship with a controversial Indian drug manufacturer called Ranbaxy, which CHAI used as one of its main distributors of HIV/AIDS drugs to Third World countries.\n\nIt also highlighted the work of Dinesh Thakur, a former Ranbaxy employee who became a star whistleblower and permitted the U.S. government to launch a landmark lawsuit against the Indian firm. The company was vulnerable to U.S. prosecution because it also sold its generic drugs on the U.S. market.\n\nRanbaxy ultimately pleaded guilty in 2013 to seven criminal counts with intent to defraud and the introduction of adulterated drugs into interstate commerce.\n\nThe Department of Justice further levied a $500 million fine and forfeiture on the company.\n\n“This is the largest false claims case ever prosecuted in the District of Maryland, and the nation’s largest financial penalty paid by a generic pharmaceutical company,” said U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein when Ranbaxy pleaded guilty.\n\n“When companies sell adulterated drugs, they undermine the integrity of the FDA’s approval process and may cause patients to take drugs that are substandard, ineffective, or unsafe,” said Stuart F. Delery, acting assistant attorney general for the civil division of the Department of Justice, when the government announced its action against the Indian company.\n\nThe Department of Justice stated in its final settlement, “alleged due to the company’s diluted drugs, it ‘subjected patients to increased risks of morbidity and mortality,’” according to the report.\n\n“The question becomes, ‘how many people lost their lives, how many people found it was a false promise,’” asked Blackburn in an interview with TheDCNF.\n\nThe possibility that CHAI distributed adulterated and diluted AIDS drugs to Third World victims could shake the foundations of the Clinton charity and spark a new round of scrutiny in the final weeks of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign.\n\nBlackburn said she delivered the report to the inspector generals at the Department of Health and Human Services and to the Department of State, where Hillary served as secretary of state during President Barack Obama’s first term.\n\nThe congressional study also highlighted the unseemly ties between Bill and two controversial Indian-Americans who have been investigated and sanctioned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission.\n\nThe most troubling revelations concern the Clinton Foundation’s vigorous promotion of Ranbaxy despite mounting evidence the Indian firm had persistently poor quality control and attempted to cover it up through either faulty or fraudulent reporting to the FDA.\n\nIt is unclear at this juncture how many AIDS patients received the “watered-down” drugs.\n\nProPublica estimated that in 2007 alone, the U.S. Agency for International Development allocated $9 million to Ranbaxy and delivered “more than $1.8 million packages.”\n\n“Substandard HIV medicines cause health problems for patients, perhaps even accelerating death from HIV-related infections,” Roger Bate, an economist at the American Enterprise Institute who researches substandard and counterfeit medicines, told TheDCNF.\n\nThakur told TheDCNF that many of the company’s anti-retroviral drugs were used to stabilize platelet and white blood cell counts in AIDS patients.\n\n“These drugs allow it to stabilize and essentially provide immunity to patients. If the content of the medicine is not what is listed on the label, you will not see the platelet levels or the WBC levels stabilize,” he said.\n\nRanbaxy’s first public hint of problems occurred in August 2004, one year after CHAI began working with the firm. The World Health Organization reported irregularities involving three Ranbaxy drugs in South Africa, according to the report.\n\nThe FDA sent a public “warning letter” to Ranbaxy in 2006 about reported irregularities in the company’s quality control efforts. It concluded that the drugs, which included anti-retroviral HIV/AIDs medications, “show much lower potencies in these batches.”\n\nAlthough Ranbaxy’s generic drugs are now barred from being sold in the U.S., CHAI and the former president continue to praise Ranbaxy and distribute the company’s HIV/AID drugs to patients abroad.\n\nBill heaped praise on Ranbaxy in 2013 during a speech in Mumbai, saying, the drugs saved millions of lives.\n\nNeither CHAI nor the Clinton Foundation have announced they severed ties with Ranbaxy.\n\nThakur said he’s now a public health activist who tries to get global health charities to focus on the quality of drugs rather than simply on “access” to patients.\n\nThe whistleblower tried to meet with CHAI and Clinton Foundation officials, but was only met with silence. “I have tried to reach out to them,” he told TheDCNF. “But I haven’t had a great amount of success with the Clinton Foundation.”\n\nCHAI was a part of the Clinton Foundation until 2010, when it spun off into a separate entity. The groups still have some overlapping board members and staff, and they continue to operate in close coordination. Bill Clinton, for example, is deeply involved with both organizations.\n\nCharles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst who has been an outspoken critic of the legal missteps by the Clinton Foundation, claims their separation was “deeply suspect.”\n\n“In the application, trustees of the new entity, including Bill Clinton, falsely claim the entity is not a successor to previous efforts. This is not true. They purposefully obscure the fact that a similar operation called ‘CHAI’ was by far the largest piece of the original Foundation,” Ortel told TheDCNF.\n\nThe congressional study suggests Bill may have relaxed quality standards in a 2000 executive order.\n\nHe signed an executive order that, “relaxed intellectual property policy standards,” promising the U.S. government “would not revoke or revise the intellectual property laws of any ‘Sub-Saharan country’ relating to HIV/AIDS medicines or technologies,” the report states.\n\nCHAI announced in October 2003 it was going to distribute generic, low-cost HIV drugs from four foreign drug manufacturers: Ranbaxy; Cipla of Mumbai, India; Matrix Labs of Hydrabad, India; Aspen Pharmacare of Johannesburg, South Africa.\n\nCHAI’s endorsement also allowed Ranbaxy to manufacture HIV drugs that would be bought by the U.S. government under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS relief — a $15 billion initiative proposed by former President George W. Bush.\n\nThe flow of U.S. funds combined with Clinton’s endorsement allowed the four foreign drug manufactures to become “good acquisition targets,” according to the study.\n\nRanbaxy filed 10 abbreviated new drug applications, three of which were approved by the FDA, according to the congressional study. Eventually, the firm would produce 13 generic HIV drugs.\n\nThe companies enjoyed great financial profits and they “exploded as they partnered with the Foundation for several years,” the report states.\n\nThe study also examined the key players in the Clinton-CHAI orbit, the potential for corruption and how the program ultimately benefited the Clinton Foundation in terms of donor contributions.\n\nOne relationship unearthed by the report was the American Indian Foundation, which Clinton co-founded with Indian-American businessmen Rajat Gupta and Vinod Gupta in 2001.\n\nRajat was convicted of insider trading in 2012 in a sensational trial.\n\nVinod eventually was forced to resign as CEO and chairman of the company InfoGroup and was fined $9 million in a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation. One of the charges stated Vinod had awarded Bill $3.3 million without board approval.\n\nBlackburn says the worst part of the story were the “false hopes” offered by the Clinton Foundation.\n\n“You think about the emotional state of health care workers as they are dealing with these individuals and the emotional state of the patients. To me it’s disturbing and very sad,” she said.\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/36899/charity-clinton-foundation-distributed-watered-down-aids-drugs-to-sub-saharan-africa/","authors":"View All Posts","type":"fake","title_words":13,"text_words":1305,"title_char":102,"text_char":8837,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":38,"title_caps_percent":7.69231,"text_caps_percent":2.91188,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.99,"anticipation":1.52,"disgust":0.76,"fear":1.44,"joy":1.06,"sadness":1.06,"surprise":0.38,"trust":3.03,"negative":2.5,"positive":4.48,"text_syllables":2494,"text_syllables_per_word":1.91111} {"title":"Tim Kaine on Libertarian ticket: 'Everybody knows they're not going to win'","text":"Story highlights Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine says third-party Libertarian candidates will lose\n\nHe acknowledged that he and Clinton will make a case to voters who may be considering Johnson\n\n(CNN) Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine has a message for voters considering a third-party candidate: They're going to lose.\n\n\"The argument against the ticket is, I think, everybody knows that they're not going to win,\" Kaine said of the Gary Johnson and Bill Weld Libertarian ticket in an interview with Yahoo News' Katie Couric this week.\n\nHillary Clinton's running mate pointed to the 2000 election as evidence that a protest vote for a third-party candidate can affect the outcome of the race -- and history.\n\n\"My argument against the (Johnson-Weld) ticket is the Al Gore-George W. Bush race in 2000. The third party candidacy of Ralph Nader cost Gore electoral votes in New Hampshire and Florida. And if Gore had been president, we probably wouldn't had a war in Iraq,\" he said. \"Casting a vote, a protest vote, for a third-party candidate that's going to lose may well affect the outcome. It may well lead to a consequence that is deeply, deeply troubling. That's not a speculation, we've seen it in our country's history.\"\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2cX5Nof","authors":"Betsy Klein","type":"real","title_words":12,"text_words":202,"title_char":75,"text_char":1265,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.49505,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.87,"anticipation":0.47,"disgust":0.93,"fear":2.34,"joy":0.47,"sadness":2.34,"surprise":0.93,"trust":1.4,"negative":3.74,"positive":2.8,"text_syllables":361,"text_syllables_per_word":1.78713} {"title":"Clinton: Tulsa shooting 'unbearable,' should be 'intolerable'","text":"(CNN) Hillary Clinton's campaign manager said Wednesday that the Democratic nominee would implement a set of best practices to prevent police-involved shootings like the ones this week in Charlotte, North Carolina and Tulsa, Oklahoma.\n\n\"There are two prongs to her approach,\" Robby Mook, Hillary for America campaign manager told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on \"New Day.\" \"The first is to have a set of national standards around how to manage the situations that doesn't exist right now and that could help through training to prevent situations like this.\"\n\n\"There are no set of national best practices on how to manage situations,\" he continued. \"These situations are handled by local policies currently. And what she is proposing is that we actually set up national standards so that localities have better policies to work with and train towards.\"\n\nClinton spoke out Tuesday against \"systematic racism\" following the recent shooting of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Crutcher was shot and killed last week after his car broke down. The 40-year-old black man raised his hands above his head just before Officer Betty Shelby fatally shot him. Crutcher was unarmed at the time.\n\nThe Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department said Wednesday that \"approximately 12 officers\" were injured during protests after the fatal shooting of Keith Lamont Scott Tuesday by a police officer.\n\nMook said the other part of Clinton's plans involves working to improve the relationship between police and minorities.\n\n\"The second piece is to restore bonds between communities and law enforcement, so investing in community policing and making sure that local police have the resources to build the resources in the community to prevent something like this from happening,\" he said.\n\nClinton told radio host Steve Harvey on Tuesday's \"The Steve Harvey Morning Show\" that she plans to speak \"directly to white people\" about implicit bias. Mook said Wednesday Clinton meant she would explain that different ethnic groups are often treated differently in America.\n\n\"What she's saying is our entire country needs to do some real soul-searching here. It is clear that the criminal justice system is not treating everybody the same way,\" he said. \"If you are African-American or from a minority group, you may not be being treated the same as a white person. And that's a problem.\"\n\nClinton said Tuesday that while there are \"good, honorable, cool-headed police officers\" working across the country, \"we can do better.\"\n\n\"We have got to tackle systemic racism,\" Clinton said. \"This horrible shooting again. How many times do we have to see this in our country?\"\n\n\"This is just unbearable,\" Clinton said. \"And it needs to be intolerable.\"\n\nClinton later tweeted on the shooting, writing, \"Another unarmed Black man was shot in a police incident. This should be intolerable. We have so much work to do. #TerenceCrutcher -H.\"\n\nAnother unarmed Black man was shot in a police incident. This should be intolerable. We have so much work to do. #TerenceCrutcher -H — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 20, 2016\n\nIn response to the Crutcher shooting, both the Department of Justice and state authorities have launched investigations into the officer-involved shooting.\n\nDanny C. Williams, US Attorney of the Northern District of Oklahoma, said prosecutors will attempt to determine whether a federal civil rights violation had occurred. Authorities refused to immediately answer additional questions due to the ongoing investigation.","url":"http://cnn.it/2cQyS4N","authors":"Dan Merica,Eugene Scott","type":"real","title_words":7,"text_words":534,"title_char":61,"text_char":3507,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.5618,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.03,"anticipation":1.48,"disgust":0.55,"fear":2.4,"joy":0.74,"sadness":1.66,"surprise":1.11,"trust":2.77,"negative":3.7,"positive":3.51,"text_syllables":988,"text_syllables_per_word":1.85019} {"title":"Watch Joe Biden Take Trump’s Own Words And Tear Him To SHREDS After Debate (VIDEO)","text":"If there’s anyone in this day and age who most definitely doesn’t mince words, and will say what needs to be said, it’s Vice President Joe Biden.\n\nWhile speaking in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on a campaign stop for Hillary Clinton, Biden tore into some of the remarks from Monday’s debate. Especially when Donald Trump seemed to think it’s perfectly fine to screw over the American people, or benefit from their sorrow.\n\nBiden said:\n\n“This is a guy who said — and wants to be president — that it was good business for him to see the housing market fail. What in the hell is he talking about?”\n\nAdding:\n\n“Every president I have served with, including Republicans, has had a moral center about what it was to be an American, about what we’re supposed to do, about what basic fundamental rights are.”\n\nThen really getting to the core of it, he said:\n\n“He does not have the basic fundamental sensibilities and values that almost every American politician left, right and center I know have. They disagree on how to make things better for you, but they don’t take pleasure from ‘You’re fired.’ They don’t take pleasure knowing that they will benefit.”\n\nBiden also talked about how Trump seems proud of not paying taxes. Taxes that all of us have to pay and don’t have the luxury of manipulating the tax code to our advantage.\n\n“He acknowledged that he didn’t pay taxes because, he said, he’s smart. Makes him smart. Tell that to the janitor in here who’s paying taxes. Tell that to your mothers and fathers who are breaking their neck to send you here who are paying their taxes. No I really mean it. It angers me.”\n\nBiden knows, as we should all know by this point in the election, who the better choice is for Commander-in-Chief. He reiterates:\n\n“If this choice isn’t clear, I don’t know –- my lord… What bothers me about this race is how palpable his cynicism is about the American people.”\n\nAnd it’s true, the choice is abundantly clear — Hillary Rodham Clinton should and will be our next president.\n\nWatch Biden lay into Trump here:\n\nWATCH: VP Biden goes off on Trump over Trump’s comments about not paying taxes: “It angers me! … What in the hell is he talking about!?” pic.twitter.com/Qg5L5HcnvL — NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) September 27, 2016\n\nFeatured image via video screen capture","url":"http://addictinginfo.org/2016/09/27/watch-joe-biden-take-trumps-own-words-and-tear-him-to-shreds-after-debate-video/","type":"real","title_words":15,"text_words":386,"title_char":82,"text_char":2295,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":13.33333,"text_caps_percent":0.7772,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":2,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.08715,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.25,"anticipation":1.25,"disgust":0.75,"fear":1,"joy":1,"sadness":0.75,"surprise":1,"trust":2.24,"negative":2.24,"positive":4.49,"text_syllables":615,"text_syllables_per_word":1.59326} {"title":"McAuliffe hangs with Willie Nelson -- and his weed","text":"Story highlights Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe was photographed with Willie Nelson, and Nelson's marijuana\n\nNelson was in Bristow Saturday for a Farm Aid 2016 concert\n\n(CNN) Hanging out with Willie Nelson over the weekend has left a cloud around Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, after a photo of McAuliffe and the legendary marijuana-loving musician tweeted by Nelson's wife, Annie Nelson, included a can of \"Willie's Reserve\" -- Nelson's brand of weed.\n\nIt's sold in Colorado and is legal in Washington, but not Virginia -- a reality Annie Nelson might have been alluding to when she captioned the picture: \"\"UH-OH Trouble!\"\n\nMcAuliffe spokesman Brian Coy told the Richmond Times-Dispatch that the Democratic governor has never used drugs in his life -- and isn't cool enough to know what Willie's Reserve is.\n\n\"He was not and still is not aware of whatever was on the table or anywhere around him and wouldn't know marijuana or related paraphernalia if it walked up and shook his hand,\" Coy said. \"He's cool, but he's not that cool.\"\n\nThe newspaper's political reporter, Graham Moomaw, tweeted a zoomed-in photo of the can of Willie's Reserve weed, next to a pair of glasses and a remote control.\n\nLet's enhance https://t.co/cmmucUKRTT pic.twitter.com/7YlX5za85l — Graham Moomaw (@gmoomaw) September 19, 2016\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2dbrw9X","authors":"Eric Bradner","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":203,"title_char":50,"text_char":1319,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.47783,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.07582,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.47,"anticipation":0.47,"disgust":0.47,"fear":0.94,"joy":0.47,"sadness":0.47,"surprise":0,"trust":2.83,"negative":0.47,"positive":4.25,"text_syllables":355,"text_syllables_per_word":1.74877} {"title":"New York bomb Suspect SUED Police!","text":"New York bomb Suspect SUED Police!\n\nNow we find out that not only is Ahmad Rahami a terrorist and a murderer, he’s an entitled whiner. Ahmad Rahami reported in a lawsuit that cops in Elizabeth, New Jersey were subjecting his family to discrimination because of their culture. Ironically, he was arrested for planting bombs around the Tri-state area… you know, his culture.\n\nIn the lawsuit, the family complained that local officials were trying to shut down their chicken restaurant that they had owned since 2002. The family complained of receiving many tickets and court summons which had no grounds according to them. Ahmad, 28, his father Mohammad Sr., 53, and his brother Mohammad, brought the lawsuit together and said that local residents also racially abused them and said: ‘Muslims don’t belong here’. The lawsuit, filed in the federal court in Newark, says that the family are from Afghanistan and are all Muslims who have owned the chicken restaurant since 2002.\n\nFrom April 2009 for two years they allege that they were unfairly targeted for staying open past 10pm despite being permitted to do so. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now The lawsuit says that the police had a ‘reckless disregard and deliberate indifference for plaintiff’s constitutional rights of liberty, due process and equal protection’. The Elizabeth police department allegedly ’embarked on a course to harass, humiliate, retaliate against and force their business to close at 10pm’. The lawsuit claims that the officers told them there was ‘too much crime around here’ and that the area around the restaurant was ‘known for criminal activity’.\n\nThe irony of it all is that just 5 years later, Ahmad was arrested for the very same thing he was fighting. Hmmm, it’s not like a person goes from selling fried chicken to building bombs in just 5 years, right? I’m wondering if anyone else can believe that Ahmad went off the reservation because he felt like he was being targeted for being a Muslim or if it’s more believable that Ahmad is a Muslim who happens to be an extremist and he’s been planning this for some time.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/top-news/new-york-bomb-suspect-sued-police/","authors":"Tiffiny Ruegner","type":"fake","title_words":6,"text_words":407,"title_char":34,"text_char":2430,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":16.66667,"text_caps_percent":0.2457,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":2.94118,"text_excl_percent":0.04115,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":3.87,"anticipation":1.45,"disgust":1.94,"fear":3.87,"joy":0.73,"sadness":2.18,"surprise":1.69,"trust":2.42,"negative":5.57,"positive":3.39,"text_syllables":665,"text_syllables_per_word":1.63391} {"title":"In Defense of ‘He Said/She Said’ Journalism","text":"Getty Images Fourth Estate In Defense of ‘He Said/She Said’ Journalism Why we must give the devil his due.\n\nThe “he said/she said” method of reporting—in which journalists observe the profession’s convention and get at least two sides of every story—has been taking it on the chin ever since New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen placed it in his gunsights in 2009 and started ack-acking it with regularity.\n\nBut the \"he said/she said\" debate didn’t move from the margins to the mainstream until last week when the New York Times abandoned mechanical balance and published a Page One, above-the-fold piece by Michael Barbaro, shredding Donald Trump as a pitiful serial liar and obfuscator for his latest “birther” declaration. The Times piece elated critics of the \"he said/she\" said construct. In an Atlantic piece titled “The Death of ‘He Said, She Said’ Journalism,” Peter Beinart pronounced Barbaro’s work a journalistic sea change. Trump had broken all the rules of political conduct, Beinart stated, and the Times had rightly ditched a few of its own. Abandoning the usual journalistic etiquette, which calls for mendacious politicians to be described as committing a falsehood when what they’re actually doing is lying, the Times piece dealt with Trump with “astonishing bluntness,” Beinart wrote, repeatedly calling Trump’s birther nonsense a “lie.” Trump was given no opportunity in the piece to deny the charges, which sits just fine with the \"he said/she said\" critics.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nWhile I consider Trump to be a first-rate liar and don’t mind saying so, I’m not convinced that jettisoning the \"he said/she said\" blueprint is such a good idea. Every politician lies. If we were to police all politicians in the news pages the way Barbaro did Trump, it would be entertaining. But political journalism as we know it could expire as profiles and news stories collapsed into spreadsheets grading the truth value of political utterances. Isn’t that what the fact-checker columns are for?\n\nIn his widely applauded critiques of \"he said/she said\" journalism, Rosen holds that by reflexively seeking the “other side” of every public dispute and shying away from expressing the truth, the media creates a bogus symmetry between the “he said” voices in a story and the prevaricators serving up the “she said” dissent. “Do users really want to be left helpless in sorting out who’s faking it more?” Rosen asked, proposing that journalists put a higher premium on seeking truth and avoiding distortion. The \"he said/she said\" structure constitutes “one of the lowest forms of journalism in existence,” he would later remark.\n\nDonald Trump, the thinking goes, has gamed the \"he said/she said\" convention to contaminate the political debate with his lies, obfuscations and double-talk whenever the press seeks comment on an issue, a clarification of something he’s said, or a response to a point raised by his opponent, Hillary Clinton. This is true. In speeches and interviews, he’s expressed a broadband stream of lies, such as denying that he’s used terms like “fat pig” to describe women, insisting that he never called George W. Bush a liar, claiming that he opposed the Iraq War, making fallacious boasts about his acts of philanthropy, asserting that the NFL had contacted him about the debate schedule, and more, much more. But they are lies, all lies. And every time the media quotes one of Trump’s “she said” lies without a correcting fact-check, it undermines the truth of the “he said” side of the debate. At least, so the thinking goes.\n\nBut has journalists' practice of giving Trump the right of reply, allowing him to pearl his lies with another coating of deceit really been such a disaster? One result of the straight, \"he said/she said\" coverage of the Trump style has been his record lows in the Washington Post/ABC News favorability poll. Thanks to this coverage, many voters are able to see through Trump’s “post-truth” style of politics and don’t need the news pages directly calling him a lying liar who lies every time he speaks. Among his supporters, many don’t care that he mangles the facts and others take secret glee in the trickster’s campaign he’s waging for the presidency: He’s serving baloney and his supporters can’t get enough of it.\n\nAs bracing and as full of truth-telling as the Barbaro piece was, I hope it doesn’t embolden other news pages to abandon convention. The formula, when properly executed, forces reporters to perform due diligence in their articles. The form is even more useful for skeptical “show me” readers, who want those extra bits of evidence to help them make up their mind about a candidate or an issue. This, I realize, can be especially challenging with Trump because the Mouth of Manhattan has made a career of taking both sides on nearly everything. He is the hermaphrodite of opinion makers—both \"he said and she said\"—and, like any good circus freak, that makes him too exceptional to build rules from.\n\nOne reason I admire \"he said/she said\" journalism is that I often find myself sympathizing with the \"she-said\" side of the equation, and its presence assures me that the reporter is conducting something approximating an open inquiry. Whenever the \"she-said\" component of a story goes missing, leaving only the dominant position expressed, I get the feeling I’m being fed bunk. Even the Holy Bible gives Satan a forum for his dastardly views. So why not news stories?\n\nI don’t believe a story must balance out like a chemistry equation until both sides (or multiple sides) hover in the ether in perfect equilibrium. But intellectual history informs us that the dominant positions in any field—ruling paradigms, if you don’t mind the language—have a tendency to erode over time when exposed to minority critiques. In order for thought to progress, the minority report—however seemingly misguided—must be heard.\n\nThe history of science is pockmarked with paradigms that were blown away by she-saiders. Early in the last century, for example, the scientific and cultural elites espoused the misguided philosophy of eugenics, which held that feeblemindedness was directly inheritable and that forced sterilization, institutionalization or lobotomization for these lessers was right and just. To oppose eugenics was to place yourself outside the established consensus, to define yourself as a crackpot, to be reduced to a \"she-said\" if you were lucky enough to get quoted in a news story. Today, we think of the eugenicists as troglodytes.\n\nOr consider the story of Alfred Wegener. He 1912, he proposed his plate tectonic theory much to the derision of the scientific establishment who laughed at the idea of continental drift. Not until the 1960s did his ideas gain proper respect, and his critics take his place as geology’s crackpots. Or take the example of Australian doctor Barry Marshall, who conjectured in the early 1980s that bacteria and not stress was the cause of ulcers, a condition that afflicted up to 10 percent of all adults. Even after Marshall induced an ulcer in his own stomach by drinking a potion containing Helicobacter pylori he was still derided and marginalized by the establishment. “You think, ‘It’s science; it’s got to be accepted,’” Marshall told Discover magazine. “But it’s not an absolute given.” By the mid-1990s, the idea finally took root, undermining the business model of thousands of gastroenterologists who treated and retreated the affliction with ineffective drugs and surgery. In 2005, Marshall and a colleague were awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for their Helicobacter pylori work. Science abounds with equally dramatic stories.\n\nObviously, the critiques of every she-saider don’t automatically end in the triumphs Wegener and Marshall enjoyed. But when you catalog the ruling paradigms in science and technology that have been toppled in recent years, the toppler was almost always marginalized in the early going. Fracking has all but destroyed the peak oil hypothesis. The “one-size, fits all” advice on mammograms has been abandoned. Our views on saturated fat, once almost holy writ, have been chucked. Until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association classified homosexuality as a mental disorder. (All is not progress: Some now argue that “homophobia” is an indicator of a disorder.) Marijuana makes you mad. (Today, the equally suspicious paradigm is that marijuana is good for whatever ails you.) Coffee, once thought to be bad for you, turns out to be good for you, at least for now. Moving over to the policy realm, the once dominant “super-predator” thesis was once supported across partisan lines. It is now discredited. Remember how Japan’s economy was supposed to overtake the United States’? Remember how Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan said the U.S. economic system was stable? Experts predicted wild inflation after quantitative easing. Others posited that housing prices would never decline nationwide. And so on.\n\nThe dissents of the she-saiders are generally beneficial. Whether right or wrong, the dissenters have a way of increasing everybody’s knowledge. If they are wrong, as Michael Shermer has written, their untruths force the dominant paradigm to self-examine, and if warranted, use new evidence to improve its position. If the she-saiders are right, they advance human thought. That’s how science works, and I believe journalism should work that way, too. Vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk summarized the predictable moves of the knee-jerk paradigm-defenders with this progression. “First,” Salk writes, they say “that it can’t be true.” Second phase: “Well, if it’s true, it’s not very important.” Third phase: “Well, we’ve known it all along.”\n\nBefore anybody puts words in my mouth, this is not my long-winded way of saying I don’t subscribe to the global warming hypothesis. I do—but at the same time, I keep my options open. The protectors of the ruling paradigm have an intellectual responsibility to mount disciplined defense against all comers. Even against crackpots.\n\nThe last and best reason for supporting “he said/she said” journalism: So many readers and viewers have self-segregated by limiting their news consumption to outlets that reflect their personal views. These days, many readers get only the \"he said\" side of the story or just the \"she said\" side, remaining deliberately oblivious to the vibrant debate that might actually be going on. While I value partisan media, I also value nonpartisan news operations—like POLITICO—that make ideas duel in their news pages. NPR News Director Michael Oreskes puts this practical spin on why his organization shies away from calling liars liars: “[I]f you present the facts calmly and without a tone of editorializing, you substantially increase the chance that people will hear you out and weigh the facts. That is why the tone of journalism matters so much. We need potential listeners and readers to believe we are presenting the facts honestly, and not to confirm our opinions.”\n\nIf you’re not getting a steady diet of \"she said\" quotations in your news consumption, you’re at risk of starving to death. \"He said/she said\" keeps journalists honest, even if, on occasion, it looks like it’s only accruing to the benefit of a beast like Donald Trump.\n\n******\n\nA sumptuous meal of news, news, news. Make mine extra rare, garcon. Send news recipes via email to Shafer.Politico@gmail.com. My email alerts are breakfast. My Twitter feed is lunch. And my RSS feed is a stingy snack.\n\nJack Shafer is Politico’s senior media writer.","url":"http://politi.co/2daL69Q","authors":"Jack Shafer","type":"real","title_words":7,"text_words":1848,"title_char":43,"text_char":11565,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.27056,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.89,"anticipation":2.21,"disgust":1.4,"fear":2.1,"joy":1.08,"sadness":1.29,"surprise":1.08,"trust":2.75,"negative":3.67,"positive":4.53,"text_syllables":3250,"text_syllables_per_word":1.75866} {"title":"Hillary’s TOP Donor Country Just Auctioned Off ISIS Sex Slaves…","text":"Hillary’s TOP Donor Country Just Auctioned Off ISIS Sex Slaves…\n\nWhy in the hell do we still support Saudi Arabia? We don’t need their oil… we would make do. The majority of the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, as does the Bin Laden family. The Saudi deputy crown prince told reporters in June the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has funded 20% of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. She’s taking money from a stone cold enemy and that’s not the only one by any means. You do not consort or take money from those who intend to destroy your country… period. That goes for Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. It also includes any dictatorship or communist strongman. We never learn our lesson, do we?\n\nNow it comes to light that Saudi Arabia is selling ISIS sex slaves off to the highest bidder at public auctions. Iraqis, Syrians, Saudis and WESTERNERS all bought slaves at the auction. This is monstrous and going on right out in the open. It should be stopped cold… whatever it takes. Britain needs to stop selling the Saudis weapons and we need to pull our politicians out of the Saudi bedroom and back home. They are killing us and enslaving women and children. How can we silently stand by while this evil goes on?\n\nFrom Jihad Watch:\n\nIt isn’t news that the Islamic State has long been abusing and trafficking sex slaves – especially Yazidi girls – but it has been now discovered that the sex slaves of IS are being “sold in horrifying auctions to UK ally Saudi Arabia.” An eyewitness reported: × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now Dozens of women were being held in a large room, and it was not only Iraqis and Syrians trading women but also Saudis and Westerners, whose actual nationality was not clear. Western women have also been reported to be among the victims in keeping with the Islamic State’s practice of enslaving kafir women: The Islamic State’s human trafficking operation includes enslaving women who they consider to be ‘kafir’, non-Muslim people like Yazidis and Christians, before selling them for money. The depraved thugs are also involved in the radicalisation of young women all over the world and try to tempt them to come to their caliphate with false promises of wealth, marriage and forgiveness of sin.\n\nAs these women are ‘rescued’ from ISIS, they are not being given freedom. They are being sold on the auction block into a hellish existence. These are the people that Hillary Clinton takes money from, makes deals with and hobnobs with. Monsters of a feather.\n\nI have said for a long time, not only are the Saudis sponsoring ISIS, so are the Russians. We are being played. Our own president is complicit. Let’s not elect another corrupt demon who cares nothing of women and children being sold to rapists. After all, Hillary Clinton is married to one.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/hillary-clinton-2/hillarys-top-donor-country-just-auctioned-off-isis-sex-slaves/","authors":"Terresa Monroe-hamilton","type":"fake","title_words":10,"text_words":543,"title_char":63,"text_char":3150,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":8,"title_caps_percent":20,"text_caps_percent":1.4733,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.99,"anticipation":2.89,"disgust":1.81,"fear":2.35,"joy":1.63,"sadness":1.81,"surprise":0.54,"trust":3.8,"negative":3.25,"positive":4.52,"text_syllables":876,"text_syllables_per_word":1.61326} {"title":"Clinton vs. Trump: The debate before the debate","text":"Hillary Clinton’s campaign is making one plea ahead of Monday night’s big debate: Don’t let Donald Trump get away with it.\n\nAnd Trump’s campaign is firing right back, arguing that the press is biased against the Republican nominee and, in any case, Clinton’s team is just trying to “game the refs.”\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nThe debate is playing out against a backdrop of polls that indicate a tightening White House race, with Trump drawing even or ahead in national and battleground-state surveys. Polling averages now show that Clinton’s post-convention lead has evaporated, and no less a guru than Nate Silver declared on Monday morning that the race is a “dead heat.”\n\n“The latest polling is consistent with a Clinton lead of only ~1% nationally. State firewall breaking up. Trend lines awful,” Silver tweeted.\n\nDuring the critical hours of expectation-setting ahead of the 9 p.m. showdown at Hofstra University, both camps claimed their candidate would be held to an unfair standard, with Clinton’s aides explicitly requesting that moderator Lester Holt fact-check Trump in real time.\n\n“We are concerned that Donald Trump may lie, he may throw misinformation out there, and that Hillary will have to spend all of her time trying to correct the record rather than talking about the things she wants to accomplish,” Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told “CBS This Morning,” adding that all the campaign is asking of Holt is that if Trump lies, “that that simply be checked.”\n\n“The thing that concerns us is not the moderator themselves, who have been selected by the commission, because they will be seen as fair and even-handed. What bothers us, Mark, is the very public and very coordinated attempt to game the refs,\" Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway shot back in an interview on MSNBC.\n\nBut Conway was soon put in the awkward position of defending Trump’s claim that Holt may be unfair to him because he’s a Democrat and the system is “very unfair.” The “NBC Nightly News” anchor has been a registered Republican in New York since 2003.\n\n“I don’t know that he knew what Lester Holt’s voter registration was,” said Conway, who went on to dodge multiple queries of why Trump lied. “He didn’t lie,” Conway said at one point, explaining that “a lie would mean that he knew the man’s party registration.”\n\nIn a presidential cycle that’s seen endless debates about debates, Monday’s theme was conflicting interpretations of what it means to be a moderator. After suggesting a debate with no moderator, Trump has already signaled to Holt that he shouldn’t try to be Candy Crowley, who famously injected herself into the 2012 presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney with a fact-check of the GOP nominee.\n\nBut Clinton’s campaign has beat up on Holt’s NBC colleague Matt Lauer, who was widely panned in the media for allowing Trump’s false assertion that he didn’t support the Iraq war go unchecked during a national security forum earlier this month.\n\nView One week of Hillary Clinton fact-checks (September 24, 2016) One week of Hillary Clinton fact-checks (September 24, 2016)\n\nThe nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which selected the debate sites and moderators, weighed in Sunday. “In our history, the moderators have found it appropriate to let the candidates be the ones that talk about the accuracy or the fairness of what the other candidate or candidates might have said,” Janet Brown, the commission’s executive director, told CNN’s “Reliable Sources.”\n\nWhen it comes to fact-checking, Brown warned, “I don’t think it’s a good idea to get the moderator into essentially serving as the Encyclopedia Britannica.”\n\nFor her part, Clinton won’t let Trump’s lies “go by the wayside,” press secretary Brian Fallon told CNN on Monday, insisting that Holt shouldn’t, either.\n\n“There is enough lies that Donald Trump tells consistently that everyone, by now, should be able to call them out,” he said. “Lester Holt, Hillary Clinton will, too, but I think that even the observers and reporters tonight watching that are grading the two candidates’ performances should take it into account. By now, we all know he likes to lie about his record when it comes to the Iraq war, he lies about his support for the intervention in Libya, he lies about who started birtherism, he lies on any different number of issues and he tells them so frequently that we all know them now. If he says them again, that should be disqualifying. He can’t possibly be given a passing grade if he repeats those lies.”\n\nFormer Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, a paid CNN contributor who is still receiving severance from the Trump campaign, dismissed the idea that a fact-checking moderator is of any concern.\n\n“I think what the concern is from both of the campaigns — and what it should be — is that the moderator is not the person who’s running for president of the United States. So I think you let the candidates debate, you let the candidates answer,” he said. “You can hold people accountable, there’s no question, but I don’t think it’s the role of the moderator to inject themselves in so they’re making themselves part of the debate structure and people are talking about the moderator after the debate.”\n\nTrump’s campaign, including his former aide Lewandowski, also pushed the narrative that Clinton is robotic. That charge was leveled in response to the Clinton camp’s preparation for two Trumps.\n\n“We don’t want Donald Trump’s lies and distortions to be a distraction. We’re hoping that can get checked so that Hillary can focus her time on what she wants to do,” Mook told NBC’s “Today.”\n\nAsked about Clinton’s rules of engagement versus Trump, Mook added that “it just depends on what Donald Trump shows up to the debate, and we just don’t know that.”\n\nView One week of Donald Trump fact-checks (September 24, 2016) One week of Donald Trump fact-checks (September 24, 2016)\n\nBut Conway shot down the notion that there’s any other Trump, while echoing the criticism that the former secretary of state lacks human compassion. Lewandowski cast Clinton as a policy wonk whose challenge is “to become human” during the debate, senior communications adviser Jason Miller tweeted that “Overprogramming leads to short circuits,” and Conway joined the pile-on.\n\n“He’s not going to be robotic and scripted. Hillary Clinton is,” Conway said. “And that’s a problem in debates likes this because people want to see a future commander in chief and president of the United States who is nimble and resilient and can answer questions that haven’t been pre-programmed in their head through all this secretive debate prep and mock debates.”\n\nAfter Mook warned against “a double standard where Donald Trump can get the Most Improved award but Hillary Clinton, you know, is getting judged on the fine points of policy,” Conway added that the two campaign managers “are living in parallel universes.”\n\n“I mean, Donald Trump has been criticized all weekend long. I think that the Clinton campaign has clearly been gaming the refs, has been talking to the media for a week now saying it’s your job to make sure that Donald Trump is fact-checked in real-time,” she said. “I'm just surprised a campaign manager would try to lower expectations that dramatically for his own candidate. But look, they know that campaign debates are not Hillary Clinton's sweet spot. Yes, she's experienced at doing them, but the experience hasn’t necessarily been beneficial.”\n\nAside from how Holt will moderate, Conway cited pre-written narratives and what she claimed was Clinton’s willingness to say anything to get elected as her top concerns.\n\n“I’m worried that some of the headlines are already written, that they’re conclusions in search of evidence,” Conway said, adding that newspapers and reporters have already begun trying to undercut Trump ahead of the debate.\n\n“What I would ask you all to do is start looking at the Twitter feeds of, quote, objective reporters, particularly our embeds. These are not profiles in courage, and this is not journalism. There are people who cover our campaign who actually just slander our candidate on Twitter,” Conway said. “Ninety-two percent of at least two of our embeds’ tweets are negative towards Donald Trump. Why are they on our campaign plane? Why are they covering our campaign? ... Excuse the Trump campaign if we feel like we can’t get a fair shake from certain people.”\n\nConway also indicated that Clinton may play the woman card, skewing headlines that take away from the real estate mogul’s performance.\n\n“So if she ends up saying to him, ‘That’s just not true, you’re distorting my record, you’re being mean to a woman,’ and then people will say, ‘He was mean to a woman,’ and the headlines will scream and Twitter will blow up — even if it’s not true,” she said. “So that would be my concern, that he’s not able to get out all of his responses because, as Joe [Scarborough] correctly points out, people are so worried that she’s not a great debater, that she’s not really ready for tonight the way he is, that she’s going to try to interrupt him and confuse the people watching in such a way that he was somehow rude to a woman and he somehow lied on the stage.”\n\nRudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor and a prominent Trump surrogate, said he had advised Trump to \"just let loose\" and be himself — and not try to compete with Clinton's detailed policy expertise.\n\n\"She's been in government since I was a child. I don't remember a time she hasn't been in government in one way or another,\" Giuliani said on \"Fox and Friends.\" \"So she's going to have obviously more specific knowledge than he has, but I think he's going to comport himself very, very well, and he's going to be — he's just going to be like you see him on — when he comes here [on Fox News] and when you talk to him on the phone. He's going to be Donald Trump.\"\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2d0l760","authors":"Jack Shafer,Steven Shepard,Glenn Thrush,Nolan D,Shane Goldmacher","type":"real","title_words":8,"text_words":1637,"title_char":47,"text_char":9903,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":9,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.54979,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.67,"anticipation":1.28,"disgust":0.3,"fear":0.85,"joy":0.55,"sadness":0.91,"surprise":0.73,"trust":2.13,"negative":1.64,"positive":3.59,"text_syllables":2658,"text_syllables_per_word":1.6237} {"title":"Topics for first presidential debate announced","text":"On Media Blog Archives Select Date… December, 2015 November, 2015 October, 2015 September, 2015 August, 2015 July, 2015 June, 2015 May, 2015 April, 2015 March, 2015 February, 2015 January, 2015\n\nTopics for first presidential debate announced\n\nLester Holt, \"NBC Nightly News\" anchor and moderator of the first presidential debate scheduled for next Monday announced the topics that will serve as a jumping off point for his questions.\n\nThe topics include \"America's Direction,\" \"Achieving Prosperity\" and \"Securing America.\" The announcement came with a caveat that the topics could change due to news developments.\n\nThe debate, which will be held at Hofstra University on Long Island, New York, will feature six 15-minute segments over a 90 minute period with no commercial breaks. Two of the 15-minute segments will focus on each of the announced topics.\n\nHadas Gold is a reporter at Politico.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cZokC4","authors":"Hadas Gold","type":"real","title_words":6,"text_words":135,"title_char":46,"text_char":904,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.74074,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0,"anticipation":2.13,"disgust":0,"fear":0.71,"joy":0,"sadness":0,"surprise":0,"trust":2.13,"negative":0.71,"positive":9.22,"text_syllables":237,"text_syllables_per_word":1.75556} {"title":"Proof The Mainstream Media Is Manipulating The Election By Taking Bill Clinton Out Of Context","text":"I woke up this morning to find a variation of this headline splashed all over my news feed:\n\nBill Clinton: ‘Natural’ For Foundation Donors to Seek Favors\n\nHere’s Google:\n\nNaturally, my reaction was “oh, s**t, what did Bill Clinton do to damage his wife’s campaign now?”\n\nOf course, the headline sounds really, really awful. It plays right into the idea that the Clinton Foundation is all about pay to play, just like Donald Trump has been saying all along. Unfortunately, it takes reading beyond the headlines, which is something most people don’t do, to find out the real story – and the real story is that there is no pay to play.\n\n“It was natural for people who’ve been our political allies and personal friends to call and ask for things. And I trusted the State Department wouldn’t do anything they shouldn’t do,” Clinton told NPR in an interview that aired Monday morning. Source: CNN\n\nIn other words, people can ask for favors, but that certainly doesn’t mean they’ll get them. Leaked emails have shown that some Clinton Foundation donors have gotten meetings with Clinton and that others were turned down. There is zero evidence of pay to play. In other words, people might have asked for favors, but there’s no evidence they got them.\n\nNow, let’s talk about the foundation the media doesn’t like to mention, the Trump Foundation. Trump hasn’t given to his own foundation since 2008. He does collect money from others, though, and gives it in his name. He also takes from the charity and allegedly buys things like oil paintings and football helmets, all for himself, but out of charity money.\n\nNew York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said in a September 13 CNN interview that his office is investigating Trump’s charitable foundation over concerns that it “engaged in some impropriety” as related to New York charity laws. The investigation launched amid reports from The Washington Post that Trump spent money from his charity on items meant to benefit himself, such as a $20,000 oil painting of himself and a $12,000 autographed football helmet, and also recycled others’ contributions “to make them appear to have come from him” although he “hasn’t given to the foundation since 2008.” Source: Media Matters\n\nMedia Matters goes on to talk about the double standard and about how clearly the mainstream media is trying to promote Trump at the cost of Clinton’s candidacy:\n\nJournalists have been criticized for the “double standard” in the ways they cover Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Earlier this month, cable news programs devoted 13 times more coverage to Clinton’s pneumonia diagnosis as The Washington Post’s reporting about the Trump Foundation. This week, both the Trump Foundation and Trump Organization stories were given short shrift by the broadcast news programs in favor of coverage of Donald Trump’s Dr. Oz stunt.\n\nAll of this biased coverage is hurting Clinton and helping Trump. Trump has seen major gains over the last few weeks, largely because the media covers every minor Clinton “scandal” (if you call getting sick a “scandal”) while ignoring every scandal in Trump’s closet, and trust me, there are a lot.\n\nFeatured image via Ethan Miller/Getty Images.","url":"http://www.addictinginfo.org/2016/09/19/proof-the-mainstream-media-is-manipulating-the-election-by-taking-bill-clinton-out-of-context/","authors":"Wendy Gittleson","type":"fake","title_words":15,"text_words":520,"title_char":93,"text_char":3218,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.57692,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.12,"anticipation":1.68,"disgust":0.56,"fear":1.31,"joy":1.31,"sadness":0.75,"surprise":0.75,"trust":2.8,"negative":2.06,"positive":3.18,"text_syllables":855,"text_syllables_per_word":1.64423} {"title":"Georgia poll: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton in tight race","text":"Story highlights Trump has 45%, Clinton 42% and Gary Johnson 8%\n\nMitt Romney won the state by 8 points in 2012\n\nWashington (CNN) Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a tight race in in Georgia, a traditionally deep red state, according to a new poll.\n\nThe Republican candidate has 45% to Clinton's 42% in the Monmouth University poll, within the poll's margin of error. Libertarian Gary Johnson had the support of 8% of likely voters.\n\nTrump is underperforming previous GOP candidates. Mitt Romney won the state by 8 points in 2012 over President Barack Obama.\n\nThe incumbent Republican senator is also out-polling Trump. Sen. Johnny Isakson has a 16-point lead over challenger Jim Barksdale, 50% to 34%.\n\nClinton's strength comes from the Atlanta area, where she leads Trump 55% to 35%. But Trump leads her 51% to 33% elsewhere in the Peach State. She leads 88% to 4% among the state's black voters, but trails 20% to 66% among white voters.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2cynaZx","authors":"Tal Kopan","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":157,"title_char":57,"text_char":956,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.27389,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0,"anticipation":1.2,"disgust":0,"fear":0,"joy":0.6,"sadness":1.81,"surprise":1.2,"trust":3.01,"negative":1.81,"positive":3.61,"text_syllables":241,"text_syllables_per_word":1.53503} {"title":"Angela Merkel Admits Bringing In Muslim Refugees Was A Big Fat Mistake","text":"Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel has been the biggest proponent of bringing in as many Syrian refugees as possible, adopting a literal open borders policy to bring in the migrants.\n\nThis quickly turned into a horror show, as crime was unleashed onto German cities, with thousands of sexual assaults and other violent crimes were reported over the last year.\n\nThe German people had apparently had enough of this rampant crime in Germany, because they just dealt a crushing blow to Merkel’s conservative Democrat party and voted them out by a large margin.\n\nMerkel then took to the stage to backtrack as much as she could, citing that the migrant crisis could have been avoided, and that she regrets the mistake she made, also referring to multiculturalism as a “living lie.”\n\nAccording to the Daily Mail,\n\nSpeaking to the party faithful at its annual conference, she repeated her catchphrase from throughout the migrant crisis, ‘we can do this’, but effectively admitted Germany could only cope if she wrestled back control of the influx. ‘A continuation of the current influx would in the long-term overwhelm the state and society, even in a country like Germany,’ she said. The leader, once known as the ‘Iron Chancellor’, won rapturous applause after announcing the volte face. However, she resisted calls to set a limit on the number of arrivals. ‘We want to, and we will, noticeably reduce the number of refugees,’ she told the conference in Karlsruhe. ‘With an approach focused on the German, European and global level, we will succeed in regulating and limiting migration.’\n\nHere she is, saying that multiculturalism is a “living lie.” Yes, of course, when you bring in thousands of people who have ideologies that are incompatible with Western values, it’s not great for a free society. But as long as these flip-flopping opportunistic politicians act as if they’re not a part of the problem, then we will never get anywhere.\n\nBeware, America. Beware.\n\n(Source: Daily Mail)\n\n\n\n","url":"https://goo.gl/aKyOlG","authors":"Elvin Bartley","type":"fake","title_words":12,"text_words":318,"title_char":70,"text_char":1986,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.82,"anticipation":2.12,"disgust":1.82,"fear":1.52,"joy":0.61,"sadness":2.42,"surprise":1.21,"trust":3.03,"negative":4.55,"positive":1.82,"text_syllables":563,"text_syllables_per_word":1.77044} {"title":"BOOM! Merkel Admits Flooding Germany With Muslim Refugees","text":"6.6k SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel finally admitted to the press that if she could go back in time to change her stance on her open migrant policy she would. She is also admitting she is willing to consider a new policy direction. Merkel told the media at a press conference,\n\n“If I knew what change in refugee policy the people in Germany want, I would be prepared to consider it.”\n\nThese comments came shortly after the defeat of the Christian Democratic Union in Berlin’s Sunday elections. She also said,\n\n“If I could, I would go back in time to be better prepared for the refugee crisis in 2015, for which we were rather unprepared.”\n\nShe took responsibility for the poor election results after finding out the results of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern election. Callying the defeat bitter and saying that she took full responsibility as the parties leader and as the countries leader.\n\nThe results of the edition are considered to be as a result of the anti migrant sentiment many Germans now have. As well as the rise of the anti mass migration Alternative for Germany known as AfD. These factors have forced Merkel to at least consider a change in her stance.\n\nRegardless of her new admission she all but flat out dismissed the possibility that she would actually implement the change she says she deeply regrets. In other words it is all talk and no walk. She is willing to regret because it makes her look good but not enough to actually implement the change people so desperately want.\n\nHowever, she did say she would not embrace the critiques and criticisms of the Christian Social Union. They have notoriously called for a cap on the migrants coming into Germany each year. They specifically want to cap it at 200,000. As well, they want to prioritize Christian migrants over Muslims. But Merkle will not budge on that.\n\nMerkel stated,\n\n“If people don’t want Muslim asylum-seekers purely because of their religion, that is contrary to our party principles and to Germany’s. The CDU and I cannot go along with that.”\n\nChristian Social Union party leader Horst Seehofer threatened to withdraw support for Merkle during her 2017 campaign. Specifically for not implementing the migrant cap. The campaign will be in the federal election. He said,\n\n“It is high time we find common ground to survive at the next election.”\n\nThe growing anti migrant atmosphere has been a direct result of an increase in terrorism, increasing migrant crime as well as violent crime. Which people automatically associate with more incoming refugees. Understandably so. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.\n\nThis could perhaps be an indicator as well that she could lose in the next federal election. Or at least win by an only marginal amount. Serves her right considering her policies are as progressive as President Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s. She is no different which is why many Americans too cannot stand her.","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/boom-merkel-admits-flooding-germany-with-muslim-refugees-was-wrong/","type":"fake","title_words":8,"text_words":480,"title_char":57,"text_char":2922,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":12.5,"text_caps_percent":0.41667,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":1.75439,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":1.02,"anticipation":2.25,"disgust":0.82,"fear":1.43,"joy":0.61,"sadness":1.23,"surprise":1.02,"trust":2.87,"negative":2.87,"positive":2.87,"text_syllables":828,"text_syllables_per_word":1.725} {"title":"A Hillary Clinton Administration May be Entirely Run by a FIGUREHEAD – Eagle Rising","text":"After collapsing just before trying to step into her van after being removed from the 9-11 ceremony in New York City, Hillary Clinton emerged from her daughter’s apartment seeming like a new person. Too new to be believed as a matter of fact, since the Hillary at Chelsea Clinton’s apartment was noticeably well and energetic. Even more unbelievable was the difference in appearance such as her being many pounds lighter, more vibrant, and apparently having a sort of drive through type rhinoplasty preformed in the short amount of time she was in the apartment. The nose on the Hillary Clinton double at the apartment is clearly different than all pictures of Hillary in the past.\n\nThe different nose is a dead giveaway, in the identification of nose types, the real Hillary Clinton has what is known as the Nordic nose, which is quite common and straight. The clone has a distinctively different nose that slightly curves downward at the tip and has a slight elevated area along the bridge, this being more of a Roman type.\n\nAside from the different nose types, the clone Hillary rather appears to be a younger version of the original with much less aging apparent. Hillary’s stand in also has no mole above her right lip, Hillary Clinton does.\n\nSince the real Hillary Clinton obviously has such bad health issues that practically prevents her from even campaigning, we must assume that her clone stand in will do most of the appearances she is scheduled to do before the election, aside from those Bill Clinton will do himself.\n\nThe question we must ultimately ask ourselves is, will Hillary actually be physically capable of doing any debates with Donald Trump that are coming up? Or will she elect to have her double stand in at some or all of the debates?\n\nWhat we need to look for immediately is her appearance. If she appears to be much thinner, younger, or without a cough and hoarseness, we should know, this is not the real Hillary Clinton. If she appears to be right on the mark, without any incidents of brain freeze or forgetfulness, this is the clone, not Hillary Clinton.\n\nThe biggest speculation that we all should be concerned about is, will the real Hillary Clinton ever be seen or heard as President of the United States? Or will her double conduct all public appearances, meetings with foreign dignitaries, State of the Union addresses, and speeches? It could be possible that if she wins the election, it will be her double that participates in the inauguration in every aspect, including the Swearing In.\n\nIt is a very big possibility that the real Hillary Clinton may not even play a part of a new Clinton Administration and all decisions will be made by her cabinet from the direction of her clone via an invisible entity.\n\nIf anyone thought President Obama may not be who he claims he is, such a Clinton Administration being conducted entirely without Hillary herself would make any speculation we may have about Obama seem inconsequential.\n\nThe American people are being played to go one step further than what we already have in Barack H Obama who remains a mystery man in all respects since he has his personal records sealed, to accept an idea as President. Hillary Clinton may be the first Administration in US history where she is only a figurehead, or an idea, but not in charge of anything.\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/36880/a-hillary-clinton-administration-may-be-entirely-run-by-a-figurehead/","authors":"View All Posts,Tony Elliott","type":"fake","title_words":14,"text_words":589,"title_char":83,"text_char":3471,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":7.14286,"text_caps_percent":0.16978,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.33,"anticipation":1.82,"disgust":0.66,"fear":0.83,"joy":0.66,"sadness":0.66,"surprise":0.5,"trust":2.16,"negative":1.49,"positive":3.32,"text_syllables":1016,"text_syllables_per_word":1.72496} {"title":"Obama To UN: ‘Giving Up Liberty, Enhances Security In America…’ [VIDEO]","text":"Obama To UN: ‘Giving Up Liberty, Enhances Security In America…’ [VIDEO]\n\nFreedom is the bedrock that this nation was built upon. The problem is, liberals hate freedom. Oh, sure — they pay lip service to its importance, but ultimately, they want people to be subservient to a liberal-controlled government. They may not want a tyrannical king, but a tyrannical government of socialist-loving politicians pushing government-controlled everything is A-OK with them. They can’t ever say this out loud, though. Which makes the speech Obama just gave to the United Nations rather surprising. Obama actually admitted that he thinks it’s necessary for the United States to give up a little liberty… you know, for “safety”.\n\nTuesday, Obama spoke to the United Nations General Assembly. “We can only realize the promise of this institution’s founding to replace the ravages of war with cooperation if powerful nations, like my own, accept constraints,” he said. “Sometimes I am criticized in my own country for professing a belief in international norms and multilateral institutions. But I am convinced in the long run, giving up some freedom of action, not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests, but binding ourselves to the international rules over the long-term enhances our security.”\n\n× 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now\n\nSo evidently, Obama believes that we should relinquish more of our freedom and sovereignty so that the international community can rule over us. How this will make the country safer, he didn’t explain. But safety relies on us bringing more Muslim refugees into the United States. “Ultimately our world will be more secure if we are prepared to help those in need and the nations who are carrying the largest burden with respect to accommodating these refugees,” Obama said.\n\nObama may want to take a look at how Germany is doing. Accepting tons of refugees without screening them first has certainly not made their country safer — it’s made it more dangerous. And right here in the United States, we have had multiple terrorist attacks over the last year.\n\nHow allowing over 110,000 Muslim refugees with no vetting whatsoever into our country will keep us safe is not something that Obama can actually explain, because it’s a completely ludicrous idea. And turning the United States into a country that has to answer to the United Nations before we act on anything doesn’t make us safer, either. It’s a typical liberal idea: something that is nonsensical and useless, yet will weaken the country and strip Americans of their constitutionally-protected rights. But hey, who needs freedom, right? Obama has an agenda to push.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/barack-obama/obama-un-giving-liberty-enhances-security-america/","authors":"Cassy Fiano","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":487,"title_char":71,"text_char":3003,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":18.18182,"text_caps_percent":0.61602,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1,"anticipation":2.01,"disgust":1.2,"fear":2.01,"joy":2.01,"sadness":1.41,"surprise":1,"trust":4.42,"negative":3.41,"positive":6.43,"text_syllables":871,"text_syllables_per_word":1.7885} {"title":"BREAKING: WikiLeaks Releases Proof Hillary Lied and The FBI Covered It Up","text":"The FBI has issued a letter stating they are investigating new evidence in the case against Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server. The new evidence was discovered during an investigation into Anthony Weiner, who was caught sexting with a 15-year old girl, and who is the estranged husband of Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin.\n\nApparently, Abedin and Weiner shared a laptop that potentially contained “tens of thousands of e-mails” from Abedin, including e-mails she forwarded to herself from Hillary’s e-mail account which were not turned into the FBI. What this might mean is many of the deleted Hillary e-mails were likely just recovered by the FBI. If any of the e-mails are work related or classified that means both Hillary and Huma Abedin lied to the FBI during their original investigation. Lying to the FBI is illegal, and that alone is enough to prosecute Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin irregardless of the other potential violations of the law that were committed. This story is still developing, but considering the fact the FBI released this letter just 11-days before the election means they found something serious.\n\nOn July 5th, 2016, FBI Director James Comey laid out the evidence against Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server, and mishandling of classified information, but shockingly did not recommend charges be brought against her. Since then, many high ranking officials within the FBI and other intelligence agencies have expressed “dismay,” and “disgust” with Director Comey’s decision. Meanwhile, many military and tech industry experts have expressed similar concerns. Some going as far as claiming the decision has irreparably harmed the reputation of the FBI.\n\nA high-ranking FBI official told Fox News that while it might not have been a unanimous decision, “It was unanimous that we all wanted her [Clinton’s] security clearance yanked.”\n“It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted,” the senior FBI official told Fox News. “We were floored while listening to the FBI briefing because Comey laid it all out, and then said ‘but we are doing nothing,’ which made no sense to us.” — Fox News\nUPDATE October 17, 2016:\nThe FBI has released a 100 page summary pertaining to the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server. The documents claim a State Department official “pressured” the FBI into declassifying information in one of Clinton’s e-mails in exchange for extra agents at foreign dipolmoatic posts. Both the FBI and State Department deny the deal was ever struck.\n\nThe FBI summary also revealed a number of other questionable issues including a group of State Department officials that some called “The Shadow Government” who met weekly to discuss Freedom of Information requests related to Hillary Clinton. As well as discussions concerning security protocols and procedures which were regularly breached by Hillary Clinton, and her staff as Secretary of State. There was even one incident where Clinton ignored security advice that “placed Clinton, her staff, the media and her security detail in unnecessary danger in order to conduct a photo opportunity for ‘her election campaign’”. — BBC News\n\nUPDATE October 25, 2016:\nAccording to the The Wall Street Journal, a longtime Clinton supporter donated nearly $500,000 to an FBI Official’s wife who later investigated Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server.\n\nUncovering the Cover Up: Reddit Exposes Paul Combetta\nIn September of 2016, several Reddit users exposed the identity of Reddit user “stonetear”, as Paul Combetta, an IT Specialist who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server. In fact, Mr. Combetta was granted immunity by the Justice Department for his involvement in the investigation, even though Paul Combetta was complicit in permanently deleting over 33,000 e-mails from Clinton’s private e-mail server.\n\nMr. Combetta posted a question on r/exchangeserver asking the community how to strip the e-mail address of a VIP from a bunch of archived e-mails.\n\n\nIt was assumed at the time that the VIP being referenced in the post was Hillary Clinton. However, new evidence released today suggests the VIP was in fact the President of the United States of America.\n\nWikileaks Podesta E-mails Release 7: October 14, 2016\nOn March 4, 2015, just hours after Hillary Clinton had been issued a subpoenaed by the Justice Department, John Podesta, the Chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign, sent an e-mail to Cheryl Mills, an attorney who works for the Clinton campaign:\n\nFrom:john.podesta@gmail.com To: cheryl.mills@gmail.com Date: 2015–03–04 20:41 Subject: Special Category\nThink we should hold emails to and from potus? That’s the heart of his exec privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They may not care, but I seems like they will. — https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/9545\nIn other words, those deleted 33,000 e-mails we keep hearing about contain Hillary Clinton’s communications with President Obama. Which means both Hillary Clinton, and Obama lied to the FBI, Justice Department, Congress, and the American people. We now have definitive proof Obama was communicating with Hillary Clinton on her private e-mail server, and knew she was using a private e-mail server despite his claims otherwise.\n\nUPDATE October 25, 2016: Wikileaks Podesta E-mails Release 18 Confirms Intent of Cover Up\nOn March 7th, President Obama lied to the press and told the American people he found about Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server at the same time as the public. Cheryl Mills, an attorney for the Clinton campaign, then e-mails John Podesta the same day a longtime Clinton supporter donated nearly $500,000 to an FBI Official’s wife who later investigated Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server.\n\nFwd: POTUS on HRC emails\nFrom:cheryl.mills@gmail.com To: john.podesta@gmail.com Date: 2015–03–07 21:41 Subject: Fwd: POTUS on HRC emails\nwe need to clean this up — he has emails from her — they do not say state.gov\n— — — — — Forwarded message — — — —\nBegin forwarded message: *From:* Josh Schwerin *Date:* March 7, 2015 at 6:33:44 PM EST *To:* Jennifer Palmieri , Kristina Schake < kristinakschake@gmail.com>, Nick Merrill , Jesse Ferguson *Subject:* *POTUS on HRC emails*\nhttps://twitter.com/katherinemiller/status/574350749280432129/photo/1 Jen you probably have more on this but it looks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news. — https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31077#efmAABABT\nUPDATE October 20, 2016: Podesta E-mails Release 13 Confirms President Obama Knew Of Clinton’s Private E-mail Server\nOn Mar 8, 2015, at 7:56 AM, Jennifer Palmieri > wrote:\nThey know POTUS and HRC emailed. Josh has been asked about that. Standard practice is not to confirm anything about his email, so his answer to press was that he would not comment/confirm. I recollect that Josh was also asked if POTUS ever noticed her personal email account and he said something like POTUS likely had better things to do than focus on his Cabinet’s email addresses.\nOn Mar 8, 2015, at 12:40 AM, Philippe Reines > wrote:\nI find it odd the NYT didn’t actually quote the President saying what’s in their headline. Especially since the story has a disbelieving tone to his not noticing. One of us should connect with the WH just so they know that the email will show his statement to not make sense. I’m happy to do so to Josh Earnest since Jen is in a weird position, unless Cheryl or John you want to (or already have) with someone else. But it’s not unreasonable to assume that Josh is going to get asked how this was possible, and he should have the factset. Especially if it’s some weird technical thing with the President’s email setup that he doesn’t see addresses. — https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/21779\nTo make matters even worse for the cover up, in another leaked e-mail, Erika Rottenberg, another Clinton attorney, admits Hillary Clinton personally deleted many of the e-mails herself without oversight.\n\nI know when I talk to my friends who are attorneys we are all struggling with what happened to the emails and aren’t satisfied with answers to date. While we all know of the occasional use of personal email addresses for business, none of my friends circle can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in. It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I’ve either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for, etc. — https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4099\nThe reason FBI Director Comey did not press charges against Hillary Clinton was due to a lack of intent. He made the argument that Hillary Clinton was not subverting the law for any malicious intent, and therefore did not commit a provable crime.\n\nHowever, that was before the American people knew that Hillary Clinton was using a private insecure e-mail server to communicate with President Obama, and before we had proof that Hillary Clinton deleted e-mails personally. She also instructed Paul Combetta to remove evidence of the e-mails permanently, and did so after she had been subpoenaed by the Justice Department. This proves her intent to willfully and maliciously deleted evidence to protect both herself, and her boss, President Obama.\n\nThis suggests the White House illegally subverted the FBI investigation and forced them not to press charges knowing if she faced a judge she would have to reveal the President’s communications with her. Meanwhile, by protecting Hillary, the White House was able to ensure she was the nominee to maintain the cover up. By securing the White House for another 4-years it will prevent the American people from ever finding out what is contained in those 33,000 e-mails.\n\nWhen you consider these facts, as well as the other revelations within the Podesta e-mails on Wikileaks, it is clear the main stream media is also colluding with the Clinton campaign, and the White House. In effect, the White House is using the main stream media to elect Clinton in an attempt to protect their legacy, and hide the truth from the FBI, Congress, and the American people.\n\nTimeline of Events:\nMarch 2, 2015: The New York Times breaks the story that Clinton used a personal e-mail account while Secretary of State.\nMarch 4, 2015: The Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring preservation of all e-mails.\nMarch 7, 2015: Barack Obama states he only learned about the private e-mail server “through news reports” at the same time as everybody.\nMarch 7, 2015: 15:41:16 -0800 (PST) Cheryl Mills writes EMAIL ID 31077 as revealed by Podesta Emails Part 18: “we need to clean this up — he has emails from her — they do not say state.gov.”\nMarch 7, 2015: Hillary Surrogate Terry McCauliffe met with the FBI agent who oversaw the Clinton e-mail case and his wife and promised financial support ($500k+) if she ran for office. — Wall Street Journal\nMarch, 25–31, 2015: Paul Cobetta, a Platte River Networks employee, permanently and irreversibly deletes the email archive using a software called BleachBit likely under orders from Cheryl Mills after receiving advice on Reddit on how to delete e-mails for a “VIP”. The evidence under congressional subpoena is completely destroyed, including the Presidents e-mails.","type":"fake","title_words":12,"text_words":1781,"title_char":73,"text_char":11708,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":56,"title_caps_percent":16.66667,"text_caps_percent":3.1443,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.84,"anticipation":0.95,"disgust":0.45,"fear":1.06,"joy":0.78,"sadness":0.67,"surprise":0.45,"trust":2.57,"negative":1.78,"positive":3.18,"text_syllables":3262,"text_syllables_per_word":1.83156} {"title":"Johnson: 'I’m going to sleep well at the end of all this'","text":"“I take great pride in the fact that I am actually offering an alternative,\" Gary Johnson said. | Getty Johnson: 'I’m going to sleep well at the end of all this'\n\nGary Johnson said a Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump presidency would be deeply flawed and shrugged off the notion that he could play spoiler in a tight presidential contest, despite fears among Democrats, in particular, that he’s snatching votes from Clinton.\n\n“The people voting for me are voting for Gary Johnson,” the Libertarian presidential contender said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” with George Stephanopoulos. “I take great pride in the fact that I am actually offering an alternative. … Fifty percent of people that are registering to vote are registering as independents. How is it that we can only have two candidates?”\n\nStory Continued Below\n\n“I’m going to sleep well at the end of all this, giving people a first vote, not a second vote, not a lesser of two evils.”\n\nClinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, who spoke earlier on the same program, shrugged off Johnson’s impact on the race.\n\n“He’s taking votes from both candidates, but your own poll showed that his numbers are — are dropping,” he said, referring to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll that showed Johnson dipping to 5 percent support. “I don’t think that they’re — that either of the third-party candidates are really going to factor into the head-to-head in this race.”\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cx5AZI","authors":"Jack Shafer,Politico Staff,Kyle Cheney","type":"real","title_words":12,"text_words":234,"title_char":57,"text_char":1423,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.8547,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.41,"anticipation":0.41,"disgust":0.41,"fear":0,"joy":0.81,"sadness":0.81,"surprise":0.81,"trust":2.03,"negative":1.63,"positive":2.44,"text_syllables":388,"text_syllables_per_word":1.65812} {"title":"Donald Trump retreats to friendly media ground","text":"Donald Trump's reputation for being always available to reporters is way out of date.\n\nTrump is saying \"yes\" to Fox News almost every day but saying \"no\" to most other major networks and news organizations -- a highly unusual strategy for a presidential nominee.\n\nHe called into \"Fox & Friends\" on Monday morning, he is booked on \"The O'Reilly Factor\" Monday night, and he has another town hall with Sean Hannity coming up on Wednesday.\n\nRousing the base instead of reaching out to undecided voters may ultimately pay off for Trump. If nothing else, it limits the candidate's exposure to hard-hitting questions -- while fueling frustration among journalists.\n\nTrump's surrogates continue to say that he is more accessible than Hillary Clinton, but that is no longer true.\n\nNewt Gingrich knocked Clinton at a Trump rally on Monday afternoon by saying \"she doesn't do press conferences.\" But Clinton has taken questions from reporters at half a dozen press conferences in the past two weeks, including as recently as Monday morning.\n\nThese sessions, while relatively short, have been plentiful, while Trump has not held a press conference since July.\n\nTrump beat reporters are starting to make noise about the drought — especially since Trump made Clinton's eight-month period without press conferences into a major campaign talking point.\n\n\"It's been more than 50 days since Donald Trump held a press conference,\" David Martosko of The Daily Mail tweeted Monday.\n\nTrump's recent TV appearances, on \"The Dr. Oz Show\" and \"The Tonight Show,\" made news, but not in journalistic settings.\n\nThe Washington Post's Robert Costa had a newsmaking interview with Trump last week. But that's the exception to the rule. The New York Times last had an interview with Trump about a month ago.\n\nTrump last appeared on CNN in late August. Because Anderson Cooper challenged Trump about the candidate's muddled stance on immigration, The Post's Callum Borchers concluded that \"it didn't go very well\" for Trump.\n\n\"It went so not well, in fact, that you have to wonder whether his campaign will decide it's best to dodge the likes of Anderson Cooper and Chuck Todd — or, for that matter, Chris Wallace and Bret Baier — and stick to softball sessions with Sean Hannity and the 'Fox & Friends' crew,\" Borchers wrote afterwards.\n\nTrump's last time on NBC was the \"Commander in Chief Forum\" on September 7. Moderator Matt Lauer was widely criticized for his light touch with Trump.\n\nRelated: Behind the scenes, NBC execs concede Matt Lauer forum performance was \"disaster\"\n\nThe candidate's last time on ABC was a short interview with David Muir on September 6. His last time on CBS was a \"60 Minutes\" sit-down with Lesley Stahl on July 17.\n\nTrump does have another CBS interview in the works, a campaign spokeswoman said.\n\nTV networks are agitating for more interviews with both Trump and Clinton. The difference between the two is that Trump previously had a reputation for calling in to morning shows and sitting down with interviewers all the time.\n\nThis accessibility also once extended to his traveling press corps.\n\n\"Trump used to be very, very accessible to the press. At the beginning of his campaign, he was extremely accessible,\" CNN politics reporter Jeremy Diamond said on Sunday's \"Reliable Sources.\" \"You could catch him for quick interviews on the way in and out of rallies. And that has really changed.\"\n\nDiamond said \"he is less accessible I think, in many regards, than Hillary Clinton at this point.\"\n\nTrump's campaign declined to comment Monday on its media strategy. Republican communications strategist Ron Bonjean said most candidates in Trump's position would be \"trying to reach a a broader general election audience.\"\n\n\"However, most Americans already know Trump as a household name and he doesn't need to diversify his interviews for additional exposure,\" Bonjean said. \"Trump is protecting himself from less friendly journalists while getting out his message at the same time even if it is to a more conservative audience.\"\n\nThis conservative-focused media strategy is also gaining attention among Trump's critics. \"He pretty much exclusively appears on Fox News now,\" Judd Legum, editor of the liberal news site ThinkProgress, tweeted on Monday.\n\nTrump's relationship with Hannity is perhaps the best symbol of how the candidate gets out his message on his own terms. Trump has taped numerous town halls with the conservative commentator.\n\nAccording to TVNewser, Wednesday's town hall will focus on \"issues and concerns surrounding African-Americans this election cycle.\"\n\nAccording to Nielsen data, only 1.5% of Hannity's 2 million nightly viewers are African American. Overall, at any given time of day, about 2% of Fox News viewers are African American.","url":"http://cnn.it/2dcjQUU","authors":"Brian Stelter","type":"real","title_words":7,"text_words":745,"title_char":46,"text_char":4762,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":9,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.20805,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.4,"anticipation":1.73,"disgust":0.13,"fear":0.4,"joy":0.66,"sadness":0.27,"surprise":0.53,"trust":2.39,"negative":1.06,"positive":3.46,"text_syllables":1288,"text_syllables_per_word":1.72886} {"title":"Paul Ryan ducks on stop-and-frisk","text":"Story highlights Ryan called for calm in Charlotte, but would not comment on Trump's \"stop and frisk\" proposals\n\nEarlier this week Ryan said he wanted Congress to complete work on a criminal justice reform bill\n\nWashington (CNN) House Speaker Paul Ryan ducked Thursday on whether he supports the \"stop and frisk\" policy pushed by Donald Trump.\n\n\"I don't have an answer for you because it's not something that I've familiarized myself with -- the constitutionality of it, its efficacy, whether (it) worked well in New York City or not,\" Ryan said after being pressed twice by reporters on the policy the GOP nominee wants to revive, despite court rulings finding it unconstitutional.\n\nRyan called for calm following the shooting in Charlotte, saying about the unrest in the city overnight, \"these images are just so heartbreaking and they are upsetting.\"\n\n\"The loss of any life is a tragedy. The response to that though cannot be more violence. As leaders, it is responsibility to promote calm, peace and dialogue. We cannot allow our nation to be divided up along racial lines and so I hope leaders can come together to find solutions,\" Ryan said.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2de7kZ4","authors":"Deirdre Walsh,Cnn Senior Congressional Producer","type":"real","title_words":5,"text_words":188,"title_char":33,"text_char":1158,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.06383,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.59,"anticipation":2.07,"disgust":1.04,"fear":4.15,"joy":1.04,"sadness":2.07,"surprise":1.04,"trust":3.11,"negative":3.63,"positive":3.63,"text_syllables":323,"text_syllables_per_word":1.71809} {"title":"US builds working theory on cause of Syrian airstrike","text":"(CNN) The mistaken US-led coalition bombing of a Syrian military position Saturday may have happened because the personnel weren't wearing military uniforms and didn't have standard military weapons, several US military officials told CNN.\n\nOfficials said they now think the personnel bombed may have been Syrian military prisoners, according to several US defense officials.\n\nThat's a working theory of how US, British, Danish and Australian aircraft may have incorrectly assessed intelligence and targeted the site that killed more than 60 Syrian personnel near Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria. The UK Ministry of Defence is saying it used drones in the strike.\n\nOfficials emphasized there are no final conclusions by the US about who was struck. Overhead imagery and interviews with those involved will have to be assessed.\n\nBut the US is not disputing that Syrian personnel were hit. The US is trying to determine what specifically led to the mistaken strike and how the personnel may have been misidentified.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2dbAvI9","authors":"Barbara Starr,Cnn Pentagon Correspondent","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":156,"title_char":53,"text_char":1020,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":10,"title_caps_percent":11.11111,"text_caps_percent":6.41026,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.82,"anticipation":1.82,"disgust":0.61,"fear":2.42,"joy":1.21,"sadness":0,"surprise":0,"trust":2.42,"negative":2.42,"positive":3.64,"text_syllables":302,"text_syllables_per_word":1.9359} {"title":"US: ISIS did not use mustard agent in base attack","text":"Story highlights A final lab test of ISIS weapon fired on US troops tested negative for mustard agent\n\nUS forces were fired on last week by ISIS, initial tests showed a chemical weapon was used\n\nWashington (CNN) The American-led military coalition against ISIS said Tuesday that a final laboratory test of the weapon ISIS fired at a US-Iraqi base in northern Iraq last week did not contain a mustard agent as earlier believed.\n\nCol. John Dorrian, a spokesperson for the anti-ISIS coalition, tweeted that \"definitive\" lab results show the munitions that hit Qayyara air base on September 20 was not a chemical weapon.\n\nDefinitive lab tests conclude: No mustard agent present in munitions fired at Qayyarah West AB Sept 20. #Daesh #ISIL — OIR Spokesman (@OIRSpox) September 27, 2016\n\nInitial field tests of what has been described as either a rocket or artillery shell did indeed test positive for the chemical weapon and US personnel were required to undergo decontamination.\n\nLast week, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that \"we assess it to be a sulfur mustard blister agent\" when asked about the attack.\n\nMilitary officials had told CNN that a second test of the weapon had produced negative results while a third lab test was inconclusive. The most recent test announced by Dorrian represents the final test of the weapon.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2dwOp8d","authors":"Ryan Browne","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":226,"title_char":49,"text_char":1408,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":14,"title_caps_percent":20,"text_caps_percent":6.19469,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.54,"anticipation":0.42,"disgust":0.85,"fear":2.54,"joy":0.42,"sadness":0.85,"surprise":0.85,"trust":4.24,"negative":3.81,"positive":2.12,"text_syllables":400,"text_syllables_per_word":1.76991} {"title":"Obama Pushes One World Government","text":"When President Obama spoke at the United Nations he espoused the One World Government. He speaks of globalization in the fondest of terms: As if it is the do-all be-all for all the problems in the world. Also in the speech he referred to “true democracy.” If that is what he is for, then God help us.\n\nAs Written By Alex Pfeiffer for Daily Caller:\n\n‘Collision of cultures’\n\nIn his last address before the United Nations Tuesday, President Barack Obama acknowledged that globalism has led “to a collision of cultures” but urged countries to embrace liberal democracy and internationalization.\n\nObama told world leaders to recognize that violence and poverty are at historic lows.\n\n“I believe that we need to acknowledge these achievements in order to carry this progress forward,” Obama said. “In order to move forward, though, we do have to acknowledge that the existing path to global integration requires a course correction.”\n\nThe president said those who trumpet the benefit of globalization have ignored inequalities in their countries and “the enduring appeal of ethnic and sectarian identities.” Obama added that many government institutions around the world have been unfit to handle the changes globalization has brought…..","url":"http://allenwestrepublic.com/2016/09/20/obama-pushes-one-world-government/","type":"fake","title_words":5,"text_words":191,"title_char":33,"text_char":1232,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.04,"anticipation":2.55,"disgust":0.51,"fear":3.06,"joy":1.53,"sadness":1.02,"surprise":0.51,"trust":2.04,"negative":5.1,"positive":5.1,"text_syllables":361,"text_syllables_per_word":1.89005} {"title":"No WAY! Liberal Judge Just Made A Law For Black Males To Do This DISGUSTING Thing To Cops ⋆ Freedom Daily","text":"4.4k SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nI…can’t…even.\n\nThis is absolute madness and as hard as I’m trying to process this nonsense in my head, I just can’t wrap my brain around it. I have no doubt that things are about to get really messy.\n\nI cannot say that I don’t understand the Judge after reading the report. There are some black Americans that have a legit fear of Police Officers and their first instinct is to run. It’s just… is this really the only way to remedy that? There are two sides to this coin, and the judge is only reviewing one of them.\n\nIt’s going to blow up in his face.\n\nIn Massachusetts, a judge just ruled a special law into play for black males. This ruling came from Supreme Court, therefore… it stands as is without appeal. The problem is, are the citizens of MA now in more danger because of it?\n\nYou be the judge of that.\n\nThe job of a Police Officer is a whole other level of “all things dangerous” then any civilian could ever imagine. They are not shoes that just anyone can put themselves in and understand the burden they have to carry in their position. It’s not possible.\n\nYou can only live that life, to understand that life. That fact, just makes the brutal attack on them, even more unfair.\n\nAs if their job wasn’t already hard enough in Obama’s America, now a judge has granted an advantage to the people of Massachusetts. If they feel that they are being “disproportionately” targeted, they can run.\n\nYes, run from the Police Officer, who now can do nothing about it. To add to that, the fact that they ran, cannot be used against them in court either.\n\nUp until now, if someone took off and ran at the scene of a crime, that’s “reasonable suspicion” and used as reason for a Police Officer to detain the individual at least for a short period of time to investigate. Now, it’s not important to get evidence when it’s fresh, because it could hurt a thug’s feelings.\n\nBasically, Police who exist to protect and serve, can no longer truly protect or serve…if there’s a runner.\n\nWhich…let’s be real, what thug doesn’t run?\n\nPunchline: The law abiding ones!\n\nI’m so funny.\n\nYou’re welcome.","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/no-way-liberal-judge-just-made-law-black-males-disgusting-thing-cops/","type":"fake","title_words":21,"text_words":367,"title_char":105,"text_char":2117,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":9.52381,"text_caps_percent":0.54496,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0.95238,"text_excl_percent":0.04724,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":2.58,"anticipation":1.29,"disgust":1.03,"fear":3.61,"joy":0.77,"sadness":1.8,"surprise":0,"trust":3.35,"negative":5.41,"positive":4.9,"text_syllables":598,"text_syllables_per_word":1.62943} {"title":"Obama wears hat, breaking ‘Politics 101’ rule on headgear","text":"Obama wears hat, breaking ‘Politics 101’ rule on headgear\n\nPresident Barack Obama violated the longstanding, albeit unofficial, rule against presidential headgear on Monday when he accepted a hat and blanket at the White House Tribal Nations Conference.\n\nThe president was given the hat and blanket by Native American leaders as he took the stage ahead of remarks at the conference. He wore the blanket around his shoulders as a song was played in his honor, but took the hat off after just a few moments.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\n“What an amazing honor and what a kind gesture, for the honor song and the blanket and the hat,” Obama said once he took the podium. “I have to say that I am very glad that you also have a blanket for Michelle so she doesn’t steal mine. She would, too. I’m just saying.”\n\n“That was very moving, and is a reminder of the great friendships that we’ve developed over the last eight years,” he added.\n\nThe unofficial rule against presidents wearing unusual hats is widely credited to Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis, whose decision to wear a tank-commander’s helmet during a ride in an M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank has been widely ridiculed to this day.\n\nObama himself acknowledged the rule during a 2013 visit from the Naval Academy’s football team, which presented him with one of its helmets.\n\n“Here’s the general rule: You don’t put stuff on your head if you’re president,” Obama said, explaining his refusal to put on the helmet that had been fitted for him. “That’s Politics 101. You never look good wearing something on your head.”\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2dbESny","authors":"Jack Shafer,Louis Nelson","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":262,"title_char":57,"text_char":1590,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.48,"anticipation":1.48,"disgust":0,"fear":1.48,"joy":1.85,"sadness":0.37,"surprise":0.37,"trust":4.43,"negative":1.85,"positive":5.54,"text_syllables":443,"text_syllables_per_word":1.69084} {"title":"Conway: Trump will explain his Islamic State plan if asked","text":"Conway: Trump will explain his Islamic State plan if asked\n\nDonald Trump will detail his plan to destroy the Islamic State during Monday night’s debate against Hillary Clinton — if asked, according to his campaign manager.\n\nAsked by Willie Geist during MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” whether Trump will offer specifics beyond his broad statement that he will “knock the hell out of ISIS,” Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway replied in the affirmative.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\n“He certainly has a plan. I’ve heard it,” Conway said. “This is his debate tonight, Willie, he’ll tell you if that question is asked. But there’s also — you know, people are just amazed that Hillary Clinton would put on her campaign website what her plan to defeat ISIS is. Is it that ISIS can’t read that plan?”\n\nTrump has vowed to “knock the hell out of ISIS” but has been mum on how he would do so, suggesting that he doesn’t want to tip his hand to the terrorist network.\n\nPressed by Geist and Mika Brzezinski on whether voters deserve to know details about his plan before they cast their votes, or at least a sense that he has any “knowledge of the landscape,” Conway said, “Yes, and he’ll be happy to offer those specifics without telling the enemy exactly what we’re going to do.”\n\n“So just to put a button on it, we’ll get the ISIS plan tonight in the debate?” Geist asked.\n\n“You will get his view of how best to defeat the enemy without telling ISIS particularly, specifically what it’s going to be,” she said.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2dm2wkm","authors":"Jack Shafer,Nolan D","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":255,"title_char":58,"text_char":1502,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":2.7451,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.51,"anticipation":1.89,"disgust":1.13,"fear":1.51,"joy":0.38,"sadness":0.75,"surprise":1.13,"trust":1.89,"negative":1.89,"positive":4.15,"text_syllables":398,"text_syllables_per_word":1.56078} {"title":"Networks Confirm They Will Not Be Fact-Checking Donald Trump In Any Way","text":"There’s already been hints from NBC News that Lester Holt, the moderator for the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, will not be fact checking the candidates. This, of course, will allow Trump to say anything he pleases without being held accountable – except by Hillary Clinton.\n\nBut to make matters worse, all cable news networks (including those critical of Trump) are pledging to be completely spineless, and will not offer any on-screen fact checks to any comments made by the candidates that are wrong:\n\nWhile on-screen fact-checking could help expose inaccurate or misleading assertions without interrupting the flow of the debate, nearly all of the major cable or broadcast networks, including Univision and Telemundo, said that they would not use any sort on screen fact check or graphics …. Thus, the burden of keeping the candidates honest will likely come down to Holt, the only other person on the stage.\n\nAfter Politico documented that Trump lies on average every three-and-a-half minutes, one would think a fact checking process would be paramount to an honest, open debate on the issues. But sadly, the media, realizing their ratings are on the line, would rather kowtow to Donald Trump and his band of deplorable surrogates.\n\nThe Clinton campaign has been forceful in its effort to hold Trump accountable, with Clinton Campaign Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri telling reporters:\n\nFor the moderator to let lies like that that come out of his mouth at this debate to go unchallenged would give Donald Trump an unfair advantage. We do believe it is the role of the moderator … to call out those lies and to do that in real time.\n\nUnfortunately, with Trump’s impending lies already on the brink of not being checked for falsehoods, it’s somehow up to Hillary Clinton to “shine” at the debate if she hopes to “win.” This double standard that the most qualified woman to every run for office has to go above and beyond that most unqualified nominee in history, just to look slightly better than him, is abhorrent.\n\nHopefully, Clinton will wipe the floor with Trump on the first debate, but with no one to back her up, it may be hard convincing the American people that she did it.\n\nIf there is one thing this election has shown us, it’s that journalism is dying, if not already dead.\n\nFeatured image via Sara D. Davis/Getty Images","url":"http://addictinginfo.org/2016/09/26/networks-confirm-they-will-not-be-fact-checking-donald-trump-in-any-way/","authors":"Ryan Denson","type":"fake","title_words":12,"text_words":392,"title_char":71,"text_char":2383,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.2551,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.49,"anticipation":0.74,"disgust":1.49,"fear":1.73,"joy":0.25,"sadness":1.49,"surprise":0.99,"trust":2.48,"negative":2.23,"positive":3.96,"text_syllables":671,"text_syllables_per_word":1.71173} {"title":"Kaine visits site of Orlando mass shooting","text":"Tim Kaine visits the Pulse night club in Orlando Monday evening. | Burgess Everett/POLITICO Kaine visits site of Orlando mass shooting\n\nORLANDO -- Tim Kaine visited the Pulse night club here on Monday evening, the site where gunman Omar Mateen killed 49 people in June.\n\nThe Virginia senator laid flowers at a memorial surrounding the club. He attended alongside former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was injured in a mass shooting in 2011, as well as Giffords's husband astronaut Mark Kelly and Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.).\n\nStory Continued Below\n\n\"The thing that's painful about this: this is a weird thing to say but I always hoped that Virginia Tech would be the worst one ever,\" Kaine told reporters after a quiet, 10-minute visit to the site. \"As bad as that was, I hoped nothing would ever eclipse it. But such is life. We got work to do.\"\n\nKaine was Virginia's governor in 2007, when a shooter killed 32 people at the university.\n\nLater Monday, Kaine, Giffords and Kelly are scheduled to attend a presidential debate watch party with LGBT activists here in Orlando.\n\nKaine's running mate, Hillary Clinton, visited Pulse in July.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2d1z7fz","authors":"Jack Shafer,Burgess Everett","type":"real","title_words":7,"text_words":185,"title_char":42,"text_char":1148,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.62162,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.08,"anticipation":1.04,"disgust":1.56,"fear":3.65,"joy":0,"sadness":2.08,"surprise":0,"trust":1.04,"negative":3.12,"positive":3.12,"text_syllables":321,"text_syllables_per_word":1.73514} {"title":"Homosexual Thinks Muslims Will Accept Him, Instantly Learns How They Deal With LGBT","text":"Once again, the “religion of peace” has proven to be neither peaceful nor tolerant — but don’t tell that to political leaders across Europe. They wouldn’t listen anyway.\n\nIn May of 2016, Aaron Woods, a homosexual, was the target of a truly “homophobic” attack, according to Brighton & Hove News.\n\n“The victim, a 26-year-old from Eastbourne, was approached by a man who used homophobic language before being punched in the face and suffering a broken jaw,” Sussex police reported.\n\nAccording to the victim’s friend, Brian Markintosh, when Woods was being attacked, the assailant “was shouting all this Muslim stuff … Aaron was in so much pain. He was really screaming.”\n\n\"Gay-Bashing\" Incident\n\n“He’s such a gentle giant. He’s the kindest person you could imagine — this geezer broke his jaw with a knuckleduster. He was filming the young gay guys,” Markintosh added.\n\nNear the beginning of that same month, there was a similar incident to the one with Woods, in which a gay couple was attacked by two men.\n\n“I am saddened to hear of the homophobic assaults in Brighton over the last two weekends,” Sgt. Peter Allan said. “I am pleased, however, that the victims are recovering from their physical injuries and that prompt arrests were made in both cases.”\n\nNo matter how you feel about them, the gay community is no doubt one of the most accepting groups out there. That being said, it would make sense that the incredibly welcoming community would fit right in with Islamic followers and their “religion of peace,” right?\n\nWrong. Shariah law, the Islamic legal system, states that homosexuality is an abominable form of sexual sin punishable by death.\n\nMany American Muslims are much less orthodox, accepting society’s moral evolution when it comes to things the Quran explicitly condemns and requires be punished. But in the end, radical Islam and the gay community cannot “co-exist” — which is exactly what Aaron Woods learned, to his sorrow.","type":"fake","title_words":13,"text_words":314,"title_char":83,"text_char":1945,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":7.69231,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.75,"anticipation":1.83,"disgust":1.83,"fear":4.89,"joy":1.83,"sadness":3.36,"surprise":1.53,"trust":3.98,"negative":4.89,"positive":4.28,"text_syllables":533,"text_syllables_per_word":1.69745} {"title":"BREAKING: Pipe Bombs Found in New Jersey Train Station","text":"BREAKING: Pipe Bombs Found in New Jersey Train Station\n\nFirst a pipe bomb exploded on the Jersey Shore, then New York was next. Now, pipe bombs have been found in a New Jersey train station. According to the New York Daily News, “authorities discovered three pipe bombs and two smaller devices at a train station in Elizabeth.”\n\nNEW JERSEY: Elizabeth Mayor says a bag with wires and pipes was found in a trash can near NJT Station, FBI on scene. https://t.co/q60LGGS52o — KolHaolam (@KolHaolam) September 19, 2016\n\nSince all of these bombs have been found in a relatively small area, it seems likely that a small team or even a single individual is behind it. Although Islamic terrorism would seem to be the most likely explanation, there have been “mad bombers” who’ve done this sort of thing before (See Ted Kaczynski & George Metesky).\n\n× 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now\n\nIs their motive simply to cause terror? Are they trying to create mass casualties, but failing to do so? We don’t know yet. However, the FBI has arrested 5 people they believe may be connected to the Chelsea bombing investigation.\n\nThat being said, none of these people have been charged, which could mean they’re collecting evidence or alternately, these people may end up having nothing to do with the case.\n\nGoodnight! Stay safe #NewYork & #NewJersey\n\nVerrazano Traffic Stop Part of NYC Bomb Investigation: FBIhttps://t.co/vFaerCuZJM — ღڿڰۣڿCheleBelleڿڰۣڿღ (@NYMichele) September 19, 2016\n\nAs always in the immediate aftermath of a situation like this, details are sketchy. Keep tuned to Right Wing News and we’ll bring you more information as it becomes available.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/crime/breaking-pipe-bombs-found-new-jersey-train-station/","authors":"John Hawkins","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":320,"title_char":54,"text_char":1971,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":11.11111,"text_caps_percent":2.1875,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.05074,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.52,"anticipation":1.22,"disgust":1.52,"fear":2.13,"joy":1.52,"sadness":2.43,"surprise":0.61,"trust":2.13,"negative":3.65,"positive":3.34,"text_syllables":521,"text_syllables_per_word":1.62813} {"title":"Newsweek Accuses Trump Of Committing A Felony","text":"11.3k SHARES SHARE THIS STORY\n\nDuring a Republican primary debate in September 2015, now-Republican nominee Donald Trump said that he never lobbied Florida Governor Jeb Bush for casino gambling because “he would’ve gotten it, if I wanted it.” But if that is true, then Donald Trump committed yet another yet another felonious offense by the racist mogul – this time for for lying under oath in a civil court deposition, which is perjury, as Newsweek reports:\n\nOne of these stories is a lie—a detailed, self-serving fabrication. But unlike the mountain of other lies he has told, this time the character trait that leads to Trump’s mendacity is on full display: He makes things up when he doesn’t want to admit he lost.\n\nAssume the story he told at the debate is the lie. Even though Bush’s story reinforced what Trump was saying at rallies—he had played the “cash for outcomes” political game for years—he could not admit he had tried to do the same in Florida because he could not bring himself to say that he had lost. Instead, he looked America in the eye and lied. And then he felt compelled to stack on another boast: His people are so wonderful that they would have gotten casino gambling in Florida, regardless of Bush’s opposition—if Trump had wanted it.\n\nThe transcripts below will show you there was a dispute of fact between two candidates, but not just any fact, a fact which Jeb Bush would’ve full well known, as would have Trump. Because after Trump’s naïve attempt to muscle gambling into Florida over the objections of an anti-gambling Republican governor failed, he sued his former employee for his own failure. Eichenwald’s point is that either Trump lied baldly to the face of a former elected official on national television (and moderators let him get away with it unchecked) or:\n\nNow consider the other option, that Trump committed perjury in the 2007 testimony. There, he admitted pushing for casino gambling in Florida, but said he would have gotten what he wanted if he hadn’t been tricked by Fields. The rationale for the perjurious testimony is simple—Trump wants money from a man who stopped working for him and, once again, the story lets him deny he is anything less than perfect.\n\nWhy is all of this important? In the late 1990s, House Republicans impeached Democratic President Bill Clinton for allegedly lying in a deposition about a sensitive personal offense to his wife. The entire media hounded President Clinton over the Whitewater “scandal” for half of the decade and it was the only thing they could find.\n\nRepublicans selected a nominee who is legendary for his lies, but unlike Trump’s other tall tales and obvious gaslighting, this lie was either told to a Florida court of law under oath (it does seem like Trump lives in the Florida court system at times) or to national television and his party’s base to discredit his opponent by turning the truth on it’s head.\n\nTrump’s penchant for turning the truth upside down is not only a disastrous character flaw, but it’s a mortal danger to our national safety that he is even on the ballot as a major party candidate for President.\n\nSee for yourself the two transcripts Newsweek published and decide for yourself if Trump perjured himself to the court or lied to the Republican debate audience. Compare the two options presented by Eichenwald, there’s no third option here:\n\nBush: “The one guy that had some special interests that I know of that tried to get me to change my views on something—that was generous and gave me money—was Donald Trump. He wanted casino gambling in Florida.” Trump interrupted Bush: Trump: I didn’t— Bush: Yes, you did. Trump: Totally false. Bush: You wanted it, and you didn’t get it, because I was opposed to— Trump: I would have gotten it. Bush: Casino gambling before— Trump: I promise, I would have gotten it. Bush: During and after. I’m not going to be bought by anybody. Trump: I promise, if I wanted it, I would have gotten it. Bush: No way. Believe me. Trump: I know my people. Bush: Not even possible. Trump: I know my people.\n\nTranscript of 2007 Trial Deposition:\n\nA lawyer asked Trump, “Did you yourself do anything to obtain any of the details with respect to the Florida gaming environment, what approvals were needed and so forth?” Trump: A little bit. Lawyer: What did you do? Trump: I actually spoke with Governor-Elect Bush; I had a big fundraiser for Governor-Elect Bush…and I think it was his most successful fundraiser, the most successful that he had had up until that point, that was in Trump Tower in New York on Fifth Avenue. Lawyer: When was that? Trump: Sometime prior to his election. Lawyer: You knew that Governor Bush, Jeb Bush at that time, was opposed to expansion of gaming in Florida, didn’t you? Trump: I thought that he could be convinced otherwise. Lawyer: But you didn’t change his mind about his anti-gaming stance, did you? Trump: Well, I never really had that much of an opportunity because Fields resigned, telling me you could never get what we wanted done, only to do it for another company.\n\nAdd your name to millions demanding that Congress take action on the President’s crimes. IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP!","url":"http://occupydemocrats.com/2016/09/23/just-newsweek-accuses-trump-committing-felony/","authors":"Grant Stern,Brett Bose,Natalie Dickinson","type":"fake","title_words":7,"text_words":876,"title_char":45,"text_char":5166,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.79909,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.01936,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.47,"anticipation":1.81,"disgust":0.91,"fear":1.47,"joy":1.13,"sadness":1.13,"surprise":0.68,"trust":3.4,"negative":3.17,"positive":3.62,"text_syllables":1424,"text_syllables_per_word":1.62557} {"title":"CNN’s Post-Debate Rigged Poll Busted…Here Are The Real Results","text":"We’re shocked — SHOCKED — to learn that CNN’s bias is so blatant in just about everything they do, not simply in reporting the news.\n\nFirst came Lester Holt’s unbelievably one-sided moderation of the debate in which he routinely press and even attacked Donald Trump’s record and answers while leaving Hillary untouched with no mention of any of the most obvious scandals.\n\nNow CNN has upped the ante on their own bias with a poll that isn’t worth paper it was printed on.\n\nAccording to their post-debate poll, 62% of respondents indicated that Hillary won the debate. But what CNN didn’t bother to highlight is the fact that fully only 26% of those polled were Republicans. While Independents made of 33%, Democrats comprised a whopping 41% of those polled.\n\nNot to be outdone, NBC followed up with a similar poll in which there were 14% more Democrats than Republicans.","type":"fake","title_words":9,"text_words":145,"title_char":62,"text_char":870,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":11.11111,"text_caps_percent":3.44828,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.95,"anticipation":0,"disgust":0.65,"fear":0.65,"joy":0,"sadness":0,"surprise":0.65,"trust":3.9,"negative":2.6,"positive":4.55,"text_syllables":236,"text_syllables_per_word":1.62759} {"title":"ALERT: Police Pull Over ‘Islamic Refugee,’ Horrified To See What Was In The Car","text":"We need a border wall. It is not just a matter of preventing illegal immigration, but securing an essential access point into America.\n\nLaw enforcement is on high alert after a routine traffic stop revealed troubling intentions. Police in Luna County, New Mexico, pulled over an undocumented Middle Eastern woman with the plans for a nearby gas pipeline and surrounding area.\n(via Mad News World)\n\nPolice were unable to determine why the woman, described as an “Islamic refugee,” was in possession of the plans, but many are fearing the worst.\n\nThe plans detailed a pipeline in Deming, New Mexico. The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force was deployed with the U.S. Border Patrol to investigate the area. The search came up empty.\n\nThe pipeline identified in the Muslim woman’s plans is fairly remote, leading many to assume that the woman was scouting out potential targets for future terror attacks and did not have immediate intentions to launch an attack.\n\nIt is troubling to discover an undocumented Muslim woman in a county sharing a border with Mexico.\n\nA report released by Judicial Watch in 2015 revealed that Mexican cartels were working with terror organizations. The report indicates that Mexican gangs were accepting payments to smuggle foreigners from terror-plagued nations into our country.\n\nJudicial Watch also revealed in a 2017 report that Mexico-based Islamic terror groups have been illegally crossing the border into America to scout out potential targets.\n\nCongress should approve funding for President Trump’s border wall at once. It is not merely a matter of preventing illegal immigration. Many nefarious groups, such as terrorists and drug cartels, are aware that the southern border is the easiest way to sneak into America.\n\nMany of the illegal immigrants entering America are not even from Mexico. Instead, aliens from south of Mexico are able to travel across the country in order to reach the American-Mexican border. Many of these aliens receive active support from the Mexican government, who cannot support the illegal immigrants.\n\nIf a terrorist wanted to sneak into America to launch an attack, they could easily travel across the southern border. They could start their journey south of Mexico, arriving in countries without the ability to vet travelers.\n\nThe only way we can secure our nation from foreign threats is by constructing a wall on the southern border. Until we do, our country is easy pickings.","type":"fake","title_words":14,"text_words":382,"title_char":79,"text_char":2441,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":7.14286,"text_caps_percent":0.26178,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.02,"anticipation":1.26,"disgust":1.77,"fear":4.55,"joy":0.51,"sadness":2.02,"surprise":1.01,"trust":3.28,"negative":4.29,"positive":3.79,"text_syllables":715,"text_syllables_per_word":1.87173} {"title":"“If You Can’t Run Your Own House, You Certainly Can’t Run the White House” – Eagle Rising","text":"A Daisy of a Rerun\n\nI am of an age which includes probably the first major political distortion in Presidential campaigning. That being the TV advertisement of an innocent little girl, sitting in a field picking daisy petals one by one, while a mushroom cloud arises in a most sinister fashion behind her.\n\nThe year was 1964 and the incumbent President Lyndon B Johnson “approved” that message. Only problem was that he followed the course in Vietnam which he was trying to assign onto his supposedly “war mongering” opponent, Barry Goldwater.\n\nToday, as our history books find difficulty in revisiting Johnson’s deceitful war policies, Goldwater’s vindication is now generally accepted without any acknowledgment from our Nation’s media.\n\nI mention this as a backdrop of our current Presidential campaign. Just maybe another daisy advertisement could be made, only this time, that little girl should be picking those daisy petals for each Clinton failure. Such a rendering, depicting reasons why Clinton is unworthy of the Presidency, would be shattering to her campaign.\n\nObviously, this version will never make it to our living rooms yet there are rumors that a “Daisy” remake aimed against Trump, has been mentioned. That being said, such considerations demonstrate just how desperate are the Clinton staffers.\n\nSomehow, if those daisy petals could be offered against Clinton as I previously mentioned, its message could outweigh Goldwater’s 1964 deception, when based upon the accuracy of recent events.\n\nInstead, today’s voters continue to wrestle with or just ignore the printed garbage which is masquerading as “news and views.” With the recent about-face announcement from Ted Cruz, the media’s reaction of ridicule was to be expected.\n\nNow, another unbalanced AP report unfolded, this one detailing Ted’s “dramatic about-face that may help unite a deeply divided Republican Party.” This in addition to previous statements in which Cruz called Trump a “pathological liar” and “utterly amoral.”\n\nAs the article relates, Trump countered with his nickname of “’Lyin Ted,’ insulted his wife, and linked his father to the John F. Kennedy assassination.” These actual quotes were selected for public consumption for one reason and although highly slanted and selective, it grades out under the sanctions of fair journalistic fodder.\n\nSchools of journalism teach that Americans are famous for both their short memories and their short attention spans. So, is it any wonder that our media pundits often place the more critical details far into an article, even within the closing paragraph, since many readers turn off after one paragraph?\n\nAnother safeguard of a derogatory story, which must unavoidably be reported is that its coverage is short-lived. I say “derogatory” when regarding the democratic and liberal policies and/or individuals. This exclusive slanting has been so prevalent that the “liberal press” moniker has now everyday acceptance.\n\nIt is to this unbalance that the informed and curious must either work on their retention skills or record the scanty details from a pertinent event. This extra correlation is my fountain for the following excerpts which will never qualify for the public’s re-airing. Also, the blatant public disservice, when comparing the above cited quotes verses what the AP ignores, needs no further explanation.\n\nAlso, with the first debate squarely in view, the caliber of moderating will now and forever pivot upon the Candy Crowley faux pas. Especially annoying is the unchanged format and résumés of the personnel who will rule this forum. In an effort to tone down or balance this slanted presentation, choice commentary against the protected candidate can offer a logical alternative and demonstrates reasons for its AP exclusion.\n\nThese quotes become especially prominent since both commentators are democrats themselves, and who have now reversed their opinions and are vigorously campaigning for the recipient of their former objections.\n\nWith that, consider the President’s past considerations of today’s democrat candidate, his hopeful successor, when back during the 2008 primary, Obama stated of Hillary, “She will say anything and change nothing. Hillary can’t be trusted and isn’t qualified to be President.”\n\nObviously, the deception and the intentional abandonment, along with the two weeks of lying about Benghazi had yet to occur. Not only is this pertinent, it’s damning, given the time frame.\n\nAlso during that same campaign, future first lady Michelle offered this opine: “If you can’t run your own house, you certainly can’t run the White House.”\n\nApparently, that one shortcoming continues to this day and while concerning if not pertinent, it is omitted from an equal public review.\n\nAgain, wouldn’t it be ironically significant to rerun that daisy commercial, only this time with documentation for each petal? That type of accounting may be even more withering than that long ago false imaging of a mushroom cloud!\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/37040/michelle-obama-attacks-hillary-if-you-cant-run-your-own-house-you-certainly-cant-run-the-white-house/","authors":"View All Posts,Jim Bowman","type":"fake","title_words":17,"text_words":781,"title_char":89,"text_char":5130,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.51216,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.01949,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.5,"anticipation":1.63,"disgust":1.75,"fear":1.63,"joy":0.75,"sadness":1.25,"surprise":0.5,"trust":2.51,"negative":3.51,"positive":4.39,"text_syllables":1478,"text_syllables_per_word":1.89245} {"title":"Joe Biden Slams Donald Trump's Comment That Housing Crisis Was 'Good Business'","text":"During a campaign stop in Philadelphia, Vice President Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump’s debate performance Monday night –- specifically taking umbrage with the GOP nominee's comments on the housing crisis.\n\n\"This is a guy who said -- and wants to be president -- that it was good business for him to see the housing market fail. What in the hell is he talking about?\" Biden said during a rally at Drexel University. \"Every president I have served with, including Republicans, has had a moral center about what it was to be an American, about what we’re supposed to do, about what basic fundamental rights are.\"\n\nBiden asked the crowd if they could imagine Ronald Reagan, \"saying it's good business to take advantage of people’s misery, rooting for that misery?\"\n\n\"He does not have the basic fundamental sensibilities and values that almost every American politician left, right and center I know have,\" Biden said. \"They disagree on how to make things better for you, but they don’t take pleasure from 'You’re fired.' They don’t take pleasure knowing that they will benefit.\"\n\nDuring the first presidential debate, Hillary Clinton said Trump was rooting for a collapse in the housing market, to which the real-estate mogul responded, \"That's called business, by the way.\"\n\n\"When you’re sitting atop Trump Tower, in a semi-golden palace, not a joke, what do you care about the people that I grew up with?\" Biden said of Trump.\n\nThe vice president also criticized Trump's suggestion that not paying taxes \"makes me smart.\"\n\n\"He acknowledged that he didn’t pay taxes because, he said, he’s smart. Makes him smart,\" Biden said. \"Tell that to the janitor in here who’s paying taxes. Tell that to your mothers and fathers who are breaking their neck to send you here who are paying their taxes. No I really mean it. It angers me.”\n\nHe added that the views Trump expressed in the debate demonstrate his outlook on the country.\n\n\"If this choice isn’t clear, I don’t know –- my lord,\" Biden said about the debate. \"What bothers me about this race is how palpable his cynicism is about the American people.\"","url":"http://abcn.ws/2d3YEVr","authors":"Abc News,More Arlette","type":"real","title_words":12,"text_words":348,"title_char":78,"text_char":2097,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.28736,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.11,"anticipation":0.83,"disgust":1.39,"fear":0.83,"joy":0.56,"sadness":0.83,"surprise":0.83,"trust":2.5,"negative":2.5,"positive":4.72,"text_syllables":577,"text_syllables_per_word":1.65805} {"title":"Trump’s Latest Campaign Promise May Be His Most Horrible One Yet","text":"Donald Trump is, well, deplorable. He’s suggested building a wall to keep invading hordes of brown-skinned “rapists” and “drug dealers” from charging into the country, gotten on board with creating a national registry for Muslims like Hitler did with the Jews, forcing said Muslims to wear special identification badges, and even rounding them up into modern-day concentration camps as a “temporary measure.” He’s even suggested outright murdering the families of terrorists abroad:\n\n“The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. When they say they don’t care about their lives, you have to take out their families.”\n\nBut he’s not satisfied with slaughtering innocents to get to terrorists overseas, He also wants to bring that idea home. In a statement on the bombings in New York and New Jersey over the weekend, The Donald’s Senior Communications Advisor explained that Trump is not fighting terrorism — he’s fighting the “narratives” of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And Trump’s “narrative” is “kill them all”:\n\nLast weekend’s attacks, which are just the latest to be carried out on U.S. soil on President Obama’s watch, should be a wakeup call for every American. It is highly disturbing and entirely unacceptable that 858 immigrants from dangerous countries have slipped into our country and been granted full U.S. citizenship because of the failed policies supported by President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Even worse, Clinton must explain her reckless support for a 550% increase in Syrian refugees and her push for an all-out open border policy, which will put even more Americans at risk. The threat from radical Islamic terrorism has only grown under Obama and Clinton, and ISIS has greatly expanded the number of countries where it is fully operational. Our enemies neither fear nor respect Hillary Clinton, and as a nation, that is dangerous, and it is disgraceful. Mr. Trump will bring an end to these attacks, because unlike Obama and Clinton, he believes we’re in more than a fight about ‘narratives’ – these terrorists pose an existential threat to our country and our values and they must be destroyed before they can harm any more of our citizens.\n\nPay attention to that last bit: “They must be destroyed before they can harm any more of our citizens.”\n\nNow, we already know that the problem according to the GOP presidential nominee is “radical Islamic terrorism,” and that Trump has (numerous times) blamed Muslims in general for any attacks he could. Exactly how selective do you think he will be in eliminating “terrorists?”\n\n“They’re protecting each other, but they’re really doing very bad damage — they have to open up to society and report the bad ones,” Trump said in March. “When they see trouble, they have to report it. They are absolutely not reporting it, and that’s a big problem.”\n\nIf Muslims are “protecting” terrorists, are they not terrorists in Trump’s eyes? How many days in his presidency would pass before anyone who follows Islam was rounded up? Would there be mass exterminations? Trump has already suggested slaughtering terrorists’ families. How would he define terrorism?\n\nThese are all questions it is unlikely that Mr. Trump will answer for himself — but remember he is exactly the sort of person who, with a wink and a nod, suggests disarming his political opponents’ security to “see what happens” to them (shortly after suggesting that “Second Amendment People” could deal with them. We’re dealing with an unstable, constantly suspicious person whose first instinct in conflict is to push the ‘little red button’ that launches our nuclear arsenal.\n\nIt’s also important to remember that the attacks in New York and New Jersey were committed by an American citizen — one with Constitutional rights, no matter how much someone wants to call for blood. This, of course, matters not to The Donald.\n\nNormally, suggesting that a candidate will bring back concentration camps and murder civilians is hyperbole. But not with Trump. He’s said it himself. Many times.\n\nIf we allow this alleged human, this Oompa Loompa who has escaped from the chocolate factory to wreak havoc on our nation — to assume office, it will not end well. Be sure to vote in November if it’s the last thing you do. If Trump wins, it may be.\n\nFeatured image via Getty Images/Joe Raedle","url":"http://www.addictinginfo.org/2016/09/19/trumps-latest-campaign-promise-may-be-his-most-horrible-one-yet/","authors":"John Prager","type":"fake","title_words":11,"text_words":726,"title_char":64,"text_char":4454,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.27548,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.58,"anticipation":1.36,"disgust":1.22,"fear":2.99,"joy":1.09,"sadness":1.76,"surprise":0.95,"trust":2.99,"negative":4.21,"positive":3.66,"text_syllables":1237,"text_syllables_per_word":1.70386} {"title":"BREAKING: Judge DEMANDS Release Of Clinton’s Security Training Files – She Has 5 Days…","text":"BREAKING: Judge DEMANDS Release Of Clinton’s Security Training Files – She Has 5 Days…\n\nJust like Barack Obama and many people in his orbit, Hillary Clinton and her minions could never, ever in a million years pass a background security check. There are probably numerous terrorists who have cleaner backgrounds than these people and that’s no joke. They shouldn’t be cleared to clean a toilet there.\n\nThe Daily Caller News Foundation has been trying to get documents from the State Department forever concerning Clinton and her top aides completing recommended security training, briefings or courses on said security. Not only are these people willing morons concerning security, they have no desire to find out what they should and shouldn’t do. It’s called deniable plausibility. The Daily Caller News Foundation filed a FOIA lawsuit to get these people to produce mountains of documents. Will they see them before the election? A judge has ordered it… I wouldn’t hold my breath.\n\nFrom The Daily Caller:\n\nA frustrated federal judge ordered the State Department to begin producing within five days hundreds of documents on whether required or recommended security training, briefings or courses were completed by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides. Judge Richard Leon ruled Tuesday in favor of The Daily Caller News Foundation by rejecting the State Department’s motion to dismiss TheDCNF’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit concerning production of the documents originally sought under the Freedom of Information Act. But he also denied TheDCNF’s request to depose State Department officials. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now The State Department has been unable to produce any records confirming that Clinton and her top aides received mandatory annual security briefings about the proper handling of classified materials and the proper methods for conducting secure communications. In addition to Clinton, TheDCNF seeks the same records for former Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin and Advisor Jacob Sullivan.\n\nHuma Abedin is especially suspect in security matters here. But these corruptocrats have not complied with anything else yet, I don’t look for them to do so this time. And for some reason they are never held to account for it. The rest of us would be in jail… guess we just aren’t the ‘right people’.\n\nJudge Richard Leon is getting fed up with State Department foot-dragging in releasing the documents. He ordered the department to release one third of the 400 documents by Sept. 26th and the rest of them by Oct. 10th. Bradley Moss, one of the attorneys representing TheDCNF, said “Judge Leon’s Order made clear his frustration with the State Department’s continued obstruction of the FOIA process. State will either meet his deadline or face the consequences of failure.” I hope they carry through with those consequences this time. It’s getting trite with the finger wagging and admonitions while just letting them get away with hell. The word for this is ‘corruption’.\n\nState Department officials admitted in a July 29th response to TheDCNF that their failure to produce the requested documents meant the “courses were not completed” by Clinton or her aides. Well, duh. That’s for peons, not the elite evidently.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/hillary-clinton-2/breaking-judge-demands-release-clintons-security-training-files-5-days/","authors":"Terresa Monroe-hamilton","type":"fake","title_words":14,"text_words":579,"title_char":86,"text_char":3628,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":14.28571,"text_caps_percent":0.69085,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.67,"anticipation":1.69,"disgust":1.01,"fear":0.84,"joy":1.01,"sadness":1.18,"surprise":0.67,"trust":1.85,"negative":2.53,"positive":3.2,"text_syllables":1000,"text_syllables_per_word":1.72712} {"title":"Hillary Clinton on Between Two Ferns: 'I really regret doing this'","text":"Story highlights The interview is part of the Clinton campaign's attempt to show a funnier, softer side\n\nPresident Barack Obama also sat down with Zach Galifianakis to tout the Affordable Care Act\n\n(CNN) Hillary Clinton sat down for an interview with the irreverent Zach Galifianakis and almost immediately -- albeit jokingly -- regretted it.\n\nClinton sat down with the comedian on September 9, the day her doctor diagnosed her with pneumonia. Clinton, who was introduced as \"Had Pneumonia\" at the start of the video , plays along with Galifianakis' off-color humor and shows a bit of comedy herself.\n\n\"When you see how well it works for Donald Trump, do you think to yourself, oh maybe I should be more racist,\" the comedian asks Clinton, who just shakes her head and laughs.\n\nGalifianakis also knocks Clinton for going to Trump's 2005 wedding to Melania Trump.\n\n\"When you went to Donald Trump's wedding, did he write his own vows? And did Michelle Obama write Melania's,\" the comedian says, a joke about how Trump's wife plagiarized the first lady in her speech to the Republican National Convention.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2djV0ml","authors":"Dan Merica","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":179,"title_char":66,"text_char":1113,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.55866,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0,"anticipation":1.58,"disgust":0,"fear":0.53,"joy":0,"sadness":1.05,"surprise":0.53,"trust":1.58,"negative":3.16,"positive":2.63,"text_syllables":299,"text_syllables_per_word":1.67039} {"title":"Changing Your Baby's Diaper Is Now A Sex Crime In Arizona","text":"According to this, the Arizona state legislature needs some remedial courses on how to word their bills so that they don’t end up with laws that unintentionally ban perfectly normal parenting activities.\n\nCase in point.\n\nThe specific law criminalizes ANY contact between an adult and a child’s genitals, so if you’re a parent of a child and you’ve changed his/her diaper, or given him/her a bath, you’re a felon. For real.\n\nThis is what happens when you have terrible legislators who pass laws forbidding people from “intentionally or knowingly touching” the genitals of a child under the age of 15. Of course, their intention is to protect children from child molesters, but because they don’t know how to write effective legislation, AZ parents are now criminals if they dare to bathe their own kids.\n\nThe AZ Supreme Court, then, decided to double down, insisting that “prosecutors are unlikely to charge parents engaged in innocent conduct.” They ruled that defendants will be required to prove their lack of sexual intent. So much for innocent-until-proven-guilty, right?\n\nIn others words, just trust the prosecutors, y’all. There’s no need to rewrite or revise a terrible law that criminalizes normal behavior, because prosecutors will use common sense. See? Just trust them.\n\nWow.\n\nThere are a whole bunch of legal implications to consider here, and you can read those in detail at the sourcelink. But here’s an especially interesting tidbit:\n\nAs Fordham law professor John Pfaff explains, the majority’s logic has one final defect: It utterly ignores the reality of plea bargaining, which is how more than 90 percent of criminal cases in America are resolved. Given the immense expense and hassle of a trial, many defendants are pressured into striking a deal with a prosecutor, trading a lighter sentence for an admission of guilt. Arizona prosecutors can now dangle the threat of a probable child molestation conviction to coerce any parent of a young child into taking a plea deal on unrelated charges. With the state Supreme Court’s help, Arizona’s child molestation laws have been weaponized into a tool for prosecutorial harassment, allowing the state to target any parent or caregiver—out of spite or malice, or simply to boost their conviction rates. This terrible decision has gutted constitutional rights and turned many of the state’s residents into unknowing criminals. Barring intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court, due process has now been suspended for Arizona’s parents and caregivers.\n\nYikes.\n\nBut I’m sure it’ll all just work itself out. We should just trust the government on this, y’all. Because doesn’t government always know best?","url":"http://www.chicksontheright.com/changing-your-babys-diaper-is-now-a-sex-crime-in-arizona/?utm_source=RWN&utm_medium=RWN&utm_campaign=RWN","authors":"Mockarena Cotr","type":"fake","title_words":11,"text_words":417,"title_char":57,"text_char":2660,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.71942,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":3.27,"anticipation":2.1,"disgust":2.1,"fear":3.04,"joy":1.4,"sadness":1.87,"surprise":0.7,"trust":3.97,"negative":5.84,"positive":5.84,"text_syllables":763,"text_syllables_per_word":1.82974} {"title":"10 Moments That Mattered From Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's First Debate","text":"Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ushered the 2016 presidential campaign into a new phase tonight, and they did it with plenty of barbs.\n\nThe two candidates faced off in their first general election debate at Hofstra University in Long Island, New York, in front of what was expected to be a historic number of television viewers.\n\nHere are 10 moments that mattered at the first general election presidential debate:\n\n1. Nominees Started Off on a Friendly Note but No Escaping the Sarcasm\n\nHillary Clinton and Donald Trump have lobbed insults at each other from far away for months, but tonight they tried to start their highly anticipated face off on a genteel note, although the mutual contempt was just below the surface.\n\nWhen Clinton walked out in a red pantsuit and Trump in a blue tie -- the opponents’ trading traditional party colors -- the two shook hands and Clinton said, “How are you, Donald?” Perhaps trying to throw him off at the top with a warm greeting.\n\nShortly after the debate began, Trump talked about overseas trade deals, saying, “But in all fairness to Secretary Clinton,” before stopping himself and turning to his opponent and saying, “Yes, is that OK? Good. I want you to be very happy. It's very important to me.”\n\nHe seemed to be referring to his addressing her as “Secretary Clinton,” although it wasn’t completely clear during the moment.\n\n2. Personal Attacks Came Early\n\nClinton was first to go on the attack during tonight’s debate, taking aim at Trump’s business roots by claiming he borrowed $14 million from his father to start his real estate business.\n\n“Donald was very fortunate in his life and that's all to his benefit. He started his business with $14 million, borrowed from his father, and he really believes that the more you help wealthy people, the better off we'll be and that everything will work out from there. I don't buy that. I have a different experience,” Clinton said, before expanding on her father’s work as a drapery maker.\n\nTrump responded to that personal claim rather than addressing her subsequent remarks that he believes in “trumped up, trickle-down” economics.\n\n“For one thing, and before we start on that, my father gave me a very small loan in 1975 and I built it into a company that's worth many, many billions of dollars,” Trump said.\n\n3. Trading Barbs Over Trade\n\nVoters saw the first fiery moment of the debate when the two candidates sparred over the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.\n\nTrump accused Clinton of supporting TPP, the proposed trade agreement between the United States and 11 other countries along the Pacific Rim.\n\n“And now you want to approve Trans-Pacific Partnership. You were totally in favor of it,” Trump said.\n\nClinton fired back, “Well, that is just not accurate. I was against it once it was finally negotiated and the terms were laid out.”\n\nTrump then pointed to Clinton’s once referring to TPP as the “gold standard of trade deals.”\n\n“Well, Donald, I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the facts,” Clinton said.\n\nClinton promoted TPP as secretary of state under President Obama, who is pushing the trade deal. While speaking in Australia in November 15, 2012, Clinton said, \"TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field.” Clinton came out against the trade deal October of last year, saying that “what I know about it as of today I am not in favor of what I have learned about it.”\n\n4. Trump Asks ‘Why Not’ Blame All the World’s Problems on Clinton\n\nLess than 30 minutes into the debate, Trump went after Clinton, attacking her on trade, ISIS, taxes, the economy and more. Clinton quipped: \"I have a feeling by the end of this evening I'm going to be blamed for everything that's ever happened.”\n\nTrump didn’t miss a beat, saying to his opponent: “Why not?”\n\nClinton responded: \"Why not? Yeah. Why not? Just join the debate by saying more crazy things. Now, let me say this—“\n\nTrump interjected: \"There's nothing crazy about not letting our companies bring their money back into the country,” before the moderator reminded Trump, \"This is secretary Clinton's two minutes, please.\"\n\nDrew Angerer/Getty Images\n\n5. Trump Hit Over Not Releasing Tax Returns\n\nTrump clashed with his Democratic rival over his decision not to release his tax returns.\n\n“I don't mind releasing. I'm under a routine audit and it will be released,” he said. Trump went on to tout his disclosure of a different federally mandated form required by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics of everyone from presidential candidates to the postmaster general.\n\nTrump then pivoted to attack Clinton over her private email server. “I will release my tax returns against my lawyer's wishes when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted,” he said.\n\n“I think you've just seen another example of bait and switch here. For 40 years, everyone running for president has release their tax returns,” she said. “You got to ask yourself: Why won't he release his tax returns?\n\n“Maybe he doesn't want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he's paid nothing in federal taxes,” she said.\n\n6. The Birther Issue Gets on the Main Stage\n\nModerator Lester Holt asked Trump “what took you so long” to acknowledge that President Obama was born in the United States, bringing the Republican nominee’s recent turnaround on an issue that was central to his public positions for years.\n\nAt first, Trump claimed that two Clinton aides were the ones who initially looked into Barack Obama’s birth certificate during the 2008 campaign -- a claim that he has made before -- and then said that he was “satisfied” with when Obama released his birth certificate.\n\nHolt noted that Obama released his longform birth certificate in 2011, but Trump continued to raise questions about it’s authenticity until 2015.\n\n“Nobody was pressing it, nobody was caring much about it,” Trump said, referencing the years between the release and Trump’s decision this month to acknowledge Obama was born in America. “I figured you'd ask the question tonight, of course. But nobody was caring much about it. But I was the one that got him to produce the birth certificate, and I think I did a good job.”\n\nPaul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images\n\n7. Clinton Defends Being ‘Prepared’ When Trump Questions Her Time Off the Trail\n\nTrump was talking about crime in the inner cities when he said, “I’ve been all over the place. You decided to stay home and that's OK,” seeming to jab Clinton for leaving the campaign trail in recent days to prepare for tonight’s faceoff.\n\n\"I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate,” Clinton said. \"And, yes, I did. And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president. And I think that's a good thing.”\n\nThroughout the debate, Clinton tried to portray Trump as unprepared and unwilling to do the hard work to prepare for the presidency. She also hit back against an attack he regularly makes on the campaign trail: That she doesn't stump as much as he does because she doesn't have his endurance.\n\n8. Stop and Frisk Becomes a Big Point of Discussion\n\nTrump’s support of stop and frisk, a controversial tactic once heavily used by the New York Police Department, was discussed at length during the debate.\n\n“Stop and frisk had a tremendous impact on the safety of New York City. Tremendous beyond belief. So when you say it has no impact, it really did, it had a very very big impact,” Trump said.\n\nTrump said that the tactic was not deemed unconstitutional -- which it was -- and added instead that “it went before a judge who was a very against-police judge.”\n\n“They would have won an appeal,” he said, noting that there was no appeal.\n\nTrump and Clinton went on to debate various crime rates in cities like Chicago and New York for nearly 10 minutes of the debate.\n\n9. Trump and the Iraq War Under the Microscope\n\nToward the end of the debate, Holt corrected Trump on whether he supported the war in Iraq before it started.\n\n“I did not support the war in Iraq,” Trump said. \"That is a mainstream media nonsense put out by her because she frankly I think the best person in her campaign is mainstream media.”\n\nHolt corrected him, saying, “The record shows otherwise.”\n\nThe only time Trump seems to have spoken about the war publicly before it started was to Howard Stern in 2002 and seemed to support the invasion. Stern asked Trump, “Are you for invading Iraq?\"\n\nTrump appeared to hesitate, responding, “Yeah, I guess so. I wish the first time it was done correctly.”\n\nDespite the attempt to correct him, Trump continued to stress he was against the war, saying, “The record shows that I am right.”\n\n10. Sparring Over Stamina\n\nHolt asked Trump about when he once said that Clinton does not have a “presidential look,” asking Trump what he meant by that. Trump pivoted to attack her “stamina.”\n\n\"She doesn't have the look, she doesn’t have the stamina,” Trump said. \"I said she doesn't have the stamina. And I don't believe she does have the stamina. To be president of this country, you need tremendous stamina.”\n\nTrump has been hitting Clinton on her stamina and strength on the campaign trail for months, but tonight Clinton tried to shut that line of attack down.\n\n\"Well, as soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal, a cease-fire, a release of dissidents, an opening of new opportunities and nations around the world, or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina,” Clinton said.\n\nShe also attempted to remind voters of some of the more controversial things he has said about women:\n\n\"One thing Lester, he tried to switch from looks to stamina,” Clinton said. \"But this is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs. And someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers. Who has said women don't deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men.”","url":"http://abcn.ws/2d56mMD","authors":"More Veronica,Ryan Struyk,More Ryan,Meghan Keneally,More Shushannah,Abc News,More Meghan,Veronica Stracqualursi","type":"real","title_words":12,"text_words":1663,"title_char":77,"text_char":10001,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":8,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.48106,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.96,"anticipation":1.43,"disgust":0.48,"fear":0.84,"joy":0.78,"sadness":0.36,"surprise":0.54,"trust":2.45,"negative":1.49,"positive":3.52,"text_syllables":2683,"text_syllables_per_word":1.61335} {"title":"Debate Commission STUNS Journalists By Siding With Trump: Fact Checking Is Out Of Bounds (VIDEO)","text":"\n\n16505 SHARES SHARES FacebookTwitter GooglePinterestDiggLinkedin Reddit Stumbleupon PrintDeliciousPocketTumblr\n\nFormer Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” To which the head of the Commission on Presidential Debates has officially responded: “Says who?”\n\nIn a stunning interview with CNN’s Reliable Sources, Janet Brown gave a baffling explanation for why she believes fact checking should be taken off the table at presidential debates.\n\n“I think personally if you start getting into fact checking, I’m not sure. What is a big fact? What is a little fact? And if you and I have different sources of information does your source about the unemployment rate agree with my source? I don’t think it’s a good idea to get the moderator into essentially serving as the Encyclopedia Britannica.”\n\nHead of Commission on Presidential Debates doesn’t want moderators correcting lies because “what is a big fact, what is a little fact?” #cnn pic.twitter.com/krm5FeV9aW — John Aravosis (@aravosis) September 25, 2016\n\nThe statement was exactly what the Trump campaign had been demanding for weeks and was ecstatic to hear. Going into Monday’s crucial first presidential debate, the Republican candidate understood that the most dangerous hurdle he had to get around was if the moderator called him on his lies. Trump, who has dismissed preparing for the debate out of hand, lies a lot. That’s his strength. He needs it to win.\n\nPolitico recently analyzed Trump’s last five days on the campaign trail and found that Donald Trump lies at a rate of once every 3 minutes and 15 seconds.\n\nTrump’s misrepresentations range from false pronouncements (he again wrongly said he opposed the war in Iraq before it began) to the petty (he insisted Clinton had copied him by holding rallies with her plane in the background and insinuated she was “sleeping” when she held no public events). He contradicted his own policy on providing health care to the poor, overstated the ad-spending discrepancy between his campaign and Clinton’s and exaggerated the size of his primary victories and polling leads.\n\n(For what it’s worth, they also fact-checked Clinton and found that while she, like any politician, does fudge the truth occasionally, Trump’s lying “so greatly exceed[s] Clinton’s as to make the comparison almost ludicrous.” Ouch.)\n\nAnd while Debate Commissioner Brown used an intentionally vague example (“unemployment rate”), there is no indication that Trump will reserve lies to things so nuanced. One example that might come up: Donald Trump continues to insist that the crime rate in America is going through the roof. This is a blatant lie that is exposed by just quick glance at the FBI’s crime statistics. The debate moderator doesn’t need to serve as the “Encyclopedia Britannica,” he or she just needs to know the basic facts. Big and small. And not let Trump get away with misleading the American people who are tuning in.\n\nJournalists, whose job it is to deal in facts, are furious with this caving to Trump.\n\nIf reporters aren't supposed to factcheck at debates, why exactly are reporters moderators to begin with? Why not just have an actor do it? — Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) September 25, 2016\n\nDebate Commission director seems to think there are no facts, just different sources to support any claim. That helps elect President Trump. https://t.co/lPkCQi2KL4 — Mr Media Training (@MrMediaTraining) September 25, 2016\n\nWhat is the point of a debate moderator other than fact checking? Why is this even a discussion? — Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) September 25, 2016\n\nMeanwhile, Trump’s supporters are actively celebrating. They, just like their candidate, understand that the only path to victory for Trump is if he can get Americans to believe his lies.\n\n@AJDelgado13 Here is a crazy idea…..let the voters at home fact check. Let social media fact check. Candy taught us this. — Judson McCulloch (@JudsonMcCulloch) September 25, 2016\n\nHint: If you find yourself in a political party that’s major talking point leading up to a debate is that your candidate should be allowed to lie on stage, you might want to consider finding a new political party.\n\nFeatured image via CNN\n\nLike this: Like Loading...\n\nRelated","url":"http://www.ifyouonlynews.com/politics/debate-commission-stuns-journalists-by-siding-with-trump-fact-checking-is-out-of-bounds-video/","authors":"Latest Posts,Jameson Parker","type":"real","title_words":15,"text_words":670,"title_char":96,"text_char":4273,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":13.33333,"text_caps_percent":0.74627,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.31,"anticipation":1.31,"disgust":0.88,"fear":0.73,"joy":1.17,"sadness":0.44,"surprise":0.73,"trust":3.8,"negative":3.07,"positive":4.67,"text_syllables":1163,"text_syllables_per_word":1.73582} {"title":"Putin's Troll Army Caught Rigging Twitter To Pretend Trump Won","text":"13.6k SHARES SHARE THIS STORY\n\nHillary Clinton was almost universally declared the winner of tonight’s debate by the mainstream media, but online polls and twitter trends said otherwise. The #TrumpWon hashtag soon began circulating and eventually was the top Trend in the United States.\n\nThe #1 trend on Twitter right now is #TrumpWon – thank you! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2016\n\nWhat’s curious about that is not that it was trending but where it originated from – which will come as quite a surprise:\n\nData is from Trendsmap.com\n\nThat’s right- the #TrumpWon hashtag originated in St. Petersberg, Russia, where dictator Vladimir Putin is known to house his army of hundreds of paid cyber-trolls and bloggers, who work overtime to advance Putin’s agenda as part of a strategy known as dezinformatsiya. It’s a classic disinformation campaign working to sow discord and provoke conflict, to exacerbate divisions and amplify rivalries among the allies of those that would threaten Moscow. Putin’s trolls have already been caught flooding American social media circles with pro-Trump and pro-Putin propaganda as the Russian state-controlled media promotes Trump to their European audiences.\n\nPutin is working hard to try to tip the scales in favor of Trump, who he knows he can manipulate into lifting the harsh economic sanctions level led against Russian oligarchs by the Obama administration after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 and will turn a blind eye to further Russian aggression in Eastern Europe.\n\nThe Guardian reached out to some ex-bloggers and they described their working conditions as those akin to an internet sweat shop: “humourless and draconian, with fines for being a few minutes late or not reaching the required number of posts each day. Trolls worked in rooms of about 20 people, each controlled by three editors, who would check posts and impose fines if they found the words had been cut and pasted, or were ideologically deviant.”\n\nSo remember – don’t trust online polls or argue with idiots in the comments section. It might be a Russian blogger making $800 a month in a a dark dungeon just trying to get by.\n\nAdd your name to millions demanding that Congress take action on the President’s crimes. IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP!","url":"http://occupydemocrats.com/2016/09/27/breaking-putins-troll-army-caught-rigging-twitter-pretend-trump-won/","authors":"Colin Taylor,Grant Stern,Brett Bose,Natalie Dickinson","type":"fake","title_words":10,"text_words":362,"title_char":62,"text_char":2277,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.9337,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":2,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.08783,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.15,"anticipation":1.34,"disgust":0.81,"fear":2.96,"joy":1.34,"sadness":0.81,"surprise":1.34,"trust":2.96,"negative":4.84,"positive":4.3,"text_syllables":614,"text_syllables_per_word":1.69613} {"title":"Bobby Knight: Nobody can 'correct mistakes' like Trump","text":"Bobby Knight: Nobody can 'correct mistakes' like Trump\n\nOver the course of his 75 years on and off the basketball court, Bobby Knight said Wednesday that he has never met anyone who can fix mistakes quite like Donald Trump.\n\n\"There’s nobody that I’ve met in my lifetime that has a better grasp of how to correct mistakes and how to look at what’s wrong and how to correct what’s wrong and how to get it going right,\" Knight told an audience in Toledo, Ohio, his home state. \"And I think that is the most important thing that can be brought to the next president of the United States. And there’s nobody who has a better background in correcting things that are going wrong and getting things going in the right direction and developing those things — the best person ever has been Donald Trump.\"\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nBack on the campaign trail with Trump after several months, Knight extolled the Republican nominee as \"not just an American; he’s a world figure.\"\n\n\"He’s known all over the world. Donald Trump put a lot of businesses together,\" the coach continued. \"United States around the world. A lot of businesses. Created a lot of jobs, thousands of jobs for people around the world.\"\n\nAnd Trump, Knight later indicated, is the person for the White House.\n\n\"Believe me when I tell you, I think you’re all gonna agree on this: Our next president is gonna inherit a hell of a lot of problems, and it’s gonna take a problem solver to get us back where we want to be and where we should be, and there is no one that even comes close to being smart, tough and dedicated completely to the United States of America,\" Knight said. He noted that the next president would have to deal with the national debt, \"immigration problems and on and on.\"\n\nRemarking on his study of history, Knight said that he had come to the conclusion that \"when I need somebody on my side to help us with problems, he's the first man I want to choose and the first man I want to see.\"\n\nKnight, clad in a red, white and blue gingham shirt, acknowledged to the crowd that he doesn't \"dress as well as politicians dress, but I want you to know, and it’s for all of you folks, I wore my red, white and blue shirt today.\"\n\n\"And I think that when you leave, I hope you all go out and buy a red, white and blue shirt, because it’s indicative of your love for the greatest country in the world, the United States,\" Knight said.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cRiK2U","authors":"Nick Gass,Jack Shafer","type":"real","title_words":8,"text_words":432,"title_char":54,"text_char":2407,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.45,"anticipation":1.36,"disgust":0.23,"fear":0.68,"joy":1.14,"sadness":1.36,"surprise":1.14,"trust":1.59,"negative":1.36,"positive":3.18,"text_syllables":639,"text_syllables_per_word":1.47917} {"title":"EXPOSED: Soros Funding Fake Veterans’ PAC To Take Trump Down","text":"EXPOSED: Soros Funding Fake Veterans’ PAC To Take Trump Down\n\nA couple months ago, Discover the Networks revealed a list of 187 groups who were funded by Soros. They have naturally been attacking the presidential candidate who is generally against their values like open borders, amnesty, giving illegals voting rights, Muslim migration and social justice. So, WHY then is Soros caught again?\n\nNow a new organization is going after Trump and sure enough, they’re funded by Soros TOO! It’s called ‘Common Defense PAC’ and their mantra is: “As veterans, we swore to protect the rights of every American. We continue to fulfill this promise by standing against Donald Trump.”\n\nThen on the ‘leadership team’ page on the website it lists a bunch of military veterans with no contact information for them. On their social media you see the same stuff. They feature videos and materials from other PACs that are ALSO funded by George Soros. Common Defense PAC shared one of its own anti-Trump video ads, which has a Common Defense PAC logo on it at the end, right underneath a URL link to a MoveOn.org petition called “Senator Portman: Disavow Donald Trump.”\n\nThe PAC routinely promotes the Twitter hashtag #VetsAgainstTrump, which is also promoted routinely by MoveOn.org. MoveOn.org’s Political Action arm has also put out advertising for the #VetsAgainstTrump hashtag. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now The Common Defense PAC logo also shows up on an image on the web page for a Thunderclap campaign called #StandwithVets: #DumpTrump.” The campaign had a social media reach of more than 4.5 million people and was supported by actor Mark Ruffalo and leftist pundit Van Jones. MoveOn.org was listed as the organizer of the Thunderclap campaign. MoveOn.org and Common Defense PAC worked together on a live protest to pressure John McCain to “un-endorse Donald J. Trump.” ThinkProgress reported on August 4th that veterans “came to the Capitol to deliver McCain a petition, organized by progressive group MoveOn.org in conjunction with veterans group Common Defense PAC, calling for him to revoke his support for the Republican presidential nominee.”\n\nCommon sense PAC’s July quarterly filing report with the FEC lists ONLY one donor: a Baltimore IT consultant named Marjorie Roswell who gave $20,000 on June 30th. And then the group’s Director, Perry O’Brien has been a longtime left-wing activist. His ‘Iraq Veterans Against the War’ bio describes him:\n\nPerry O’Brien served as a medic in Afghanistan with the 82nd Airborne Division and was discharged as a conscientious objector in 2004. For several years he ran peace-out.com, a website providing support for other soldiers seeking to become conscientious objectors. He has been an active member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, and was a key organizer of Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan.\n\nThe PAC that’s suppose to be Veterans against Trump consists of only 1 conscientious objector. You can hardly call that a veteran, right? O’Brien personally started a MoveOn.org petition called “Tell GOP leaders to disavow Trump and his attacks on veterans.” The petition is probably what grabbed Soros attention to get O’Brien to start the shallow PAC. With all of these shell groups being created solely to destroy Trump and funded by Soros, do you think that Trump stands a chance against the Left?","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/top-news/exposed-soros-funding-fake-veterans-pac-to-take-trump-down/","authors":"Tiffiny Ruegner","type":"fake","title_words":10,"text_words":592,"title_char":60,"text_char":3674,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":20,"title_caps_percent":20,"text_caps_percent":3.37838,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.02722,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.83,"anticipation":1.16,"disgust":0.5,"fear":1,"joy":1.16,"sadness":0.83,"surprise":1.16,"trust":1.99,"negative":1.83,"positive":4.98,"text_syllables":1019,"text_syllables_per_word":1.72128} {"title":"Trump labels Clinton 'weak and ineffective' in wake of bombings","text":"Story highlights Donald Trump criticized Hillary Clinton for her approach to national security issues\n\nIt's a recurring theme of his campaign\n\nEstero, Florida (CNN) Donald Trump, speaking two days after the latest terrorist attack on US soil, sought to paint his rival Hillary Clinton as a \"weak and ineffective\" leader not prepared to confront the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, as he talked up his radical policy prescriptions.\n\nThe Republican presidential nominee, addressing more than 8,000 people at his first rally since the bomb attacks in New York and New Jersey, talked up his hardline immigration policies, argued domestic terror suspects, even US citizens, should be tried as \"foreign enemy combatants\" -- rather than receive due process under US law.\n\nHe also slammed Clinton for what he said was being tougher on his supporters than on Islamist terrorism.\n\n\"Hillary Clinton talks tougher about my supporters than she does about radical Islamic terrorists,\" Trump said, pointing to Clinton's comments that half his supporters belong in a \"basket of deplorables.\"\n\n\"Has she ever talked that way about radical Islam? No,\" Trump said. \"Are those words reserved only for hard-working Americans who truly love our country and they want to make a statement? One can be forgiven for getting the impression that these hardworking Americans are somehow a greater threat to our country than these Islamic extremists.\"\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2d6LAP3","authors":"Jeremy Diamond","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":219,"title_char":63,"text_char":1436,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.82648,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":3.49,"anticipation":0.44,"disgust":1.75,"fear":3.06,"joy":0.44,"sadness":1.31,"surprise":1.75,"trust":2.18,"negative":4.8,"positive":3.49,"text_syllables":400,"text_syllables_per_word":1.82648} {"title":"Obama: Refugee crisis is test of our humanity","text":"United Nations (CNN) President Barack Obama made an impassioned plea Tuesday for countries to fulfill a moral obligation to alleviate a global refugee crisis \"of epic proportions,\" despite a political backlash in the US against absorbing those fleeing Middle East violence.\n\nThe President's interest in calling attention to the tens of millions of displaced people around the world, and pushing back against the anti-refugee tenor, was underscored by his decision to convene a Leaders' Summit on Refugees at the United Nations Tuesday.\n\nAt the summit, he also rejected another aspect of the American political debate swirling around accepting foreigners -- GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump's call to build a wall along the US-Mexico border.\n\n\"This crisis is a test of our common humanity. Whether we give into suspicion and fear and build walls, or whether we see ourselves in another,\" Obama said, though he didn't mention Trump by name.\n\nObama singled out the situation in Syria, which has displaced 4.8 million people so far, as particularly \"unacceptable.\"\n\nJUST WATCHED President Obama at the UN: Then and now Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH President Obama at the UN: Then and now 01:45\n\n\"We are not as unified as we should be in pushing to make it stop,\" he said, describing the global refugee crisis as both a humanitarian and security challenge that tests countries' ability to take collective action.\n\n\"I called this summit because this crisis is one of the most urgent tests of our time,\" he said. \"Just as failure to act in the past -- for example, by turning away Jews fleeing Nazi Germany -- is a stain on our collective conscience, I believe history will judge us harshly if we do not rise to this moment.\"\n\nThe refugee issue is one that's captured the world's attention more in the past two years than at perhaps any time since World War II, seared into the public's consciousness by photos like that of a 3-year-old Syrian boy who drowned in the Mediterranean and the flood of migrants into Europe.\n\nA recent study by from the UN's refugee agency estimated 65.3 million people were displaced from their homes by conflict or persecution in 2015, up by over five million from the prior year. Many are internally displaced within the borders of their own countries, but about 21.3 million are classified as refugees.\n\nObama's summit follows a similar UN-led meeting on the issue Monday, which drew attention to the crisis but offered little in the way of binding commitments.\n\n\"Make no mistake,\" US Secretary of State John Kerry said at the UN meeting, \"additional efforts are urgently needed.\"\n\nLeaders also called for a more orderly and equitable system to manage refugee flows -- acknowledging the burden is shouldered disproportionally by certain regions.\n\n\"You have to know that today the European Union has a clear objective to restore order on its external borders,\" European Council President Donald Tusk said in his remarks, signaling a growing sense that patience in Europe with the migrant flow is wearing thin.\n\n\"There will be no repeat of the year 2015 with more than one and a half million irregular migrants,\" he added.\n\nThe Obama administration is hopeful the Leader's Summit on Tuesday afternoon can build momentum for more action.\n\nNational Security Advisor Susan Rice in June announced that the gathering -- co-hosted along with the US by Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, Jordan, Mexico, Sweden and the UN Secretary General -- would seek an increase in funding of at least 30%, a doubling of permanent resettlement, and expanded access to education and work rights for refugees.\n\n\"Reaching these ambitious objectives will be challenging, yet the level of need demands no less,\" Rice said in a statement.\n\nBut aid groups are skeptical the summit will prompt the kind of action they say is desperately needed.\n\n\"We have to be optimistic that we'll see some real concrete commitments,\" said Amnesty International's Interim Executive Director Margaret Huang. \"But the truth is, even if those numbers are hit, it's nowhere near what's actually needed.\"\n\nThe US is a major contributor of humanitarian aid for countries that host large numbers of refugees -- particularly Syria's neighbors -- and plans to increase the number of refugees it will take in to America from 85,000 in 2016 to 110,000 next year.\n\nThe President's chief spokesman last week conceded that even as the administration calls for greater global action, it is limited in what it can do.\n\n\"The President's commitment to ensuring that the United States plays a leading role on this issue is not shared by a lot of people in Congress, including by a lot of people in the Republican majority in Congress,\" Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters. \"And that has an impact in terms of the resources that are dedicated to this effort.\"\n\nVetting efforts to screen refugees, he noted, \"are not cheap.\"\n\nDavid Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee and a former British Foreign Secretary, said he's hopeful but waiting to see whether any agreements are backed up with action.\n\n\"The scale of the global refugee problem demands an appropriate scale of response,\" Miliband told CNN. \"Governments around the world haven't, in the main, been responding with the right degree of compassion or competence up to now.\"\n\nBut the co-hosts of the Leaders' Summit said in a statement they were pleased with \"new and significant humanitarian contributions\" from world leaders.\n\n\"We sought a $3 billion increase in global humanitarian financing and commitments to maintain funding in future years,\" they said. \"Through our mutual efforts, over the course of 2016, the 32 donors participating today have contributed this year roughly 4.5 billion additional dollars to UN appeals and international humanitarian organizations than in 2015.\"\n\nAs they await action from world leaders in New York, a group of volunteers in London laid out a \"life jacket graveyard\" Monday to draw attention to the plight of thousands of migrants who've lost their lives attempting hazardous boat crossings in the Mediterranean.\n\nThe conflict in Syria and resulting migrant crisis in the Middle East and Europe have dominated headlines over the past 18 months, but refugees are a global problem.\n\nPerhaps nowhere are they more prevalent than in the so-called \"global south\" -- the developing countries of the southern hemisphere. Last week, South Sudan joined the ranks of Syria, Afghanistan, and Somalia -- countries with over 1 million of their citizens living as refugees abroad.\n\nAnd protracted conflict in places like Somalia have led to a generation of lifelong refugees -- men and women in their twenties who've never known life outside of a camp.\n\n\"These are not people who can envision what life would be like if they were returned to their home countries,\" Huang said.","url":"http://cnn.it/2deTou2","authors":"Laura Koran","type":"real","title_words":8,"text_words":1090,"title_char":45,"text_char":6849,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":20,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.83486,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.82,"anticipation":1.46,"disgust":0.64,"fear":1.55,"joy":1,"sadness":1.28,"surprise":0.46,"trust":2.91,"negative":2.64,"positive":5.1,"text_syllables":1930,"text_syllables_per_word":1.77064} {"title":"Trump camp: ‘Donald Trump is guilty of answering the question asked’","text":"Kellyanne Conway praised Donald Trump for showing restraint at the debate. | AP Photo Trump camp: ‘Donald Trump is guilty of answering the question asked’\n\nDonald Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway praised her candidate for showing restraint at the tail end of Monday night’s debate when Hillary Clinton attacked his history of disrespectful and derogatory remarks about women.\n\n“I have to say, certainly as a woman, I appreciated the restraint at the end. I am not sure I would have been able to exercise it myself, but restraint is a virtue and it’s a presidential virtue,” Conway told MSNBC’s Morning Joe Tuesday. “To tell Hillary Clinton after she accused him of being terrible with women, to tell Hillary Clinton ‘I was prepared to go rough tonight and I am not going to do it because your husband and daughter are here.’ That is going to grow in importance in the next couple of days in a moment of great temperance and restraint.”\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nWith just minutes left in Monday night’s debate, Clinton managed to work in a line of attack against Trump that she has also used most-recently in a new campaign ad, hitting the Manhattan billionaire as “a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs.” After the debate, Trump told CNN that ““I was going to say something extremely rough to Hillary, to her family, and I said to myself, I can't do it,” indicating that he was uncomfortable leveling such an attack with Clinton’s husband and daughter in the audience.\n\nTuesday morning, Conway was happy to fill in the blanks for viewers wondering what exactly Trump’s attack might have been.\n\n“I think he could have said what was on millions of Americans’ minds, no doubt, that are we going to relitigate who’s been good to women and who hasn't?” Conway said. “They’re taking a couple comments he made over any number of years as a private citizen, versus where he could have gone, and I think we all can finish the sentence. People did last night, they finished the sentence, they said, you know, maybe he was going to talk about Bill Clinton's record with women, but he decided not to.”\n\nOverall, Conway said Clinton failed to deliver a “knockout punch” that would have forced Trump into a major error. Instead, Trump’s campaign manager said the former secretary of state came off as rehearsed and determined to squeeze her talking points into the conversation, regardless of how pertinent they were to the questions of moderator Lester Holt.\n\n“Donald Trump is guilty of answering the question asked, and I thought Hillary Clinton last night wanted to make sure that no matter what was asked and what was answered, she was going to repeat back to us everything that she had learned in the last week or two weeks, and that’s fine,” Conway said.\n\n“I don't think Hillary Clinton did a thing last night. If somebody can correct me, what was the big takeaway moment where she offers this huge vision for economic growth and an end to wage stagnation,” she added. “So I didn't hear any big moment for her where she convinced the 70 percent of Americans who want change, who want a different direction, that she's their gal.”\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2doygoM","authors":"Jack Shafer,Louis Nelson","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":536,"title_char":68,"text_char":3149,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.5597,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.83,"anticipation":1.65,"disgust":0.73,"fear":1.83,"joy":0.91,"sadness":1.65,"surprise":0.73,"trust":1.83,"negative":2.56,"positive":4.02,"text_syllables":859,"text_syllables_per_word":1.60261} {"title":"Obama Just DISGRACED The U.S. By Surrendering To ISIS In Front Of Entire U.N. ⋆ US Herald","text":"Obama made a real fool out of himself during what was supposed to be his final address to the U.N. Assembly. During it he basically said that we have no chance in defeating ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups in Syria and otherwise. He spoke heavily to the shortcomings in military power that we have in combatting his \"JV team.\"\n\nSeeing as the U.S. is the global police force, he said that we have no chance of winning this battle.\n\nThe Daily Caller reports that Obama touched heavily upon the massive growth in military and increase in militants that form the Islamic State group. He cited this as the reason that he sees no viable military solution.\n\n\"If we are honest, we understand that no external power is going to be able to force different religious communities or ethnic communities to coexist for long,\" said Obama.\n\nPresident Obama continued by saying that we must \"be honest about the nature of these conflicts and our international community must continue to work with those who seek to build rather than to destroy.\"\n\nHe mentioned briefly that there will be a military aspect to dealing with the Islamic State group he also categorized Syria as \"a place like Syria, where there’s no ultimate military victory to be won.\"\n\nInstead Obama suggested that we \"pursue the hard work of diplomacy that aims to stop the violence and deliver aid to those in need and support those who pursue a political settlement and can see those who are not like themselves as worthy of dignity and respect.\"\n\nWhich may prove to be a little difficult since these people are not the most 'reasonable' people to try to deal with.\n\nIt's likely that many of the liberals who refuse to acknowledge the strong connection that we have seen between radical Islam and death and violence. These are the same people that would just as quickly chastise a Christian for wanted to say the pledge of allegiance in school as they would catch a bullet for a suspected Muslim terrorist.\n\nIt's this type of thinking that got us into the predicament that we are in today. Pretending like there is no real threat or that we are up against some JV team get's us nowhere and instead only makes this issue worse.\n\nIt's about time we start calling it like it is and taking action. We're past the point of being polite and too afraid to hurt anyone's feelings. If we don't take action soon, then Obama's pathetic defeatist monologue will soon become a reality.\n\nMake sure to share this on Facebook if you think it's time we take action against the very real threat that is radical Islam.\n\nSource: Conservative Tribune","url":"https://goo.gl/aRYFof","authors":"Crispin White","type":"fake","title_words":17,"text_words":443,"title_char":89,"text_char":2587,"title_caps":3,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":17.64706,"text_caps_percent":0.6772,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.17,"anticipation":3.04,"disgust":1.52,"fear":2.83,"joy":1.52,"sadness":2.39,"surprise":1.3,"trust":4.35,"negative":4.13,"positive":5.87,"text_syllables":760,"text_syllables_per_word":1.71558} {"title":"New Jersey Moves To Impeach Chris Christie Over \"Bridgegate\"","text":"71k SHARES SHARE THIS STORY\n\nNew Jersey’s despised Republican Governor Chris Christie is in scalding hot water as the top state legislators are now looking into filing articles of impeachment against him if he is found guilty of having orchestrated the closing of the George Washington Bridge in order to punish a political rival. Christie has been ordered to produce personal emails related to the “Bridgegate” scandal by a judge, as WNYC reports:\n\nThe decision on impeachment will be up to Democratic Speaker Vincent Prieto and if he gives the go-ahead, the Assembly Judiciary Committee would begin the process.It takes a majority of the 80-member Assembly to vote articles of impeachment. If it passes the Democrat-controlled body, the trial would be in the Senate, where two-thirds of senators would be needed to convict. Although Democrats hold a majority in the Senate, they would need three Republican senators to join them if all Democrats vote to convict.\n\nChris Christie is also Republican Presidential’s nominee Donald Trump’s transition team chairperson.\n\nJust four days ago, federal prosecutors pointed the finger at Christie at the start of a federal trial involving three senior aides to the Governor, accusing Christie of being deeply involved in the political retribution plot to shut down the George Washington Bridge to New York City, which resulted in the death of one person in an ambulance as enormous traffic jams stranded hundreds of thousands of motorists on one of the world’s busiest bridges.\n\nGovernor Christie was Trump’s most authoritative surrogate, as well as the first major “conservative” Republican endorser, in a move which most assumed meant that his political career was over inasmuch as his public service career now depended on Trump’s benefaction. Going from a multi-year flirtation with running for the highest office to endorsing Trump last March in a widely mocked ceremony then represented a stunning level of political debasement coming from the Governor.\n\nFamously, Chris Christie once lied for two hours straight to a nationally televised press conference, which you can see below in its painstaking detail. It’s have cued it to 1:43 so you can watch the Republican Governor’s the flat out denial of any knowledge of BridgeGate which he gave on January 9th, 2014, just two short months after his re-election, and four months after the scandal which delayed ambulances and emergency services. BrideGate literally gridlocked an entire town.\n\nLast week it was revealed that Governor Christie was actually informed personally about BridgeGate at the 9/11 memorial ceremony in 2013 from his senior aides, and stood by, and did nothing, though his aides knew about it and called him out for lying to everyone in their electronic messages.\n\nThe Republican Governor once thought to be the future of the party is about to be booted from office by his self-defeating act of lying about his administration’s bare knuckle political bullying. We will watch this story closely, and await the reaction of Republican nominee Donald Trump the impeachment charges Christie is facing, because the New Jersey Governor is one of the pillars of this year’s Republican Presidential campaign.\n\nWatch his shame:\n\nAdd your name to millions demanding that Congress take action on the President’s crimes. IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP!","url":"http://occupydemocrats.com/2016/09/23/breaking-new-jersey-moves-impeach-chris-christie-bridgegate/","authors":"Grant Stern,Brett Bose,Natalie Dickinson","type":"fake","title_words":9,"text_words":522,"title_char":60,"text_char":3346,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":8,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.53257,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.02989,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.51,"anticipation":2.45,"disgust":1.32,"fear":2.45,"joy":1.13,"sadness":1.32,"surprise":1.13,"trust":3.58,"negative":3.58,"positive":3.95,"text_syllables":952,"text_syllables_per_word":1.82375} {"title":"“Public School Forced My Child To","text":"7.5k SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nA public high school has been accused of indoctrinated Islam into their students. Allegedly, the school has been mandating children profess the Islamic statement of faith, memorize the five pillars of Islam, as well as teaching students that the Muslims faith is stronger than a Christian or Jews. This is all according to lawsuit filed in federal court this past Wednesday.\n\nThe lawsuit was filed on behalf of John and Melissa Wood with the Thomas More Law Center and the action is being taken against La Plata High School in Maryland. According to John Wood the school banished him from their property when he complained about the Islamic teachings.\n\nRichard Thompson, President of Thomas More, said,\n\n“Defendants forced Wood’s daughter to disparage her Christian faith by reciting the Shahada, and acknowledging Mohammed as her spiritual leader.”\n\nThe Law Center commented that for non Muslims such as Christians and Jews that reciting the Shahada Islamic creed which is their statement of faith is the equivalent of converting.\n\nSpokespeople for the Charles County Public Schools have refused to comment other than to say they have not received any such lawsuit yet. However, the Principal Evelyn Arnold, Vice Principal Shannon Morris, and Charles County Board of Education were all named in the lawsuit.\n\nThe lawsuit says,\n\n“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments. Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope. Such discriminatory treatment of Christianity is an unconstitutional promotion of one religion over another. United States Supreme Court precedent does not create a double standard that allows for the promotion of Islam in our public schools while disallowing and silencing teachings of Christianity and Judaism.”\n\nClassroom assignment copies indicate the teachers were instructing students that most Muslim people’s faith are stronger than that of the average Christian. As well, the copies show they taught students that Islam is a peaceful religion that treated their conquered nations with kindness and respect too.\n\nPart of the handout reads,\n\n“Nowhere in the Koran does it say you will go to paradise if you martyr yourself with a suicide bomb. Important: The majority of Muslims do not live this way.”\n\nIt referenced the jihad as,\n\n“a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline.”\n\nThis reportedly occurred during the 2014-2015 school year. So lord only knows what these teachers have been education these students about for the past few years. Despite the fact the Thomas More Center has taken on this case neither the American Civil Liberties Union or the Freedom From Religion Foundation have weighed in on the issue.","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/outraged-parents-file-lawsuit-public-school-forced-my-child-to-convert-to-islam/","type":"real","title_words":6,"text_words":449,"title_char":33,"text_char":2928,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.22272,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.98,"anticipation":1.76,"disgust":1.1,"fear":2.86,"joy":1.76,"sadness":2.2,"surprise":0.66,"trust":5.27,"negative":4.18,"positive":6.37,"text_syllables":810,"text_syllables_per_word":1.80401} {"title":"“Why Aren’t I 50 Points Ahead?” – Eagle Rising","text":"Liberals in the media and the political arena thought that Hillary Clinton’s victory was in the bag. The rest of the campaign was a mere formality in order for her to make the White House her residence once again.\n\nHer campaign’s plan was to lay low, out of the spotlight, make little to no contact with the press, and just let Donald Trump do all the talking and hopefully keep his foot in his mouth to draw all the media attention.\n\nBut now that the post-DNC honeymoon is over, they have to come back to reality and see that the election isn’t over, and that they had grossly underestimated Donald Trump and his campaign. Add to that Hillary’s frequent, inconvenient health episodes, and now even some Democrats are talking about a “Plan B.”\n\nFor the past few weeks, the poll numbers have closed in, with Donald Trump taking the lead in several key battleground states.\n\nNow, even Hillary is asking why she isn’t “50 points ahead” of Trump?\n\nAt a campaign event in Las Vegas, Hillary video conferenced in to address the Labor International Union of North America. While she was talking about “investing in infrastructure, raising the minimum wage, and collective bargaining,” she raised the question:\n\n“Having said all this, ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ you might ask? Well, the choice for working families has never been clearer. I need your help to get Donald Trump’s record out to everybody. Nobody should be fooled.”\n\nAt another point in her speech, she encouraged her supporters to “stage an intervention” if they know anyone who supports Trump. “If you do know somebody who might be voting for Trump, stage an intervention,” she said. “Try to talk some sense into them. Lay out the facts. The facts are on our side, about what I’ve done versus what he’s done. Remember, friends don’t let friends vote for Trump.”\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/36936/hillary-wants-to-know-why-arent-i-50-points-ahead/","authors":"Philip Hodges,View All Posts","type":"real","title_words":9,"text_words":331,"title_char":46,"text_char":1970,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.30211,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.88,"anticipation":2.35,"disgust":0.29,"fear":0,"joy":1.76,"sadness":0.88,"surprise":1.47,"trust":3.24,"negative":1.47,"positive":6.76,"text_syllables":541,"text_syllables_per_word":1.63444} {"title":"France becomes the first country to ban plastic plates and cutlery","text":"\n\nPlastic glasses, knives, forks and food boxes are being been banned in France. (Bertrand Combaldieu/Associated Press)\n\nPARIS — France has apparently become the first country in the world to ban plastic plates, cups and utensils, passing a law that will go into effect in 2020. Exceptions will be allowed for items made of compostable, biosourced materials.\n\nThe new law is a part of the country’s Energy Transition for Green Growth Act, the same legislation that also outlawed plastic bags in grocery stores and markets beginning in July. Although plastic bags are forbidden in other countries — including in some U.S. states — no country seems to have embraced a plastic ban as sweeping as France’s will be.\n\nThe general idea behind the law — following the landmark conference held in Paris last fall on curbing global warming — is to promote a “circular economy” of waste disposal, “from product design to recycling,” French lawmakers say.\n\n[A Maryland county’s nickel tax for plastic bags is paying off, but not as planned]\n\nObjections to plastic as a material are well known. For one, it does not biodegrade and only breaks down into smaller and smaller particles, which pose a significant danger for wildlife that cannot always distinguish it from food sources, particularly in oceans. Aside from ecosystem disruptions, millions of barrels of oil are used every year in manufacturing plastic bags and utensils, playing what environmental activists call a significant role in climate change.\n\nIn the words of French President François Hollande, the ban is part of a larger push intended “to make France … an exemplary nation in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, diversifying its energy model and increasing the deployment of renewable energy sources” -- starting, it would seem, with the forks and knives distributed at fast-food restaurants and the coffee cups in vending machines.\n\nNot all share the enthusiasm of France’s Socialist government, which has made environmental progress one of its main goals. In Brussels, some argue that the laws violate existing European Union legislation regarding the free movement of goods and the protection of manufacturers.\n\nEamonn Bates, the secretary general of Pack2Go Europe, a Brussels-based association that represents packaging manufacturers on the continent, told the Associated Press that his organization will challenge France’s ban.\n\n“We are urging the European Commission to do the right thing and to take legal action against France for infringing European law,” he said. “If they don’t, we will.”\n\nSupporters of the ban wanted it to be introduced earlier, possibly as soon as 2017. But Ségolène Royal, the French environment minister, had initially considered it an “anti-social” provision, on the grounds that low-income families relied on plastic utensils and plates.\n\nThe ban was then postponed until 2020.","url":"https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/09/19/france-bans-plastic-plates-and-cutlery/","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":443,"title_char":66,"text_char":2879,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.22573,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.88,"anticipation":1.32,"disgust":0.66,"fear":1.1,"joy":1.54,"sadness":1.1,"surprise":0.66,"trust":3.74,"negative":3.08,"positive":4.19,"text_syllables":802,"text_syllables_per_word":1.81038} {"title":"Obama weighs in on the debate","text":"Obama weighs in on the debate\n\nPresident Barack Obama hasn't changed his assessment of Donald Trump after Monday night's debate: The GOP nominee, he said on Tuesday, lacks the preparation and temperament for the presidency and can't be trusted to address serious threats like nuclear weapons and climate change.\n\nThe president unloaded on Trump during an interview with Ryan Seacrest in the wake of Trump's showdown with Hillary Clinton, which he watched from the Treaty Room of the White House.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nObama touted Clinton’s performance and her qualifications for the presidency, saying “she’s serious and does her homework.”\n\nAnd he blasted Trump for not having the “preparations and the temperament or the core values of inclusion and making everybody, you know, have opportunities that would take our country forward.”\n\nThe president said his two biggest concerns for his daughters’ generation are the spread of nuclear weapons and the onset of climate change — adding that Trump falls short on both.\n\n\"I get worried when I hear somebody like Donald Trump start saying, 'Well, I don't necessarily know whether Japan or Korea should be protected by us. Maybe they should get their own nuclear weapons.' That shows somebody who doesn't pay attention to these issues, and you don't necessarily want close to the nuclear button,” Obama said. (Trump objected to a similar characterization of his views on East Asia during Monday's debate, saying it was \"wrong.\")\n\nObama also took a shot at Trump for suggesting, in a November 2012 tweet, that climate change is a hoax created by China.\n\nThe concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2012\n\n\"When you hear somebody like Trump say he thinks this is a plot by the Chinese, that this is a fraud and a hoax, when 99 percent of scientists are saying you've got to do something about it,\" Obama said, \"that worries me.\"\n\nKellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager, said in a TV interview on Tuesday that he believes climate change is \"naturally occurring.\"\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2dpdeXp","authors":"Brianna Ehley,Jack Shafer","type":"real","title_words":6,"text_words":339,"title_char":29,"text_char":2145,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.58997,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.87,"anticipation":1.45,"disgust":0.29,"fear":0.87,"joy":0.58,"sadness":0.87,"surprise":1.16,"trust":1.74,"negative":1.45,"positive":2.32,"text_syllables":579,"text_syllables_per_word":1.70796} {"title":"'Reporters' FLEE When Clintons Get EXPOSED!","text":"The Haitians in the audience have some newsworthy things to say about their experiences. Too bad The Media (D) didn’t stick around to hear it.\n\nThese people LOVED Trump. They cheered for him, he sat quietly as they told their stories.\n\nIt was an absolute love-in.\n\nThat would have chafed the media badly enough.\n\nBut the audience had something ELSE in common. Complaints against the Clintons, who — to hear these people tell it — once they got their money, were never seen again.\n\nIt turns out, they’re not very popular for their handling of Haiti.\n\nThe have evidence they want to see followed up on. Against the Clintons.\n\nDoes any of this sound familiar? Lots of the money sent to ‘Help” Haiti didn’t ever reach the poor people.\n\nThey claim it found its way back to Washington Lobbyists. And then to the White House.\n\nThen there was how they claim Hillary screwed over the Poor People of Haiti. Haiti wanted to raise DAILY minimum wage from $3 to $5 a day. Hillary put an end to it.\n\nWhen it was obvious that the audience was piling on Hillary, and had nothing but love for Trump?\n\nThere was no news there ‘worth reporting’… nothing to make Trump look silly, or racist, or hated.\n\nSo they left early.\n\nThe camera followed them out of the room, scurrying like the rats they are.\n\nBUSTED!","url":"http://clashdaily.com/2016/09/watch-trump-visits-little-haiti-miami-reporters-flee-clintons-get-exposed/?utm_source=referral&utm_medium=facebook.com&utm_campaign=lasmpfb","authors":"Rich Witmer,Doug Giles","type":"fake","title_words":6,"text_words":218,"title_char":43,"text_char":1288,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":33.33333,"text_caps_percent":1.83486,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":2.32558,"text_excl_percent":0.07764,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":1.79,"anticipation":1.79,"disgust":0.45,"fear":1.34,"joy":2.23,"sadness":0.89,"surprise":0.89,"trust":2.23,"negative":3.57,"positive":3.57,"text_syllables":340,"text_syllables_per_word":1.55963} {"title":"Federal Agents Make Massive Discovery at Southern Border… ISIS Is Here ⋆ Freedom Daily","text":"2.8k SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nA border wall isn’t just to keep out illegal immigrants – it acts as a national security measure. China didn’t build their great wall to keep out immigrants, they built it to keep out foreign invaders.\n\nWe need a border for that reason too, in addition to solving the problem of illegal immigration. The entire nation of Mexico is essentially run by drug cartels, and they’ve racked up a death toll that would make ISIS envious. Additionally, if ISIS is going to enter America, our unsecured Southern Border is their best bet.\n\nAnd for that reason, you can bet they already are trying…\n\nAs the Conservative Tribune reported:\n\nEight Syrian nationals attempted to illegally enter the United States from Mexico on Monday, raising new concerns about security inside the United States in the wake of the Paris terror attacks. Breitbart cited two unnamed federal agents who said the Syrians were intercepted at the Juarez Lincoln Bridge in Laredo, Texas. While Border Patrol has yet to confirm this report, National Border Patrol Council Local 2455 President Hector Garza did confirm that he was also receiving similar reports from multiple agents. “Border Patrol agents who we represent have been contacting our organization to voice concerns about reports from other agents that Syrians crossed the U.S. border from Mexico in the Laredo Sector,” he said. “Our agents have heard about Syrians being apprehended in the area from other federal agents. At this time, I cannot confirm or deny that Syrians have crossed, for security reasons.”\n\nIt would be a lot easier to catch these terrorists if the Obama administration let border patrol do their jobs.\n\nBorder Patrol Agent Hector Garza, acting in his role as president of the National Border Patrol Council, Local 2455 said on Fox News earlier this month that “Eight out of ten people that are caught entering our country illegally are not deported and are allowed to stay in the United States,” Garza explained. “Unfortunately for Border Patrol agents, we are trying to do our jobs as best we can with the very limited resources that we have.”\n\nWe need a border and stronger border security – and there’s only one Presidential candidate willing to help with both.","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/breaking-federal-agents-make-massive-discovery-southern-border-isis-2/","type":"fake","title_words":14,"text_words":365,"title_char":86,"text_char":2239,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":7.14286,"text_caps_percent":0.82192,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.06,"anticipation":1.58,"disgust":0.53,"fear":1.06,"joy":1.06,"sadness":1.06,"surprise":1.06,"trust":2.64,"negative":2.11,"positive":2.9,"text_syllables":642,"text_syllables_per_word":1.7589} {"title":"U.S. mistakenly granted citizenship to hundreds of immigrants","text":"The Department of Homeland Security's inspector general said that 858 people who were ordered to be deported or removed instead eventually received citizenship. | AP Photo U.S. mistakenly granted citizenship to hundreds of immigrants\n\nAt least 858 people who had previously been ordered to be deported or removed from the U.S. were instead granted citizenship, the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general announced Monday.\n\nThe mistaken citizenships were granted, the Department of Homeland Security explained in a press release, because neither its digital fingerprint repository nor the FBI’s fingerprint repository contain exhaustive records of individuals who have previously been deported.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nThe discovery was made by the Department of Homeland Security’s office of inspector general, which released a report Monday on the incomplete fingerprint records and the mistakenly granted citizenships. The Department of Homeland Security’s records are incomplete, the release said, because paper fingerprint cards used before 2008 were not consistently digitized. The FBI’s records are incomplete because fingerprints collected during immigration enforcement activities were not always shared with the bureau.\n\nThe inspector general's report specified that those granted citizenship were only \"potentially\" ineligible and were not necessarily granted citizenship incorrectly. A statement from the Department of Homeland Security said that the department is taking steps to correct the issues that led to the incomplete fingerprint records and that not all applicants whose records were incomplete wound up being granted citizenship.\n\n\"It is important to note that the fact that fingerprint records in these cases may have been incomplete at the time of the naturalization interview does not necessarily mean that the applicant was in fact granted naturalization, or that the applicant obtained naturalization fraudulently. Preliminary results from the file reviews show that in a significant number of these cases naturalization had been denied and that, in some, naturalization was not improperly granted,\" department spokesman Neema Hakim said in the statement. \"Other cases are subject to ongoing criminal investigation or to denaturalization proceedings that are pending or completed.\"\n\nIn at least three cases, the inspector general’s office discovered previously-deported individuals who were granted citizenship and then obtained clearance for “security-sensitive work at commercial airports or maritime facilities and vessels.” The release said all three have since had their security credentials revoked.\n\n“This situation created opportunities for individuals to gain the rights and privileges of U.S. citizenship through fraud,” Inspector General John Roth said. “To prevent fraud and ensure thorough review of naturalization applications, [U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services] needs access to these fingerprint records.”\n\nRepublican presidential candidate Donald Trump has made the vetting of immigrants as they enter the U.S. a major part of his presidential platform, suggesting during the GOP primary that America temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. until a more stringent vetting process could be put in place. He has since backed away from that proposal, which drew widespread criticism from both parties, in favor of a ban on immigration from “any nation that has been compromised by terrorism.”\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cKqILg","authors":"Jack Shafer,Louis Nelson","type":"real","title_words":8,"text_words":487,"title_char":61,"text_char":3475,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.82136,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.01,"anticipation":1.21,"disgust":0.61,"fear":1.01,"joy":0.2,"sadness":0.81,"surprise":0.2,"trust":1.82,"negative":2.22,"positive":2.83,"text_syllables":1034,"text_syllables_per_word":2.1232} {"title":"Sacramento mayor punches pie thrower","text":"Story highlights A protester pied Sacramento's mayor in the face at a charity event Wednesday\n\nThe two scuffled afterward, and the protester was taken to a hospital for stitches\n\n(CNN) Kevin Johnson -- the NBA star-turned-Sacramento mayor -- was pied in the face by a man at a charity dinner Wednesday night at the high school he once attended.\n\nBut the pie-thrower appeared to get the worst of it.\n\nSean Thompson, 32, approached the mayor, pulled a pie out of the bag and shoving it in his face -- setting off a short scuffle, in which Johnson punched Thompson in the face several times, according to witnesses descriptions of the scuffle in local media reports\n\n\"There was an altercation that occurred after he got the pie in the face,\" Sgt. Bryce Heinlein, a Sacramento police spokesman, told CNN.\n\n\"There were some punches thrown, and then the subject was quickly taken to the ground by one of the officers that is on the mayor's security detail\" and some event attendees, Heinlein said.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2de6xHA","authors":"Eric Bradner","type":"real","title_words":5,"text_words":166,"title_char":36,"text_char":1002,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.80723,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.58,"anticipation":0.58,"disgust":0,"fear":1.17,"joy":1.17,"sadness":0.58,"surprise":0,"trust":3.51,"negative":1.17,"positive":3.51,"text_syllables":271,"text_syllables_per_word":1.63253} {"title":"Cavuto Just Exposed Lester Holt's Lies During Debate","text":"Advertisement - story continues below\n\nThe first presidential debate between Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican rival Donald Trump was fully of fiery exchanges between the two candidates, as well as several questionable moments.\n\nNBC’s Lester Holt, the moderator for the debate, started getting flak before the debate was over after he repeatedly interrupted Trump to “fact-check” him, except that his fact-checks were more or less wrong.\n\nIn one of the more contentious exchanges, Holt insisted that Trump had supported the Iraq War from the beginning, but Trump continuously denied it, USA Politics Today* reported.\n\nAdvertisement - story continues below\n\nRather than ask Clinton why she voted for the war, Holt continued to press Trump, saying that in an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Trump expressed his support for the war.\n\nAfter the debate was over, Cavuto aired the interview in question and showed that Trump wasn’t all gung-ho about invading Iraq before we went in — he had his reservations.\n\n“You know, what happened to the days of Douglas MacArthur? I mean he would go in and attack. He wouldn’t talk. I mean we have to, you know, it’s sort of like either do it or don’t do it,” Trump said.\n\nAdvertisement - story continues below\n\n“Well, he’s (Bush) either got to do something or not do something perhaps. Because perhaps he shouldn’t be doing it yet. Perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations. You know, he’s under a lot of pressure,” said Trump, clearly unsure if invading Iraq was the right choice.\n\nYou can see it here:\n\nInstead of hammering Trump for his alleged “support” for the Iraq War, the moderator really should have asked Clinton why she voted to authorize the war when she had access to much more information than Trump did.\n\nAdvertisement - story continues below\n\nIt shouldn’t surprise anyone that the mainstream media turned what could have been a substantive debate into a chance to try to smear Trump’s name.\n\nLuckily, Trump held his own and showed that he could stand up to both Clinton and her media pals at the same time.\n\nShare this on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you thought of the debate on Monday night.\n\n*USA Politics Today has since pulled their story.","url":"http://conservativetribune.com/lester-holt-lies-during-debate/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=RightWingNews&utm_content=2016-09-27&utm_campaign=manualpost","authors":"Martin Lioll,John Falkenberg,Ben Marquis,Kimberly J Smith,Martin Walsh,V Saxena,Benjamin Arie","type":"fake","title_words":8,"text_words":363,"title_char":52,"text_char":2236,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.82645,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.81,"anticipation":0.81,"disgust":0.54,"fear":1.08,"joy":0.54,"sadness":0.54,"surprise":0.81,"trust":1.89,"negative":2.43,"positive":3.77,"text_syllables":612,"text_syllables_per_word":1.68595} {"title":"Inmate Dead From Alleged Mistreatment In Jail Run By Infamous Pro-Trump Sheriff","text":"Milwaukee Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. has been a fixture on Fox News in recent months, appearing on multiple programs on that network to attack the Black Lives Matter movement, which he has compared several times to international terrorists.\n\nClarke has also been an outspoken supporter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and is often one of the first names Trump backers bring up when attempting to highlight support for the candidate among black voters. Clarke spoke in support of Trump at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this past summer.\n\nBut while he was busy on the cable network attacking the black community, a man died in the jail under his command. He reportedly died of thirst, of all things.\n\nTerrill Thomas, 38, was found dead in a Milwaukee County Jail cell on April 24, nine days after being arrested in connection with a shooting. Other inmates heard Thomas beg for water in the days before he died, the Journal Sentinel reported in July. […] Last week the Milwaukee County medical examiner announced that Thomas’ death was due to profound dehydration, according to the Journal Sentinel. By labeling the death a homicide, the medical examiner indicated that it was caused by the actions of another person, although that judgment does not necessarily mean that anyone will be criminally prosecuted in the case.\n\nInmates at the jail say the water in Thomas’ jail cell had been cut off for 6 days, and that one inmate warned jailers about the danger to the man’s life. Attorney Erik J. Heipt told the site that he has received calls from other inmates to tell him that the water had been cut off to their cells, and another inmate died in 2011 when his water was cut off as well.\n\nClarke is reportedly part of a pro-Trump bus tour arranged by a super PAC that is supporting the candidate.\n\nThe Huffington Post also reports that Clarke took in over $150,000 in 2015 from “speaking fees, travel reimbursements and gifts.”\n\nFeatured image via Flickr","url":"http://www.addictinginfo.org/2016/09/20/inmate-dead-from-alleged-mistreatment-in-jail-run-by-infamous-pro-trump-sheriff/","authors":"Oliver Willis","type":"real","title_words":12,"text_words":332,"title_char":79,"text_char":1989,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.3012,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":2.03,"anticipation":1.74,"disgust":1.74,"fear":4.36,"joy":0.58,"sadness":2.91,"surprise":2.33,"trust":2.91,"negative":4.65,"positive":3.2,"text_syllables":549,"text_syllables_per_word":1.65361} {"title":"Barack Obama at Benjamin Netanyahu meeting: 'He is always very candid with us'","text":"Story highlights Obama has taken steps toward solidifying the alliance with Israel this month\n\nHis meeting with Netanyahu was likely to be their last face-to-face consultations\n\nNew York (CNN) President Barack Obama confronted one of his most strained foreign partnerships Wednesday during a final meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the pair making a last attempt at patching up their stormy bond before Obama leaves office.\n\nSpeaking before their session, Obama said he was aiming to ascertain the prospects for peace in the region as he prepares to end his presidency.\n\n\"Our hope will be that in these conversations we get the sense of how Israel sees the next few years, what the opportunities are and what the challenges are in order to ensure we keep alive the possibility of a stable, secure Israel at peace with its neighbors,\" Obama said. \"These are challenging times. One thing that I would say about Prime Minister Netanyahu is that he is always very candid with us.\"\n\nThat candor has become a hallmark of the relationship between Obama and his Israeli counterpart, whom the White House has accused of being less-than-diplomatic in expressing his opposition to US policies like the nuclear agreement with Iran. Obama's 30-minute meeting Wednesday with Netanyahu was likely to be their final opportunity for face-to-face consultations before a new president enters the Oval Office in January.\n\nObama is intent on conferring solid ties with Israel upon his successor, despite the personal animus that developed between him and Netanyahu, as he looks to boost the relationship during the homestretch of a presidential campaign in which he hopes to see Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton prevail.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2dgYW6Z","authors":"Kevin Liptak,Cnn White House Producer","type":"real","title_words":13,"text_words":270,"title_char":78,"text_char":1734,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.74074,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.41,"anticipation":3.53,"disgust":0,"fear":0.71,"joy":2.47,"sadness":0,"surprise":1.06,"trust":4.24,"negative":2.12,"positive":5.3,"text_syllables":517,"text_syllables_per_word":1.91481} {"title":"Trump vs. Clinton: A Fundamental Clash over How the Economy Works","text":"Getty Images Wealth Of Nations Trump vs. Clinton: A Fundamental Clash over How the Economy Works He sees it as zero-sum. She believes all boats rise together. Hillary is right, but a lot of people are buying into Trump’s vision.\n\nAs he made clear once again in Monday night’s debate, Donald Trump sees the world in zero-sum terms—when one person or one country wins, another always loses. Asked by NBC’s Lester Holt how to help American workers, Trump responded in his usual way, saying America was getting beaten by everyone else around the world, and the NAFTA free-trade deal was “one of the worst things that ever happened to the manufacturing industry. ... We have to stop these countries from stealing our companies and our jobs.”\n\nHillary Clinton, by contrast, sees the world as a place where all boats can rise at once—as she also made plain Monday by harking back to Bill Clinton’s pro-globalization presidency, which included NAFTA. ‘I think my husband did a pretty good job in the 1990s. I think a lot about what worked and how we can make it work again,” she said. “Incomes went up for everybody.”\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nThat is the election of 2016 distilled down to its essence. “My whole life is about winning. … I always win,” Trump says in explaining why he’s running. The economic plan on his website begins with the rubric “Winning the Global Competition.” You don’t get more zero-sum than that.\n\nDespite the view of most economists that the economy overall is not a zero-sum game—but rather a complex mechanism that, if run right, can raise everyone’s welfare at once–Trump’s message has resonated in an era when it’s become common to speak of winners and losers in the global economy. The zero-sum message fits neatly with the widespread reality that many millions have been severely harmed by the transitions in our economy over the past decades. As Danny Vinik recently noted in Politico, the gap between those who are thriving in the new economies of today and those who are not continues to grow.\n\nThe recent Census Report that showed a 5.2 percent increase in real median income between 2014 and 2015 was taken by many as proof that the narrative of an America in decline and losing is fundamentally flawed. Statistically, if the United States is one unit, that is true. But 320 million people have a huge variety of experiences ill-suited to one size fit all numbers, and while the averages and medians may go up or down, that says nothing about the lived experience of tens of millions who diverge from that one number. And the experience of a goodly portion of what was the industrial heartland and what was the epicenter of the mid-2000s housing bubble is unequivocally negative, insecure and economically grim.\n\nHence, you have the sense that those who perceive themselves as winners in the global economy are trending towards the Democrats, while those who think they’ve lost are going toward Trump. There is some truth there, but that isn’t a sufficient explanation for why, for instance, massive percentages of African-Americans and Latinos, who have certainly struggled economically and socially, support Clinton.\n\nNo, what is most striking about this election is the degree to which the electorate is polarized not between winners and losers per se but between those who view the world in such zero-sum terms, like Trump, and those who sense that it is possible to multiply the numbers of “winners” without creating a commensurate number of losers. That has been the mantra of Clinton and her predecessors in the Democratic Party, and it was also the foundation of Ronald Reagan’s appeal. The belief that the economic pie can expand year after year and embrace ever more people has also backed up by a generation of economists who argue that open trade and globalization makes the whole world wealthier.\n\nHillary Clinton has continued to deliver that message. At the Democratic Convention in July she spoke of an America thriving with economic opportunity, with millions working hard and succeeding. President Obama has also been at pains to highlight the innovations of Silicon Valley, the revival of many cities in the past decade, and the substantial gains on the other side of 2008-2009 financial crisis. Judging from polls and surveys, those who fit that description – clustered and concentrated in large metro areas, and on the coasts especially – support Clinton and the Democrats by wide margins.\n\n***\n\nIs either side right? Most economists see the liberal internationalist order backed by the law establishing the rules of engagement in free markets as a key element to the emergence of a several billion-strong global middle class. In general, that view is correct. But it still tends to gloss over just how wrenching it is to be among the tens of millions in the United States caught in the vortex of rapid change. It does these global laggards no good to say that they have bigger homes and longer lives and more possessions than their grandparents. They legitimately fear that they will lose those homes, be unable to afford healthcare, that they will see their communities crumble and their children’s hopes extinguished. And they see a world of others who appear to be doing better, who seem to be winning, and a political establishment that has promised everything and delivered what feels like nothing.\n\nThe voice of the so-called losers in this global competition is as loud, politically speaking, as it’s been in a long time. Hence Trump (not to mention Bernie Sanders’ powerful insurgency in the Democratic primaries). The last time so many in the United States were so sour about the inequities between those winning (the few) and those losing was at the dawn of the Progressive Movement in the 1890s. Many early Progressives rebelled against an elite vision of Social Darwinism then prevalent which said that the strong and the best thrive while the rest manage to eke out what they can. In 1896, the scion of that view was William Jennings Bryan, who painted a picture of the United States every bit as bleak and dark as Trump with his thundering about elites on the coasts crucifying hard worker labor and farmers on a “cross of gold.” Bryan lost two elections, and his zero-sum view never came to dominate American politics. Much of his message about inequality and the need to reform the system, however, was taken up by Theodore Roosevelt and generations of both Republicans and Democrats. Some of it harsh and redistributive, focused on trust busting and exerting American influence and prestige abroad, and much of it was about expanding opportunities for all.\n\nTrump also enjoys a good deal of sub-rosa support among business leaders and Wall Street, who certainly haven’t lack for economic benefits in today’s world. They aren’t supporting him with their money, but many of them detest Clinton and see Trump as expressing their world view. For Wall Street, that makes some sense, in that in the wake of the financial crisis, key aspects of finance are becoming less popular and less profitable. In that sense, finance, which was the winning sector of the economy from the mid-1980s through the mid-2000s, has been losing ground. The idea of gain and loss, and that every trade represents a winner and a loser, is deeply embedded in aspects of Wall Street.\n\nWe have, of course, no idea which candidate and which worldview will prevail in six weeks. But if Trump wins, he should remember: it is impossible to find any society and any point in American history where a zero-sum formula has led to increased affluence for the many and increased security. Zero-sum most often begets zero-sum, whether in the form of trade wars or actual wars. By contrast, the profound strength of the United States has been a vision of an open economy that thrives on education and innovation and an open world where the strength invariably overcomes the zero-sum countries and alliances that pepper the planet and always have. A vision of winners and losers invariably begets more winners and losers, and little else.\n\nZachary Karabell is head of global strategy at Envestnet and author of The Leading Indicators: A Short History of the Numbers That Rule Our World. He is a contributing editor at Politico Magazine.","url":"http://politi.co/2de2qs0","authors":"Jack Shafer,Erick Trickey,Zachary Karabell","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":1379,"title_char":65,"text_char":8263,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.21755,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.37,"anticipation":1.87,"disgust":0.58,"fear":1.01,"joy":1.51,"sadness":1.15,"surprise":0.86,"trust":3.17,"negative":2.37,"positive":4.96,"text_syllables":2367,"text_syllables_per_word":1.71646} {"title":"The AP, In 2004, Said Your Boy Obama Was BORN In This Particular Country","text":"Well THAT’S Weird. If the Birther movement is racist… does that mean that the person who wrote this had it in for Obama?\n\nWhat if that person is … Obama?\n\nBreitbart put this out, taken from the AP, entitled ““Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate” That was June 2004.\n\nKenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations. The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative. As far as we know, Barack Obama never refuted this article.\n\nIt’s still out there on the internet. Here’s a screen capture:\n\nHere’s the bottom half of the same article with AP attribution.\n\nAnd the link to the original.\n\nThat’s not actually as weird as the one all the way back in 1991.\n\nThat was Obama’s publicist. Here’s the quote:\n\nBreitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama’s then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” The booklet, which was distributed to “business colleagues” in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel. It also promotes Obama’s anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White–which Obama abandoned, later publishing Dreams from My Father instead.\n\nIf Obama is contradicting himself, the only real question is, which lie do we write of as him cynically manipulating an audience for personal gain?\n\nIf his birth in America is valid — as we are led to believe? Why lie about it? Unless playing the ‘foreigner’ card gave him illegitimate access to preferential opportunities or tuition costs. In which case, he is a lying turd who cheated someone more deserving out of … whatever. A Harvard Education, possibly.\n\nBecause if That WASN’T a lie… then something else MUST be. That ‘something else’ being his American birth and Citizenship. Which are prerequisites to his presidency.\n\nThe quote can be read in context at Breitbart.","url":"http://clashdaily.com/2016/09/dear-cnn-ap-2004-said-boy-obama-born-particular-country/?utm_source=referral&utm_medium=facebook.com&utm_campaign=lasmpfb","authors":"Rich Witmer,Doug Giles","type":"fake","title_words":14,"text_words":360,"title_char":72,"text_char":2247,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":14.28571,"text_caps_percent":1.94444,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.34,"anticipation":1.87,"disgust":1.6,"fear":1.6,"joy":1.34,"sadness":1.6,"surprise":0.8,"trust":2.41,"negative":4.28,"positive":3.48,"text_syllables":648,"text_syllables_per_word":1.8} {"title":"Clinton: ‘The next 50 days will determine the next 50 years’","text":"Hillary Clinton said this year's election will impact the next 50 years of America. | AP Photo Clinton: ‘The next 50 days will determine the next 50 years’\n\nHillary Clinton on Tuesday warned that the nearly 50-day sprint to Election Day will impact far more than just the next four or eight years.\n\nMaking an appeal to black voters during an interview on the “Steve Harvey Morning Show,” Clinton stressed that voters can’t sit this one out.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\n“Every issue they care about is at stake in this election,” Clinton said. “This is not: ‘Oh, you know, a little here, a little there. We can — you know, we can take it, no matter who wins.’ No. The next 50 days will determine the next 50 years, and I say that absolutely seriously.”\n\nThe former secretary of state said she hopes everyone is registered to vote and directed listeners to a website to find out whether they’re registered “because I need you.”\n\n“We gotta stand up and be counted in this election,” she added.\n\nClinton’s comments come after President Barack Obama made an appeal on Clinton's and his own behalf in an address to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation on Saturday.\n\n“My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot,” Obama said. “Tolerance is on the ballot. Democracy is on the ballot. Justice is on the ballot. Good schools are on the ballot. Ending mass incarceration, that’s on the ballot right now.”\n\nBut up next on the docket is the first presidential debate between Clinton and Trump on Monday in New York, where the former senator expects to absorb a bunch of body blows from an aggressive foe.\n\n“I am going to do my very best to communicate as clearly and fearlessly as I can in the face of the insults and the attacks and the bullying and bigotry that we’ve seen coming from my opponent,” she said. “You know, I can take it, Steve. I can take that kind of stuff. I’ve been at this and, you know, I understand it’s a contact sport.”\n\nWhat Clinton won’t take, though, is any insults toward anyone else. “You know, his attacks on African-Americans and immigrants and Muslims and women and people with disabilities, it’s just — it’s just something we cannot tolerate,” she said.\n\nAs Clinton wrapped up her interview, Trump taunted her on Twitter: “Hillary Clinton is taking the day off again, she needs the rest. Sleep well Hillary — see you at the debate!”\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2cmo9Qd","authors":"Jack Shafer,Nolan D","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":411,"title_char":60,"text_char":2387,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.24331,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.04189,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.42,"anticipation":1.9,"disgust":0.47,"fear":1.18,"joy":0.95,"sadness":0.95,"surprise":0.95,"trust":1.9,"negative":1.66,"positive":3.08,"text_syllables":648,"text_syllables_per_word":1.57664} {"title":"Jeb Bush to lecture at Harvard this fall","text":"Story highlights Bush will deliver his first lecture on Thursday\n\nHe is a staunch advocate for charter schools, voucher programs and higher education standards\n\n(CNN) Jeb Bush will be a guest lecturer at Harvard University this fall, focusing on education in \"a number of multi-day visits\" this semester, the John F. Kennedy School of Government announced Tuesday.\n\nThe former Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate -- who was known for his wonkish love of policy on the campaign trail -- will deliver his first lecture on Thursday.\n\nHe'll also co-lecture in a course titled, \"The Political Economy of the School,\" and participate in faculty-led student study groups.\n\nAfter dropping out of the presidential race in February, Bush returned to his position as chairman and president of the board of directors at an organization he started called the Foundation for Excellence in Education.\n\nBush -- a staunch advocate for charter schools, voucher programs and higher education standards -- attempted to make education a defining hallmark of his presidential campaign.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2d7qa20","authors":"Ashley Killough","type":"real","title_words":8,"text_words":163,"title_char":40,"text_char":1093,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.6135,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0,"anticipation":1.75,"disgust":1.17,"fear":0.58,"joy":1.75,"sadness":1.17,"surprise":0.58,"trust":6.43,"negative":2.34,"positive":7.02,"text_syllables":308,"text_syllables_per_word":1.88957} {"title":"Pence gives no specifics on why Trump Foundation story is inaccurate","text":"Pence gives no specifics on why Trump Foundation story is inaccurate\n\nWhen it comes to the Trump campaign's allegations of \"inaccuracies and omissions\" against a Washington Post story, running mate Mike Pence struggled late Tuesday night to account for specific examples.\n\nAppearing on MSNBC's \"The 11th Hour with Brian Williams\" after an evening rally in Williamsburg, Virginia, the Indiana governor backed up the Trump campaign's statement against the Post's reporting earlier in the day that Donald Trump spent $258,000 from his charitable foundation to settle legal issues.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\n\"Well, I think what we found is that there is a number of factual errors in that story as there were in previous stories about the Trump Foundation. I'm confident they'll be able to address those and demonstrate that they fully complied with the law,\" Pence told Brian Williams, adding that the \"larger issue\" is the Clinton Foundation.\n\nWilliams tried to button up the issue, pressing Pence specifically for \"what the factual errors are that the campaign is alleging\" from the latest Post story.\n\n\"Well, I think the foundation will be able to lay those out. There were errors in the previous Washington Post stories, and, you know, look, you know me a while, Brian. I strongly support a free and independent press. People are entitled to ask questions, and I'm sure the Trump Foundation and the Trump family will continue to be able to answer those questions.\"\n\nPence's comments and the Trump campaign statement came hours after the latest article from the Post into the Republican nominee's charitable foundation.\n\nAuthors:","url":"http://politi.co/2d1BwU6","authors":"Nick Gass,Jack Shafer","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":253,"title_char":68,"text_char":1627,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.39526,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0,"anticipation":0.76,"disgust":0.38,"fear":0,"joy":1.14,"sadness":0.38,"surprise":1.14,"trust":4.55,"negative":1.52,"positive":4.17,"text_syllables":434,"text_syllables_per_word":1.71542} {"title":"White Guy Walled In Car By BlackLivesMatter Protesters – They See What He’s Brandishing And Scatter…","text":"White Guy Walled In Car By BlackLivesMatter Protesters – They See What He’s Brandishing And Scatter…\n\nWhat do you do if you’re sitting in your vehicle and suddenly you’re surrounded by a seemingly hostile group?\n\nStep one should obviously be to lock your doors to make it just a little bit harder for them to break in.\n\nStep two is up to you. Do you put the pedal to the floor and power through? Do you call the police and wait.\n\nThis guy had another idea entirely and it worked like a charm.\n\n× 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now\n\nA random white guy was driving through the riots taking place in North Carolina when he was surrounded by the protesters/rioters. The photographer who witnessed the incident thought that he was going to get mugged, but for some reason they just let him through.\n\nThat seems very bizarre considering that we’ve seen videos of rioters stopping cargo trucks, stealing the items within and lightening them on fire. That being the case, why would they just let one guy go?\n\nWell, they saw what he was waving out the window and they must have thought that it was in their best interest to leave him alone.\n\nWhile being white in the middle of an angry BLM mob would usually be a death sentence, this guy had thought ahead. When his car was surrounded, he calmly rolled down his window and let the protesters know that he had a handgun.\n\nThe group quickly dispersed and let the man continue driving to his destination.\n\nThis is exactly how people should handle these kinds of situations. Do you think that he did the right thing? Or should he just have driven through?","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/top-news/white-guy-walled-car-blacklivesmatter-protesters-see-hes-brandishing-scatter/","authors":"Sierra Marlee","type":"fake","title_words":16,"text_words":334,"title_char":100,"text_char":1919,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":1,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.2994,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.43,"anticipation":2.57,"disgust":1.71,"fear":2.57,"joy":1.14,"sadness":1.71,"surprise":2.29,"trust":1.71,"negative":3.43,"positive":3.43,"text_syllables":499,"text_syllables_per_word":1.49401} {"title":"Is Hillary in a No-Win Situation?","text":"I’ve watched every presidential debate ever broadcast, including the little-remembered John F. Kennedy-Hubert Humphrey contest just before the 1960 West Virginia primary, and for nearly 40 years I've analyzed how candidates win and lose them. But when I ask myself what kind of strategy I would devise for Hillary Clinton tonight against Donald Trump, I’m pretty much baffled.\n\nThe problem is not just the unpredictable (to put it mildly) nature of her opponent. (Will Trump be low-key and calm? Will he attack her honesty? Will he turn on Lester Holt after the first tough question and walk off the stage?) The problem is that almost all of Hillary Clinton’s strengths, in this strange election year, can so easily be turned into her weaknesses—especially her vast experience in government. The more she emphasizes her qualifications, the more Trump is likely to respond with some version of: “You’ve been at the center of power for 25 years? Then you’re one of those who’s created the mess we’re in.” So reciting her work with foreign leaders, for example, and contrasting it with Trump's utter lack of grounding in the world, doesn't seem to be promising.\n\nStory Continued Below\n\nIndeed, this debate offers Trump the chance to perform what I’ve called “political judo”—turning an opponent’s strength against her. (“Yes, Mrs. Clinton, your experience helped drag us into Iraq, and turned Syria, Libya, the whole Middle East into a staging ground for ISIS. Maybe that’s why your husband's CIA director, and Bobby Kennedy’s chief speechwriter, are backing me.”)\n\nFurther, there's a sense—a highly limited sense—in which Trump is in something like the position Ronald Reagan was in back in 1980. Among college-educated whites, who have resisted him so far, his task is to use the debates to say, “I'm a reasonable person who knows what's gone wrong and who has the instincts to fix it.” It's a second cousin of the 1980 situation where many voters did not want Carter, but needed reassurance about Reagan, which they got. (There is a limit to this analogy, because for all of her difficulties, Clinton is in a much stronger position than President Carter was).\n\nBy contrast, how does she try to gain strength on the issue of “honest and trustworthy”? If Trump can be convinced by his handlers—assuming they exist—to avoid overkill here, all he has to do is to note what the FBI director or the New York Times editorial page has said. She can of course cite chapter and verse on Trump—bankruptcies, Trump University, David Farenthold's expose of his charities in the Washington Post—but those issues are ill-suited, I think, to a face-to-face debate. One of her problems, longstanding, is that the stuff of which campaign collapses are made have been leveled at Trump—and he's still standing.\n\nDoes any of this mean that Clinton is facing doom Monday night? No. It does suggest that her campaign should remember what debates do and don’t do, based on a half-century or so of history.\n\nThe Focus Is on “Moments”—But They’re Not Always The Key\n\nAsk any political journalist to recite the history of debates, and it would go something like this:\n\n“Nixon looked pale and drawn; Ford prematurely liberated Poland from Soviet Control; Reagan said to Carter ‘there you go again,’ then asked Americans ‘are you better off?’ Four years later, he was incoherent, but then recovered by joking about Mondale’s ‘youth and inexperience.’ Dukakis was insufficiently emotional at the prospect of his wife’s rape and murder. Lloyd Bentsen told Dan Quayle was no Jack Kennedy. George H.W. Bush looked at his watch. Al Gore stalked George W. Bush, who froze him with a nod.”\n\nThese are the moments that are played over and over again in the run-up to debates. They illustrate the fact that these events are watched intensely for the quip, the gaffe, the thrust, the parry that can sum up 90 minutes. It’s why debate prep spends an inordinate amount of time trying to come up with punchy, memorable lines—“zingers”—to win the attention and admiration of the audience. (It’s also why the late political journalist Lars Erik-Nelson scornfully said of his colleagues, “You’ve all become theater critics.”)\n\nBut in fact, this view of debates is not the whole story. Sometimes, it’s the cumulative effect of the exchanges that can determine who prevails. Look back at the first Romney-Obama debate in 2012. There was no one exchange, no one Obama stumble or Romney answer, that provided the ”aha!” moment that journalists wait for the way hounds wait for the first call of the fox. It was, rather, Obama’s petulant, defensive, sometimes indifferent answers that made even the president’s most ardent supporters believe he had been badly beaten.\n\nThe presence of Trump clearly raises the odds that we may see a “moment” unlike any in debate history; that’s clearly what an army of reporters and tens of millions of viewers will be waiting for. But it may just be that it will be the totality of the hour and a half that will persuade a viewer to say: “he seemed pretty reasonable” or “she knows what she’s talking about and he doesn’t.” This has special relevance for Clinton, who, as her longtime friend and one-time aide Patti Solis-Doyle observed, always seems as if she is testing every word before it leaves her mouth. A sustained, relaxed presentation over the course of the debate could be her best weapon against a Trump, whose ability to stay within himself when untethered to a Teleprompter is questionable.\n\nThere Are Three Debates, Not One—And That Can Matter A Whole Lot\n\nOne key reason why the 1980 Reagan-Carter debate was so important is that it was the only debate between the two. Carter had refused to debate with third-party candidate John Anderson, so Reagan faced off against Anderson on September 21st. When the independent fell below the polling threshold, Carter and Reagan met for the first and last time on October 28th—barely a week before the election.\n\nEvery other time, there have been three debates; which has meant there is a chance to make up for a less than successful debut. That’s what happened with Reagan in 1984, and with George W. Bush in 2004; it’s also what happened last time out, when Obama emerged from his daze and outperformed Romney in their two other meetings.\n\nHere, I think, is an opening for Clinton—especially in the town hall meetings, where she should be able to turn a question—and they are usually very lame \"what can you do for my daughter?\" questions—into answers that fuse personal concern with a command both of her proposals, and of Trump’s astonishing inability to remember what he has proposed from one day to the next. The danger for her is channeling her inner Al Gore, who challenged Bush’s commitment to health care by repeatedly demanding: \"What about Dingell-Norwood?\" The opportunity for her is to argue—from experience—that what she has worked for in public life has made the lives of real people better. (Further, the Town Meeting format—with dozens of “real” people as participants—makes the resort to personal insults highly risky).\n\nTrump Is Not the Only One Who Can Deploy Political Judo\n\nThe potential for Trump to turn strength into weakness has its roots in the most singularly successful use of political judo. It came in 1992, when independent Ross Perot was asked if voters should be bothered by his lack of experience.\n\n“Well,” he said, “they've got a point. I don't have any experience in running up a $4 trillion debt. I don't have any experience in gridlocked government where nobody takes responsibility for anything and everybody blames everybody else. I don't have any experience in creating the worst public school system in the industrialized world, the most violent, crime-ridden society in the industrialized world.”\n\nJudo, however, can cut both ways. There’s a clear opening for Clinton if Trump were to boast of his leadership skills, and his business success.\n\n“Well, you might be successful, Donald, but we really don’t know because you’re the first presidential candidate ever who won’t show us his taxes. But you know, you should look at the business leaders who support me: Mike Bloomberg, who’s worth four times what you claim to be worth, and who didn’t start with millions from his father, says you’re a con, a fake. So does Marc Cuban, who built his success from the ground up. But I do have to admit—you’re way, way ahead of them in, unpaid workers, fleeced contractors and lawsuits.”\n\nDebates Are NOT Decisive\n\nOne last note. It’s easy to assume that the fate of the world is at stake Monday night. A lot of post-election narratives over the years have located debates as the center of the story (“Reagan recovered from his first debate-gaffe and went onto win a landslide.” “Obama was far more effective in the later debates and was re-elected…”). But is correlation really causation? Maybe the economic boom of 1984 has a lot more to do with Reagan winning 49 states; maybe the clear if modest economic recovery played the key role in Obama’s clear if modest popular vote victory.\n\nIn their influential 2013 book, The Gamble, political scientists John H. Sides and Lynn Vavreck tried to measure the impact of debates, gaffes, and other “game-changers” with real-time public opinion measurements. What they found was that even a dramatic event like Romney’s first debate performance had a relative small, and relatively short-lived, impact. Compared to the “fundamentals”—economic performance and the ever-growing impact of a polarized electorate—the stuff of which a hundred overwrought post-debate analyses are made may be of only marginal significance.\n\nOf course, this cycle the “fundamentals” point to a very close race. So you’ll probably want to tune in anyway\n\nJeff Greenfield is a five-time Emmy-winning network television analyst and author.","url":"http://politi.co/2d0FTlN","authors":"Jack Shafer,Jeff Greenfield","type":"real","title_words":6,"text_words":1610,"title_char":33,"text_char":9832,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.24845,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.01017,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.93,"anticipation":1.42,"disgust":0.74,"fear":1.24,"joy":1.05,"sadness":1.3,"surprise":0.74,"trust":2.54,"negative":2.91,"positive":3.77,"text_syllables":2769,"text_syllables_per_word":1.71988} {"title":"Bridgegate: Port Authority officials planned to make Fort Lee 'traffic jam as bad as possible'","text":"Newark (CNN) Former Port Authority executives and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie staffers planned to make the traffic from the September 2013 lane closures at the George Washington Bridge \"as bad as possible,\" according to testimony heard in federal court Monday.\n\nDavid Wildstein, former Port Authority director of Interstate Capital Projects, testified that in June 2013, Bridget Kelly, Christie's former deputy chief of staff, was upset that their office had not secured the endorsement of the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee New Jersey, Mark Sokolich, for Christie's reelection campaign.\n\nWildstein, who has previously pleaded guilty to one charge of conspiracy to commit fraud on federally funded property and one civil rights violation, told Kelly that shutting down access lanes to the George Washington Bridge to put some political pressure on Sokolich was an option, according to his testimony.\n\nWildstein is testifying as part of his plea deal. Sokolich testified last week that being a \"Democrat in a Democratic town\" put him in an uncomfortable position vis-a-vis a Christie endorsement, and he eventually declined because he did not want to \"alienate anyone.\"\n\nOn August 13, 2013, and as CNN has previously reported, Wildstein received an email from Kelly saying: \"Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee.\"\n\n\"Got it,\" Wildstein responded.\n\nA phone call with Kelly the same day established the lane closures would go forward, it was revealed in testimony Monday.\n\n\"I did not question senior officials in the office of the governor,\" Wildstein said in court when asked if he questioned the decision.\n\nWildstein became the de facto organizer of the eventual lane closures, and communicated every step of the way with Kelly and his then-boss, former Port Authority deputy executive director, Bill Baroni, according to his testimony.\n\nWildstein and Kelly discussed and agreed that there would be no advance notice of the closures to Fort Lee officials or the public. They discussed how the Port Authority would respond to any inquiries, and agreed that all calls would be directed to Baroni's office and Baroni would not return the calls, testimony revealed.\n\nThis \"radio silence\" policy was discussed with and approved by Baroni, Wildstein said.\n\nWildstein testified that that lack of advance notice was to \"maximize the impact on Fort Lee.\" Wildstein also recalled discussing the timing of the closures with Baroni and Kelly.\n\nBaroni asked when the first day of school in Fort Lee was, and when Wildstein told Baroni it was September 9, Baroni smiled and said, \"Fantastic,\" according to Wildstein's testimony. Kelly agreed on the September 9 date.\n\nWildstein testified that his initial plan was to shut down all three Fort Lee access lanes, but after discussing the matter with Port Authority engineers who feared this could cause \"sideswipe crashes,\" Wildstein recommended to Baroni and Kelly that they shut down two lanes.\n\nOn Friday, September 6, 2013, Wildstein informed several Port Authority staffers of the closures that were scheduled to begin on Monday, September 9.\n\nBob Durando, Port Authority general manager of the George Washington Bridge expressed concern, telling Wildstein that the closures would cause a \"mess.\"\n\nWildstein told Durando the closures would be going forward, and to prepare accordingly.\n\n\"I told him not to say anything to anybody,\" Wildstein testified. Wildstein told Durando to direct any inquiries he gets during the closures to Baroni's office.\n\nWildstein then informed former Port Authority chief engineer, Peter Zipf, of the closures, and asked Zipf to organize a way to get \"some numbers\" on the traffic patterns.\n\nWildstein also informed Cedrick Fulton, Port Authority director of Tunnels, Bridges and Terminals. Fulton asked if Port Authority executive director, Patrick Foye, was aware. Wildstein testified that he told Fulton \"yes,\" but that this was a lie.\n\nAll of these staffers were under the impression that the closures were part of a traffic study.\n\nOn the day the closures began, Wildstein watched the traffic build up on screens inside a Port Authority administration building on the Fort Lee side of the George Washington Bridge.\n\n\"I knew the plan that I had set into motion was working,\" Wildstein testified.\n\nA Port Authority lieutenant also drove Wildstein around Fort Lee so Wildstein could see the traffic on the ground.\n\nWildstein testified that he called Kelly that morning to tell her that traffic was building up, and \"she was pleased.\"\n\nSeveral calls and emails began coming in to Baroni and Wildstein from Fort Lee officials, including the mayor, Sokolich, but their plan of \"radio silence\" was put into effect and no messages were returned.\n\nLast week, Wildstein testified that Baroni's role at the bi-state agency was essentially to be a representative of Christie's administration and that their top priority was to represent Christie's office's interests.\n\nWildstein said he created a phrase that he and Baroni often used, \"the one constituent rule.\" This referred to the fact that Governor Christie's opinion or good favor was the only one that mattered when it came to Port Authority affairs. Wildstein and Baroni used the \"one constituent rule\" as a barometer by which decisions would be made.\n\nKelly and Baroni face conspiracy and fraud charges in connection with Bridgegate. Their attorneys have previously said they will both testify in their own defenses.","url":"http://cnn.it/2dn8vWp","authors":"Dominique Debucquoy-dodley","type":"real","title_words":15,"text_words":835,"title_char":94,"text_char":5439,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.23952,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.06,"anticipation":1.65,"disgust":0.59,"fear":0.94,"joy":0.59,"sadness":0.82,"surprise":0.47,"trust":2.35,"negative":1.65,"positive":3.53,"text_syllables":1526,"text_syllables_per_word":1.82754} {"title":"BOOM! Marines Send TERRORISTS Scathing Message [VIDEO]","text":"BOOM! Marines Send TERRORISTS Scathing Message [VIDEO]\n\nThere’s a reason that it’s called terrorism. It’s because ISIS, and terrorist groups like them, use fear and propaganda as a means to intimidate people into getting what they want. With ISIS and other Islamic terrorists, what they want is to force people to convert to Islam and live their lives subservient to their Muslim rulers. Anyone who refuses is branded an infidel and faces death. ISIS even puts out hit lists of those who they want to target for their non-belief.\n\nWhile the notion of being put on a terrorist hit list may strike fear into most people’s hearts, Marines aren’t bothered in the slightest. They welcome it, actually, because if the terrorists try to attack the Marines, then they don’t have to worry about hunting them down. Not only are they not intimidated, they’re rubbing their lack of intimidation in the terrorists’ faces.\n\nA series of billboards have been erected across the nation to let terrorists know that Marines are ready for them. And it surely will make terrorists think twice before taking on the United States Marine Corps:\n\n× 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now\n\nConsidering how many terrorist attacks the United States has seen over the past year, there couldn’t be a better time for the Marine Corps to send this message to the terrorists. Liberals were furious over it naturally, but they will bend over backwards to placate terrorists and will do everything they can to prevent Americans from being able to defend themselves. Who cares what they think?\n\nAnd this message drives a stake right through the heart of the terrorist agenda. Remember, what they want is to make people afraid. These billboards show that not only are the Marines not afraid, they’re ready to take the fight to the terrorists. If we’re not afraid, then the terrorists lose.\n\nSorry, ISIS. Game over.\n\nShare this on Facebook if you agree with this badass statement!","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/military/boom-marines-send-terrorists-scathing-message/","authors":"Cassy Fiano","type":"fake","title_words":7,"text_words":376,"title_char":54,"text_char":2265,"title_caps":3,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":42.85714,"text_caps_percent":1.8617,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":2,"title_excl_percent":1.85185,"text_excl_percent":0.0883,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":3.66,"anticipation":1.83,"disgust":2.09,"fear":4.18,"joy":0.52,"sadness":1.57,"surprise":1.04,"trust":2.61,"negative":5.74,"positive":3.13,"text_syllables":629,"text_syllables_per_word":1.67287} {"title":"Obama: “I bet when I die you’ll be happy to pee on my grave.”","text":"This is a true story. General Stanley McChrystal was the Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan and he had frequent disagreements on the conduct of the war with his Commander-in-Chief.\n\nAt one point McChrystal was called into the Oval Office and he knew his Army career was about to be over.\n\nWhen former U.S. Military Commander in Afghanistan, Stanley McChrystal, was called into the Oval Office by Barack Obama, he knew things weren’t going to go well when the President accused him of not supporting him in his political role as President. “It’s not my job to support you as a politician, Mr. President, it’s my job to support you as Commander-in-Chief,” McChrystal replied, and he handed Obama his resignation.\n\nBarack Obama has a long history of hating the US military and men and women who serve. He is never one to let someone have the last word but he failed in this instance.\n\nNot satisfied with accepting McChrystal’s resignation the President made a cheap parting shot. “I bet when I die you’ll be happy to pee on my grave.” The General saluted. “Mr. President, I always told myself after leaving the Army I’d never stand in line again.\n\nGood job General McChrystal. I’m pretty sure that after five or six years of being in the ground the line will have diminished enough so that you won’t have to stand in line. You’re an honorable man, we know you wouldn’t cut in front of others.\n\n906","url":"https://ihavethetruth.com/2016/01/30/obama-i-bet-when-i-die-youll-be-happy-to-pee-on-my-grave/","authors":"Scott Osborn,Mr Wendal","type":"fake","title_words":14,"text_words":240,"title_char":61,"text_char":1397,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.83333,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.18,"anticipation":2.36,"disgust":0,"fear":3.15,"joy":1.97,"sadness":2.76,"surprise":1.18,"trust":4.33,"negative":4.72,"positive":4.72,"text_syllables":392,"text_syllables_per_word":1.63333} {"title":"OUTRAGE! Obama Spends $770M Dollars In Tax Payer Money To Renovate Mosques Over Seas… [VIDEO]","text":"OUTRAGE! Obama Spends $770M Dollars In Tax Payer Money To Renovate Mosques Over Seas… [VIDEO]\n\nCBS exposing Obama paying for the renovation of mosques is actually a story from 2015. But it got little media attention then and he’s still doing it. He’s diverting hundreds of millions of US dollars to overseas mosques to renovate them. Tell me again how he is not a Muslim. This just screams it. And people wonder why he grovels before the Mullahs of Iran… why he gives ISIS a pass… why he is terraforming the US into a Muslim nation.\n\nSet aside for a moment that we are broke, due to Marxist policies implemented ever since Reagan left office… it’s where the money is being spent that makes your blood run cold. By all accounts, we are funding Islamic terrorists right and left. We are funding their countries, their schools, their mosques… we are funding their wars as well, even against America.\n\nFrom TruthFeed:\n\n“You Didn’t Build That”…Oh Wait, You Did! A CBS news investigation found that the Obama State Department is sending hundreds of millions of dollars to save mosques overseas — outraging taxpayer advocates and raising enormous questions about aid to potentially terror-supporting groups with U.S. foreign aid. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now The United States ‘investment’ of millions to refurbish mosques as a ‘good-will effort’ in Muslim countries has upset many. “We are spending money we don’t have. This is all on a gigantic credit card right now,” said Jared Thomas, a taxpayer advocate. Millions more dollars have been sent to places like Cyprus. The State Department displays before and after pictures of mosques refurbished with U.S. tax dollars.\n\nMany of us lost almost everything in the last economic downturn. Fully one third of Americans are now out of work. We can’t make ends meet and our country can’t pay its bills… yet somehow, Obama can send well over $770 million to Islamic countries to refurbish their mosques. It makes your eyes bleed.\n\nThe State Department declined a CBS Atlanta News request for an interview. Anchor Justin Farmer wanted to ask why we are using tax dollars to refurbish religious buildings overseas – something we all want to know. The State Department did send CBS Atlanta News an email saying that they are: “Fighting Islamic extremism by building relationships with Islamic leaders.” What bovine excrement.\n\nLet me spell it out. Our so-called wealth is being redistributed to Islamists and their countries. Our treasury is being emptied and given to terrorists. Then we invite these enemies in and place them in positions of power in the US. And while we are at it, we bring in hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees and place them throughout the country, especially in conservative strongholds, thereby changing and controlling the voting demographic. This is a coup from without and from within… the enemy is now among us.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/barack-obama/outrage-obama-spends-770m-dollars-tax-payer-money-renovate-mosques-seas-video/","authors":"Terresa Monroe-hamilton","type":"fake","title_words":15,"text_words":534,"title_char":93,"text_char":3216,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":10,"title_caps_percent":13.33333,"text_caps_percent":1.87266,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":2,"title_excl_percent":1.07527,"text_excl_percent":0.06219,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":1.46,"anticipation":2,"disgust":1.09,"fear":0.55,"joy":1.82,"sadness":1.09,"surprise":1.09,"trust":3.28,"negative":3.28,"positive":4.92,"text_syllables":874,"text_syllables_per_word":1.6367} {"title":"National poll: Clinton leads Trump by 6","text":"Story highlights Hillary Clinton has a 6-point lead over Donald Trump in a four way race, according to a new poll\n\nClinton has the edge over Trump on a number of key issues in the poll ahead of the first presidential debate\n\n(CNN) Hillary Clinton holds a solid 6-point lead over Donald Trump heading into the first presidential debate next Monday, according to a new national poll released Friday.\n\nThe McClatchy-Marist poll found Clinton leading Trump 45% to 39% among likely voters in a four-way race. Libertarian Gary Johnson garnered 10% support, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein polled at 4%. A Wall Street Journal/NBC poll this week found Clinton leading by a similar margin, 43% to 37%.\n\nClinton maintains a massive lead among black voters in the new poll, pacing Trump 93% to 3% despite high-profile efforts by the Trump campaign to improve its outreach to minority voters. Clinton also has a large advantage over Trump among Latinos, 74% to 16%, but her support shrinks to 60% when third-party options are included.\n\nBoth candidates continue to struggle with low favorability numbers -- 40% of likely voters say they have a favorable opinion of Clinton, and 37% say the same about Trump.\n\nTrump has a slight edge on the question of who is \"honest and trustworthy,\" as 44% of likely voters think he is, while 36% think that Clinton is. The two run about even when voters pick who \"shares their values\" and who \"cares about people like them.\" And Clinton beats Trump handily on \"know how to do the job\" and temperament.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2cX0uoC","authors":"David Wright","type":"real","title_words":7,"text_words":258,"title_char":39,"text_char":1541,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.77519,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.75,"anticipation":1.13,"disgust":0.38,"fear":0.75,"joy":1.89,"sadness":1.51,"surprise":1.13,"trust":3.4,"negative":1.51,"positive":6.42,"text_syllables":408,"text_syllables_per_word":1.5814} {"title":"Trump-Clinton debates will stream on Twitter","text":"On Media Blog Archives Select Date… December, 2015 November, 2015 October, 2015 September, 2015 August, 2015 July, 2015 June, 2015 May, 2015 April, 2015 March, 2015 February, 2015 January, 2015\n\nTrump-Clinton debates will stream on Twitter\n\nTwitter and Bloomberg Media are teaming up to stream the upcoming presidential debates live on Twitter.\n\nThe social media site had similar arrangements for the conventions with CBS News, and is also streaming Thursday night NFL games and other sporting events. The debates will be available at debates.twitter.com, in Twitter Moments or on @bpolitics.\n\nThe stream will also include thirty minute shows before and after the debate with Bloomberg Politics Managing Editors Mark Halperin and John Heinemann. Twitter and Bloomberg already have a deal for live streaming three Bloomberg TV shows.\n\nOn Tuesday, Facebook announced it was teaming up with ABC for a similar streaming arrangement for the debates, along with commentary from the ABC News team before and after the debates.\n\n\n\nHadas Gold is a reporter at Politico.","url":"http://politi.co/2cRe8b9","authors":"Hadas Gold","type":"real","title_words":6,"text_words":159,"title_char":44,"text_char":1060,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":3.14465,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0.61,"anticipation":0.61,"disgust":0.61,"fear":0,"joy":0.61,"sadness":0,"surprise":1.82,"trust":1.82,"negative":0.61,"positive":4.24,"text_syllables":280,"text_syllables_per_word":1.76101} {"title":"Hillary Thought She Won The Debate. Didn’t Expect This To Happen To Prove Her Wrong.","text":"Oh Hillary, when will you learn? You never count your chickens before they’re hatched. Also, don’t say you’ve won when you clearly didn’t.\n\nThe polls are in from last night’s debate. At first glance they do not look good for Donald Trump. According to focus groups from Fox News and CNN, both had Hillary winning last night’s debate.\n\nBut were those true tests of the voting pool on the whole?\n\nAccording to focus groups at both Fox News and CNN, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton handily defeated Republican Donald Trump in Monday’s presidential debate. At CNN, the focus group went 18-2 in favor of Clinton. And at Fox, pollster Frank Luntz’s group went 16-6 in favor of the former secretary of state. CNN’s group was a group of voters from Florida, while Luntz’s group was comprised of Pennsylvanians. Luntz, who tweeted frequently throughout the debate, said that Trump didn’t do well when he talked about his taxes but began to rebound when he knocked Clinton over her email scandal. However, Trump “tanked” when “trying to explain why he questioned Obama’s birthplace for so long.”\n\nBut what no one is telling you is that another poll had Trump winning 92% to 8%.\n\nDrudge poll… pic.twitter.com/UTCpTmMRbi — Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) September 27, 2016\n\nAfter Hillary’s tweet that said she won, America shot her down FAST.\n\n@HillaryClinton The number one trending hashtag in the world is #TrumpWon. You can't delete it like its your damn e-mails. — Anthony Einzig (@AnthonyEinzig) September 27, 2016\n\n@HillaryClinton …you run and hide from media afterwards. — Honky Cartel (@ScottInSC) September 27, 2016\n\nLooks like Hillary has some explaining to do. Some things you just can’t delete.\n\n(Source: Twitter)\n\n\n\n","url":"http://www.yesimright.com/hillary-thought-she-won-the-debate-didnt-expect-this-to-happen-to-prove-her-wrong/","authors":"Blair Patterson","type":"fake","title_words":15,"text_words":271,"title_char":84,"text_char":1731,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":1.84502,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.05,"anticipation":2.1,"disgust":0.7,"fear":1.05,"joy":0.7,"sadness":1.05,"surprise":1.75,"trust":2.8,"negative":2.45,"positive":4.55,"text_syllables":433,"text_syllables_per_word":1.59779} {"title":"Anthony Weiner Under Federal Investigation for Alleged Sexting With a Minor","text":"The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Manhattan is investigating Anthony Weiner’s alleged sexting with a minor, according to two officials briefed on the case.\n\nAn inquiry was opened, although no formal complaint has been filed. Federal officials have issued a subpoena for Weiner’s cell phone records.\n\nFederal prosecutors will not confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation, per Justice Department policy. The investigation was first reported yesterday by the Daily Mail.\n\nAsked for comment at an unrelated press conference, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said, \"If the reports are true, it's possibly criminal and it is sick. And frankly, I’ve heard enough about Anthony Weiner and I think that goes for all New Yorkers.\"","url":"http://abcn.ws/2cVpv23","authors":"More Josh,Abc News,Josh Margolin","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":111,"title_char":75,"text_char":720,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":3.28,"anticipation":4.1,"disgust":1.64,"fear":2.46,"joy":0,"sadness":1.64,"surprise":0,"trust":2.46,"negative":4.92,"positive":3.28,"text_syllables":209,"text_syllables_per_word":1.88288} {"title":"Senate Dems Move To Force Trump To Release His Tax Returns","text":"11.7k SHARES SHARE THIS STORY\n\nThe Senate reconvened this week as Democrats introduced a transparency in Presidential candidates bill that would force Donald Trump to release his tax returns, if Republicans would only be willing to face everything their racist nominee has done in his business career:\n\nDemocrats are backing legislation from Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) that would require presidential candidates to release their tax returns within 15 days of receiving the party’s nomination. It would also require the FEC would release the documents after 30 days, if a candidate did not. “We’re going to be here next week. We’re probably going to have some downtime,” Sen.Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) told reporters. “There’s no reason we couldn’t vote.”\n\nDemocratic candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband the former President Bill Clinton have both disclosed over 30 years worth of tax returns, and all of the Clinton Foundation’s returns too. In fact, since 1976 only one candidate has refused to release tax returns, and in that election Republican Gerald Ford kept his taxes secret, and left the Oval Office after losing to Democrat Jimmy Carter.\n\nIn the 2012 election, Democratic Senate leader Harry Reid voraciously and publicly called out Republican nominee Mitt Romney for only releasing two years of tax returns, saying that he was hiding his returns for over a decade and that the candidate had paid a very low or no tax on his income whatsoever. He was right!\n\nBut America only found out just one week before the election, long after the start of early voting and absentee ballot mailing, when Bloomberg News published a definitive article on Romney’s taxes, which showed a huge income and no tax paid, validating the Democrat’s numerous public statements. According to The Hill:\n\nMinority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who has called out the GOP presidential nominee nearly every day recently, added Thursday that Trump is “ethically compromised” and the “king of the welfare kings.”\n\nIronically, Romney’s father George Romney was a Republican candidate for President before him, and started the tradition of American politicians disclosing their financial details when running to become Commander in Chief.\n\nAmerican voters deserve to know what’s inside Republican nominee Donald Trump’s tax returns, to make the most informed votes possible. Because we all know every last detail about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s finances and personal history, but outside of lying, racism and narcissistic self-love, the orange-faced one is still a mystery.\n\nAdd your name to millions demanding that Congress take action on the President’s crimes. IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP!","url":"http://occupydemocrats.com/2016/09/23/senate-dems-move-force-trump-release-tax-returns/","authors":"Grant Stern,Brett Bose,Natalie Dickinson","type":"real","title_words":11,"text_words":410,"title_char":58,"text_char":2671,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":9,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":2.19512,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":2,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.07488,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.66,"anticipation":2.61,"disgust":0.71,"fear":0.95,"joy":1.43,"sadness":1.9,"surprise":1.19,"trust":4.04,"negative":3.33,"positive":4.75,"text_syllables":773,"text_syllables_per_word":1.88537} {"title":"Top Army Chief of Staff General Has Had It With Obama Incompetence ⋆ US Herald","text":"With the growing threat of terrorism around the world, and the increased hostilities from both the Soviet Union and North Korea, combined with a sustained and continuous policy of purging our military capabilities Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno believes we’ve reached a dangerous and pivotal tipping point.\n\nSpeaking at the AUSA Institute of Land Warfare Global Force Symposium and Exposition in Huntsville, Alabama, the General said; “The Army is only generating enough readiness for immediate consumption, it's incumbent on all of us to understand that further reductions simply will put us into a place we simply cannot go.\"\n\nHowever the continued purging of our military in actuality is only a part of a much wider gap that exists between the administration and those within the military. It began early within the Obama Administration with a fundamental disregard of those military commanders who provided countless strategies and sound advice in how to execute successfully our military objectives, only to be continually rebuffed and ignored, which has given rise to ISIS all across the Middle East and into North Africa. And aside from the president’s astounding incompetence, there’s also an unbridled arrogance that has forcibly ended the military careers of countless officers.\n\nThe General went on to explain; \"Today our nation is facing enormous challenges. I believe we are at a strategic inflection point,\" Odierno said. \"Our nation is facing determined enemies across the globe that have the desire, the capabilities and with increasing capacity to threaten not only our security, but the security of our allies. We continue to witness change in velocity of instability, unforeseen just a few years ago.\"\n\nThe Army has cut 80,000 soldiers out of the active force, reorganized and cut 13 brigade combat teams and three aviation brigades from the active component. Investment in modernization is down by 25%, Odierno said, sidelining \"much-needed\" infantry fighting vehicle modernization and a scout helicopter development program.","url":"http://usherald.com/top-army-chief-of-staff-general-has-had-it-with-obama-incompetence?utm_source=aep&utm_medium=generalobamaincompetent&utm_campaign=fbext","authors":"Bob Amoroso","type":"fake","title_words":15,"text_words":315,"title_char":78,"text_char":2051,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":6.66667,"text_caps_percent":0.63492,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":3.03,"anticipation":1.52,"disgust":0.61,"fear":4.24,"joy":0.3,"sadness":0.61,"surprise":0.61,"trust":3.94,"negative":5.45,"positive":3.64,"text_syllables":620,"text_syllables_per_word":1.96825} {"title":"BOOM! Charlotte Officials FINALLY Silence Rioters With One E P I C Announcement! [VIDEO]","text":"BOOM! Charlotte Officials FINALLY Silence Rioters With One E P I C Announcement! [VIDEO]\n\nThe rioting in Charlotte has practically crippled the city. Businesses were looted, windows were smashed. So-called protesters have committed any number of crimes, from arson and assault, to murder. North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory was forced to declare a state of emergency and called in the National Guard to get the situation under control. And now, government officials have had enough too. They just made a huge announcement that will have people thinking twice before they start protesting again.\n\nOfficials just released a proclamation that says any people caught rioting, looting, destroying property or otherwise being violent in any unlawful manner will have their government benefits permanently revoked. But it doesn’t end there — any minor children who participate in the violence will face the same repercussions… and so will their parents. The parents of minors caught rioting will not only be held accountable for their child’s actions, but they could face losing their state benefits as well. They could also face referrals to social services and could potentially lose custody of their children.\n\n“Parents are responsible for their children. If they are allowing them to engage in lawless behaviors there will be consequences for them as parents,” city official Wilson Stewart said during a press conference. “Many of the individuals we have detained are high school students. We urge parents out there to know where their children are at all times until tensions are quelled. Have them adhere to the mandatory curfew. Make them aware that participation in looting, destruction of property and violently demonstrating on any level will come with severe penalties.”\n\n× 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now\n\nWill this keep protesters from turning violent? Will it prevent thugs from exploiting a tragic death so they can have an excuse to riot and loot and attack people? Only time will tell, but at least now they will know that there are serious consequences to their actions. Parents may also be more inclined to keep an eye on their kids and you know… act like parents. Let’s be real, if your kid is caught rioting and looting, then there’s a good chance you’re not doing a good job at parenting.\n\nOfficials have also put a curfew into place as they work to restore peace and order in Charlotte.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/black-lives-matter/boom-charlotte-officials-finally-silence-rioters-one-e-p-c-announcement/","authors":"Cassy Fiano","type":"fake","title_words":14,"text_words":445,"title_char":88,"text_char":2733,"title_caps":3,"text_caps":3,"title_caps_percent":21.42857,"text_caps_percent":0.67416,"title_excl":2,"text_excl":2,"title_excl_percent":2.27273,"text_excl_percent":0.07318,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":3.05,"anticipation":2.4,"disgust":1.96,"fear":3.7,"joy":1.31,"sadness":2.4,"surprise":2.18,"trust":3.49,"negative":5.23,"positive":3.49,"text_syllables":762,"text_syllables_per_word":1.71236} {"title":"SICK! Muslim Refugee Beats, Urinates On Pregnant Woman After Seeing What She Has ⋆ Freedom Daily","text":"1.6k SHARES Facebook Twitter\n\nMuslim Somali asylum seeker, Abdullah, in Sundsvall, Sweden is a bastard! Abdullah is well-known by police for his multiple convictions of violent crimes, assaults and molestations. This aggressive piece of garbage has been collecting welfare benefits and committing crimes since he came to Sweden 5 years ago. His most recent crime wasn’t to any stranger this time it was to his wife.\n\nHe had gone out to party with friends one night after a long hard day of doing nothing but living off taxpayers money. Before he left he commanded (not suggested) his wife that her niece she was babysitting MUST be gone before he returned from his night of pleasure. Because he beat her regularly she knew that he meant it.\n\nThe story takes a sad turn when he returns home and sees that the niece is still there so his Muslim right to punish his PREGNANT wife for her disobedience comes into play. He forced her to the ground so he could kick her in the head and stomach. He then proceeded to humiliate her further by pouring beer all over her. That is strange to me since Muslims aren’t supposedly suppose to have alcohol, I wonder why it was there in the first place. He then finished off her humiliation by pulling down his pants and soaking her hair and body with his urine.\n\nThank you Mohammad for your wise words on how to treat a ‘disobedient’ woman. Especially when pregnant.\n\nQuran 4:34 — So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.\n\nJust in case there was any doubt as to the proper interpretation of “beat them,” the Islamic prophet Muhammad modeled it literally, telling a visibly battered woman to return to her husband and fulfill his sexual desires and later striking his favorite wife in the chest.\n\nI wonder where it says you can pick and choose WHICH edicts from the Quran and hadith you want to obey? This guy is swilling alcohol and abandoning his wife at night but gets to come home and beat her with his hands and fists. I believe the Quran instructs to only beat her with a switch but I guess this nasty louse missed going to mosque too many times OR someone is writing yet another instruction book of terror for Muslims which he is following.","url":"http://freedomdaily.com/sick-muslim-refugee-beats-urinates-on-pregnant-woman-after-seeing-what-she-has/","type":"fake","title_words":16,"text_words":436,"title_char":96,"text_char":2497,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":6.25,"text_caps_percent":1.14679,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":1.04167,"text_excl_percent":0.04005,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":3.1,"anticipation":1.77,"disgust":2.43,"fear":3.76,"joy":1.77,"sadness":2.65,"surprise":1.11,"trust":3.1,"negative":6.19,"positive":3.98,"text_syllables":696,"text_syllables_per_word":1.59633} {"title":"CHAOS! NC Protest MOB Ambushes Female Truck Driver, Loots Truck, Sets Cargo On Fire – No One Helps!? [VIDEO]","text":"CHAOS! NC Protest MOB Ambushes Female Truck Driver, Loots Truck, Sets Cargo On Fire – No One Helps!? [VIDEO]\n\nThere’s nothing wrong with protesting a perceived injustice. One of our most cherished American rights is the right to peacefully assemble — to protest. However, that’s often not what happens when Black Lives Matter activists set out to make a statement. Too often, they don’t understand what the words “peaceful protest” mean. That was proved true once again in North Carolina last night, when a Black Lives Matter mob descended upon a highway and began attacking people.\n\nThe rioters began by throwing rocks at cars and trucks, protesting the shooting of a black man on that same highway.\n\nVIDEO: this is what we saw overnight; protestors throwing rocks, blocking a major interstate, face-to-face w/@cmpd @TWCNewsCLT #KeithScott pic.twitter.com/BvhuBKj4X9 — Christina Watkins (@CWatkinsTV) September 21, 2016\n\nBut it quickly became dangerous, when the mob ambushed a female truck driver. She was trapped in the truck as the rioters looted her truck, stealing the goods and lighting them on fire, all while she was inside. She called police, but they never came. Instead, a media chopper got footage of the violence.\n\n🤕Try & picture Collapsing Hillary Clinton getting out of bed to deal with Chaos & Violence in N.C #KeithLamontScott pic.twitter.com/KAVPlHmWPb × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now — DEPLORABLE TRUMPCAT (@Darren32895836) September 21, 2016\n\nIt didn’t stop there, though; by the end of the night, 16 police officers were injured and the freeway had been shut down.\n\nMessage to these Black Lives Matter protesters: this doesn’t help your cause. Protesting the killing of a black man at the hands of police is a valid thing to do. Shutting down a freeway, throwing rocks at cars, attacking an innocent truck driver and injuring 16 police officers is not. That’s not a protest; it’s a riot. And it doesn’t endear anyone to the Black Lives Matter cause. It makes racial division worse and inflames racial tension. That doesn’t fix anything.\n\nMartin Luther King, Jr. encouraged people to use love, hope and integrity to make a difference when he was fighting for civil rights. It’s shameful to see the Black Lives Matter movement literally doing the exact opposite. Instead of love, they spread anger and hatred and intolerance. They encourage black people to see themselves as perpetual victims and white people as racist oppressors. How they are able to look at themselves in the mirror without feeling deep shame for their actions is truly beyond comprehension.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/black-lives-matter/chaos-nc-protest-mob-ambushes-female-truck-driver-loots-truck-sets-cargo-fire-no-one-helps/","authors":"Cassy Fiano","type":"real","title_words":19,"text_words":469,"title_char":108,"text_char":2913,"title_caps":4,"text_caps":7,"title_caps_percent":21.05263,"text_caps_percent":1.49254,"title_excl":2,"text_excl":2,"title_excl_percent":1.85185,"text_excl_percent":0.06866,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":3.69,"anticipation":1.23,"disgust":1.64,"fear":4.3,"joy":1.64,"sadness":2.87,"surprise":1.23,"trust":3.07,"negative":5.53,"positive":4.3,"text_syllables":763,"text_syllables_per_word":1.62687} {"title":"Dem congressman to IRS: Audit the Trump Foundation","text":"Story highlights Trump reportedly used $258,000 from his charity to pay off settlements in a pair of lawsuits\n\n\"It is important that charitable funds be used for charitable purposes,\" Sander Levin wrote to the IRS\n\nWashington (CNN) Michigan Democratic Rep. Sander Levin called on the IRS Wednesday to audit The Trump Foundation, following a report that the billionaire used charity money to pay off legal settlements.\n\n\"It is important that charitable funds be used for charitable purposes, rather than promote the business ventures of those affiliated with the charity. I therefore request an immediate audit of the Donald J. Trump Foundation,\" Levin wrote in a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen\n\nThe Washington Post reported earlier this week that Trump used $258,000 from his charity to pay off settlements in a pair of lawsuits. The Post reported that Trump used the charity to pay for a $100,000 settlement with the city of Palm Beach in 2007 and used another $158,000 from his charity to settle a lawsuit filed in 2011 about a hole-in-one claim at a charity golf tournament.\n\nThe revelation immediately drew accusations from Democrats of Trump self-dealing. Messages left with the Trump campaign and the IRS were not immediately returned Wednesday.\n\nBut New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a top Trump surrogate, warned Hillary Clinton's campaign Wednesday of using the allegations against the Trump Foundation for a political attack.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2diatmB","authors":"Tom Lobianco","type":"real","title_words":8,"text_words":225,"title_char":50,"text_char":1454,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":12.5,"text_caps_percent":2.22222,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.29,"anticipation":3,"disgust":0.86,"fear":1.29,"joy":2.15,"sadness":0.43,"surprise":2.15,"trust":3.43,"negative":1.72,"positive":4.72,"text_syllables":406,"text_syllables_per_word":1.80444} {"title":"Is it the Beginning of the End for Hillary Clinton? – Eagle Rising","text":"I can’t wait for “Weekend at Chelsea’s” to hit the big screen. CNN and the rest of Hillary Clinton’s slobbering media sycophants have already written the script. If this woman, God forbid, dropped dead on the sidewalk tomorrow, these doting suck-ups – these mass media strumpets whose voter trust has, understandably, reached an all-time low – would dutifully parrot the Clinton campaign talking points and call it a “minor setback” to her “inevitable” victory.\n\nThe American people aren’t buying it. This is a severely ill woman. No more “conspiracy theory” dismissals. Mrs. Clinton’s “mild cold,” er, “seasonal allergies,” I mean “heat exhaustion,” that is to say “minor case of pneumonia” is, evidently, of the rare kind that requires a permanent traveling physician and a “mystery man” who rushes to her side whenever she has one of her frequent and uncontrollable “episodes” (or otherwise freezes up with a brain “short-circuit” during a speech).\n\nThis guy has been spotted with the Clintons during medical emergencies going back to 2003 when Hillary suffered a brain blood clot (also covered up) and carries in hand what many medical experts say is a Diazepam pen. Diazepam is an intravenous drug used to treat seizures.\n\nBlue tinted glasses of the sort Mrs. Clinton was wearing Sunday when she collapsed are also worn by patients who suffer seizures. These therapeutic specs are likewise used to relieve symptoms of Parkinson’s disease – a neurological disorder from which a number of doctors indicate Mrs. Clinton likely suffers (since when has “pneumonia” required a neurological squeeze test?).\n\nThe Clinton campaign needs to come clean. They won’t, but they should. I wonder what official “diagnosis” we’ll get the next time she seizes up and collapses into the arms of eerily calm Secret Service agents acting as though they’ve been there a hundred times before. “Nothing to see here, folks. Secretary Clinton’s sciatica is just acting up a bit from the 30 miles she ‘powered through’ yesterday going door-to-door.”\n\nThe point is that, once more, by lying about illness Mrs. Clinton has reinforced (and justified) concerns about both her physical and moral fitness to serve as president. She’s proven, yet again, that she can’t be trusted. She has confirmed a number of pre-conceptions that voters, as revealed by her historically low approval ratings, have formed relative to her health and character. She’s a liar. That’s her default mode. She’s corrupt. And she’s sick. Very sick. She puts her own personal political ambition and lust for power above all else – including the best interests of the nation, and even her own life.\n\nDo I take joy in Mrs. Clinton’s sufferings and plummeting poll numbers? Well, no on the first, yes on the second. “Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice” (Proverbs 24:17).\n\nIndeed, Mrs. Clinton has had a very bad week, but her poll numbers were already trending downward. Her medical crisis over the weekend, coupled with her stepping in it by smearing half of Donald Trump’s supporters as a “racist” and “irredeemable” “basket of deplorables,” has only served to accelerate the plunge.\n\nPerhaps this is because of the glaring hypocrisy associated with such a statement – especially by this particular woman. This is the same Hillary Clinton who once called the late Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., her “friend and mentor.” Sen. Byrd, of course, was a recruiter for the actually deplorable KKK. This is the same Hillary Clinton whose husband, former president Bill Clinton, was caught jokingin 2008 that President Obama should be carrying his bags – the same woman whose Democratic Party opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act while Republicans, not unlike those she just slandered, worked hard to pass it. Finally, and going back a bit further, this is the same Hillary Clinton whose party fought a war to maintain slavery in the U.S. while hundreds-of-thousands of Republicans gave up their lives to free them.\n\nWho’s the racist?\n\nI’m praying for Hillary Clinton. Despite what her campaign and worshipful media disciples are peddling, and notwithstanding her being caught in lie after lie, our eyes have been telling us the truth for months, maybe even years now. To watch this increasingly frail, bitter and elderly woman stiffen up, convulse and collapse into the arms of well-practiced staffers is hard to stomach. You can’t help but feel some modicum of compassion for her, wicked though she may be.\n\nIt’s almost tragic to witness. Hillary Clinton has lived her entire life for this moment. Everything she’s ever done or said, and the mounding piles of lecherous BS she’s put up with from her sexually predatory partner-in-crime, has been designed to place her in the Oval Office, not as first lady, but as president of the United States. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”\n\nAm I saying there’s no chance Hillary Clinton will win? Not at all, though I think it unlikely. Between her devoted media harpies, her team of around-the-clock doctors and a campaign staff well versed in the practice of propaganda and cover-up, there’s always a chance they might just literally carry her over the finish line to victory.\n\nStill, it remains my humble prayer that this past week signals the beginning of the end for Hillary Clinton’s political aspirations. Even so, I also pray she might live a long and healthy life in the private sector – a life with plenty of time to bounce cute little grandkids on her knee.\n\nWhen they visit her in prison.\n\nThe views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by EagleRising.com","url":"http://eaglerising.com/36912/is-it-the-beginning-of-the-end-for-hillary-clinton/","authors":"View All Posts,Matt Barber","type":"fake","title_words":13,"text_words":937,"title_char":66,"text_char":5741,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":0.42689,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.68,"anticipation":2.32,"disgust":2.11,"fear":2.74,"joy":1.47,"sadness":2.11,"surprise":0.95,"trust":4.11,"negative":5.37,"positive":4.42,"text_syllables":1566,"text_syllables_per_word":1.67129} {"title":"Critical counties: Wake County, NC, could put up a fight","text":"Critical Counties is a CNN series exploring 11 counties around the country that chief national correspondent John King has identified as key in the 2016 election. These counties could play an outsize role in the election and offer an instructive example of what the political parties have accomplished. Wake County is the fourth county in the series, which runs through Election Day. Explore the other critical counties.\n\nWashington (CNN)\n\nFew counties could prove more decisive in this election than Wake County, North Carolina.\n\nA historically competitive county whose fortunes are on the rise, Wake could help deliver Hillary Clinton a win in a key battleground state -- or dash her hopes for the presidency. Simply put, if Clinton performs well in the highly educated research triangle, then election night bodes well for her. If Wake County doesn't come out for Clinton, Donald Trump's path to the White House would grow much clearer.\n\nThe county is rapidly expanding, and the influx of new people and industries could reshape the race. Meanwhile, the turmoil across the state in Charlotte after a police officer shot and killed a black man could add another focal point in the election — search data from Google Trends shows Wake County's spiking interest in \"police brutality\" this week.\n\nKeep your eye on Wake County, and take a look at the fundamentals below.\n\nPopulation\n\nWake County is fairly representative of the country in terms of race and ethnicity, but it has a more highly educated population, bigger incomes and a better job picture than the rest of the nation.\n\nRead More","url":"http://cnn.it/2dnoYpa","authors":"Joyce Tseng,Eli Watkins","type":"real","title_words":10,"text_words":255,"title_char":56,"text_char":1591,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":2,"title_caps_percent":10,"text_caps_percent":0.78431,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.51,"anticipation":1.13,"disgust":0.38,"fear":1.89,"joy":1.13,"sadness":1.13,"surprise":0.38,"trust":3.4,"negative":2.26,"positive":5.28,"text_syllables":452,"text_syllables_per_word":1.77255} {"title":"WHOA! NEW DISTURBING VIDEO Shows HILLARY'S Campaign Likely FAKED Her Audience At NC Rally * 100percentfedUp.com","text":"On September 15, Hillary “apparently” held a rally in the Old Student Recreational Center at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro, NC. This was her first public appearance since she convulsed and had to be lifted into her van following the 9-11 memorial in NYC. Hillary’s campaign was quick to blame the heat until they discovered conservative websites were able to quickly access the weather and determine that it was a balmy 74 degrees in NYC! Hillary was quickly whisked away to her daughter Chelsea’s apartment following her “incident,” passing more than one hospital on the way to “recuperate.” Did Hillary recover from her “incident” or was this rally faked to make it look like she did?\n\nHere is the first video of Hillary’s Greensboro, NC rally that was causing viewers to ask “what the heck are those cameras in Hillary’s ‘audience’ pointing at?” If you look closely, it sure isn’t Hillary!\n\nWatch this video first, and then the video below to get a closer analysis of what appears to be a phony rally for Hillary at\n\nhttps://twitter.com/WDFx2EU5/status/777263623915745280\n\nThis stunning video takes the viewer through and shows step-by-step where the audience is faked:\n\nHere is the actual video from C-Span to prove nothing was doctored in the videos above. Holy moly!","url":"http://100percentfedup.com/new-disturbing-video-shows-hillarys-campaign-likely-faked-audience-nc-rally/","authors":"Fed Up","type":"fake","title_words":16,"text_words":207,"title_char":111,"text_char":1289,"title_caps":7,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":43.75,"text_caps_percent":1.93237,"title_excl":1,"text_excl":3,"title_excl_percent":0.9009,"text_excl_percent":0.23274,"title_has_excl":true,"anger":0.9,"anticipation":2.69,"disgust":0.9,"fear":0.9,"joy":0.9,"sadness":0.45,"surprise":0.45,"trust":0.9,"negative":0.9,"positive":4.04,"text_syllables":360,"text_syllables_per_word":1.73913} {"title":"CNN’s Post-Debate Rigged Poll Busted…Here Are The Real Results","text":"We’re shocked — SHOCKED — to learn that CNN’s bias is so blatant in just about everything they do, not simply in reporting the news.\n\nFirst came Lester Holt’s unbelievably one-sided moderation of the debate in which he routinely press and even attacked Donald Trump’s record and answers while leaving Hillary untouched with no mention of any of the most obvious scandals.\n\nNow CNN has upped the ante on their own bias with a poll that isn’t worth paper it was printed on.\n\nAccording to their post-debate poll, 62% of respondents indicated that Hillary won the debate. But what CNN didn’t bother to highlight is the fact that fully only 26% of those polled were Republicans. While Independents made of 33%, Democrats comprised a whopping 41% of those polled.\n\nNot to be outdone, NBC followed up with a similar poll in which there were 14% more Democrats than Republicans.","type":"fake","title_words":9,"text_words":145,"title_char":62,"text_char":870,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":5,"title_caps_percent":11.11111,"text_caps_percent":3.44828,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.95,"anticipation":0,"disgust":0.65,"fear":0.65,"joy":0,"sadness":0,"surprise":0.65,"trust":3.9,"negative":2.6,"positive":4.55,"text_syllables":236,"text_syllables_per_word":1.62759} {"title":"New Clinton Foundation SCANDAL Just Broke – This Is What Hillary ACTUALLY Thinks About Black People…","text":"New Clinton Foundation SCANDAL Just Broke – This Is What Hillary ACTUALLY Thinks About Black People…\n\nThis is just criminal and it is no surprise it involves the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Anything with ‘Clinton’ in it has to be corrupt, but this resulted in the deaths of many, many Africans. They distributed “watered-down” HIV/AIDs drugs to patients, virtually sentencing them to death. An Indian drug manufacturer called Ranbaxy was behind this… the question is, did the Clintons know about it. I’m betting that they did.\n\nRanbaxy was eventually found guilty in 2013 on seven counts with intent to defraud and the introduction of adulterated drugs into interstate commerce. The DOJ also levied a $500 million fine and forfeiture against the company. So, one wonders why the Clintons were not also looked into and questioned on all of this.\n\n“This is the largest false claims case ever prosecuted in the District of Maryland, and the nation’s largest financial penalty paid by a generic pharmaceutical company,” said US Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein when Ranbaxy pleaded guilty.\n\nFrom The Daily Caller:\n\nFormer President Bill Clinton and his Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) distributed “watered-down” HIV/AIDs drugs to patients in sub-Saharan Africa, and “likely increased” the risks of morbidity and mortality, according to a draft congressional report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation. The congressional report, titled,“The Clinton Foundation and The India Success Story,” was initiated by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican and vice-chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The CHAI program to help AIDS victims is considered one of the Clinton Foundation’s most important contributions and is probably its best known initiative. × 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins John Hawkins's book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know is filled with lessons that newly minted adults need in order to get the most out of life. Gleaned from a lifetime of trial, error, and writing it down, Hawkins provides advice everyone can benefit from in short, digestible chapters. Buy Now The congressional report focused on Clinton’s decade-long relationship with a controversial Indian drug manufacturer called Ranbaxy, which CHAI used as one of its main distributors of HIV/AIDS drugs to Third World countries. It also highlighted the work of Dinesh Thakur, a former Ranbaxy employee who became a star whistleblower, permitting the U.S. government to launch a landmark lawsuit against the Indian firm. The company was vulnerable to U.S. prosecution because it also sold its generic drugs on the U.S. market. Ranbaxy ultimately pleaded guilty in 2013 to seven criminal counts with intent to defraud and the introduction of adulterated drugs into interstate commerce.\n\n“The question becomes, ‘how many people lost their lives, how many people found it was a false promise,’” asked Blackburn in an interview with the DCNF.\n\nThis could definitely bring further scrutiny to the Clinton charities and to the Clintons themselves. Right when they need it least. A congressional study has uncovered inappropriate ties between Bill Clinton and the two Indian-Americans who were investigated and sanctioned by the FDA and the SEC. What is very troubling is the Clinton Foundation’s aggressive promotion of Ranbaxy despite mounting evidence that the Indian firm had persistently poor quality control and attempted to cover it up through either faulty or fraudulent reporting to the FDA. It is unclear at this juncture how many AIDS patients received the “watered-down” drugs. But that it happened at all, surely resulted in many deaths and is just monstrous. All for money.\n\nProPublica estimated that in 2007 alone, the US Agency for International Development allocated $9 million to Ranbaxy and delivered “more than $1.8 million packages.” “Substandard HIV medicines cause health problems for patients, perhaps even accelerating death from HIV-related infections,” Roger Bate, an economist at the American Enterprise Institute who researches substandard and counterfeit medicines, told the DCNF.\n\nRanbaxy’s generic drugs are banned in the US, but they are still selling and distributing HIV/AIDs drugs worldwide. The Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s charity have not severed ties with them either.\n\nCompanies that partner with The Clinton Foundation and charities make a ton of money. Corruption is rampant. Bill and Hillary Clinton obviously care nothing about black people or humans in general… their primary interest is monetary.","url":"http://rightwingnews.com/hillary-clinton-2/new-clinton-foundation-scandal-just-broke-hillary-actually-thinks-black-people/","authors":"Terresa Monroe-hamilton","type":"fake","title_words":16,"text_words":703,"title_char":100,"text_char":4608,"title_caps":2,"text_caps":23,"title_caps_percent":12.5,"text_caps_percent":3.27169,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":1.95,"anticipation":1.53,"disgust":1.39,"fear":2.36,"joy":1.11,"sadness":2.09,"surprise":0.7,"trust":2.5,"negative":4.31,"positive":4.17,"text_syllables":1290,"text_syllables_per_word":1.83499} {"title":"NFL Superstar Unleashes 4 Word Bombshell on Reporter Pushing Him to Protest Anthem","text":"McCain Criticized Trump for Arpaio’s Pardon… Sheriff Joe Fires Perfect Response Joe Arpaio may not be in office any more, but that doesn't mean America's toughest sheriff has lost his step... check out how he eviscerated John McCain after McCain attacked Donald J. Trump for pardoning the Arizona lawman. Read more…","url":"http://conservativebyte.com/2016/09/inside-the-cover-up-of-hillarys-email-server/","type":"real","title_words":13,"text_words":51,"title_char":82,"text_char":315,"title_caps":1,"text_caps":0,"title_caps_percent":7.69231,"text_caps_percent":0,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":0,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0,"anticipation":1.56,"disgust":1.56,"fear":0,"joy":3.12,"sadness":1.56,"surprise":1.56,"trust":7.81,"negative":3.12,"positive":7.81,"text_syllables":85,"text_syllables_per_word":1.66667} {"title":"People Noticed Something Odd About Hillary's Outfit","text":"\n\nThere’s a lot to be discussed about last night’s debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. One thing that has baffled many is how Hillary seemed so ready with answers and detailed facts and, almost as bizarrely, she didn’t cough or reach for water once.\n\nWell, this twitter user might have an answer. Do you see it?\n\nI think we all know why #TrumpWon pic.twitter.com/nwZRxvkX81 — USA For Trump 2016 (@USAforTrump2016) September 27, 2016\n\nThis wouldn’t be the first time Hillary had to use a device for help. What do you think? Is just a trick of light and shadows? A zipper? Or was Hillary actually hiding a “Cough prevention machine” in her pantsuit?\n\nWill you support Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton or another candidate? Share your thoughts!\n\nAnd LIKE this page for the latest TRUMP news. Interested in stopping Hillary? LIKE this page","url":"http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/first-presidential-debate-hillary-clinton-sick/?source=RWN","type":"fake","title_words":7,"text_words":138,"title_char":51,"text_char":845,"title_caps":0,"text_caps":4,"title_caps_percent":0,"text_caps_percent":2.89855,"title_excl":0,"text_excl":1,"title_excl_percent":0,"text_excl_percent":0.11834,"title_has_excl":false,"anger":0,"anticipation":2.76,"disgust":1.38,"fear":0.69,"joy":0.69,"sadness":0.69,"surprise":1.38,"trust":2.07,"negative":1.38,"positive":4.14,"text_syllables":220,"text_syllables_per_word":1.5942}